12| Page 3 Dinner

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A/N: Hello Readers! Time for another public appearance of our 'favourite' couple! ;)

There is a lot of spicy camaraderie in this chapter where a lot of things kinda happen! I hope you enjoy the glittery scoop of showbiz one last time before we go on KYY S4 break!

Happy Reading!


Nandini was sitting with Manik, Cabir & Zubin, while they were planning Manik & Nandini's next public appearance. It had been more than ten days since they were last spotted together, and according to Zubin, it was time to make another appearance to remain the talk of the town.

"I was thinking something nice & light. Not too fluffy, that would be rubbing it on their faces, it should look like just another fun day for a high profile couple. How about a dinner date?" Zubin suggested, looking at them. Cabir nodded in agreement, but Manik looked like he had a different plan in mind.

"If it's light and fun, then let's not make it a date; we can use the dates to project more intense romance in the future. Maybe dinner with friends?" Manik suggested. Nandini looked at him, it always amazed her to see, with so much ease, these folks created a virtual reality for the world, that was so far from the actual reality. The ease with which they could talk about faking a relationship, faking feelings, appalled her; but this is what showbiz is all about.

"Yeah, that could work too. Actually that's a better idea! Manik sir, you & maám don't need to be mushy at all, just laugh and enjoy & generally have a good time, it should work. We can do it tonight, no?" Zubin enquired, while Cabir agreed on behalf of Manik, after checking his schedule & Nandini agreed.

"So who all should we invite? It should look like an intimate group, not a party that Manik Malhotra is hosting" Cabir added.

"Umm, it can just be us you know" Manik suggested, while Cabir nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it could be us. Manik sir, Nandini maám, Navya, Cabir, me & Mukti" Zubin spoke, "Oh and Abhimanyu, because he will be there anyway & he is Nandini maám's friend too." he added further.

Nandini was surprised as he looked at Zubin. "Navya?" How did she fit into this group?

"Yeah, I mean she is your friend right, plus it would be good to know her socially before she starts working with me" Zubin replied casually.

"Excuse me?" Nandini asked, perplexed. Manik looked uncomfortable.

"Yeah, Manik sir told me that she will be working with me starting next week. She will be in charge of the brand MaNan." Zubin replied innocently. Nandini stared at him first before turning to Manik. Manik was looking everywhere except her.

"You offered Navu this role?" she asked in surprise. When did Manik offer to help Navya with a job & when did she agree? Hadn't Navya said that she will be joining Aryamann's friend?

"Yes, I did." Manik replied in short, before turning to Cabir to discuss the venue and time & then moved on to discuss with Zubin about which all media agencies they want to invite for it.

As Nandini watched him evade the topic, a hundred questions crossed her mind. She decided to park the conversation for later. She didn't want to discuss this before everyone else.

"That's it then." Manik wrapped the discussion. "Also Cabir, please get Mukti to arrange our outfits & also arrange for a stylist for Nandini" he added. Cabir & Zubin both nodded & soon they departed from the pent-house after planning to meet for the dinner at nine in the evening.

Nandini immediately got up to leave, after them, as Manik stopped her. "You don't want to know why I offered her the job?" he asked, curiously, stealing glances at her.

"No. I want to talk to Navu first & know her decision. If she decides to join you, then I'd be interested in your explanation" she told him flatly. She didn't know why, but the idea of Manik stopping her from taking Aryamann's help irritated her. How was it harming him? After Abhimanyu, Aryamann was the only real relationship she had amongst these strangers in Mumbai.

Manik glared at her cold response. He sometimes couldn't believe this was the same Nandini he was married to, three years back.

"Manik it's our first anniversary next month; can we have a private dinner? Just the two of us?" Nandini asked hopefully.

"Are you mad? These are the best occasions for an over the top PR engagement. We are having a huge party and every big name in the city will be invited. There will be press invites handed out too. We have to put up a crazy romantic show!" Manik replied, while typing something on his phone, as Nandini sat on the dining table opposite to him, having their dinner.

"Of course." Nandini muttered, crestfallen; maybe we can go for dinner the night before and hang there till midnight? The party is only for the next evening right?" Nandini tried again.

"Sorry Nandini, I will be flying in that evening for the party only. It's a part of the PR content, that I travelled all the way from London catching the last flight home to attend this party with you. Makes it more romantic, doesn't it? So I will have to fly to London a couple of days beforehand." replied Manik, nonchalantly.

"Manik, it's our first anniversary, can we do nothing that is real?" Nandini asked, sounding crestfallen.

