3| Superstar Manik

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A/N: Hello Readers, firstly, I would like to thank each one of you for giving this story such an overwhelming response! Words are not enough to describe how incredible I felt, when I saw the amount of love and appreciation you poured in for this story. In return, I can promise you one thing, that is, my best effort to make this story worth your time!

Okay, I won't chat more! Not when the chapter is titled, Superstar Manik! I am sure, you are crazy excited to read through this! On that note, happy reading! :)


"According to sources, evidence has been provided to the police that acquits Manik Malhotra of the heinous crime Soha Khurana had charged against him this morning. If witnesses are to be believed, an hour back, Manik Malhotra was seen exiting the premises of The Royal Orchard Hotel in Chembur in his car, followed by his manager Cabir Dhawan & his legal team. So Manik-ians, time for you to celebrate! Your Hero is indeed a Hero & not a Villain!..Next let us take.." the voice of the news anchor died out as Manik switched off the TV with his remote, and threw it away in frustration. He had never been so filthily insulted by anybody, and even though the charges against him were dropped, Manik Malhotra was seething in anger at the attack.

"Calm down, Manik" Cabir tried, but one glare from Manik and he knew it was best to keep quiet.

"Manik, next time you're up to something, at least learn to cover your tracks! You won't get lucky everytime." sneered Shrikant Malhotra from the couch by the study and old Shamsher Malhotra nodded his head in agreement.

"Just stop it, both of you. The charges were dropped because of proper evidence! If the police can believe Manik is innocent on that basis, why can't you both? Dad, Shrikant, you really think our Manik would molest a girl?!" snapped Nyonica Malhotra as she came to her son's rescue and patted his back to show her undying faith in him. Manik smiled a little, but it didn't reach his eyes. It stung him to see how his own father & grandfather had so little faith in his character. When has he ever disappointed them to deserve this?

"Of course not, Nyonica beta, we don't blame him. The industry is so full of beautiful women, it gets a bit overwhelming sometimes. I just want him to be careful. Have all the fun you want, but that shouldn't tarnish the Malhorta reputation, that's all" replied the senior most Malhotra, with greedy eyes. Manik's mother shook her head. What was new in this? Who knew it better than the Malhotra's that the squeaky clean reputation was all but a sham?

"Manik, our PR just sent me the forecast report. Soha Khurana will take a hit on her brand value because of this news going against her & her rank will drop from top three. Innaya Forbes is most likely to step up, but Alia Saxena & Jeff Irani will still hold rank one & two respectively. So in order to encash this news, you might want to be publicly seen with Alia & Jeff more & maybe we could do a PR cleanup between you & Innaya where you both are made to bump into each other at some awards night and you two hug out the old differences? In that way, every movie where Innaya will replace Soha, you will get the lead. After all there will be curiosity amongst fans to see the exes working together, nah?" Cabir spoke deliberately to topple the previous conversation. He was Manik's childhood best friend. He knew, even though Manik never showed it, he held his father & grandfather in high regard & their inconsequential passes at him, hurt him.

"Yeah, makes sense" he muttered, although it hardly seemed like he heard anything.

"Actually take Alia out for a vacation or something. It will be a positive story for the press to cover. Mukti beta can take care of the airport looks & Cabir, you can arrange the press. We can have a write up on how Manik took time out to spend some romantic time with his beau, after Soha Khurana's jealous dig at his character. This will also strengthen the brand MaLia. We can expect a couple of millions worth of endorsements next year from the brand" suggested Shrikant Malhotra enthusiastically.

"So Manik has to put up with Alia for another year, so he can earn the money for us to buy that IPL team?" snapped Nyonica in irritation.

"Ah come on, Nyonica, I am not asking your son to go to war, I am asking him to spend time with a beautiful woman. One of the industries, leading ladies. Quit complaining will you?" snapped Shrikant in irritation.

"Mom, it's okay. I like Alia. She is nice. She is much better than Jeff anyway." he mumbled, trying to stop his parents from breaking into their ritualistic fights. Having said that, he stomped out of the study, motioning for Cabir to follow.


"Manik, what's bothering you? I know the blame was disgusting, but you came out of it & you are getting all good publicity from it. Why aren't you still relaxed?" Cabir asked him, the moment they entered his room.

"Who did you pay to clean up?" he asked darkly, looking at Cabir.

"Manik..there was this attendant. She umm..she was passing by when she heard Soha threatening you" Cabir replied looking down. Nandini had made only one request to him before recording her statement, that her identity stayed anonymous to everyone. Including Manik.

"Attendant, was it? How much did you pay her for vouching for me? I'm sure no one would like to get in the middle of this, knowing she would be Soha Khurana's target if she spilled."spat Manik, in anger.

"Not much, some bundle of notes" muttered Cabir, not looking him in the eye. How did he not realise, this would endanger Nandini? Soha will obviously have her sources, and she will in no time know who saved Manik. Damn it.

