34| Drunken Feelings

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A/N: First and foremost, I am so sorry for missing an update last Sunday! :( So my friend from work met with a minor accident the Thursday before this and was stuck in the hospital with quite a few injuries, so I decided to bring her two year old daughter home, so her husband could take better care of her, till she was okay & the kid was spared from seeing her mum injured. You see, kids get very badly affected seeing external injuries on parents, it makes them very insecure; but thankfully now, my colleague is fine and discharged & the kid had a great time with my kids for a couple of days, all is back to normal! So, with a new kid, I needed to ensure she was comfortable, so couldn't find time to write last week:( Sorry again! This is when chapter banks help, and I ran out of them too :(

Anyway, here's to hoping I will not have problems updating every Sunday going forward, and also will get sometime to write a few banks! Now coming to the story, I think I have more than made up with this weeks' looong update with lots of MaNan moments!

On that note, Happy Reading! Oh, and don't forget in-line comments!


"Manik sir, first when we saw you, we thought you were unwell or something, but now we know, this is all makeup, how do you feel giving the first shot to such a special movie?" asked a member of the press, as Manik, Nandini & Rose finally sat for the press conference with their producer Dhruv.

"DV Films has been home for me, and my buddy Dhruv here, makes sure I feel comfortable in every step. What can I say, life has been kind & I feel grateful." Manik replied expertly, changing the direction of the question.

"Sir, this is also your first film with Nandini, after the..you know..we meant how does that feel?" another journalist shot at him, and he shut his eyes momentarily to gulp the irritation. He was prepared for this of course.

"I feel exactly how I feel everytime, I am paired against a fresh face, a newcomer. I am happy to see another woman chase her dreams; I am willing to help her break in, the best way I can & I am excited to see the journey of her stardom unfold!" Manik replied with a positive smile. The journalist's face fell. He couldn't dig out dirt again.

"..and Rose maám? This is your first creative collaboration with her, right?" he tried again.

"Yes, but as you saw, the muhurat shot was with Nandini, so I am yet to shoot with her. Although I am very excited." Manik replied, genially. The reporters nodded and turned their gaze to the ladies.

"Rose ma'am, please tell us something about the movie, your role in it & your excitement to work with Manik sir." The next question was directed at Rose. Manik glanced at Nandini casually to see her sitting with poise, with a polite smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, I'm Manik's leading lady in the movie, and as you know, the story is of a love triangle, but the good part is, I get to romance with the king of romance in the industry here, and I am very excited for it." Rose replied with excitement.

"What are your thoughts on the muhurat take? Don't you think it should have been a shot between the leads and not between Manik sir & Nandini?" the press dug in, earning Manik's cold stare.

"Umm, yes, but that's okay. Ultimately it will be my love story with Manik that the audience will come to see in the theatres, not anyone else's villainous plot." Rose rolled her eyes, clearly not amused by the jab. Nandini hid a smirk.

"Nandini, what should we expect from you in this role & what will be your dynamics with Manik sir & Rose maám in the movie?" Finally a reporter addressed Nandini, as she looked at him with a sultry smile. Manik looked at her, trying to gauge her thoughts, but this masked being made it impossible for him to read her anymore.

"Firstly, I have a question. Umm, how many movies does one have to feature in showbiz, to receive some respect from the press fraternity, here?" She asked silkily, gazing at her well manicured nails.

Manik frowned, was she not paying attention? Did she not hear the question? Or was she up to some of her new shenanigans? The press looked back at her in confusion too.

"I mean, how is Manik addressed as sir, and Rose as maám & I am just Nandini? Am I your next door neighbour? Your childhood buddy, perhaps? I figured there must be some logic, basis which, I can't be Nandini maám?" she elaborated politely. The press was stumped at her direct address to the little cold shoulder they had decided to subtly show towards her in their solidarity with superstar Manik.

