January 4th, 2019

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So, no new art.

But I can continue to talk about my OCs! At least, what I didn't finish yesterday.


Some of my OCs could be in future stories.

— Skua —

Skua is a Wings of Fire OC. He's an IceWing orphan from the war.

He was raised at the Savior Orphanage(Fan location). He lives there until he's three, when he decides to leave to find out about what his parents were like.

EXCEPT he's stopped and taken prisoner by some SandWings who claim to be part of The Spirits(fan-group), a group of evil dragons who live in one of the claws of the clouds mountains. They dug out a city called Control, and their leader lives at Fright Castle within Control.

Skua is taken to the Spirit's leader, Xerocole. Xerocole forces him to fight a SandWing, and upon winning he offers to let Skua join him... or die.

Skua made the logical choice and joined them.

He gets quickly promoted to one of the higher ranks within the Spirits because of his ability to think on his feet. Xerocole makes him fight in the arena constantly, to make Skua prove his skills. Skua did well and so Xerocole introduced him to Garter, a MudWing animus. Garter enchants Skua to be fire proof and have the ability to turn semi-invisible(his scales can become reflective, like a mirror. At night he can blend into the sky).

Eventually, Skua met Grey, the only other IceWing within the Spirits. They go head to head, instantly clashing. They don't get along.

Then one day the Spirits are attacked by a group of SandWings from the scorpion den. They try to take over the Spirits, and their leader challenges Xerocole. Xerocole wins, but in the process Garter is injured.

Garter is dying from the wound, and he explains to Skua how he came to be an animus(as MudWings aren't traditionally animus). Garter's ancestor had been a SkyWing animus, and when the skywings started killing their animus dragons, he hid in the form of a MudWing. He set rules and guidelines using his magic so that no descendant of  his became to powerful with their animus magic. Then he decided that the animus trait shouldn't die off, and so if one of his descendants died without passing on the trait, the animus magic would go to the dragon the descendent chose, or just the nearest dragon.

Skua was the nearest dragon.

Xerocole mourned the loss of Garter, but saw opportunities in Skua. A young, impressionable animus, and a twisted god-awful SandWing killer, what could go wrong?

Xerocole tried to force Skua to be the Spirit's new animus. Skua didn't want to stay with the spirits any longer though, and so he refused. He had been forced there in the first place, and now he wanted to leave. He missed home, and he hadn't seen anyone from the orphanage in such a long time...

But Xerocole wouldn't let him leave, and Skua refused to use his powers at all. Xerocole tried to kill him and gain the powers for himself, but then Grey stepped in and helped Skua kill Xerocole.

The two ran off and into the northern desert, near the IceWing border. They waited for days until they were sure the Spirits were done searching for them. During this time, Skua and Grey became friends, and Skua asked Grey why he'd helped him.

Grey said it was because he thought what Xerocole had done was wrong. Everything about the Spirits was wrong in his mind, and he'd wanted to leave for the longest time. But he couldn't. And right then, he could.

The two then decided to go to the Savior Orphanage where Skua had grown up, and they decided not to mention the Spirits. They lived there for a few months, but just as Grey was getting used to the muddy conditions on the fringe of MudWing territory, they were found by the Spirit's new leader: Peccary, Xerocole's sister.

Peccary tried to kill them and the others at the orphanage, and so for the first time Skua used his animus abilities to kill Peccary.

The dragons from the orphanage were outraged. How could Skua and Grey not tell them such important things!? So the two left, and again were found by the Spirits.

However this time the Spirits were asking for help.

There was a power struggle within the Spirits, and some dragons wanted Skua as a leader. He had killed both of the previous leaders AND was an animus.

Skua saw how desperate the dragons were, and so he agreed on the condition that Grey would share the power.

So the two ruled the Spirits fairly, and tried to keep the city of Control peaceful. The city became less violent, and the Spirits rarely left. The place was like a safe haven.

A secret, safe, haven full of violent criminals.

And so Skua and Grey rule the Spirits to this day.

— — —

So there's that. Um, yeah. That's it.


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