Chapter 6

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CJ's P.O.V.

I was the type of person when angry, they are angry at the entire world. One little thing could set me off, and I'd be pissed at everyone and everything for at least an hour. At minimum. So, today, in the store, when a particularly nasty group of girls bitched and moaned at me for having the One Direction album out of stock, I was mad. To say the least.

I snapped at everyone, even a couple customers, and I was even nastier to Patrick than usual. He just caught me on the wrong day.

"Hey CJ, you lookin' fine," he said, doing one of those guy check-outs.

"Shut up," I snapped, turning around and walking into the back.

It doesn't help that I'm working two jobs now. I got a job waitressing and a bar in the city, and I work late. I mean, I do make most of my money from this job, but even though my salary is generous considering that I don't do very much, it isn't really enough to live on. Plus, since we've hired Patrick, my hours have gone down. So now I work the CD shop in the mornings, about seven to four, and I go to the bar in the city; it's called Tools; from about eight to eleven at night. When I finally get home, it's late and I have to get up early the next day.

It's exhausting, but it's worth it. I'm making roughly double my usual salary, and it's nice to have some extra money to buy some nice things, like more clothes and food.

"Patrick, I'm leaving, remember to lock up!" I called as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

"Got it," he called from somewhere in the aisles.

As I walked towards the bus station, I noticed there were more girls on the streets than usual. I mean, most teenage girls don't spend time outside. There are always the rare athletic ones, but the majority of kids I see are under age ten. It's sad what our world has come to.

I boarded the bus and paid the driver. Once I sat down, he started the bus and drove towards the inner part of the city.

I lived on the edge of the city, where it isn't totally rural but the houses have backyards. I personally grew up in a house with a small backyard, but big enough to play football in. The bus stopped a couple times, letting passengers off and letting some on but I still had to wait to get to Tools.

It's actually a popular place; I guess that's why they hired me. The only downside is that it's kind of a gritty place. By that I mean it's mostly populated by males and they are the kind that grabs your ass as you walk past and whistle loudly when you walk by and down drink after drink. Lucky for me, though, I'm the kind of girl that doesn't take shit for anyone, or throw your drink in your face. Unlucky for me, some guys are persistent and don't leave me alone.

I got off the bus and walked inside Tools, already almost choking on the haze of smoke in the air. The ceilings are low, the tables are always grimy, and the room is small and crowded, but for some reason people loves it here. I was the kind of waitress that served tables, not the bar, thank god for that.

I managed to work my way to the back, where some of my other coworkers were getting ready. Most of the girls that work here are sluts, meaning they dress in miniskirts and short tank tops and like it when guys paw them all over. I have a little more respect for myself then that, choosing to wear jeans and a long sleeved shirt with Tools' logo on it.

I grabbed my apron and tied it on, ready to go face the crowd. I held my notebook tight and walked over to a table full of biker guys.

"Hello, my name is CJ, I'll be your server tonight, may I get you something to drink?" I recited my usual greeting.

"Just some of you," one guy winked.

I rolled my eyes and asked, "Anything that you can actually hold in your hand?"

"I can hold you in my hand," the guy licked his lips.

I have to admit, I walked right into that one. "Never mind," I sighed and walked away.

The guys whistled as I walked away and I rolled my eyes. Some guys are some immature, I swear to God. I helped a few other people, who were polite, thank God. I walked back to those guys and sighed. It's like I enjoy torturing myself.

"Can I get you anything to eat?" I asked.

Luckily, the guys had gotten over their immature moment and ordered. As I was walking away, one guy grabbed my ass. I tensed and turned around. I smiled at him sarcastically, and he grinned at me, probably thinking impure thoughts. I grabbed a glass from an empty table and threw it in his face before strutting away. As I heard him sputtering, I grinned.

I gave them their food and tried to ignore that table for the rest of the night. It was ten 'o' clock when I paused at a table.

"Hello, my name is CJ, I'll be your server tonight, may I get you something to drink?" I asked.

When I saw who it was, I didn't react outwardly, but on the inside I was torn between screaming, dumping a drink on his head or kissing him.

"CJ?" Harry asked in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, I work her," I said flatly. "Now can I get you something to drink?"

Harry ordered, alcohol, of course, and I got his drink from the bar. When I came back, he was leaning forward and waiting for me. I ignored him as I put his drink down.

"Can I get you anything else?" I asked, monotone.

"CJ," Harry said, ignoring my comment. "It's me."

"Sorry, I don't know any me's," I said cheerfully. "Nothing? Okay, I'll give you give minutes."

