22| Love Pockets

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A/N: Hello my lovelies, firstly here's wishing you a very Happy Valentine's! I hope you guys have some romantic plans tonight, because I clearly don't have any! I mean, I thought my hubby & I could go for a nice dinner & drinks without the kids for once, as we had arranged for a nanny and things this time, BUT hubby dearest had other plans! He tore his ligament last week :/

Now, the moment I mentioned my husband's ligament situation to my boss, his face literally lit up in excitement (hold on, don't get ideas! :P)! He was supposed to fly to Bhopal for a merchandisers meet & his wife was super pissed for that, now he just knew whom to replace himself with! So yes, if you guys don't have a date, don't be sad, at least you folks are home & can order in your favourite stuff. I on the other hand will be celebrating this day of love in Bhopal, where I absolutely know no one, in a hotel room, having soup & salad! :/

On that note, happy reading! :D

PS - LONGGG chapter alert!


It had been five days since Abhimanyu's demise and Nandini had completed his 4th day funeral (a.k.a. chautha) prayers with Manik in a Hindu temple in London, as promised by Nyonica. The reality was slowly sinking in, and Nandini was slowly realising what this meant. It meant, there would be no Abhimanyu giving her the sceptical look when she'd want to step out at odd hours, maybe for a walk; or there will be no Abhimanyu to consult with when she felt a little emotionally overwhelmed. Who'd Nandini turn to, when she wanted to share lame PJs over texts? Who'd call them lame with a straight face & then roll his eyes and double up in laughter? Abhimanyu was the only little bit of happiness left in her otherwise well curated trophy life; her small sanctuary of truth and peace. Abhimanyu had taken that bit of her life with him.

[Mukti, how are you? Where are you? Can you please tell me you're okay?]

Nandini stared at the last text message she had sent Mukti, about half an hour ago. It was delivered alright; much like all her other texts to her, but she hadn't read it. Nandini sighed. Mukti was the closest she could get to Abhimanyu now, and God knew she needed that; she knew Mukti needed her too, but this misunderstanding was slowly eating them both away.

"Nandini, are you resting?" Manik's voice floated into her ears, after she heard him knock on her door. Manik was taking good care of Nandini in the last few days, they were in London. He was giving her all the space she needed, but would keep an eye on her all the time from afar. He didn't even let her wear her belt, stating they were undercover from the media right then, and it wasn't required. Nandini felt relaxed and that was probably helping her cope with the sudden loss.

"No, I am not. You want to talk about something?" she replied, looking at his face peeking through the door.

"Umm..yeah. Actually we have a concall with the investigating case officer (ICO) on the Abhimanyu case. He wanted to discuss and present his findings so far; I thought you'd want to know" he answered cautiously, trying to gauge her reaction.

"Of course. I'm coming!" Nandini replied at once and hopped off the bed to join him. "Hey, where'd you keep the belt? I need it for the call." she added, as she reached him, but he gave her a weird look that she couldn't place, before muttering, "Cam will take closeup frames, it won't be required."

"Still, I should wear it for safety, why risk it?" Nandini asked, looking concerned.

"You're not risking anything here." Manik replied curtly, before walking out of the room. Was he hiding something? Nandini found his behaviour very weird. They had gone through so much to keep the charade up, why was he behaving so lenient when they are so deep into it? Although, she decided to park that conversation for now. She was curious to know what results were obtained from the police probe.

"Manik sir, maám, I hope you both are doing well?" The ICO enquired, politely, to which both Manik and Nandini genially nodded. "Sir, we had a couple of leads in the Abhimanyu Thakkar murder case, so before moving further, I thought if we discussed them a bit, maybe you both can give us some added information on them, if you had any?"

"Sure officer, my wife..err partner and I would be glad to be of any help in this case" Manik replied, stealing a quick glance at Nandini, who had a mild frown on her face. Wife? Funny mistake to make. When did Manik ever consider her one? Oh, they were still keeping that charade alive; how could she forget that amongst all this?

"So, according to preliminary findings, Abhimanyu was at Mrs. Sanam Kapoor's Jewellery Boutique opening along with you both & about forty other guests at the venue where he was attacked?"

"Yes." Manik confirmed.

