The (mother-effing) call II

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"Candy? Yeah, it's me. Just wanted you to know I'm having lunch with John."

Eleven-thirty on the dot, and we're all back home, biting on our freaking nails. So much so, we don't have that the energy to celebrate that, once again, I have saved my literature ass by the skin of my teeth. Yay me.

"Man, I even want to call her myself." Martin is on edge like yesterday, more so knowing that whatever is going to happen, is about to be decided any minute now.

"Chill," I say. "She's probably still with the doctor right now, so she wouldn't answer anyway." I turn on the air conditioner before heading to the fridge. "What are we even going to eat? I sure don't feel like cooking."

"We could get some pizza, I guess," Martin says unenthusiastically.

"I kinda feel guilty about calling Aloha for food, though," I say.

Clearly, Martin disagrees. "Why? We own a pizza restaurant, for fuck's sake."

"Yeah, but we told your mom we would help out with things around here while mine is away; we shouldn't rely on her to keep us fed." It feels irresponsible; like we're betraying a pact or something.

Martin waves me off with his hand. "Please. Like Mom would even be bothered."

"Maybe, but still." It's not my fault I have a conscience and Martin doesn't.

"Tell you what," Martin says. "I'll call Alex and tell him to bring some pizza when he's done classes."

"You guys never change, do you?" Vee says, frowning at us as she puts down her phone. "I'll cook something for us."

"That's why I love you so much, Vee." Martin snickers.

Vee stops in the middle of the kitchen. "What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing." Then he turns to me, all sarcasm. "I told you she only puts up with me because of you."

"Wow, I'm amazed with how well you know me," Vee replies, equally sarcastic.

Martin shrugs. "Maybe, but I wouldn't be surprised if you just forget about me should you two ever break up."

"Bullshit," she says, and both Martin and I drop our jaws in awe. It's the first time either one of us has ever heard her cuss.

She puts her hands on her hips and stares and us with her eyebrows raised. "What?"

Martin doesn't let the opportunity pass by. "Watch your mouth, young lady!"

"Goodness gracious!" She covers her foul mouth and turns a slight shade of pink. "Look what's happened. Martin is contagious!"

We don't even get to start laughing, because my phone goes off, and I'm lightning fast to pick it up. I look up, and Martin and Vee are both looking at me with wide, anxious eyes.

I glance at the screen. "It's her."

"Answer it already!" Martin shrieks.

But instead I toss the phone to Vee. I'm too scared to do it myself. What if it's bad news? I can't handle the pressure. "You do it," I tell Vee.

Vee doesn't ask any questions. She answers the call and puts Mom on speaker. "Hello?"

"Veronica? Is that you?" Mom's voice on the other end doesn't give us any indication of what's about to happen. I feel like I'm about to pass out; the heavy feeling in my head when I woke up comes back with full force.

"Yes, Mrs. Foster. Is everything all right? How was your trip?"

"It was great, sweetie, thanks for asking. Is John around?" my mom's asks.

"My brain is about to shut down, but I'm still here, I guess."

"Hi there, honey," Mom says. "As promised, I've got some news."

"Spill the fucking beans already!" Martin impatiently snatches the phone from Vee's hand in one fluid motion.

"Oh, is that Martin over there, too?" Mum chirps. "Perfect timing."

Vee caresses my cheek to hold me in one piece. Not that it works. "I don't mean to rush you or anything, but John here is ready to drop dead, so could you please tell us the news, Mrs. Foster?"

We hear my mom sigh on the other end of the phone "Well... we just walked out of the doctor's office with Grandma." Her even tone, again, doesn't tell us a thing. There's a slight pause on the line, and I swear I can't breathe. "And he said she's just fine; just a little age-related memory loss, but nothing to worry about. So, I'll be back in Celadon Bay in a couple days."

"FUCK, YES!" Martin pumps both fists in the air in celebration, and I'm worried he's going to crush my phone.

Vee leaps forward and hugs me really tight, gently caressing the back of my head. It takes me another second to process this news; I have to wait for the blood to make its way to my brain again. And then, much to my horror, all the pent-up stress from the past week takes over, and as my hands reach around to hug Veronica back, I start to cry. Like, really crying, choking on my tears just like the way I did last night with Candace, except this time my face is burrowed in my sweet girlfriend's neck, and my tears, so sour and rancid last night, are now nothing but tears of joy.

Martin joins in for a group hug, still celebrating with his usual foul mouth, but I don't really hear anything he's saying. I'm too focused on a tiny voice, in sixteen decibels, or maybe even less right now, whispering in my ear.

"It's okay, John. You're staying with me. We're going to be together forever."

And I repeat the last word over and over in my mind like a mantra.


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