26| Merchants Of Death

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A/N: Dear Readers, I read all your 165 comments on the last chapter and realized none of you are enjoying this story. So, I felt before I take a call on the future of this story, I thought I should let this chapter out. It will give you an understanding of what really happened, which to be honest some of you actually guessed, anyway! So I suppose you can read this chapter and decide your final POV on the narrative, and then we can see where we can go from this impasse.

Btw, on a completely different note, we are now #5 on MaNan stories out of 5K+ stories & I guess that's something to celebrate! :) congratulations fellas!

This is one long chapter, so Happy Reading!


"Are you fucking serious!? I gave you one job Shyam & you couldn't do it? You couldn't inform me last night!? I was just a few fucking miles away, I could drive back you fool! I'm coming back as soon as possible; meanwhile, you fucking run back home and report to me that she is fine! And I swear Shyam, I fucking swear, I will kill you with my bare hands, if something happens to Nandini under you watch!" Manik spat on the phone & before his butler could apologise or say anything more he hung up & sprang towards his door in home slippers, tracks, and a bathing robe that was loosely hanging on his body. His hair was dishevelled and steps unbalanced. He quickly grabbed his car keys, and opened his main door to step out, as he bumped onto Cabir.

"Woahh..hold on Hercules. Where are you off to?" Cabir barely uttered, as Manik shoved him aside and sprinted towards the elevator, like a madman.

"Manik, what the hell, what's going on? You're stepping out like this?! Dude you're hungover & there's some folks from the press still lurking outside, looking for bytes! You can't go.." however Manik had entered the elevator as it opened just in time, and didn't wait to hear Cabir's warning. Of course he was hungover, what else did Cabir think he was doing all night, after dumping Nandini with such harsh words & realising he'd lost her forever?

"The fuck!" Cabir muttered & immediately called for the next elevator & also called the reception to stall Manik till he reached him.

As Cabir reached the reception, he saw Manik throwing a fit & was almost about to strangle the lobby receptionist in his wrath.

"What do you mean my car has a puncture!? Get me another one." he screamed.

"..sir, would you like a sedan, or an SUV or a plain hatchback or one of your convertibles?" tried the receptionist gulping mildly & mentally cursing Cabir for asking her to stall Manik Malhotra when he was in his full glory.

"Woman are you serious, I mean any fucking one! Don't you get it? Fuck it, I will go and see for myself" Manik said as he started walking towards the backdoor parking entrance.

"Sorry sir, you can't go there. We are..umm..we are having pest control there. I will arrange for a car to be in the driveway, please give me a minute?" The poor staff stuttered as Manik held his breath and glared at her.

The receptionist faked a call and pretended to hold, while looking for Cabir, and when he arrived, she sighed in relief seeing him. He nodded at her & she immediately called for Manik's car. In a few minutes, as Manik ran to the car & dismissed the chauffeur and was about to open the driver's door, Cabir blocked him and took the seat, while motioning for him to join in the passenger's seat.

"Cabir, what the fuck!" he snarled.

"I will drive you wherever you need to hurry to. You're not going alone. Also, if you want to throw a fit & argue, please know you're losing precious time" he said testily & Manik glared at him, before jumping onto the passenger's seat, without delay.

As Cabir pressed the gas & the engine roared to life, he looked at Manik's convoluted face and asked in a calm voice, "Where to, boss?"

"Panvel farm house" Manik muttered trying to call someone on the phone. Cabir wanted to react, but realised Manik was too stretched for a sound lecture right then, so without arguing he started with a nod. Meanwhile, Manik connected on the phone.

"Yes, Shyam. Did you reach home?" he screamed onto the phone. Then in seconds, he looked disappointed. "Fly home for all I care, but reach fast & call me" he commanded on the phone.

"Matters of the heart" Cabir murmured softly, irritating the life out of Manik. "Manik, why don't you just tell her, you love her & ask her to forgive your folks for spreading such a shitty rumour about her & Abhimanyu? I know it won't be easy, but what you're doing out of guilt is just, plain, stupid." Cabir coaxed.

Manik shut his eyes and rested his head on the headrest of his seat. He couldn't blame Cabir for this suggestion anyway, because he only told him that he was closing the PR drama on a bad note with Nandini to let her go because he was embarrassed to tell her that his own father & grandfather were behind all her slutshaming. If only it were that simple.