"And she agreed to take Soha Khurana headon, for just a bundle of notes?" he scowled at Cabir.

"Where is she, right now?" Manik asked again, glaring at him now.

"I..I don't know. I mean, she's done the job right? I didn't think it was important to keep track of her after that.." mumbled Cabir again, he could feel sweat beads pop up on the back of his neck. He needed to excuse himself and rush to find if Nandini was safe, but looking at Manik's foul mood, he knew he couldn't dash immediately.

"Cabir Dhawan, you expect me to believe that someone made such a heinous dig at me, at brand Manik & you tried resolving it by using a nobody who could be bought with a bundle of notes..AND..wait for it..and after the job also, you didn't think it was necessary to send her in hiding or at least track her to ensure, Soha Khurana isn't trying to outbuy her?" Manik's cold drawling voice hit Cabir. Damn, he was busted.

"Manik, she's a nice person..she..she didn't seem like the morally shady person you know.." Cabir tried again.

"So you let her be, out of trust?" Manik smiled stealthily and Cabir thought it was best to not word his thoughts anymore. Manik was in the mood to slice & dice everything right then. He merely nodded.

"Move Nandini to my apartment and ask her to stay put for a month or two" Manik hissed at him, when he realised Cabir was not going to own up. Cabir stared at him in shock. How'd he know?

"Manik, how'd you..?" he asked, in bewilderment. He had seen to it, there was no way someone could have leaked this to Manik.

"It's not hard to guess. Who else would be stupid enough to put her neck under the line for me, without thinking of consequences. Silly, stupid, woman. The hotel staff would be trained to not vouch for such stuff, lest it impacts the reputation of the hotel & if you were to get a fixer to do it, it wouldn't be this swift. You'd need to get hold of a man, do background checks etc." Manik snapped back, now turning to the bar in his room to pour two glasses of whiskey for them.

"I'm sorry Manik."Cabir stammered, as Manik shot a glance at him. "This was the only request Nandini made in return for vouching for you. That no one knows. Not even you."

Manik rolled his eyes. Silly woman, she really thought she had successfully obliterated herself from his life? She really thought that Manik Malhotra didn't know she was living in Mangalore for the last three years and working in some small, stupid firm? He had not taken more than a couple of days to locate her, but he was mad at her for rebelling so pathetically against him. He hadn't forced her to marry him, it was their family! He never mistreated her, he just didn't accept her. He had always respected her, her boundaries & he even wanted to ensure that she had a comfortable life after their split. Then what reason did she have to kick away all his arrangements and run amok like a lunatic having no fucks to give? He had respected her decision even then. He didn't push it, he didn't go meet her or ask her questions. He let her be. He thought she had made this choice of staying away, right? Then why did she need to come back to Mumbai and sweep in like an angel to save his ass once again? Did he ask for it? No. Did he need it? No. What was she trying to prove, asking Cabir to hide this from him? What the fuck was her angle?!

"Manik, I don't think Nandini will agree to move into your penthouse. I mean, she is here just for some work and she will be leaving in a day or two anyway." Cabir tried explaining.

"If she was here for a day or two, she shouldn't have meddled into matters that don't concern her." hurled Manik in irritation.

"Manik, I only asked her to.." Cabir owned up in an apologetic tone.

"Have you fucking lost it, Cabir?! Why'd you do that? You know she is fucking stupid & emotional & would agree, but didn't you realise you are putting her in danger? What is wrong with you?" screeched Manik in further choler.

"When I learned, she was here for a conference and would be gone in a day or two anyway, I thought it'd be safe. Before Soha could figure out what's going on, she'd be out & your issue will be resolved too." Cabir tried justifying his actions.

"If you weren't my best friend, I'd throttle you to death by now Cabir! She is here for 48 hrs more, and how long does it take to kill a person with a bullet huh? 5 seconds? How long does it take to strangle someone to death? 10 minutes? Now you do the maths." he barked, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Manik, don't worry, I will convince her to stay put. I will fix this somehow" Cabir assured him and dashed off after putting his glass of whiskey down, with a guilty heart. In his concern for Manik, he had overlooked Nandini's safety. Was history going to repeat itself?

As Cabir sprang out of Manik's room, he almost bumped onto Nyonica. Was she standing outside their door and eavesdropping? Damn. Now all hell will break loose, he worried. Nyonica aunty loved Nandini & any compromise of her safety wasn't going to be taken lightly by her.

"Aunty, don't worry. I will take care of it." Cabir muttered, before hurrying by her, but she stopped him.

"Nandu won't listen to you, Cabir. Take me to her. I will convince her" Nyonica uttered firmly. Cabir could only nod. Nandini was going to kill him now.