I walked away and went to the back. I sat on a crate and buried my face in my hands and screamed into them, trying to muffle the sound. One of the people I actually liked at this job came around the corner, Amber, hand over her eyes.

"If you're having sex with a customer, please warn me," she said.

I laughed. "No, you're fine."

Amber uncovered her eyes and looked at me. "Well, if you aren't having sex, what's going on?"

"This guy that I met a few months ago is here," I explained. "We hung out a lot, and then he just suddenly left for no apparent reason. He didn't even tell me why, he just disappeared for three months. Now he's back, and he's acting like nothing even happened."

Amber was silent for a second. "What a douche," she said finally.

I laughed. "Well, he is really annoying."

"Then just use some of your famous sass and sarcasm on him, he'll be sent packing," Amber said confidently.

I smiled, but a small part of me wanted him to stay. "Thanks Amber. I gotta get going."

"Good luck with douche!" she called after me.

I waved my hand after her and walked up to Harry. "Can I get your order?" I asked.

Harry looked up at me. "Just a burger please," he requested, smiling that smile that had been missing from Cindy's CD's for three months.

Suddenly, I was infuriated. "Would like that burger with a side of disappearing?" I asked.

Harry had the decency to look ashamed. "CJ, I can explain-"

"Oh explain?" I asked, beyond reason now. "What can you possibly explain? You just left with no warning, for three months!"

Harry put his hand out to touch me but I yanked it back. "I thought you didn't like me!"

"Didn't like you?" I yelled. "You little-" I bit back what I was going to say and ripped off my apron.

Amber was standing nearby with a little grin on her face. I tossed her my apron.

"I'm taking off for the rest of the night," I told her. "Cover for me?"

"Absolutely," she said, grinning. Amber lived for this kind of drama. "Just keep busy with douche."

I laughed before giving her a quick high five and running out of the place, leaving Harry behind. After being left begin by him, it felt good to be the one leaving for once. Once I got out of the general area, I started to run.

Like really run. Run like I haven't in ages. I ran far, zigzagging across the empty streets, as it was almost eleven 'o' clock when I left. I kept running, not sure where I was but I felt like running.

I used to be a runner, in high school. I was fast; it was like I was soaring, my feet barely touching the ground. I also could run long and hard, and that's what I was doing now. Running always helped me out when I was in high school and having drama with my grades or boys. I would run and come back and I would suddenly know what to do; math made sense, or Susan B. Anthony suddenly became my friend and told me all about her life, speaking through my textbook.

When I felt that stitch in my side, I stopped. It had been a while since I'd run, almost three years. Harry was a jerk; he left me alone and he had the nerve to say that he left and I shouldn't care because I didn't like him. I was naturally sarcastic and a little bitchy. It was just my nature. If you didn't like it, you had to deal with it. It wasn't my problem you couldn't handle my sarcasm.

Suddenly, I heard a little cry. I stopped and looked around, trying to find who made the noise. A little girl was huddled in the corner, covered in dirt, and she was the one who made the sound. I walked over to her and crouched down in front of her.

"Hi sweetie," I said quietly. "What's your name?"

"Faith," she said quietly.

"That's a pretty name," I said. "My name is CJ."

She just looked at me with her huge brown eyes. The song Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson ran through my head.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Five," Faith said. "I'm a big girl."

"Of course you are," I said. "Where's your mum?"

To my surprise, Faith didn't look very concerned. "She took me here and told me to stay here. She said she'd be right back."

"How long ago was that?" I questioned.

"A long time ago," Faith replied. "I don't mind. She was a mean mummy."

"What do you mean?" I asked, taken aback.

"She hit me," Faith's lip began to tremble.

I quickly gathered her up in a hug. "Hey, it's okay Faith. How about this, I'll take you home with me?"

Faith looked at me with those brown eyes. "Will you be my new mommy?"

"If you want me to," I said honestly.

Faith's tears seemed to stop and she smiled. "Mommy!" she cried and launched herself on me.

I caught her and picked her up. She was five; she must be too old for this. She was getting heavy. Faith hugged me around my neck, almost choking me.

"It's okay," I whispered. "Let's go home."

I started walking toward the nearest bus stop. The eleven fifteen stop must be soon. As I walked Faith fell asleep, probably lulled to sleep by the rocking motion I was making by walking. I found the bus stop and waited.

Karma has a funny way of working, I thought. She made one person walk out of my life and another walk into it. Faith shifted on my lap and sighed in her sleep. I smiled down at her and brushed her hair off her forehead. And just like that, I had a daughter.


Harry's back. Haha I bet some of you are happy. I really should get a cast for this story, I think I'm going to do that later.... just enjoy!

Love ya!


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