"Abhimanyu Thakkar wasn't around you both, in fact he was about a hundred odd metres away from where you were. He came running to where you both were standing, when he was shot?"

"Yes." Manik affirmed again.

"Did he call out for you or Nandini maám while running towards you?"

"No. That's why I didn't even realise he was coming for me, unless he reached me; since my back was towards him." Nandini replied this time.

"Then how can you say, Manik sir, that the target for the shot was Nandini maám and not you or for that matter Ms. Alia Saxena?"

"When I saw Abhimanyu dashing towards us, his eyes were frantic & he had seen me looking at him. If he thought I was to be attacked, he'd show me a sign or something. Instead he was looking at Nandini's direction with a horrified face." Manik answered, as truthfully as he could. The ICO nodded in understanding.

"Thank you sir & maám for verifying the preliminary information. Now I'd like to tell you something more about the case. So, we've extracted all CCTV footage of the area and it has come to our notice that Abhimanyu Thakkar had received a call just a few moments before the incident & it had rattled him. He was seen to terse up & argue on the call and it looked like the caller had ended the call with a threat or something because in the next moment Abhimanyu started running towards you both."

"Did you check on his call logs, who the call was from? Do we have a lead on this?" Manik pressed on further.

"We did try sir, unfortunately the call bounced across many servers starting from Mumbai to Vietnam, to Madagascar to Congo, before the trace was systematically erased from the system. We suspect an organised crime group in action here."

"So how do we know who had called up Abhimanyu? Does the CCTV footage have audio too?" Nandini asked, sounding disturbed, as Manik patted her shoulder to calm down.

"No maám, the cameras were much too far, so no audio record has been extracted."

"Well then how will we ever reach the man who tried killing Nandini?" Manik asked, exasperated.

"Sir, the case isn't as simple. Another camera has recorded Abhimanyu Thakkar getting shot, and it was a straight thirty degree clean shot on a Mossberg 1.5 mm. The point is, if Nandini maám was the target, and as the footage suggests, she hadn't moved from her position at all, the attacker had a good few minutes window to shoot her straight. We have traced the attacker's shooting spot & sent our team to check. The attacker had a clean shot on Nandini maám's head; but he didn't shoot. Instead, someone called Abhimanyu Thakkar & threatened him, most likely of Nandini maám's life. They made him run towards her & then the shot was fired." The ICO briefed them.

Manik & Nandini looked confused. "Why'd he do that? Unless he wanted to create panic amongst people, maybe? It doesn't make any sense at all!" Manik wondered aloud.

"Sir, my preliminary hypothesis is, the attacker wanted to attack Abhimanyu Thakkar only & not Nandini maám" the ICO suggested grimly.

"That's rubbish, officer. If Abhimanyu was the aim, why'd they make him run to Nandini before shooting? They could shoot him at his spot too, right? I don't know why they threatened Abhimanyu on the call, but I think they missed shooting Nandini by fluke and unfortunately the bullet hit Abhimanyu." snapped Manik in frustration.

"Sir, I have more reasons to believe otherwise. You see the angle at which the shot was made, it hit Abhimanyu Thakkar at the joint of his neck and shoulder. Now there is a good ten inches difference in Nandini maám & Abhimanyu Thakkar's height. If the shot was meant for Nandini maám and hit the victim, it'd hit him much lower, maybe on his bicep & we could still save him. Now imagine if the victim was not standing close to Nandini maám, and the shot was fired, it'd cross Nandini maám over her head and hit the tree behind. Now a professional gun-man who had ample time to set his target, cannot possibly miss such a basic shot right?" The ICO justified his point, forcing Manik and Nandini to rethink.

"So someone wanted to kill Abhimanyu?" Nandini whispered to herself.

"Nandini's life is not in danger, that means?" Manik asked, instantly.

"Sir, I suppose we can comfortably conclude that Nandini maám wasn't the target & it was a murder plan for Abhimanyu Thakkar, and the threat call for Nandini ma'am was a diversion to dupe the motive of the killer & thereby his identity."

"Who'd want to kill Abhimanyu? Soha?" Nandini muttered to herself.

"I am coming to that, maám. So with the hypothesis that the target was Abhimanyu Thakkar, we have three suspects who had motive & the means. I'd like to discuss them with you both, since you know them all." Both Manik & Nandini nodded at that.