After dropping Nandini at Navya's after returning from London, Manik had not taken a moment to rest. Instead, he had hauled Cabir by the collar to ask how he could release Nandini's miscarriage news without aligning with him.

"Manik, it was something your father & grandfather wanted to be actioned immediately, and I had tried calling you & Nandini a billion times, but you were not available! I had requested your father to wait for a night, but they insisted the news went out right then, as the time was ripe & it'd be much more believable that the misscarriage was natural because of Nandini's shock & stress from her security in-charges death. Nobody would be able to guess that there will be an iota of foul play in this, and nobody in their wildest dream would question a woman's tragedy of losing a child to dig further & question it's sanctity. They insisted that they'd go ahead with or without me if I threw a tantrum so I decided to play along. This way at least I had control over the content! Which I swear weren't as horrible as the press made it into, within minutes of release!"

While Manik was deeply disturbed seeing how cunningly his father & grandfather played this game & used Abhimanyu's death to their benefit, he knew Cabir couldn't have stopped it. The damage was done, and now he had to handle the press and ensure there was minimal buzz on this news. He had decided he'd keep Nandini away from the press for about a month, by then the chatter would die down, and he'd have enough time to talk to his family & tell them how he feels about Nandini. He also wanted to use this time off, to heal her emotionally from the loss of their phantom child and maybe bring her in a place, from where he can request her to give him a chance. Give them a chance. Maybe MaNan could be real this time?

However, the next morning came with another tornado in his life. This time a bigger, messier one! He woke up to the news that the world thought, that the love of his life was having an affair with her security-incharge & was having their baby & to add insult to injury, she miscarried the same baby in the shock of losing her lover; in all this, he was the angel of a boyfriend who knew nothing of her treachery & fell prey to catfishing! Manik had never read anything more absurd & never felt more violated in his life!

Manik had started off early that morning after discovering the mess in the news media. He almost hated it that he couldn't physically be around Nandini to console her, but he knew, dealing with the mess was to her greater benefit. Hence, after assuring Nandini over the phone, in plenty, that he will take care of it, he went to a con-photoshop artist for producing a fake paternity report to clear Nandini's name in the easiest way & shut haters & trollers for good. However, while he was briefing the con-artist on the same, Zubin & Cabir walked in, looking like they had something more to share.

Cabir looked livid as he walked in with a shivering Zubin by his side and spat, "You said you trusted this son of a bitch, right? Guess what he's behind Nandini & Abhimanyu's character annihilation!

Manik looked up & stared at Zubin's terrified face & one good look at him confirmed his suspicion; he had seen him look this troubled once before too. He knew this look & also the source of this look. "Shit" he mumbled as he now suddenly had a good idea about who was behind all this smear campaign against Nandini. Suddenly, everything started to make sense.

"Cabir, I want to talk to Zubin alone, can you please brief this guy here on the fake paternity report meanwhile?" Manik asked, trying not to look or sound panicked.

"Seriously, Manik?" Cabir asked, incredulously. He didn't understand why Manik was always so lenient while taking actions against Zubin!

"Cabir, please!" Manik barely hissed, irritably and Cabir knew better than to push him then. Although displeased, he walked out with the guy, giving Zubin a dirty glare on his way out.

Once Cabir shut the door behind him, Manik turned to look at Zubin and walked towards him ferociously before grabbing his shoulder & shaking him real hard!

"Tell me, what I am thinking is wrong, Zubin!" he snarled.

"I'm sorry sir. I really am..." whispered Zubin, as tears of remorse more than fear pooled around his eyes.

"Why did they do it?" Manik asked, still avoiding to take their name. A part of him was still in denial.

"Sir, I am the pawn, how can I know the reason?" he whimpered, before adding, "Sir, how is Nandini ma'am holding up, I don't know how to face her, anymore.." he mumbled. However, Manik wasn't feeling any pity seeing him. His mind was onto bigger matters. He glared at Zubin, tightening his grip on his shoulders as he asked again.

"How did they blackmail you to do this? What dirt do you have on you, that they could exploit?" he hissed.

Zubin looked shaken, he hadn't expected this question from Manik, and soon he started sweating. Manik saw the fear in his eyes, and he knew he was onto something here.

"Zubin, speak up, or it will take me minutes to hand you over to the cops" he threatened him. Zubin looked dumbstruck.

