Chapter 6

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Chapter Six
~2 weeks( after the party)~
Mornings ladies and gentleman. You gotta hate 'em. Today I awaken in a really bad mood. Now it is Monday. New day (and rest of the week) for torture. Well, have to get an education or I'll end up on the streets and I don't think the thug life would chose me. I got up and hooked up my iPod to my speaker. I played Party in the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus. Wearing something cute today would still result in me getting rudely scowled by students. So I decide to go for a look that they think suits me. It is sort of cute. I guess. I took out a pair of dark gray sweat pants and a loose white shirt. My hair wanted to be impossible today when I decided to brush it out, so I put it up into a messy bun. I don't think I'm gonna care about there comments on me today. I'm just to tired to care. I ran downstairs and grabbed a waffle. Michael walks in with his phone in his hands.

"Someone didn't try today." Michael muttered.

I rolled my eyes."Keep your comments to yourself cause today I don't care. I'm too tired." I snapped back. A loud honk came from outside. With my waffle in hand and me constantly taking bites of it, I exited the house.

"Hey L-" Cadence looked at me." Wow"

"Just drive." I murmured angrily, not really in the mood to talk about my appearance.

We pulled into the parking lot and I immediately got out of the car. There had been a very awkward silence in the car this morning. Rushing over to my locker, I quickly grab my text books. The next thing I know, my books are scattered all over the hallway. I look up to see Reilly walking away cackling. I've had it up to here with her shit.

I narrow my eyes and yell after her." What is your problem?" People are surprised and giving me a look that says I should regret saying that at my sudden bravery. Reilly walked over to me.

"What did you just say?" She said glaring daggers at me.

I glared right back at her." I said what the fuck is your problem?" I don't usually use that cuss word but right now I was just piss off.

"Your my problem, bitch!" She spat back at me literally. It was gross.

"First of all, back the hell up. Second of all, I did nothing to you. So you need to get your shit together and stop taking it out on me. I've let you push me around for long enough, but listen here bitch. I ain't gonna let you anymore. From now on I'm going to defend myself." I retorted. That's when I felt it. A sharp pain go through my cheek. She slapped me. She legit slapped me across the face. I look up to see a dirty smirk on here face.

I look down and...laugh. Oh she's in some deep shit now."You shouldn't have done that." I swear my voice got deeper. I started to lung at her, but then a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I struggled against the strong grip. "Let. Me. Go!" I yelled. Glancing behind me, Seth was holding me now.

Reilly and her minions fast walked down the hallway. He held me down until I couldn't see them any more. Then he let me go. I turned around with a look of disbelief on my face.

"What the hell Seth!?!" I yelled at him.

"If I didn't hold you back, then you would have killed her!" He said.

"But she slapped me. On the cheek. After a couple years of torture, I'm pretty sure she would have deserved it!" I exclaimed in a calmer voice.

"What's wrong with you Flower? This isn't you!" He looked at me with concern.

"I'm tired of all the shit I've been put through. You don't even know! Just leave me alone!" I said. His hand grabbed my wrist but I took it back from him. I just walked down the hallway. The office wasn't that far from where I was previously standing, so I decided to fake being sick cause I don't think I could face people anymore. Especially him.

My mom left work and came for me. "Are you okay honey? The nurse said that you don't have fever. What's wrong?" She asked.

"Just have a really bad stomach ache." I lied straight through my teeth.

"Oh...okay." She said. For the rest of the car ride, we sat in a comfortable silence. Every so often I would fake cough, just to make it seem more real. My mom had to drop me off and go back to work. I told her I'd be fine. She left a little over 10 minutes.

Then I cried. I cried so hard. It hurt so much. Over and over and over again. Constant bullying happens. Now you may think I'd be suicidal, but I actually don't want to inflict pain to myself. I don't like the idea of being hurt. Well, I guess now my last resort was to watch Netflix and cry. Might as well watch a sad movie. Cyberbully. Yep I can pretty much relate(except the suicide part, again not a big fan of self inflicted pain).

It is currently 3:37 and I'm really hungry. All I've had to eat today was a waffle. Maybe I should order a pizza. Yeah, that's all right. I order a pizza and a Pepsi. To be honest, if you asked me if I'm a Pepsi girl or a Coke girl, I would say both.

Two loud knocks came from the door. Which was weird cause I wasn't expecting anyone and I just ordered the pizza a couple of minutes ago. Fast-pizza delivery...

I open the door. Standing there was one of the people I didn't want to see nor talk to right now.

"Flower!" Seth's face lit up as he saw me. I felt like I was gonna cry again so I slammed the door and ran over to the couch falling face first, letting tears escape my eyes. I hear the door open. Really, have to start locking that door...

"Flower, why did you do that? What's wrong? " Right now, I was debating on what the chances are of me getting to my room before Seth grabbing me. I was guessing slim to none. What do I do?

"What are you doing here?" I asked, completely dodging his question.

"I came to check on you." He had a distressed look on his face, like a lost puppy.

"Well, I'm fine." That is code for there is something completely wrong, but I don't wanna talk about it, so leave me alone.

"You sure? Cause I can tell that you have been crying a lot." He said cocking his head to the side.

"How do you know?" My tone was childish and I crossed me arms. That was a dumb question. My eyes are probably blood shot from the crying, my hair is in a messy bun with strands hanging out, I'm wearing sweat pants, a Victoria secret loose crop top that shows my stomach, and my voice is a little hoarse.

"Well, your eyes are blood shot and you look like a mess." He stated. Looking me up and down, he stopped at my face.

I gave him a tight smile. "Way to cheer a girl up." Note the sarcasm in my voice.

"Hey , you asked." He put his hands up in mock surrender. I shook my head, looking down. This boy. "What's wrong with you? First you stand up to Reilly, made her mad, tried to kill her, and stormed away."

"What I can't stand up for myself now. I'm the damsel in distress and I need my prince to come rescue me. Please, I'm not that pathetic. And frankly, I don't need you to come save me." I said raising my voice and standing up.

"I never said that. I'm just wondering why the sudden bravery. Where was that when it all started? It isn't you. What happened?" He asked.

Now I was getting mad. A stream of tears came rushing down my face. "I'm just fed up. I woke up in a bad mood. People kept commenting on my looks today and Reilly was the last straw. I don't want to be that pathetic loser anymore. "I yelled. My legs gave out from under me and I fell to my knees. Putting my face in my hands, my shoulders shaking, I cried and cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I never let people help me. My feelings get bottles up and once it's full, it pops open like shaken up champagne and spills out all over. It drowns my brains and wants to be let out. A strong pair of arms wrap around me. I'm now crying into Seth's shoulder, clenching and unclenching his shirt in my hands, while he is cradling me and rocking back and forth.

And we stay like that for a while.

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