Manik resisted the urge to laugh at the faces of the esteemed members of the press. So much for trying to harass Nandini Murthy, hah! Although he controlled himself, he knew his every move would be analysed by the journalists. However, a soft giggle from his left diverted his attention. It was Rose. When everyone looked at her, she acted like she noticed it.

"Maybe if you showed some acting skills in the muhurat shot, they'd call you maám too? I mean, we are all actors here, right? Respect comes from acting! When you couldn't get your one sentence correct in a Manik Malhotra muhurat shot, maybe it's time to introspect or improve your craft before commanding more respect, Nandini?" she replied with a crafty smile and her comments were met with appreciation from the press immediately.

"Come on Rose, would you even have the courage to face the camera for your first ever shot before the press in a muhurat shot, without preparing for it?" Manik came in Nandini's defence in an instinct and then mentally chided himself; damn it, he couldn't make it so obvious. So, then he added. "I mean, give me some credit. Not everyone can handle Manik Malhotra in full glory, before the cameras! It's a dream come true for many, and I'd not have been surprised even if she fainted or something, in such an intense shot. That way she did better than most I'd imagine!" Manik lightened the mood, laughing, before glancing at Nandini. She was giving him a cold, dead stare. His heart clenched.

"I'd have fainted if it were Aryamann Khanna standing and shooting with me. You know, I am a fan of his, guys; but with Manik? What's there I haven't seen?" she replied curling her lips at him, as Manik fisted his hand under the table. Then she turned to Rose. "..and Rose, did you forget, I don't need to prove my craft before anyone, because if I could fool Manik Malhotra, the king of romance, as you call him,  into a real life relationship, then I already am a respectable actor!"she smirked. Then she turned to the press with a mischievous smile, and spoke, "Folks, and to answer your question, this is the kind of camaraderie you can expect from us in the movie. When you asked the question, I thought a demonstration would be better than an answer! I'm always an action person!"

"Woah" was the one strong reaction the press gave hearing her. Then it was followed with claps & cheers. Manik stared at his naive Nandu's face, she had once again impressed the press! But, was that Aryamann comment real or fake? Argh.


"Rose was sitting in her vanity van & taking off makeup after the press conference, when a sharp knock on her door caught her attention.

"Come in" her voice drawled, and in the next moment, Manik Malhotra walked into her den.

"We need to talk." he snapped, glaring at her. Rose looked at him with carnal desires. He was one man, she had desired forever. Everyone knew about the rough, brat boy image of the infamous Manik Malhotra; people also knew how the much coveted Malhotra family was the most respected & powerful family in the industry; if there was anything close to royalty in showbiz, it was the Malhotra's, so for Rose, Manik was a long cherished dream! Was today her lucky day?

"Of course, Manik. Is this about Nandini? I mean, she really shouldn't have said that stuff about fooling you into a relationship, before the press. I was actually shocked that you didn't.." but Rose couldn't finish, as Manik spoke, derailing her thoughts.

"That's enough, Rose. I am not here to discuss that. I just want to tell you that, stop interfering with Nandini! Do not try pulling her down! Not before the press, not before the shooting crew. Ever!" He challenged her with red eyes.

Rose stared at him with a frown. Her entire plan of getting under Manik's skin was through allying with him against Nandini, now if he didn't appreciate that, how'd she get him?

"..but Manik, she humiliated you!" she tried in defiance.

"..and unless you want me to do the same to you, or worse, strike your name off the casting list of all A listed production houses, you will do what I asked you to. Am I clear?" Manik threatened her. Rose stared at those fierce eyes, and more than fear, she felt thrilled. He was a beast, that Manik Malhotra; then it's a good thing that she had a thing for taming such beasts. In that moment Manik became her most gutsy challenge and she knew in her head, she would win him, by hook or crook.

"As you wish, Manik. I was only looking out for you.." she replied, meekly, and Manik looked satisfied. It turned her on; to see that she could play with the flicker of fire in his eyes. It was going to be a fun project, she mused.