"Sir..sir you must believe me. I have done nothing wrong, but Shrikant sir told me, I am a prime suspect in the Abhimanyu murder case, and if I didn't see this through, he was going to make sure I am framed to be the culprit. Believe me sir, I have nothing to do with the murder, I am just caught in the crossfire here. Sir I have parents who are dependent on me, and I am their breadwinner, please believe me sir, I couldn't afford to be framed. I didn't have a choice. I never wanted to harm Nandini ma'am in anyway" he broke down to sobs, as he fell on his knees before a scandalised Manik.

Manik suddenly remembered the conversation he had with the ICO (Investigative Case Officer) on Abhimanyu's case, from London, where he was told that Zubin was a suspect because, he was sending texts to Mukti threatening Abhimanyu; but hadn't he and Nandini immediately cleared him from suspects? He had told his father this of course, and he knew that Zubin was no more a suspect, but he used this to threaten Zubin into doing this anyway?

"Why were you sending Mukti texts, threatening Abhimanyu's well being, Zubin?" Manik asked him, suddenly.

"Sir, sir I didn't really mean it sir." mumbled Zubin, looking awkward. "Sir, Mukti & I have been dating, and things were going great, until Abhimanyu returned into her life, as Nandini ma'ams' security in charge & things..things started changing between Mukti & me. I know we were dating for not too long, but sir, Mukti made me happy, I wanted her, and I could see myself losing her day by day as she was walking closer to Abhimanyu. I got to know during a fight between us, that Mukti and Abhimanyu dated previously & were in love. Sir, I was insecure & scared of losing Mukti; and also if I'm being honest, I knew Mukti is a great friend of yours, so I feared I'd lose my job with you, if we broke up..sir, as I said I have dependents on me back at home, and your job is satisfying & pays great, I was scared of losing everything. This fear led to me being more pushy with Mukti & that led to more fights, and all my anger would build up on Abhimanyu, because his entry in our lives changed all this for me. Sir, I disliked him and threatened his well being before Mutki, because I started suspecting Mukti was either already or going to cheat on me with him. I hated Abhimanyu, but trust me sir, not enough to murder him. So when Shrikant sir told me, I was in the police radar already & all he'd need to do was push a little for framing me, I got scared. That's why I did what I was asked to do sir.." answered Zubin, as his frame shook in fright and hysteria. Manik looked at his shaking frame and didn't know if he hated him more or pitied him more. Truly, Zubin was caught in the crossfire.

"Sir, please know, I am innocent & was forced to do this. Sir, I don't want trouble; please save me from this, sir.." Zubin pleaded. Manik stared at him for a long minute & said what he wished he had told Abhimanyu earlier too. Maybe he'd be alive then?

"Zubin Pestonji, you are fired.You may leave now." he said with a straight face. Zubin's head snapped up at him in shock.

"Sir, no. Please. I am sorry, sir. Please dont.." he began, but Manik showed him the door. As a distraught Zubin slowly got up to leave, leaving his phone and iPad behind, Manik sighed and mumbled to himself, "You asked me to save you Zubin, I just did that..".


"Dad, Darji, what the hell is wrong with you guys!? Why would you spread such nonsense about Nandini and Abhimanyu? You know how close they were, right? You saw how broken she was during his cremation? They were like siblings, and she has just lost him. She is emotionally distraught with the miscarriage news too, why'd you have to add this on it too!?" Manik had barked at his father and grandfather, the first time in his life that day, when he rushed to Jannat, after seeing Zubin out. Cabir had insisted on coming along, but he ensured he stayed with the con photoshop artist to see through the job & also asked him to get Navya to work on the content of the press release with the fake paternity report, and guide her, since Zubin was relieved of his duty.

"Told you that scumbag will barf.." Shirkant Malhotra rolled his eyes from his study desk at Manik's grandfather, Shamsher Malhotra, who was settled on an armchair by the book shelf.

"Doesn't matter son, what's done is done. We were going to tell Manik anyway, right?" Shamsher Malhotra replied, calmly assuring his son. "Also Manik, is this how you greet your father & grandfather? Is there any manners left in you, son?" he barked at Manik.

"Darji, why would you do this to her?" Manik asked, at a calmer tone with a bewildered expression, seeing their nonchalance.

"Beta, I don't know of a better way to say this, but how else did you think this was going to end? If we didn't defame her, how could brand Manik come out of this unscathed?" his grandfather asked him, controlling his irritation.

