April 27th, 2019

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Yo so SneakySnekk opened requests so here's my OC Mantis Imma ask her to draw heh

Yeet I actually put a watermark this time anywyayfbhfbrfb yeah hi

Alsooooo DragonWriter664 has stated that anyone can create an OC for their story/universe(?), which is called Dynamix. [You should totally go check out dragon's profile. They're an amazing artist and writer].

So anyway, here's my Dynamix OC, Yjrsynda the Nieji.

• Name: Yjrsynda (pronounced similar to your-sea-end-duh) {Yjrsynda is as close as out language can get to a translation from the Nieji language. When talking his name is generally a tail flick and a slight bend in the left antenna}
• Nickname: Yjr (pronounced Yir, like Fir but with a Y)
• Age: 23
• Ability: aligist {can understand and speak any language}
• Species: Nieji {alien species; bipedal though they have six limbs; scaled mostly with fur around wrist; five eyes - two on either side of head and one on the forehead, though it generally remains closed; have antenna and can sense movements even with eyes closed; generally don't communicate with words; have lizard-like tails; large ears}
• Rank: Agent
• Agent Rank: 3
• Department/Unit: Interstellar Militia
• Appearance: Wears a traditional Niejian clothing piece called a Vak. They're kinda like a dress, but both genders wear them. They are a single piece outfit with one hole for both arms. The Vak comes down to just above the knee and is made of a tough brown cloth called kyrv. Yjrsynda also wears a black bowtie. He has dull grey scales and pale brown eyes.
• Other: Works with the interstellar militia as an interpreter so they can easily communicate with other species.

So DragonWriter664 I hope you don't mind that I made him an interpreter. Also, not all Nieji are Aligists. In fact, most nieji are unable to speak. Yjrsynda is different because a group of aliens from another planet(The Azimov, to be specific) took him in a sort of hostage situation and over the years he figured out how to speak. He was born an agilist, kinda like how someone who can see ghosts could always see ghosts.

DragonWriter664 I hope that's all okay. If he doesn't fit with the universe I can change stuff.

Alsooo he has more backstory but I'm trying to work out any issues that might present themselves within it. I'll share that some other time.

(this is Yjrsynda ^^^ I know the proportions are pretty crappy)

Anyway yeah that should be all. I gotta get to work on the collabs I'm doing with SneakySnekk (who is a wonderful artist btw) but yeah.

Have a nice day.

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