Help From Old Friends

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We finally arrived at the White City and I was shown straight to a room. After a warm bath, I was dressed into a blue and rose gold dress and showed to the council room.

Tears pricked my eyes when I saw who stood in that room. Legolas, Oropher, Celebrim, Gimli, Eormer, Eowyn, Faramir, Aragorn, Rion and Arwen.
"Vilya!" Pippin and Merry raced to speed towards me. I laughed and hugged them, crying
"My hobbits!" They laughed. Aragorn clapped his hands and we all took a seat.
"I have ask you all to come for two reasons. The first is that orcs have been spotted and killed on the road. The second is that the lady Vilya and the lord Legolas's daughter has been captured by the dirty creatures." Gimli stood up, his axe in one hand.
"Show me the way!" He said. Eomer and Eowyn got to their feet
"We will help, for you helped us." Eormer said. The hobbits stepped forward with their hands on their swords. Faramir slowly said
"I will join in memory of my brother, Boromir." Rion and Arwen walked up and said
"We will follow." Then a small figure walked up and in her soft charming voice
"I will help you." Tauriel.

If looks could kill, Tauriel would be a spot on the floor. But I wouldn't say no to her help. Everyone that was willing to search for my daughter would help to find her quicker. I gave stared at her, until I finally turned to face Eowyn. She gently placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. I gave a small smile and she grinned back.

I got cheated into brown leather pants and a dark green long sleeve top. I had my daggers on on my back and my hair was in a ponytail. I had a small leather bag with some food and water. Also my green cloak from Lothlorien. A knock on my door stopped my packing.
"Come on in!" Rion walked in and said gently
"I hope we can find Anná." I smiled and gave him a hug.
"I know we will." Rion hugged me back and then we walked out to meet the others, with my arm around his shoulders.

Faramir was standing next to Eowyn with his arm wrapped around her. I smiled and Aragorn stepped forward.
"Let us go!"

We walked for about an hour with little talk. I was walking next Arwen and Aragorn, while Celebrim and Oropher walked with Rion having a knowledge test with Eowyn and Gimli asking the question. Every now and again, a bust of laughter from Eowyn or Celebrim brought a smile to my lips. Legolas was walking with Faramir and Merry, while Tauriel walked with Eormer. Arwen and I had a small talk on the world but otherwise we didn't talk. I was too deep in thought and trying to hide my worry and pain. Arwen often gently put a arm on my shoulder or gave me a hug. She knew how I felt.

After a 5 hour walk, we walked into a forest and found a place under the trees and made camp. Arwen started to cook some soup, for we all knew about Eowyn's cooking. Eowyn will not be doing any cooking on this trip. Arwen served out the soup and we started to eat. I was leaning against Legolas, who had a strong and warm arm around my shoulder. His sweet smell, cooled my troubled thoughts and soothed the pain.
"We need to split up." Aragorn said.
"It will be easier to find the orcs and Anná." Eormer said.
"We need to look in Mordor, Dol Guldor and Gundabad." I said. Aragorn nodded and replied
"Let's have three parties. Vilya, you choose the parties."
"For Mordor, I choose myself, Tauriel, Eormer and Rion. Dol Guldor is Legolas, Gimli, Eowyn, Faramir and Merry. Gundabad is Aragorn, Arwen, Oropher, Celebrim and Pippin." Aragorn nodded and everyone agreed.
"Let's get some rest, for tomorrow will be a big day."

That night sleep refused to take me. I lay watching the stars, with my head on Legolas's chest. His heart was steady and calming. And I couldn't shake away the worry.

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