"Darji she had a miscarriage already, we could use it in some way to part ways, why annihilate her character?" Manik asked, still shocked & confused.

"Oh and how could the supposed miscarriage have been enough, Manik? Dad, I tell you, this is why this boy infuriates me. He has no vision!" snapped Shrikant, before breathing deeply and then continuing. "So, we were to tell the press, Nandini couldn't give birth to your baby, and so you broke up with her - cause that would be such a classy thing to do! What would be left of your brand & our name, Manik?"

"Uff, Shrikant, be patient. He is young, we need to teach him to think of the domino effect! Beta, being a big name in showbiz is a full time job. Something you cannot ever retire from, take a break from or shy away from. The big mantle comes with huge responsibilities, and we Malhotra men have been doing a fantastic job of holding up our equity for generations now. So, consider this is me passing down a generational wisdom onto you today. Manik, we are humans, we are bound to err, but showbiz is like a huge camera lens that's on us all the time & if we have to be the royalty that we are here, we cannot make mistakes. You see the conflict of interest here, son? So, we have made a third way. We make all the mistakes we want, but we do it in such a way that it doesn't come under the lens. Now, how do we fool the lens? We manipulate it, beta. Give a meatear offering before the lens so that it is busy projecting that, while we are free to err in the background! Like, when you ruined our reputation with Innaya, your & Nandini's wedding was the offering to distract the lens. When Soha Khurana tried defaming you, again your & Nandini's reunion was the distraction for the lens. But beta, there is a rule we have in place for the distractions we offer before the lens - they are well planned, executed to the tee & always temporary! So when we are done erring, we remove the distraction from the lens & take the spotlight. Staying in the spotlight builds our brand presence, increases our brand value & keeps us in the centre of showbiz. That's where we are meant to be. So as you must have understood, if Nandini had accepted Aryamann Khanna's movie offer, she'd not be a temporary distraction for our lens, she'd be permanent there, and hogging our spotlight too! That's why we needed her pregnancy distraction, which was an easy out for thwarting her ambition of permanence from the lens without hurting our spotlight! Now that its purpose is served, Nandini needs to be removed from the lens, right? Now just a sad miscarriage wasn't going to cut it, it would in fact give her more time on the lens in a positive way! People would talk about her, feel sympathetic towards her and make her a brand too. Do we want that? No right? So she had to leave the spotlight in a way that she couldn't ever return there to challenge you. That's why this character annihilation, as you put it, was necessary. Do we have you with us, now?" Shamsher Malhotra asked with paternal affection, as he gently patted Manik's shoulder. Manik hadn't noticed when he got up from the couch to reach him.

Manik was shocked beyond his wits.

No, not because of the extent of scheming that his grandfather laid down in front of him to explain & justify the smear campaign against Nandini; he had been with them for long enough to know their twisted ways of thinking, but something about this particular conversation struck him and nothing was a mystery for him anymore. Every piece settled in the right place & the jigsaw puzzle in his head was solved.

The picture that stared at him had shocked him beyond his wits, not Shamsher Malhotra's explanation!

"Manik, are you listening?" His grandfather's voice broke his reveries.

"Dad, he heard you alright, he understood nothing! Such a disappointment" muttered Shrikant under his breath, as Manik first glanced at him sharply, and he didn't know why tears were stinging his eyes. He knew his father & grandfather weren't a fan of his & more often than not felt that he had disappointed them, it stung, but he had learned to accept that and try harder. However, today's tears had a different story. Manik felt cheated. He felt he had never really known these people at all, because he had never seen the true horror in their ways. Ever.

"Manik, we need you to hold a press conference, stating to the world that you have broken up with Nandini. You won't character assassinate her at all, you will say personal indifferences led to it. However, the world knows she cheated on you. Your silence and non affirmation to such a major infidelity will do massive positive branding for you and you will trend positively for weeks at a stretch. We will increase your brand endorsement fees by 1.5X and it will be a huge marketing push for your & Innaya's movie too. As for couple branding, there's this girl Rose, she's a couple of films old, but she's very smart & knows how to keep fans on their toes. We want you to be hanging out with her. We will then try the brand ManRo eventually. It was a stupid move by Alia Saxena to come in support of Nandini, we had invested so much in MaLiya. Don't worry, we will get Alia to compensate for damage and get 50% back, you just focus on being positive and a little sad for now. Be seen with Rose more often and.." as Shamsher Malhotra kept giving him instructions, Manik had lost him long back.