"Cool" Manik mouthed after a while, holding stock of his inner frustration, and then walked out of the van.

As Manik stepped out, his eyes fell on the dainty figure of the woman who held his heart ransom; Nandini was walking back towards her vanity that was parked next to Rose's and there was deep seated disgust in her eyes when they met him. What did he do now, Manik wondered & suddenly it struck, she saw him walking out of Rose's van looking dishevelled and without a context to what he was doing there, this would look very misleading! Shit.

Manik's feet took him to her, even before he could comprehend. She stopped seeing him approach her. "It's not what it looks like" Manik tried explaining, as Nandini stared at him with a poker face.

"I mean, I went to talk to Rose" he clarified, as Nandini still stared at him in silence. She wanted to roll her eyes & laugh at his blatant lies, but it still fucking stung. How could this miserable excuse of a man still hurt her? She felt frustrated with herself, but none of this shone on her face.

Rose, who had just stepped out of her vanity, saw this from afar and gauging by Manik's body language, she realised what was going on. She smirked, this was a fun game to play!

"Makeup dada, please get me more concealers, I can't go out like this!" she fake cried, just loud enough for Manik & Nandini to hear. While Manik ignored her, in pursuit of Nandni, Nandini glanced around to see that she was hiding her collarbone with her palms, looking shy & smiling! So much for explanation, she thought to herself, and turned around to walk away.

"Nandini" Manik called her out of habit, seeing her leave. Nandini turned around and looked at him. Her eyes were calm, expression neutral.

"You needed something, Mr. Malhotra?" her business voice was back. Manik stared at her, didn't he just see a flicker of melancholy in her eyes, just a few seconds back? "If it's nothing important, I better get going, Aryamann is waiting for me." she added with a stubborn smile, making Manik see red in anger, as she turned to leave.

"Don't you have a driver, why is he waiting?" he snapped this time. Just as Nandini was about to answer, someone spoke on her behalf. "We asked him to go, we had to discuss something personal over dinner. There's this nice new bistro in town, Bastians, try it sometime, the food is great!" Manik's cold gaze found Aryamann smirking at him, standing next to her, with his hands on her shoulder, gently cupping her. If there was one person Manik hated more than the Malhotra seniors in that moment, it was Aryamann Khanna!

Manik turned to look at Nandini's cold, grey, distant eyes. He found nothing there. He might as well have mistaken that momentary melancholy too. These eyes were dead & incapable of emotions. "See you, Mr. Malhotra" she smiled at him coldly, and finally left.

He huffed in vexation, and before thinking twice, he immediately made a call. "Hello, Rose".


"Manik, I must say I'm surprised by this gesture of yours. After what happened this afternoon.." Rose spoke in a soft tone, looking shy. She wasn't entirely wrong. After seeing Manik's outburst, she really thought the route to a dinner date with Manik was a long way ahead, but it looked like Manik had other plans! Who'd have thought the same evening they'd be dining together at a well renowned bistro, making headlines?

"I realised, I was a bit too harsh with you this afternoon, Rose. I figured we have to work together & the chemistry must work, so I thought why not do a rehash & start afresh?" Manik offered politely, occasionally glancing around. Where were they? Hadn't they arrived yet?

"I really appreciate it Manik" Rose replied, with a smile & looked up to see Manik smiling with a dazed expression, looking behind her. She followed his gaze to see Nandini Murthy walking into the bistro, wearing a coordinated beige oversized blazer & shorts & a white tube inside. There was a generous show of cleavage & her hair was let loose. She was carrying a couture minaudiere that was blood red & it was matching with her high heel peep toe & lipstick. One glance at her, and Rose knew, she was here for the kill! She turned around to see Manik frowning now, and quickly looked back to see, Nandini was not alone, her hand was slinging with a man, who was none other than the dashing & versatile actor, Aryamann Khanna! Wasn't he there with her in the muhurat ceremony also? Were they a thing, wondered, Rose.

