The Gifts And The River

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I got dressed into a light blue dress and it had one shoulder and arm guard on it. A gift from Lady Galadriel. ~See media section~ after I had a quiet breakfast with Galadriel and then the company was lined up in front of her. I watched as everyone received gifts. Pippin and Merry got daggers, Sam elven rope, Frodo a light of the stars and I watched as Galadriel gave a Legolas the bow. I had chosen that for him. He was amazed and he pulled back the string. I knew that he would love it. I didn't see what Boromir or Gimli got but I saw that Aragorn had a new dagger as well.
After we got into the boats. I was with Legolas and Gimli, who seemed to becoming friends. I sat behind Gimli at the end of the boat. I saw the bags of lembas, one of my favourite breads. A small bite can fill a man's stomach. Well so they say. I can eat two and still not feel full. I had watched Merry and Pippin, who had eaten five each. That was quite funny.

We rowed down the river and I was watching Frodo, who was getting tired by the minute. I let my hand drift through the water. It was cool and refreshing. I placed both of my hands into the water and cupped them. Filled my cupped hands with water, I brought it to my lips. It tasted cool, fresh and things I can't find the words for.
"Water nice?" Asked Boromir, who was rowing beside us. I nodded and smiled. Then I flicked some at him. He smiled and splashed me with the row. My face was dripping water.
"Be quiet!" Aragorn hissed.
"I am not ......." I stopped half way through my sentence. With my sharp eye sight, I stopped and saw a dark shape running through the forest. I picked up my bow and fitted an arrow to my string and pulled it to my ear.
"Gimli, don't move.' I warned him and picked my target and let go of the string. The arrow found its mark and the Orc went down without a sound. I bite my lips, hoping that their was not more.
"It was scout." Aragorn said, "We need to row faster and reached the place where I want to stop." I placed my bow down and asked
"How far away is that?" Aragorn turned to me and replied
"Three hours away." Both the hobbits and Gimli groaned. I moaned inside myself and then I heard Legolas say
"That was a good shot, Vilya." I smiled and said
"Thank you."

We rowed in silence for a good hour. I handed Gimli and Legolas some lembas and we all eat in silence. Pippin and Merry were eating and playing some sort of game. Frodo was staring straight ahead and Sam was playing with his rope. Both Legolas and Aragorn were talking in soft voices and I couldn't catch what they were saying so I turned to Boromir.
"Boromir, is this the first time you have been to Rivendell?" I asked trying to start up a conversation. But Boromir wasn't interested so I pulled out my daggers and ran my finger along the blade. They were pretty blunt, so I pulled out my sharpening stone and sharpened them. That took about ten minutes and I got bored again. Then I asked Legolas
"Legolas, was your mother at the starlit feast that time when I first met you?" His eye went sad and replied
"My mother died in battle over 1,000 years ago. She died protecting me." I bite on my lips and I leaned over Gimli and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"I am truly sorry, Legolas. I too lost my parents. Aragorn found me and took me to Rivendell." Legolas turned to Aragorn and said
"Really Aragorn?" Aragorn smiled at me and said
"I have never been able to take my eyes off her. She is just as stubborn and reckless today as she was then." I wanted punch him, but I just rolled my eyes and squeeze Legolas's shoulder and sat back down.

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