"Our first suspect is, as maám suggested just now, Ms. Soha Khurana. She was openly threatening him for going against her, when she filed a complaint against Manik sir, for sexual harassment. She had the motive, since he didn't let her truth come out & she herself was present at the occasion to guide the attacker with live updates, so she definitely had the means too. What do you both think?"

"..it wasn't her truth, officer. The charges against Manik were dropped because they were false, and Abhimanyu was an honourable man, who gathered evidence & supported the side of truth!" Nandini snapped at the allegation. A small smile appeared on Manik's face seeing her defend him.

"Soha does seem like the prime suspect, but I'm curious to know who else are your other suspects, officer, because I can't think of anyone else & you say you have two!" Manik replied, this time.

"Very well sir, my second suspect is the noted actor, Mr. Aryamann Khanna. While dabbing through the victims call records, chats & more CCTV footage, it was evident that the both had a bad argument. Mr. Khanna had even given a death threat to the victim. We have witnesses to testify to that." added the case officer.

Manik's eyes popped open hearing this. He had no clue what animosity Aryamann Khanna could have with Abhimanyu & death threat? What the hell! "Officer, I had no clue about this. I mean, why'd he even threaten.." Manik began, but Nandini stopped him.

"This is a confusion, officer. You can rule him out of suspicion. Aryamann & Abhimanyu did have a spat, and they did threaten each other, but it wasn't a real death threat. It wasn't that serious." Nandni added, before turning to see Manik eyeing her with a frown.

"Care to explain this?" Manik mouthed at her. Nandini nodded.

"They were..er..fighting over me." she mumbled and Manik's head snapped towards her. He glared at her, "What do you mean, Nandini? Also, how do I not know this?"

Nandini shook her head. "It's not that serious Manik. Umm..Aryamann didn't err..like me dropping out of his movie and he..err..doesn't approve of us getting together either. So we had a spat over it, and I happened to mention this to Abhimanyu. So, he err..decided to take it up with Aryamann and rough him up a little so he didn't bug me more. That's why the threats. They don't mean anything." Nandini mumbled looking uncomfortable.

Manik stared at her with an unreadable expression before turning to the case officer. "Sir my wife..er..partner is naive. She doesn't get people or their intentions. Please don't listen to her, I'd like you to do a thorough background check on Aryamann Khanna also. If he's innocent, he's got nothing to worry about."

"Unbelievable" Nandini mumbled under her breath, but Manik royally ignored it.

"Sir, the last suspect is Zubin Pestonji."

"Zubin?! Impossible!" This time both Nandini & Manik spoke together. The ICO looked surprised.

"Well, he is currently in a relationship with Ms. Mukti Arora, who happens to be a very close ally of you both; but Ms. Arora was previously in a relationship with the victim and from his phone records, we see, they were reconciling & if Ms. Arora & Zubin Pestonji's, phone records are any indication, they were having quite a few serious arguments over the victim. Zubin Pestonji has even threatened Ms. Arora, saying that he will set the victim's record straight, once and for all."

"Woah, to think there are so many undercurrents right under my nose, and I had no clue" Manik muttered, before responding to the officer. "I can vouch for Zubin, officer, he isn't a criminal, neither is he mentally unstable that he'd take such an extreme step for losing Mukti."

"Okay sir, your feedback is of great help in this matter. Let us get back to the investigation now. For now, we can only conclude that Nandini maám has no immediate danger over her & you both have a clean chit to return back to Mumbai. Additionally, as suggested by you, we will look deeper into the case files of Soha Khurana & Aryamann Khanna. Thank you for your cooperation."


It was evening and Manik was walking up and down the study of his suite, fuming. Trust Nandini to fuck things up. He wanted to charge her and ask all the questions running in his mind, after seeing her chat records, which he just asked for from their data security team. However, he knew she was too emotionally volatile right now to answer correctly. He was pacing up and down in fury seeing how Aryamann Khanna had been coaxing her for classified information regarding their pregnancy cover story! He wondered why Nandini didn't tell him about this, or Zubin or Navya? He knew for sure, if either of them knew, for that matter even Cabir, he'd know, but she had to act smart didn't she? Handling Aryamann on her own? What if he'd been able to extract some information about him? How would they ever come out of that fuck up? His career would be ruined & the Malhotra reputation? He didn't dare to think of his father and grandfather's reaction! And Abhimanyu, he only just threatened Aryamann, if he was in his place, he'd actually kill him! That obnoxious moron!