"So, this was all planned? Blaming Abhimanyu & Nandini's infidelity for our breakup, right?" Manik asked, he almost whispered actually & had his grandfather not stood so close to him, he'd not have heard him.

"Of course beta, as I said, distractions are always well planned, executed to the.." he began proudly, encouraging Manik to understand & support him.

"Then Abhimanyu's murder was also planned, right Darji? It wasn't an opportunity you picked up on, as I thought? You wouldn't leave such a big thing to chance, would you?" Manik's soft yet hard voice didn't go unnoticed by the Malhotra seniors as they gazed at his face to decipher the tonality of the accusation made. Manik's face was straight, for once the actor in him kicked in before his family & his face gave away nothing, putting the other men into confusion.

"He was a liability, Manik." he heard Shrikant Malhotra's matter of fact voice, and flinched.

"He was innocent!" Manik shot back in the same calm, shocked voice.

"..and you had said you would handle him! As usual Manik. We're cleaning your mistakes ever since you've come of age! Had you actually handled him, that innocent boy wouldn't have died!" shot back, Shrikant Malhotra. "If he was taken care of, why did he threaten Zubin for spiking Nandini's drink? You think I wouldn't come to know? That little scum kept digging trying to find out who made Zubin do it! Had you 'handled' him son, he would still live!" snarled his father.

Manik smiled. "I know your game too well dad. You can't blame me & put me on a guilt trip. You were never going to let me handle him anyway! If I know you both right, it was that very evening when Nandini, Abhimanyu & later I left Jannat to work on the pregnancy PR, you both had decided Abhimanyu's fate. Of course you had to kill him irrespective of whether I handled him or not. You couldn't let Abhimanyu live & plant this infidelity story on them & expect Abhimanyu to not react!" Manik gave them back.

"How dare you!" snarled Shrikant walking towards him with choler in his eyes.

"Ahh son! Always the hot headed one! Weren't you complaining Manik doesn't understand our scheme of things? He just showed he does. Why can't you ever see the silver lining?" whispered Shamsher Malhotra, with a shrewd smile, eyeing his son to calm down.

"You're right, Manik. Today, I am so proud of you." he whispered, patting him. Manik stared at his grandfather & it was crystal clear today. Between his father & grandfather, his grandfather was the bigger monster. He wasn't the red eyed one like his son, but the calmer & more evil one. He could smile warmly at you and slit your throat at the same time without batting an eyelid. Shamsher Malhotra always knew that Manik sought their approval & they never granted him that, and today just like that he said the words that a younger Manik wanted to hear all his life. Praise & validation from the senior Malhotras! They thought they could buy him with it; and truth be told, it wasn't a very crazy idea. The Manik Malhotra who hadn't fallen in love with Nandini Murthy would have fallen for this, but not this one. Neither would the Manik Malhotra who felt like a dad for the first time a day before he lost his phantom child & the next day was made to accept that the baby wasn't his to begin with. The fury that had unfurled inside him, when he read the news that his lost baby girl wasn't his at all was unparalleled to all the rage he ever felt in his life & he had vowed to punish the mind that concocted this evil. Only he didn't know back then, his own family was behind this.

"I do understand Darji, but I don't agree with your plan." Manik replied in a steely voice. His insides were parched in remorse & shock & anger & everything negative knowing his family actually could kill someone for their reputation! An innocent man who had nothing to do with anything! This realisation snubbed him inside out and that gave him such a determination in his voice, that it shook the older men. They hadn't seen Manik being so calm and decisive in life, not before them at least.

"Oh you think we're waiting for your approval, lad?" snapped Shrikant Malhotra baring his teeth like the vulture he really was from the heart and Manik turned to look at him.

"I think you do, old man, because I will not let you get away with a murder of an innocent man & ruining Nandini's life like this! I will go tell the world of your truth. Then let's see how you steal the spotlight or distract the lens of fame!" he hurled at his father menacingly.

"See Shrikant, see that anger, that darkness, that violence in his eyes! Hadn't I always told you, with the right push we will get his animal out?" roared Shamsher Malhotra with a mad gleam in his eyes! Manik's head snapped towards him. Had he lost it?