Nandini was relaxing on her bed, after what seemed to be an extremely eventful day. She couldn't imagine how the foul woman Soha was here to malign Manik's name! She shuddered to think what would happen, if she weren't here. She also felt glad that she could help Manik but secretly, and her privacy was still intact. She prayed to God for two more uneventful days, so she could go back to Mangalore in peace. She also secretly thanked the Almighty for giving her a chance of seeing Manik so up close after all these years. As much as she stayed away from him, the truth was she still loved him madly.

Tring Tring

A call on her mobile phone brought her back to the present, as she rolled her eyes to receive it. From the afternoon she had gotten a dozen calls from Navya & Smaran asking her if she was fine. If she met Manik, since they got to know from the news that the incident happened in the same premises. She denied it upfront. She knew once they were back in Mangalore, from her training colleagues, everyone would know how she was called out as Mrs. Malhotra, but she thought it was better to tell them while in front of their eyes. Telling them now would only freak them out, and there was no need for that since she handled it well.

To her surprise, the call was from an unknown number.


"Nandu, this is Abhimanyu" came the reply & Nandini frowned, She had met him in the morning, but she hadn't shared phone numbers. How'd he get her number?

"Abhimanyu..how'd you.." she began, but he impatiently cut through her sentence.

"No time for that now. Just tell me, did you or did you not vouch for Manik today?" He sounded very disturbed.

"Ye-yes I did, but how'd you.." once again he interrupted her.

"Have you lost it, Nandu? How could you take such a rash decision?? Don't you ever think of consequences? You knew I work for Soha Khurana, right? Didn't it seem fitting to ask me once if this was a good idea?" he scolded Nandini with worry deeply laced in his voice.

"So what happened if I did, Abhimanyu? You & I both know Manik wouldn't do such a thing! He was innocent. I didn't give false evidence. I had indeed heard her threatening him." Nandini replied in defiance.

"So? So what, you did? Yaar, Nandu. Couldn't you keep quiet? Manik Malhotra is a powerful man! He doesn't need your protection! He has a full team of trained PR folks, legal counsel, marketing consultants & fixers sitting on the bench to pull him out of such situations, unscathed! Why'd you have to pull such a stunt? Do you know how dangerous Soha Khurana is? Do you know what you have called upon yourself now?!" screamed Abhimanyu in vexation over the phone.

"Abhimanyu, please calm down & tell me what the problem is? No one knows I helped him.." Nandini tried pacifying him.

"Nandu, you are still so naive. Nothing stays hidden in our world Nandu. Every information is up there for a price. Soha has given us clear instructions to go to the venue and find out who leaked her out and bring the person to her. So do you realise there are fifteen odd men right now looking for you in the hotel?! Soha is a cocaine addict & a super psycho, Nandu, and she is after Manik for a long time. If she finds you, you have had it" he whispered and Nandini freaked out.

"Abhimanyu, I don't want to get involved in all this, what should I do?" she whispered with a wavering voice & Abhimanyu sighed hearing her. He wanted to give her a reality check, but not freak her out.

"It's okay. I am her most trusted person in the team & I am in charge of the search here. That's why I found out the information first & warned you. I will distract them and falsely lead them elsewhere, you have tonight to wait. When we retreat our men to report to Soha in the morning, you run away from here okay? Just go back to Mangalore & don't look back for quite some time. I will handle the rest" he instructed her carefully.

"Okay" Nandini whispered in fear.

"..and one more thing. Don't open your door to anybody & remove your sim from your phone till morning. In the morning, I will send my trusted man Mahesh, he will knock your door 4 times and say 'laundry'. You open then and he will drive you to Pune, from there you fly out to Mangalore. Oh, and don't make any bank transactions in the hotel. The room is billed to your company & you have no e-presence mark here. That's good. Are we clear?" he finally asked.

"Yes." she replied softly.

"Good & take care" he spoke softly now. Then they disconnected the call and she quickly removed the sim from her phone & locked her room.


"Sir sorry, we cannot share information about our guests like that, you have to make a proper enquiry" the receptionist politely replied to Cabir one more time and he sighed in irritation. They were at Nandini's hotel trying to get her room number, so he could sneak Nyonica Malhotra to her room to convince her to stay underground for a bit, but he was unsuccessful.

There Nandini's phone was out of the network service area & here the receptionist was being stubborn. How could he explain to her that he couldn't open an official enquiry because it will cause suspicion. He knew Soha's folks were around too, undercover trying to look for the person who ratted her out, so it was best to stay as discreet as possible.

"Damn it Nandini, always the stubborn one!" mumbled Cabir in frustration.

"Cabir, you've got to help me. I want to make this really really special for Manik! This is his first birthday after our wedding after all!" sang Nandini in excitement on the phone so loudly, that Cabir had to pull it away from his ear for a bit. As much as he didn't want to break Nandini's happy bubble, but he knew she was going to be disappointed judging by the schedule Manik had approved for his birthday.