"Manik, food is here, you want to eat?" Nandini's voice stopped him. He turned to look at her standing at the door of his study. He nodded in negative.

"Should I ask them to serve in an hour then?" she asked again.

"You eat & go to bed, I don't want to eat." he replied curtly, looking away. Nandini stared at him, Manik didn't seem right.

"Maybe you will feel hungry in an hour? Let me ask them to.." she tried coaxing, but Manik lost his cool at this point.

"Nandini, don't you get it? I don't want to eat. You eat & sleep, okay?" Manik began angrily but tried to tone down his voice by the end of the sentence, trying not to rattle her. "Please?" he added.

Nandini looked at Manik carefully. Something was off. He was tense and that was not good news, given the current scenario. She tried again. "Manik, what's bothering you?"

"Damn it Nandini, can't you let it go?" Manik snapped this time.

"No, because I can see something is really bothering you, Manik!" she replied back, gathering all her courage. Manik sighed.

"Fine. Something is bothering me, okay? And if you insist on knowing, let me tell you, it has to do with you." he barked out loud.

"Me? How'd I.." Nandini barely began to argue, but Manik cut her short. "Why have you been hiding your conversation with Aryamann from me & the PR team?! Is he..does he..as in, do you..is there something, I should know?" Manik stammered looking down. What the hell, all this while he was pissed thinking how if Nandini leaked information, he'd be on the road, but while telling off Nandini, why did he first want to know if she was very close to or liked Aryamann? Was that what was playing in his mind subconsciously?

Nandini squinted her eyes and looked at Manik. No, he didn't just say that. Did he mean what she thought he meant? "Are you asking me if I am having an affair with him?" she asked coldly, folding her hands across her chest. Manik gulped.

"I mean he has the audacity to ask you about the legitimacy of your relationship with your own husband, and you feel the need to answer him. So I thought.." Manik tried justifying his stand.

"Ex-husband. Currently, acting husband" Nandini hissed.

"Real time husband for the world!" Manik hissed back in aggression, walking towards her and grabbing her elbow. He knew this conversation was going south very fast, but he didn't know how to stop it!

"You saw his questions, didn't you see my replies, Manik? I am carrying our baby, for fucks sake! You think I am having an affair with him!?" she bellowed at him this time.

"Fake baby. You aren't pregnant with my baby, Nandini!" Manik hurled back, holding her closer & tighter.

"Real time baby for the world!" Nandini gave back this time, and Manik shut his eyes in dismay.

"Nandini, you need to report every conversation you have with Aryamann with the PR. You cannot have a personal relationship with him until we clean this mess." Manik ordered with authority this time.

"Otherwise what? Next time another sniper will aim at my head?" screamed Nandini in vexation and immediately palmed her mouth. Shit, she didn't mean that. Manik wouldn't ever..

Manik stopped breathing, hearing that. "You..you think I got Abhimanyu killed?" his voice was shaking.

"No Manik, of course not, that's not what I meant" began Nandini, but Manik was in no mood to listen. The last few days have been extremely taxing on him and this was the last straw.

"Why didn't you tell the ICO that you suspect me, huh? Wait, were you uncomfortable saying that in my presence? Should I arrange for a one on one call between you to take this ahead?" Manik mumbled incoherently.

"Just shut up, Manik. You know I didn't mean it. It's just that despite everything, there is a small part of me that trusts Aryamann as a friend. I know I can deal with him & still keep our secret safe, that's all." Nandini tried explaining.

"Yes, you have faith in Aryamann, but you think I will get you killed. Perfect." he murmured, looking away and turned to his heel to walk away. He looked distraught for some reason & Nandini couldn't understand why. Why did what she say, bothered him so deeply? She was going to ask, when his phone rang and he automatically pulled it out from his pocket to see the caller.

"It's Cabir, maybe you should take it. What if I pick up the phone and order for your murder, haan?" Manik said in a humourless tone, before tossing the phone on the floor and walking away. Nandini freaked out as she saw his phone cracked on top, lying on the floor. She knew something was way off, and instead of giving it a thought, she ran out of the study, behind Manik.