"Are they dating?" she asked, with an  innocent face, knowing fully well it will rile up Manik.

"Of course, not!" Manik replied, clearly in denial & annoyance.

"Doesn't look like that!" Rose added, smirking.

"Aryamann is not her type!" Manik rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't we go & say hello?" Rose pushed him further, testing him. Manik first looked absolutely against the idea, but then when Nandini hugged Aryamann tightly before settling a little further down from Manik, he had a change of heart.

"Umm, sure, let's go" he mouthed, before springing up from his seat & walking towards them, not waiting for Rose.

"Aah what a pleasant surprise?" Nandini's attention was caught by the unmistakable voice of her nemesis & she didn't need to turn around to know it was Manik.

"Aah Manik, I didn't think you'd take my recommendation so seriously!" It was Aryamann who replied with a wink; then he turned to see Rose coming too and greeted her. Hearing her name, Nandini looked up. Yes, Manik was indeed there with Rose. So one hickey in the afternoon was not enough, they needed the night out too; then claiming it was nothing. The nerve of that man!

"Hey Nandini" Rose greeted her politely, and she returned the same in cold indifference. "What brings you here, Rose?" Nandini asked, ignoring Manik, as he eyed her quietly.

"Nothing, we're just celebrating the start of something new" she replied, with a sly smile. Nandini & Aryamann looked at her surprised, when she quickly added, "The movie, I mean", before Manik's cold stare could consume her whole. All of them nodded politely.

"You're drinking now?" Manik's unrelated questions made the others turn towards him. He was eyeing Nandini's glass of wine. Nandini looked at the glass and then him, but she didn't want to reply. She was here taking a night off to enjoy after a very long time & even though she didn't consume alcohol, she didn't resist when Aryamann insisted tonight; but she did detest Manik's commanding tone and she wasn't letting Manik take the fun away from her tonight.

"It's been quite some time since the misscarriage; she is medically fit to drink" came Aryamann's reply & it momentarily froze, both Manik & Nandini.

"How dare you go there?" suddenly Manik hissed. Only Cabir knew how touchy he was with this topic. Rose sensed danger, and immediately suggested they'd go back to their seats. Manik first glared at her & fumed at Nandini. How was she unaffected by this reference? Did it not kill her anymore? The thought of their baby girl? Was he the only one suffering in guilt?

"He's not wrong, I am medically fit." Nandini answered after a while, in a stiff voice, when she couldn't ignore Manik's accusing gaze. Manik was numb at her nonchalance. Did she hate him so much now, that her hatred for him outgrew her grief for their baby girl? The one thread that somehow still bound them together, even though through pain?

The silence & the tension was getting unbearable, when a new voice broke ice. "If it weren't for Aryamann sitting here, I'd think I walked into the shoot of your new movie, Nandini!" Manik & Nandini quickly turned to see the actor Karan Chopra walking towards them. "Is this a new promotional strategy now? Being spotted together everywhere?" he added with a laugh & Aryamann joined him to lighten the situation.

"What are you doing here, bro?" Aryamann asked Karan.

"Aah, just doing my business as usual, when I am not shooting! You know I own this place, right?" replied Karan, with a warm smile.

"Karan, you must join us for a few drinks! I heard from Nandini you guys are sharing the same PR crew now?" Aryamann asked excitedly, trying to avoid a public hustle with Manik in the bistro. Karan nodded and moved to join them. Then he turned to see Manik, who was still looking at Nandini with an unreadable expression, and called him.

"Hey Manik, Rose, care to join for a few drinks? Then we can all go back to our plans for the eve!" he requested with a teasing  smile, looking between Rose & Manik. Nandini rolled her eyes. So much for Manik's denial, half the industry got an inkling that something was brewing between Manik & Rose.

