Chapter 17

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CJ's P.O.V

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school!" Faith whined from the backseat.

"I know, sweetie, I didn't want to go to school either," I said, glancing in my mirror to see her pouting. "But you have to go."

"But I don't like school!" Faith exclaimed.

"Do you get nap time?" I asked, switching lanes.

"Yeah," Faith said.

"Well, I don't get nap time at my job," I stated.

Faith's face was shocked in my mirror. "You don't?"

I chuckled at her. "No, unless I sneak one." I winked at her and Faith giggled as I pulled up to her school. "Here you go, sweetie."

Faith grumbled only slightly before getting out of the car as I did the same on the other side.

"Bye Mommy!" Faith said enthusiastically, not matching her sullen attitude in the car.

"Bye Faith," I said, hugging her tightly before she left for the day. "Have fun!" I called after her as she skipped into school.

I smiled as she disappeared from sight before heading towards work. I really didn't feel like working today, but you know, duty calls, especially when you have a young daughter. I arrived at work and opened up shop, whistling slightly as I did so, my keys jingling as I unlocked the front door.

Patrick came in, a coat wrapped around his shoulders and his hair sticking up from the side of his head.

"Windy?"I asked and he nodded.

Something in our relationship had significantly changed since Patrick had given me advice about Harry. We still insulted the crap out of each other, but now we knew that we didn't really and did it for fun.

"How much time until we open?" Patrick asked, taking off his coat and hanging it on the rack.

I glanced at the clock, noting its time before saying, "Time for you to get a watch."

Patrick shot me a look that clearly said "I am not amused" before replying, "Shut up."

"Make me," I shot back, sticking out my tongue childishly.

"You don't want me to," Patrick retorted.

"Try me," I said.

Patrick was about to answer before he sneezed violently, almost doubling over with the force of it and when he came up he had snot dripping from his nose.

"Eww, Patrick, go to the bathroom or something," I said, averting my eyes.

Patrick didn't say anything just left and came back and when I noticed that he wasn't looking so good. "Are you sick?" I asked him curiously.

"No," Patrick replied. "I don't get si-" he was cut off by a bout of coughing.

"You're sick," I stated.

"No I'm not," Patrick protested his voice hoarse from coughing.

"Yes you are," I countered before stepping forward and feeling his forehead. "Patrick, you're burning up! You have to go home, you can't stay at work."

"I'm fine," Patrick insisted, but I wasn't about to give up that easily.

"Patrick, you're sick. I have a daughter and I am not getting contaminated by you to just get her sick. Go. Home," I accentuated the last two words.

Patrick sighed. "Okay, but only because I feel like shit."

"Okay," I said, and Patrick left right before opening.

I hummed to myself as I stacked CD's when the store opened and I helped a few customers with purchases before I was alone in the store again, methodically stacking Taylor Swift's album 1989 which was selling super fast. I'm not much of a Swiftie, but I like a few of her songs.

I was just about to go on break when I heard screaming from outside the store. I glanced outside to see Harry running towards the store, a pack of girls following him and all of them were chasing him, sprinting almost as fast he was.

"What the he-" I started to say before Harry hurriedly came in the store and closed the door, shouting at me, "Lock the door lock the door!"

Bewildered, I did so and Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me into the storage room, closing the door and sinking against it, breathing heavily.

"What," I started. "The hell was that!"

"Girls," Harry said, still out of breath. "Lots and lots of screaming girls."

"I can see that," I said sarcastically. "But why were a lot of screaming girls chasing you?"

Harry froze a little bit before sighing. "I guess I would have to tell you eventually. I... I'm famous."

I snorted at that. "Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England."

"No, seriously," Harry insisted. "I am!"

"Right," I said, not even hiding my disbelief.

Harry sighed in exasperation. "CJ, God, I'm not lying, I really am famous. I'm a singer."

"Really?" I asked skeptically. "Are you just beginning, or are you not really famous at all?"

"I'm really famous," Harry said. "I'm a member of One Direction."

I laughed out loud at that. "Good one, Harry, really, and I'm a member of Little Mix."

Harry groaned and ran a hand through his hair, looking around the room as if trying to find something to prove his words. His eyes brightened when he saw something in a box and he pulled it out, showing it to me.

"There," he said, pointing. It was a One Direction album. "My name is Harry Styles, and that's me and my bandmates," he said, pointing to himself.

The room spun as I glanced at the picture on the album, then at him, then back at the album. Suddenly, I gasped. "You really are famous!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "God, could you be more dense? When we first met, I gave you a One Direction album, trying to prove to you that I was Harry Styles from One Direction!"

"Don't get mad at me!" I exclaimed. "Honestly, who would believe someone if they just said they were famous?!"

"Lots of people!" Harry yelled. "And that's why I had to leave, because I was on tour, and I don't appreciate you giving me crap about doing my job!"

"Well I don't appreciate you lying to me!" I shouted back. "You could have just told me that you were famous before gallivanting all over God's Green Earth!"

"I didn't want to!" Harry retorted. "I liked the fact that you treated me like shit because everyone else bowed down at my knees!"

"Well, don't expect me to, you idiotic asshole!" I yelled.

"Good! I wouldn't want you to!" Harry shouted.

"You're such an idiot! You absolute fucktard, how could you just leave Faith like that?!" I shouted.

"I didn't want to!" Harry tried to defend himself. "But I had to!"

"Oh yeah, Harry Styles," I said, mocking him. "Who had to go on his stupid tour. News flash- no one cares!"

"Some people do!" Harry shouted. "God, why do you have to be so difficult?!"

I almost laughed in outrage at that one. "Me? Difficult? I'm not the one who left fo-"

Harry cut me off from yelling at him with a kiss, which lit a fire in me. I responded immediately and Harry's hands came up to my waist and my hands tangled in his hair and tugged as Harry nudged my bottom lip with his tongue. Refusing to give it, I continued to kiss him until Harry gently squeezed my bum, making me open my mouth and squeal a little in surprise, and Harry slid his tongue inside my mouth.

His tongue explored my mouth and mine came to life, moving too and the kiss got more intense and more passionate as we took out our anger at each other on each other.


yes they frickle frackled and no i'm not going to write it. Hope you enjoy, half an hour to the new year xx

Love ya!

-T A Y L O R

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