Manik sighed, as he finally looked up at Nandini. "Nandini, please wake up from your dreamland and face reality. We are married for the world, so we celebrate for the world. There is no us in reality, so there's no point in celebrating something that actually doesn't exist, right?" he tried explaining calmly, for the nth time.

"..but Manik, we are kind of friends, right? That is a real relationship. Can't we celebrate that?" she asked, still stubbornly holding onto the hope that her heart won't break.

"Nandini, we could be friends. I really thought we would be too. I like you as a person...but it is not me, it is you who stopped that from happening by developing feelings for me. Anytime I even want to spend some time with you for fun & friendship, I stop myself, fearing you might get a wrong signal & start holding hope for us, when the reality is there isn't any! So to answer your question Nandini, we are roommates at best, not friends. There is really nothing we have to celebrate privately." Manik sounded a bit irritated by then.

"I understand, Manik. Sorry I asked." Nandini mumbled. Manik looked at her teary eyes & felt a little guilty, but what could he do?" He just didn't see her as anything more than a colleague who was helping him in cleaning a damaged reputation. Someone who was nice but too clingy for his liking.

"Hey, you want to go out for lunch this Sunday?" He tried to cheer her up. She looked at him with teary eyes for a few seconds before wearing a small smile, as she whispered, "Thanks for trying Manik, but you don't have to".

Whatever happened to that soft hearted woman who cared, who hoped and who wanted him & his attention. Her actions confused Manik now. She still helped him selflessly making him believe that she loved him, yet she was cold & detached from him at the same time. What was she trying to achieve by this hot & cold behaviour?


"So that's all Nandu. I haven't yet told Manik my decision. I wanted to discuss it with you first. I don't know why Zubin thinks I will join him for sure." Navya told Nandini earnestly & she nodded. She knew Manik & his over confidence; he assumed Navya would join because it was he who had asked, and how can Navya refuse an offer to work for her favourite hero?

"So, what did you decide?" Nandini asked her in a neutral voice.

"I don't know Nandu. On one hand it's an opportunity to work with Manik Malhotra, and on the other hand, it's your face before Aryamann. I..I think I should go for Aryamann's job, afterall he hardly knows us, and readily agreed to help me just because you asked." Navya mumbled, but Nandini could see it was not what she really wanted. Navya was doing it for her. She sighed, she didn't want her best friend to drop her dream opportunity for her sake.

"Hey but don't you think Manik's offer is more interesting? Plus if you handle the brand MaNan, I'd feel more confident too. I mean, you know me in and out, so you won't make me do anything uncomfortable." Nandini spoke casually, looking at her nails.

"You think so?" Navya asked hopefully.

"Navu, please don't let a job go that you want to do so badly, just for my sake? I will talk to Aryamann, don't worry." she told Navya earnestly, as a big grin finally escaped Navya, as she hugged Nandini tight in happiness.

"Thank you so much, Nandu! You are the best. I love you!" squealed Navya in excitement, before deciding to let Manik finally know of her decision. Nandini smiled seeing her happy. At least someone was happy around her.


As Nandini walked in with Manik, he was holding her hand, their fingers entwined. He was in denim casuals and a white semi casual shirt, while she was in a offwhite and beige overall. As they were about to enter the venue, they turned around facing the paps for a moment, letting them take their photos. He smiled looking at her, as she looked down with a coy face. Manik noticed she was wearing a small diamond stud that was playing hide and seek with him from behind her locks. Her skin was clear as porcelain and up so close he could tell she barely used makeup & yet managed to look ravishing. Had he ever really looked at Nandini properly before this?

"Manik, stop staring at me. You're overdoing the romance thing. Zubin said to keep it light and fun" Nandini smiled and met his eyes, muttering softly. Manik came back to his senses. What was he thinking? Rubbish!

"Yes, fun. Of course." he replied and then he jovially chatted with one or two folks from the press. They were just about to walk into the venue, when one question, which was directed at Nandini, caught their ears.

"Nandini maám, do you trust Manik sir enough to want to get married to him again? I mean his affair with Alia Saxena until very recently was the talk of the town." came a question from the crowd. Manik turned back menacingly to see which reporter had the courage to ask this. He was just about to blow his lid, when he felt Nandini's gentle hand gripping him & urging him to calm down; and just before he could react, Nandini herself spoke.