"No, thanks, I think we should push off.." said Rose, not wanting to lose more alone time with Manik, seeing that he was still distracted by Nandini and keeping him here wasn't helping her goal; and at the same time Manik replied, "Of course, how can we let this moment go?" After an awkward glance, they all settled together for drinks.

Nandini looked at Manik sitting right next to her. He was terse & cautious every moment & she could tell he wasn't paying attention to the talks happening around them. Why'd he want to sit with them for drinks then?

"Why are you really here? What do you want?" Nandini finally addressed him, just enough loudly for him to hear. He stiffened hearing her.

"What are you doing here, with Aryamann?" Manik hissed  back.

"None of your business." she whisper-snapped.

"Ditto" he replied. Nandini glared at him for a moment then decided to ignore him by turning to look at Karan who was now sharing some funny shoot story.

"Guys, the shots have arrived" Aryamann announced in a bit with an excited voice and everyone took their shot glasses. Manik noticed Nandini was reluctant in picking it up. He smiled softly, some things were still the same. Nandini was still the innocent one who despised alcohol, she was only faking it with the wine.

"On the count of three then, guys. One, two & three" Karan shouted and Manik quickly snatched Nandini's glass and gulped it before following up with his own drink. He put down both glasses before others noticed and glanced at Nandini, who was curiously eyeing him.

"What?" he whispered. "I know you don't like it." Manik added. Nandini first looked surprised, then it seemed like a sudden wave of nostalgia hit her, before her eyes turned cold again. "I like it now." she replied, before looking away. Her continuous denial of her own self bothered Manik. At some level, Manik wanted to contest her, and show her she is still the same. "Guys, one more round on my behalf, now!" Manik suddenly called out and all of them cheered.

This time when the drink came, Manik motioned for her to take her drink, with challenging eyes and she retaliated with spunk, taking the drink. "Bottoms up, guys" Manik cheered and all took a swig. Manik carefully noticed Nandini from the corner of his eyes. She was uncomfortably attempting to sip from it and was making adorable faces of disgust at the taste. Manik smiled in reflex; he didn't realise, when he took his shot and forgot all his challenge, and he reached for her glass and drank it too. Nandini didn't say anything, as Manik finished her shot again.

"I..I was going to have it." she mumbled, looking down.

"I am sure.." Manik replied, with a naughty smile, as he added, "..actually I was too thirsty so I took yours too. Hope you didn't mind?" he humoured her. "Not at all!" Nandini replied, indignantly, as Manik hid a laugh. He missed these moments the most, her childish innocence.

After four more rounds of shots being called one after another, by Karan, Aryamann & him, Manik got drunk two times faster owing to downing Nandini's shots too; Karan decided to carry on with his business and Rose tried to take Manik back to their seats.

"Manik, we should move too, I am sure Aryamann & Nandini have important stuff to talk about?" Rose coaxed Manik, with a tease in her voice, while looking at Aryamann; Manik was in no mood to leave these two alone; Aryamann, was his ears turning pink? Was it the alcohol or..? So he argued instead!

"No. Nope. Nada. I am not going so soon. I have to chat with them more!" Manik denied, swinging his head like a child as Aryamann grinned seeing him drunk & Rose looked upset.

"That's okay Rose, we'd love to catch up with you guys more!" Aryamann replied politely, earning a glare from Nandini. Manik looked satisfied, and settled back down, now eyeing Aryamann with a smile.

"You know what, Aryamann, you are a nice guy. In fact you're not half as annoying as I thought you were!" Manik slurped and Nandini rolled her eyes. Aryamann laughed some more & Rose looked bored.

"Why'd you think I was annoying?" Aryamann asked, with a sly smile. Nandini glanced at him, she didn't appreciate him taking advantage of Manik's momentary loss of self control, but she hated Manik too much to defend him either.

"..because..because..umm..you..you were always running for Nandini's attention when..when..back when..umm..damn I forgot what I was saying" Manik finished with an embarrassed laugh.

