August 4th, 2018

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Heeeeyeyyyyyyy! I'm back~

I just went to the store and lookie what I found at Barns&Noble:

The Case Closed mangas ^0^ I'm so excited. I got 1 and 61, which I read on the way back to ais_is_a_giraffe 's house. Book 1 I watched the episodes for, and book 61 I had watched half of because it was in Magic Kaito 1412. The store also had book 63 but I could only get two so I chose the first one as well as the one with Kaito. My Dad got books 8&9 of One Punch Man, and my sister got the 1st Fruit's Basket book. Anyway, it was fun. They also had HunterXHunter books 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 31, and 34. (Why do I remember the exact numbers? I honestly have no clue.)

We also went to game stop and there was a Digimon shirt(it had Gorurumon on it), a D&D shirt that was based off the D&D show (WHICH DOES EXIST), Minecraft and multiple Zelda games for the DS. We didn't buy any of it tho.

But you all are probably more insterested in art so here goes the art from Camp: Week 2(or 6 depending on who you ask)!

Kaito and then I was asked to draw Link so here ya go.

Art from my friends~

I tried to draw in an older style I used to use. Dear GOD look how bad it is.

We played D&D at camp and I drew the character~

Also during D&D we had three people per character so our team (Me, ais_is_a_giraffe , and NotSoScaryStudios )— well during the game our party ran into some crabs and our team decided to flirt with the crabs. We continued to hear about it for the rest of the week it was great.


At camp there was a play and we did Seussical the Musical. This is Mayzie as a dragon.

Also in the play I was Yertle and at camp the acting teachers and some of my friends called me Yertle— even outside of rehearsal. I am listed as 'Yertle' in Vlbutterfly05 's contacts now.

Haru dressed up as Conan


Killua and a list of the things I can improve

We've got Kaito as a dragon and PieCat999 .



Tiny Fossil.

Anyway that looks like thats it sooooo...

Bai I guess?

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