"Manik, stop" she commanded, as he made way towards the main door. Manik didn't pay heed. As he was about to unlock the door, Nandini dropped all inhibitions and ran to Manik, hugging him from the back. Manik stiffened for a moment.

"Manik, please don't go. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean a thing I said. I was just angry." she whispered, hugging him tight. She didn't know why, but it felt right. She knew she was playing with fire again, but she couldn't help it. She was done waiting for the storm to end, she'd dance in the rain now.

"Nandini, let go of me." Manik whispered in a hoarse voice after some time.

"Then I won't have dinner." she pouted & Manik shut his eyes, as a small smile played on his lips. Being with Nandini was so easy, why'd he fuck it up so badly before?

"You might look small and cute, but don't think I didn't notice the small pot belly you have developed and hidden under that pregnancy belt of yours! So, skipping one night's food would do you good. Hmph." Manik played along, acting pissed.

"Haww Manik Malhotra! How mean! Fine, I can do without food, but what about junior Malhotra?" Nandini teased further. She knew it was a sensitive topic for them & she knew there wasn't any Malhotra inside her; but she also knew, the days of the pregnancy drama were numbered now & never in her life could she have these conversations with Manik for real. He never loved her, remember? So, she would take these small cues and make these conversations to create these memories for her to cherish in the future. She knew it was unhealthy, but the heart wants people for the reasons the heart can't tell.

"Nandini.." Manik's voice was grim again. "You know there's no baby.." he sounded low. Was he feeling disappointed too?

"Uff, I know, Manik. But for the world there is, nah? So won't you ensure your pregnant partner is fed well for the world?" she coaxed, further, trying whatever way possible to extend this moment, when she somehow felt real and at home with the one man she loved all her life. Her ex-husband, Manik Malhotra.

Manik shut his eyes in dismay. Well, maybe for this moment he could afford to live in this make belief reality, to pull some happiness out of it? He slowly turned around and smiled gently, looking at Nandini. "Well, in that case, let me take you & junior Malhotra out for dinner to my most favourite restaurant in SoHo tonight!" he winked in his signature Manik Malhotra style, and just like that Nandini fell for him all over again.

"Let's go!"


"So, what does my baby mommy want to have tonight?" Manik asked her indulgently, with a doting smile adorning his lips. Nandini stared for a moment and wondered, was that look really for her? Of course he was humouring her tonight, because it was the closest she was behaving to normal since Abhimanyu's loss. So this care & concern, was it real or was he acting for the world? She wouldn't ever know, but she chose to believe it was real for now.

"Umm..tiger prawns!" she quipped, licking her lips in enthusiasm. Manik noticed how her plump lips were now covered with a glossy sheen, after she licked it, and for one wild moment, he wanted to bend over and kiss them hard! Control, Manik. He scolded himself.

"Umm..prawns? When did you become a non-vegetarian?" he asked, after a moment, with a frown on his temples.

Nandini rolled her eyes, "I'm not non-vegetarian, prawn is technically an insect really.."

"Ah, so you're saying you're an insectitarian? How about flies for the sides?" Manik smirked, with a crooked teasing smile.

"Chee Manik! In non-vegetarian food, I only eat prawns. That too, I haven't eaten in ages, but looks like baby Malhotra wants them!" Nandini replied back, with a child-like gleam.

"Aah, now you're blaming my baby for all your cravings. My baby will be daddy's girl, if it was her choice, she'd ask for steak, I'm pretty sure" Manik said in a matter of fact voice, holding a grin.

At that moment, as they both looked at each other, the only word that registered was girl. Were they manifesting?

"You want a daughter, Manik?" Nandini asked, her voice was quivering and there was a shine in her eyes. Manik gulped, did he play along too much? Did he hurt her again?

"Okay, tiger prawns it is, let me ask the chef for their best dishes in prawns!" Manik tried to keep the humour going while steering away from the baby conversation. Nandini must have realised they had gone a notch too far too, since she didn't push it further.

"What are you having, Manik?" Nandini asked to change the subject.

"Lamb steak with a mashed potato side" he replied, happily.

"Wow Mr. Malhotra, watch out for the carbs!" Nandini poked at him.