"Why did you drink so much, when you can't handle it?" Nandini suddenly snapped at him and he looked at her with puppy eyes. Nandini looked into those eyes; yes, the older her would have definitely melted, but not this one. She sighed and looked away. As much as he could play the puppy face to perfection, in her heart she knew, this man deserves no mercy.

"I only drank because I was trying to help you!" he whisper-pouted at Nandini. "You are being of great help, right now!" Nandini muttered under her breath.

"Umm, how were you helping her?" Aryamann asked, probing him. Nandini glared at Aryamann but he ignored her.

Manik laughed. "You claim to be so much into her, and you don't know that Nandini Murthy doesn't drink?" he asked comically, making an amused expression.

"Thanks to you, now I do!" Aryamann replied back, with a curt smile. Then he turned to Nandini, "If you didn't want shots, you could have told me, I would have.." but when did Manik Malhotra have the patience to let him complete?

"Tell you? Ha ha ha. Why should she tell a dimwit such as you, when I am here?" Manik laughed harder making Aryamann frown and Nandini tried her best to keep her face straight. Agreed that this drunk Manik was funny & entertaining, but she didn't want to encourage this behaviour or let him feel she was softening towards him, because that was not the case.

"..because unlike you, I care for her." Aryamann challenged him this time, and his voice was sharp. Nandini glanced at Manik, and he didn't seem amused anymore either. Damn it.

"Aryamann, let it be, he is drunk. Can't you see?" Nandini whispered, holding Aryamann's elbow and that seemed to flip Manik's lid. He moved close to Nandini and pulled her hands away from Aryamann and made them hold his instead. "Keep your hands here!" he snapped.

"Mr. Malhotra, I think you should leave now." suddenly Nandini's body went rigid with his touch. It was as if in one touch this man managed to remind her of all the horrible things he's done to her, and suddenly, she didn't feel as obligated to be understanding and polite.

"Call me Manik." Manik argued; now that Nandini wasn't holding Aryamann, he was back to his childish ways.

"Never" Nandini snapped.

"Fine, then I am never leaving. Hmph." Manik replied with a stubborn frown.

"Mr. Malhotra, you are crossing your limits now." Nandini threatened, this time.

"Manik Malhotra is limitless, Nandini! Didn't you know? Ask Rose!" Manik replied with a laugh. "Rose, darling, I am not limitless?" Manik sang.

"Umm..Manik, Rose left about fifteen minutes back!" came Aryamann's amused reply this time and a surprised Manik turned to see that indeed the seat to his right was empty. When did she leave?

"When did she go?" he muttered to himself.

"Manik, you're very drunk right now, there might be papps around, I think Nandini is right, you should leave as quietly as possible." Aryamann suggested.

"Manik Malhotra and..hicc...drunk? What a joke!" he stuttered.

"Aryamann, if he wants to stay, let him, let us leave then." Nandini suggested coldly. Manik stared at her. He was hurt. It was that easy to leave him now? She didn't care that he might make a fool of himself before the press? Wait, why was her face blurring? Manik wondered, trying to focus better. "You..you will leave me and go, Nandini?" he whispered. Why was his voice breaking too?

"Is Manik Malhotra crying? That's it, now I have seen everything." Manik heard Aryamann's astounded voice & was stumped at the realisation. He was crying?! He quickly wiped away his tears looking down. Shit.

"No Aryamann, something got into my eyes. Flies I think" Manik muttered, pouting.

"Bro, that's the filmiest line ever!" sniggered Aryamann, patting his back.

"Please go home, Mr. Malhotra, else I will have to call Cabir." This time Nandini's voice had some slight warmth in it. Manik immediately responded to it. "Please call me Manik..hic, once? I promise..hic.. I will go." he whispered.

"You promise, buddy?" Aryamann asked him this time. Manik nodded like a child. Then Aryamann looked at Nandini and made a pleading face. Nandini rolled her eyes.