"Dad, did you hear what this boy is saying? He will tell on us! This ungrateful little git! You think you'd have made one hundredth of the fame and name you have with you, if you weren't born to this legacy?" snarled Shrikant.

"The good news is, he understands the game, son. I know he's ruffling his feathers against us now, but that we can take care of, right?" replied Shamsher Malhotra silkily.

"What do you mean, you're going to hire someone to kill me like Abhimanyu?" Manik shouted back. He didn't know why & his family definitely didn't deserve it, but they still managed to break his heart a little, by implying this.

"I will do it myself. I would rather have a lost hero of a son than a living liability on our reputation!" snarled Shrikant with hate in his eyes. Manik just looked at him. He was his father?

"Of course not beta, ignore your dad. He is just angry. We cannot ever imagine killing you. Never. You're my grandson! My loving grandson, Manik. I wouldn't let anyone touch a hair of yours...but I cannot say the same about Nandini Murthy anymore, though."  Shamsher Malhotra told him, while gently patting his shoulder in an affectionate paternal way.

Manik stopped breathing. Did he just hear that right?

"Darji.." was all Manik could bring himself to say, with a voice of dull accusation.

"Now, now, son. You think your old man is all money, fame & numbers? You think I can't see the love that's dancing so nakedly in your eyes, for Nandini Murthy? What Shrikant, your lad has grown up, he's in love! You should celebrate & here you are berating him! We all have been there, right? Me with your mother, you with Nyonica & him with this Nandini. Why do you think we plotted so much & killed Abhimanyu to defame Nandini & not kill her directly? We didn't want to hurt you, that's why son! However, if you can't see the larger picture here, some adjustments need to be made. Shrikant, maybe we can't save his poor heart after all. Fine, go ahead, if he doesn't comply with the plan, then kill Nandini Murthy & teach him a small lesson. Beta, don't get me wrong, sometimes your elders need to be a little harsh to teach the kids a lesson, but our heart is in the right place. If you love Nandini truly, you will fight for keeping her alive & play along to our tunes, otherwise we could just kill her & you can say all you want, the press will just think you're heartbroken & unhinged with the loss. We will get all the sympathy & of course you will eventually get over her loss & move on, obviously. It's a win-win for us really; but you're our son, our lightbearer, so we give you the choice. Otherwise what? One phone call and a small explosive is tossed inside Nandini's living room, and oops she's gone. Just like that. All the blame will go to mob rage on the news of her infidelity! After that the more you cry on camera, the better for us! More PR!" whispered Shamsher Malhotra with a crooked smile.

Manik didn't give in easily either, he laughed openly at the face of both men & for a moment they looked stumped. "You think you can threaten me with this? You have no clue where Nandini is right now & guess what your pet Zubin doesn't either. I will file a complaint against you & you know it will be taken seriously because I am your own blood, remember? I have no reason to lie! Then I will take Nandini and hide her away from your dirty claws & you'd never find her! I will gather all evidence against you and put you behind the bar, before you can even think of touching my Nandini, you pathetic megalomaniacs!" Manik hurled at them, and before he knew it, his father had landed a hard slap on him!

"How dare you talk to dad like that?" Shrikant snarled.

"Shrikant, control! He is old now! You can't just beat him! I agree he is a bit hotheaded, but he got it from you! Can't you see it?" chuckled Shamsher Malhotra, indulging. "It's more fun now, he is playing the game like a strong opponent, can't you see? He didn't tone down in fear! Boy, you're a true spirited Malhotra!" he added.

"Beta, why don't you call Nandini and see if she's safe at Navya's? I hope she hasn't been found, right? And I certainly hope someone didn't come knocking at her door to kill her?" he added silkily.

Manik froze. How did they know Nandini was at Navya's? His throat tightened and he was choking in his own breath, when his grandfather encouraged him to call and check on Nandini again. With his brain fogged in fear, he did call her & to his horror she said the same thing his grandfather had said. Someone had indeed come knocking on her door, but thankfully the building guards had intervened. Manik knew at that moment that his father & grandfather were playing on his fear. If the man wanted, he could tackle the guard & kill Nandini by now, but he didn't, because the Malhotra's wanted to use Nandini as their leverage against Manik, and that would work, only if she stayed alive. For now.

"So, Manik Shrikant Malhotra, do we have a deal?" His grandfather asked in a confident voice, the one that reeked of power. He knew he had won.

"How do I know, you will not kill her, after I betray her & address the press?" Manik asked with a stiff voice & a heart that clenched inside, choking him.