"Mistrust comes from a place of dishonesty; and whatever Manik Malhotra is, folks, he is not a liar. Whatever he did in his life, when I was not around, it was all out there, there's no skeleton in his closet; so I do trust him. As far as Ms. Saxena & Manik's former relationship is concerned, both of them have come clear to everyone including the media about their parting ways in a positive way, then what's so dishonest in that? Personally I've met Alia a couple of times, I think she is a very lovely and warm person. Any guy would be lucky to have her." Nandini replied with a polite smile, then she excused herself & Manik & entered the venue.

"That was impressive. Zubin has trained you well." Manik said after a couple of minutes, as they were walking towards their booth.

"Wish I could say the same about you. What were you thinking, Manik? You'd say something rash & that would blow out of proportion & who knows what new charade we'd need to conjure to cover that." she snapped irritably.

"You're in a real hurry to drop the curtain on this one" he muttered darkly, to himself.

"Yes, unlike you, us common folks, we need to work continuously to earn money that helps us survive & at the moment I am unemployed. So I don't want anything more desperately than to wrap up here & go hunt for a new job for myself" she replied back with a sharp voice.

"Whatever" he muttered to himself & Nandini rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Hey guys!" Mukti's excited squeal from their booth made them aware that they had reached their destination, and the drama was about to begin.

"Hey Mukti" greeted Manik, jovially as he went forward to hug her. Mukti hugged him, and then moved to hug Nandini. They settled in to see that Zubin & Mukti had arrived, but Navya, Abhimanyu & Cabir were yet to arrive.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" soon Cabir's voice followed, as they turned around to see Cabir walking towards them with Navya. Nandini looked at her surprised. "Nandini, I had gone to the apartment to pick up Manik's next movie contract documents & saw that Navya was also leaving for here, so I decided to bring her along" Cabir clarified before Nandini could ask, and she frowned.

"What about Abhimanyu, Navya? He was supposed to pick you up, right?"she asked.

"I don't think he's coming, Nandini. He texted me to say that something urgent has come up" replied Navya. Nandini nodded, but she knew Abhimanyu was avoiding the dinner because of Mukti. She sighed and texted him.

[Hey Abhimanyu, please don't ditch! I always feel very alien at such parties. You always gave me company :(]

[Nandu, I'm so sorry. I wish I could make it. Plus the superstar himself has volunteered to chaperone you today, why'd you need me? ;)]

[Whatever! Also, just so you know, they make the best sushies here, and oh, Mukti didn't make it either] Nandini took a chance here. Abhimanyu then replied after ten minutes.

[You evil person! You know sushies are my weakness! Argh!! Alright, let me check if I can make it]

[Come soon! xoxo]


When Abhimanyu finally arrived, he was flabbergasted to see Mukti there, as he eyed Nandini with confusion. One glance at her mischievous face, and he knew she had played him. He rolled his eyes and joined the table, greeting everyone. Everyone responded with warmth other than Mukti. Nandini noticed she hardly met his eyes.

[Liar :@ ] Abhimanyu texted Nandini from his seat.

[Liar for a good cause! <3] Nandini replied immediately, with a cheeky smile.

Manik frowned seeing Nandini's smiles, as she texted. Must be pretty boy Aryamann Khanna, he muttered to himself.

"So Mukti, Zubin, for how long are you together?" Nandini suddenly asked Mukti, grabbing everyones' attention as Abhimanyu glared at her.

"It's been a little over a year." Mukti replied with a soft smile, glancing at Abhimanyu.

"Yes, fourteen crazy months" Zubin added with a smirk before getting hit by Mukti playfully on his shoulder. Everyone laughed.

"..but I gotta give it to you, man. You are very brave! Dating Mukti isn't a joke" added Cabir, sniggering as everyone laughed barring Abhimanyu.

"I remember one time, Mukti was dating this model, named Fateh & he had cheated on her with someone; unlike other girls who cry, Mukti had gone and beaten the shit out of that guy. She was so violent that Fateh had filed a police complaint against her & we had to vouch for her & get her out on bail. In fact that was how Abhimanyu entered our life. I had hired him temporarily for Mukti's security, fearing Fateh wont let her go so easily for all the beating!" Manik remembered with a smile.

Nandini looked at Abhimanyu, he looked dazed, like he was reliving the past. As for Mukti, she too was looking down, pretending to text someone on the phone.

"Abhimanyu, was Mukti an easy client?" Navya asked, with a bright curious smile, as Manik grinned sheepishly at her comment.

Abhimanyu looked at her with an expressionless face, "It was like working for just any other entitled brat" he replied, coldly. Manik & Navya sniggered at that and Zubin laughed too, but Cabir looked at him with a thoughtful expression while Mukti excused herself to use the washroom.