"Aryamann, here take my phone and call Cabir. Ask him to come here immediately." Nandini told Aryamann, and he took her phone and left to make a call.

"Will you call me Manik now?" he asked, as he watched Aryamann leave them alone and he turned to look at her with a childlike innocence. Nandini sighed.

"Why is it so important for you to hear me call you by your name, Mr. Malhotra?" she asked exasperated.

"There is a reason.." Manik mumbled looking down, playing with his fingers. "..and that is?" Nandini coaxed, softly.

"Promise you won't laugh, or cry or scold me or beat me, if I tell you?" Manik asked earnestly. "I promise." Nandini sighed.

"Or scare me?" Manik added, upon more thought. "I scare you?" Nandini asked, surprised. Manik nodded like a kid with a small pout.

"How?" Nandini asked, curiously.

"..by being so so so so indifferent & heartless & cold towards me. You don't even hug me" Manik whispered, and tears again pooled around his eyes. When Manik threw Nandini out of his life in his Panvel farmhouse, Nandini had known this man wasn't ever going to be able to hurt her anymore; the man sitting and sniffing before her in this moment, proved her wrong. She felt sad, bad, pitiful, hateful, angry, frustrated, desperate & mad at the same time.

"..that's why..I hicc..I want you to call me Manik. You will seem less distant from me." Manik's confession broke Nandini's reverie. She stared at him. Was this the same man who was manipulated into marrying her, then divorced her, then got her back in his life for cleaning up more fuck ups and claimed to love her and then claimed to play her and then ultimately threw her out of his life? She wanted to believe in the simple vulnerability of his drunken ramblings but she just couldn't trust him! What if this was all an act? What if there was an ulterior motive? No, she was here to find Abhimanyu's culprit and that's what she'd do. She wasn't going to fall for Manik's sham ever again. Never.

"Nandini,..hicc. can't you call me Manik just once?" Manik's soft plea reached her ears again.

"Nope." she replied firmly.

"Arghhh."he complained like a child. Then he rolled his lips and screwed up his eyes, trying to concentrate on something.

"Fine, don't call me Manik, I will give you a choice." he tried dealing. "Ahaan?" Nandini tried humouring him subtly.

"So...instead of you calling me..hicc by my name, can I get a Nandini hug?" Manik requested. Strangely, his ears were pink and he had a shy smile playing on his lips.

"Absolutely not!" Nandini snapped back, a bit too harshly than she meant.

"Are you sure? Girls die to hug me!" Manik tried selling his case with enormous eyes and a big proud smile. "Those girls need glasses!" Nandini commented. Manik pouted and was about to argue, when Aryamann returned.

"Buzz kill.." Manik muttered rolling his eyes seeing him, and Nandini almost smiled, seeing his annoyance.

"Cabir is on his way, he will reach in ten minutes. I have cleared the bill. We can leave now." Aryamann told Nandini. Nandini looked at him. He made sense, they had done what was a normal human thing to do, they accompanied him and called his manager, they could go now, right? Then why did she want to wait & ensure that Manik reached Cabir safely, before she left?

"Umm, let's wait for ten minutes then?" Nandini tried suggesting casually. Aryamann didn't say anything, but she did see him raise his eyebrows.

"..still she won't hug me or call me Manik. Silly Nandu." suddenly Manik remarked from beside them. It was only then Nandini noticed, he was now half sitting, half lying by resting on her shoulder as his fingers continued to play with her hand. The simple softness of this action, rattled Nandini from inside. It was more intimate than her calling his name, or hugging him. This threatened to open floodgates inside her, that she'd have no control over, if they opened, so Nandini had to act fast.

"Manik, leave my hand!" Nandini suddenly snapped, as she shoved him and took her hand back from him; but to her surprise, Manik didn't look disturbed, in fact he was smiling from ear to ear. What the hell!