"Just keeping it handy Mrs. Malhotra, just in case the little one hates prawn?" he quipped and both of them laughed. They were soon greeted by the chef himself on Manik's request, who promised a gourmet tiger prawn dish"

"..pardon me madame, but tiger prawns usually have a very strong flavour, will you be comfortable with it, considering you're with child? Most expecting mothers cannot down food with strong flavours..should I serve you something more mild in palate?

Nandini almost pouted, realising she couldn't have her prawns because she would risk the pregnancy charade in public. She was just about to change her choice of food, when Manik spoke on her behalf. "That's very thoughtful of you chef, but prawns are my daughter's absolute favourite, and my wife..erm..partner keeps having cravings for it, so I would request you to serve exactly what she wants. If she doesn't like it, we'll order something else! That will be all, thanks!"

The chef nodded and left them. Nandini stared at him, this was the second time Manik was referring to their phantom child as his daughter, and it hit her right in the heart. It made her emotionally fragile and it made her want to dance in joy & cry at the same time.

"Manik.." she mumbled.

"What..I figured, if we're doing this, let's do it all the way?" he replied, looking away.

"Manik, do you want to have a daughter in the future?" Nandini insisted again. She was curious seeing Manik's paternal instinct and she knew under ordinary circumstances, he'd never answer these questions. Manik looked thoughtful.

"Umm..I think I'm going to be okay with a daughter or son, as long as my baby is healthy" he replied, after sometime, while focusing on the appetisers.

"..but I think you're a little bent towards a daughter.." Nandini teased. Imagine her surprise when Manik's ears went a little pink, as he muttered, "I figured if you are the mother, you will give birth to the cutest daughter in the world." Nandini stared at him. Was this happening for real? She knew they were acting, but were they acting in real life or were they acting in her dreams? This Manik was too good to exist in reality. Manik sensed the overwhelm in her and quickly changed the subject.

"Hey Nandini, would you like to dance with me?" Manik asked suddenly, and Nandini almost spit out the lime soda she was sipping. Had Manik hit his head somewhere today?

"Who are you?..and what have you done to my fake husband Manik Malhotra?" Nandini asked, giggling. Manik rolled his eyes.

"The song that's playing in the background? The first time I danced with a woman was to this song. She was special, so this song became special." Manik replied. Nandini smirked as she stood up and extended her hand to him. Manik happily stood up and took her hand and walked towards the dance area, choosing a sparsely crowded spot, where people wouldn't push them. He was careful with Nandini because she was wearing quite a heavy belt now, and he knew too much moving around could cause her discomfort.

He looked into her eyes, and she looked like a fallen angel in his arms. He gently held her by the waist and moved to the rhythm, not trying too much with the steps, but he would occasionally swirl her and she felt like the happiest woman on the planet. Manik's eyes searched her's and he was overwhelmed to see Nandini derived happiness from such little things. How could he not make a marriage with her work, he wondered. Her proximity made him happy, warm and comfortable even amidst all the chaos his life jostled with. How did he not really see her until now?

"Manik, how old were you during your first dance with this lady?" Nandini asked, wanting to know as much about Manik as possible.

"It was my thirteenth birthday, and you know, it was a big deal turning into a teenager in showbiz families. In your birthday party you are officially introduced to the big names of showbiz; the big producers know you're their future star. They try to get to know you, basically see what you've got and there's this dance which marks the coming of age." Manik said in an enthusiastic voice.

"..and who did you dance with?" Nandini asked, as a follow up question, still moving to the tunes of the song. She was curious to know who this special lady was, and if she was also from showbiz. Did she become an actress too? Did Nandini know her?

"Ahh, her. She was magic I tell you, Nandini. The most beautiful lady in the room. No one could match her elegance & her eyes always twinkled as we danced. She wasn't expecting me to ask her of course, because you know, these things are planned, and my dad's manager had chosen the girl with whom I was to dance, and we had practised too, but I changed it last minute and asked her instead." Manik replied dreamily. Nandini looked at him, for the first time in the evening, she was not enjoying the moment. She was feeling a bit too mediocre in face of the high praise Manik had for this girl; now she was dancing in the same song with Manik, was he comparing in his head? With this big belly she couldn't even show him her better moves. She sighed.