Nandini watched them and realised how much things had changed in the last three years. However, before they could talk more, a cold hard hand tapped her on the shoulder.

"Aah, finally all my prayers are answered! If it isn't Nandini Murthy!" came a sneering voice and the grip on Nandini's shoulder tightened to a painful extent. Nandini glanced back to see, none other than the famous actress Soha Khurana greeting her. She was first surprised and then slowly scared. Didn't everyone tell her that this very woman was out there to kill her?

"Soha, if you will please excuse us?" Cabir began, as he got up from his seat & Abhimanyu swiftly stood up facing her, covering Nandini.

"Relax guys, you all are so extra! I only ever wanted to greet her. Won't you say hi back, Nandini? I'm Soha by the way; but you knew that already, didn't you? I'm quite famous afterall!" came her sickly sweet reply.

"Soha, this is a private dinner, so if you will excuse us" it was Manik who spoke this time & Soha looked at him for a moment with fire in her eyes.

"Off late, any road I take, it invariably leads me to Nandini boulevard. Do you know why, Nandini?" her cold voice and eyes were back on Nandini.

"Soha, I will have to call the security now" Abhimanyu hissed.

"Soha haan? If I am not wrong, even two weeks back, there was maám in the suffix, isn't it Abhimanyu?" her cold, evil eyes found Abhimanyu now."

"Not anymore" he replied, curtly.

"I don't forgive backstabbers, Abhimanyu, remember that! I will come for you too!" she hissed and turned back to Nandini.

"So Nandini, are you sleeping with Aryamann Khanna now or you allow both men on your bed?" she asked, winking, indicating Manik. A cold fury hit Manik, as he finally got up from the table and walked up to Soha. He was just about to grab her hand and push her away when Zubin stopped him. As he was struggling to hold Manik, someone else joined their table.

"Wow, this is a houseful" came Aryamann's amused voice. Nandini was stumped seeing him waltzing into their private dispute. His eyes fell on Soha first.

"Hey, I thought we were going to have one more round of drinks before you left!" Aryamann spoke as he gently placed his hand on her waist and tried pulling her away from them. Nandini gave him a thankful smile, which he acknowledged with a nod.

"Oh Aryamann, I'd have that if it was me you had signed for your project, but now I suppose you can try having that drink with Nandini here?" she whispered at him slyly & he looked taken aback.

"Soha, you're very drunk & the press is waiting outside. You don't want to make a scene before them, right? Come I will take you to your car" Aryamann tried again & this time Soha nodded. However, before leaving, she looked at Abhimanyu and whispered like a maniac, "If I were you, I'd watch out!" Then she turned her attention to Nandini. "We're not over, Nandini, in fact we are far from over". Lastly, he looked at Manik, "Once a pig, always a pig" she muttered silkily, as Manik seethed in anger hearing her. Then she took Aryamann's support and walked out.

"See you soon, Nandini" Aryamann mouthed, before guiding Soha out.

"What the hell just happened?" They all turned to see Mukti was back and were looking at Soha & Aryamann's retreating figure in awe.

"Nothing important. We're here for fun right, let's stick to the plan!" suggested Manik as he went back to his seat, followed by the other boys. Zubin sighed, one more big scandal was averted today!


Word Count: 3,297

A/N: Well, how'd it go?

Did you like the dinner party? What are your takes on the Mukti-Abhimanyu story? Do you want more for them?

Aryamann and Soha sharing a drink? Do you think something is up?

Manik hurling at Soha for his personal vendetta or Nandini's safety, what do you think?

Abhimanyu & Nandini, do you like them? I think they're the cutest! :D

What about the MaNan flashback, any thoughts?

Lastly, what about Manik's thoughts about Nandini, do you see them moving a bit?

Any final thoughts? Not only about the chapter but the story so far? I am so curious!

Please do vote, comment & share this story, if you like it and want for more readers to enjoy it!

Lastly, please note this is the last chapter until sometime after KYY S4! So, I have kept my promise, I have updated all the chapters that would have been due for this break!

Now, hold on, KYY S4 releases tomorrow, so go watch it, love it, fall for MaNan all over again! I hope the show is successful in feeding our MaNan starved souls until S5!

Next update, I promise will be a head snapping one! In fact the jaw dropping section of the story begins post this break & for all those who stood by the book so far, I can guarantee you guys, that now you are in for the ride of your life! ;)

On that note, happy MaNan to us all,

Next update will be on 18th Dec (Sunday)

Until then,

Love always,


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