"Trust beta. We are a family, and families run on trust." played Shrikant Malhotra smoothly, as Manik glared at him.

"Stop teasing him, Shrikant." Shamsher Malhotra jokingly chidded his son and then looked at Manik. "Her life is my guarantee, that you will never rebel against us & do our bidding. In a way son, I am giving you the grand chance to save her everyday, all through her life. In return, instead of killing her, I will protect her. Her life is worth more to me than her death. Is that enough to appease you?"

Manik nodded. He knew, as long as they gain, control over him, they'd never hurt her. Manik sighed. In this short while he realised he loved Nandini, he was blown everyday to see to what extent he was ready to go for her; today he was giving up the last things he owned for her safety; his freedom & her love.

Manik had come here to punish the people who had blasphemed about his phantom-daughter and had vowed nothing would stop him from taking his family down. Only one thing could and did stop him. It was Nandini's life. The mother of his phantom-child. The only living connection to that pure bond. He couldn't lose her, even if that cost her love & his freedom, he needed Nandini Murthy safe. In that moment, he had only one regret, he wished he had told her once, in so many words that he loved her..but he didn't & now the time was up.

"I need some time to sort it out with her before going to the press" he spoke with a restrained voice.

"You have 24hrs, make sure you make her hate you, lad" Shrikant replied, with a vile smile. Manik glared at him & his grandfather, but eventually nodded. Then he slumped his shoulders and walked out of the study, as he heard the chirpy voice of Shamsher Malhotra calling out, "Great game, son! I enjoyed it after a long time! Too bad you lost though!"

As Manik left them, Shrikant looked at his father, and the older man had a smirk on his face. "You think we have controlled him?" he asked his father. Shamsher Malhotra nodded, in affirmation.

"How, dad? He has never been serious in his relationships! He will fall out of love with her in a few weeks & then he's not obligated to not go against us for bullying him! What if he spills out about Abhimanyu's murder? I mean there's no proof, but it will be bad PR again!" Shrikant voiced his doubts irritably.

"My boy, that's why I always tell you to be calm. If you were calm & observant, you'd see what I saw in his eyes. Our boy is in love, this time. It's unfortunate that it's Nandini Murthy & his love story will have to remain incomplete, but it is true love; and I bet you my reputation, he will comply with us all his life to keep her alive. Trust me." whispered Shamsher Malhotra with a wise smirk. "That's what I love about love. Always so weak, fragile and vulnerable, yet if trapped & channelled correctly, you can make the weakest man the strongest & make him do your bidding at the same time!"

The ringing of his phone brought Manik back to the present, it was Shyam calling from the farm house. He quickly received the call.

"Sir, I am back, ma'am's room is locked, and not matter how much I shout & call for her, she is not opening the door." he sounded panicked.

"Shit" Manik cursed, as he ordered his butler to use the master key to open her bedroom door and call him. He disconnected the call, and his eyes began to smart in panic as he made a thousand prayers a second, wishing for her well being.

"Manik relax, she must be fatigued. She must have cried till late at night before sleeping. She will be fine" Cabir tried to calm him down.

"Cabir, Shyam informed me this morning, she had asked him to get her some medicine yesterday." his voice shivered, as he said those words.

"What medicines?" Cabir asked sharply.

"They're very strong sedatives" he whispered. He shuddered to explore the possibilities of that statement and he felt Cabir had gone uncannily quiet beside him. Manik shut his eyes, trying to hold on, as he felt Cabir increasing the speed of the car.

In another minute, Manik received another call from Shyam.

"Nandini.." he murmured before receiving it.


Word Count: 6,121

A/N: Dear readers, you've always been open about your thoughts on my story, and trust me I appreciate it. All the good, the bad & the ugly. So I won't ask any questions this time, I want you to leave me a comment on what you feel without me asking a question & probing you to think, about this story. I also request for your final POV of whether you want to read this story at all or not. I am okay both ways. The writer in me will compel me to finish the story anyway, so your honest thoughts do count. Lastly, if you feel this chapter was worth your time & attention & has managed to keep you curious about what happens next, then hit me up with a vote & your comments & we will pick up next week from where we left today!

Lastly, thank you so much for the 300+ votes & helping me realise my dream, let's hope we can maintain it this time around too?

Thanks, for being a great readership as always!

Much love,


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