"You just called me Manik!" he shouted in joy and before she could realise what he was up to, Manik lunged forward and hugged her tightly! For the first ten seconds, Nandini felt like all her worries, life's problems, hurt, anger & anguish were gone. The deep, dark, abyss of her heart had healed just like that! It was after the initial rush, when cognition set in, she realised what just happened & she cursed herself for feeling that way & she pushed him away too. However, Manik didn't look perturbed. He had gotten everything he wished for today!

"He won't remember a thing!" Cabir's assuring voice hit her ears as she finally stood up and moved away, letting Cabir tackle him now.

"I don't care either way!" she snapped at Cabir this time and turned towards Aryamann for leaving.

"If you didn't, why did you wait for my arrival & not leave sooner, Nandini?" Cabir challenged her, sounding put off. Nandini glanced at Aryamann. He wasn't asking it, but she read the same question in his eyes too. No, she couldn't let a weak moment ruin her diabolical plans!

"..because he is my co-actor & we started the shoot of my very own first movie today! I don't want him to break his head in a drunken brawl and delay the shoot or worse get the movie shelved!" she barked at them. Cabir silently looked at her. He knew she wasn't entirely wrong in denying her feelings, but it was worth a shot, especially when Manik was not ready to take the first step, even if staying without Nandini was slowly killing him!

"Aryamann, let's go!" Nandini spoke decisively.

"See Cabira, she cares..." Nandini gritted her teeth hearing Manik mumble, as she started walking away.

"Nandini, one last question" suddenly she stopped hearing Manik's mumbling, as he staggered to stand up, taking Cabir's help.

"Do you really not miss our baby girl, anymore?" His question was small & came from heavy intoxication; but just like that it managed to evaporate every little bit of pity she might have found for him, in the deepest, darkest corner of her heart, this evening.

"Fuck you, Manik Malhotra!" was all she could cry out in a hoarse voice, in order to stop herself from tearing up; and then she left, without turning back at him.

As Manik with Cabir's support stood there and saw Nandini leave with Aryamann, and not turn back, a drop of tear rolled down his right eye.

"It's okay baby girl, dadda still loves you & misses you & wants you. Don't be angry with mamma, okay? She is just upset. We will get her back too." he murmured.

Cabir standing there kept switching glances between Manik & Nandini, how was he ever going to pull them out of this hell hole, he wondered.


Word Count: 5,646

A/N: So readers, liked what you read? Do you feel compensated for a week's loss of reading? Now please do vote for my chapter if you enjoyed!

Let's get to the questions now,

1. Nandini slaying it with the press again, what are your thoughts? Did she need Manik's defending? Did you like her confidence?

2. Manik threatening Rose, your takes? What do you make of Rose from this chapter, especially her thoughts & actions? She is definitely up to something sinister ;)

3. How did you like the Aryamann - Manik dynamics in the chapter? What do you think Aryamann is up to?

4. What are your thoughts on Manik hijacking Aryamann & Nandini's dinner with Rose as a date? What did you enjoy here the most?

5. Manik-Nandini scenes in this chapter, it had humour, hurt & squabble, what did you enjoy the most?

6. How was drunken Manik? Did you like seeing him a bit vulnerable? How did you feel about Nandini's reaction? What do you feel about MaNan in the drunken scene?

7. Is Nandini in denial of her feelings, or she doesn't have feelings for Manik at all, what are your thoughts?

8. Anything else you liked or disliked about this chapter or story so far? Anyone missed Rishabh Murthy here?

Dear readers, I hope you will take time out to leave a vote, lots of in-line comments, and your final thoughts to this chapter for me, as a token of support for my story. I hope I have been able to deliver what I promised & your this Sunday read was worth it.

With this, I am signing off this week, hoping my votes will touch 300 by next Sunday (28th May) when I shall update next.

Until then, stay safe, stay happy,

Love & luck to all,

Your writer,


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