"Wow Manik, she must be a well known actress now, what's her name?" Nandini asked, now she had to know.

"Actress? Hah, she didn't need the silver screen, she was bigger than that." Manik replied, peering at Nandini's light frown and slightly quivering annoyed lips. He held back his laughter playing along.

"A name would be great" Nandini mumbled to herself.

"The world called her the nightingale. She was richer & more accomplished than all the actors & producers put together, present in that room. That day Nandini, I had asked the legend herself, Lt. Asha Devi Malhotra to dance with me." Manik finished, with pride in his voice. His eyes were distant.

Nandini was stumped, before she giggled, "Manik you had asked Dadima to dance with you?" Manik chuckled seeing her reaction.

"Who else do you think can capture a thirteen year old boy's imagination and attention other than his granny who has read him stories every night since childhood?" he laughed.

"Dadima was very surprised, yet extremely happy to indulge me with a dance. You'd think people would laugh at me, right? But you know what it did? It was established before showbiz families that I was my grandmother's lad first; and she was the most powerful woman in the industry! Back in the days, she was the only singer in the country who had won the Grammy's & unlike the rest of the people there, she was globally renowned. In dancing with her, I had shown allegiance to a higher authority & everyone in showbiz knew, Manik Malhotra was here to win." Manik told her in a deep voice.

"You loved her the most, didn't you?" Nandini whispered.

"That I did, and mom followed a close second" he replied, bringing back his focus on her. She looked sombre, hearing Manik's upset voice; Manik spoke very little about his grandmother because he never could without feeling the pain of her sudden loss. However, today was about Nandini & his baby, he wouldn't let her mood dampen because of him. Manik saw her smiling after so long today that he didn't want to upset her, he immediately changed the subject.

"Aren't you hungry now? I've done enough weight lifting for one day!" he said, motioning towards her stomach & Nandini first rolled her eyes and then giggled; as they went back to their table.

After dinner, which was filled with light heartwarming chats, Manik asked, "Nandini, what would you like for dessert?"

"Your daughter wants to have whatever you're having!" she replied with a content smile playing on her lips. Manik stared at her for a few seconds, as his heartbeat increased erratically; then he controlled his feelings and said, "Tiramisu it is, then!"

As Nandini excitedly agreed and went on to have a nice time with Manik and her baby, she knew in her heart, this dinner date was going to be etched as a core memory in her life.

It was the best night of her life.


Word Count: 5,840

A/N: So readers, how was the Valentine's Day chapter?

So before my questions, I have to say, the MaNan date at the end wasn't so big in the actual chapter, but since I figured I am publishing it on the day of Love, I fleshed it out in details. Hope you guys liked it?

Firstly, thank you so much for reading this chapter and following this story so closely, and I must say, like you wait for this weekly update, I wait for the weekly comments, because that's where I get to read your thoughts on the book!

In the last chapter I had asked you guys to write about you MaNan moment wishlist and all of you have given such lovely ideas! I can't promise all, but I will try and incorporate it where I can in the future in this story!

Now coming to the chapter, I have a few questions for you all:

1. I have never written a crime investigation scene before, so very nervous about that. How'd the case investigation section go? The clues, the logic? Does it sound okay?

2. What do you make of Manik's weariness about letting Nandini where her belt? What do you think is going on in his mind?

3. Manik jealous over Nandini & Aryamann friendship, any thoughts? :P

4. MaNan fight and makeup scene. How did it feel? Is something cooking? What are your thoughts?

5. Lastly, the VDay special MaNan date. How was it readers? I know you have a lot to say about this, bring it on!

6. Lastly, any other positive/negative/neutral feedbacks on the chapter, overall story?

I am elated at the response this story is getting, and like always, do believe me when I am saying, I try my best to deliver. Like you guys say you're addicted to reading this story, trust me when I say, I am addicted to writing it! I cannot stop! I had initially planned to wrap this story in 30 chapters, that looks impossible now, because there is so much I want to write. I can only hope that you will stay with me & see us through this journey!

Finally, as promised, this was a bonus chapter update, so you will still get your weekly update on Sunday (19th Feb)

Until then,

Stay safe & keep reading & if you young readers are celebrating love the Valentine's way, play it safe! ;)

Your writer,


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