"Err..Nandini, are you sure you want to throw a surprise party for him? Maybe you should check on his availability first? Maybe he has other commitments?" Cabir tried, gently.

"What a buzzkill you are, Cabir! It's his birthday evening! What plan will he have that I don't know of? I am his wife after all! Where do you think he'd rather be than spend the evening with me, you & Mukti??" Nandini asked innocently. It had only been four months to their wedding and Manik and Nandini had a mutual understanding of trying to be acquaintances first, before jumping the marriage gun on themselves.

Cabir knew Manik had other plans of course. In fact he was right then staring at those plans on the iPad. Birthday evening was slated for a private yacht party with strict press restraints. His closest industry friends were invited along with Cabir & Mukti of course. This was his inner circle, the ones who knew his marriage was a sham, hence why'd Nandini be invited there?

"Err..Nandini, as of now, his calendar is booked for the birthday evening with a shoot schedule. Let me see if this can be moved and get back to you okay?" Cabir again attempted to cushion her blow.

"You let it be, Cabira! You want to tell me Manik Malhotra, the ultimate party animal; he will work on his birthday? Yeah right! It's fine, you don't do anything, just bring him to my venue on time, okay? Rest I will arrange.

Nandini had planned everything, despite Cabir & Mukti's subtle warnings. They had started figuring out that Nandini was slowly falling for Manik, but him? Manik was respectful of her, but always kept her at an arm's distance. He acknowledged her existence but she wasn't a part of his life. On the day of the birthday, as Nandini dressed & reached the venue with Abhimanyu on toes, the rooftop restaurant was impeccably decorated as she had wished for, the food, the music, everything was done keeping Manik's taste in mind, but where was Manik?

Nandini had called him multiple times and his phone was not reachable. She had called Cabir too, but he was unreachable too. She was worried that there was something wrong. She had tried calling the director of the movie he was then shooting for, thinking maybe he really was shooting, but to her dismay the director told her clearly there was no shoot slated for that date at all.

As a teary eyed Nandini sat alone in the restaurant not realising, where Manik was and if he was safe, her security in charge, Abhimanyu couldn't take it anymore. He immediately called Mukti, who was also his then girlfriend, to enquire where they were.

"Mukti, babe, where are you guys? Can't you get Manik sir to come here for just ten minutes, before going back? That's enough to cheer Nandu up" he pleaded from a corner to ensure Nandini didn't hear him.

"Sorry love, Manik has hit the party here. He's having too much fun, he won't go even if we beg him." Mukti replied, with a sad face.

"Can I bring Nandini there?" Abhimanyu asked her desperately.

"You could, Abhi. I'd rather you don't. She isn't going to like what she'd see here" Mukti mumbled and switched on the video with back camera to show Manik was liplocking with a newbie actress as the crowd counted seconds to see how long it could last without breathing.

A gasp from behind Abhimanyu, made him switch off the video immediately. He turned around assuming the worst & saw Nandini standing there with shock and tears smeared on her face.

This was her first brush with the reality of her marriage.

Shocked, broken, devastated she had gone home & had decided to confront Manik & fight for their marriage when he returned, but Manik Malhotra had no remorse for his actions.

"Nandini, I respect you. You are the Malhotra bride for sure, both for me & the world, but you are my wife only for the world. I'm sorry, but that is all I can give you in this marriage. If you want more, I can request you to wait for some more time, and then once all the bad publicity is pushed under the rug in a couple of years, I will free you from this relationship."

That was what stubbornness had brought her, yet the naive girl didn't learn. Thought Cabir, in deep perturbation.


Word Count: 3,711

A/N : Hello, and I'm back! So, how was the chapter? Meaty enough to intrigue you? Well, I'm sure you have a lot of questions in your mind, about how this story progresses and they will eventually be answered in time, so for now, let's get you to answer a few of my questions, instead! :P

1. What are your takes on the Malhotra's involvement in Manik's life and career? What do you think of their dynamics? Do you feel a little bad for Manik, seeing his life isn't exactly a bed of roses either?

2. What do you feel about Manik's cunning PR engagement, do you think it defines him as a person, or is it just an occupational hazard to stay float in showbiz?

3. How do you feel about Manik realising Nandini helped him, even though Cabir tried hiding it? Also, any thoughts on him trying to protect her? Does it help you build a stronger opinion on Manik's character?

4. How do you like Nandini and Abhimanyu's bond?

5. How does the flashback make you feel? Does it skew your feelings about the present day Manik? What are your thoughts on Cabir, now?

Any final thoughts on the chapter? Any likes, dislikes, perspective on it so far?

What do you think happens next? :D

I can't tell you, how eagerly I wait to read your comments. Please do share your takes on the story so I know what's working and what's not!

Next update will be on Sunday (23rd Oct).

Until then,


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