37| Whackadoodle

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A/N: Hello Readers, firstly I'm so sorry for the delay, since I have not published in long, I forgot it was due! But, now I'm back on track, and here comes the next installment of the story! Thanks a lot for showering so much love to my book even after a 6 months long hiatus..although I see a few known readers aren't back yet :( I truly hope you all return with due course of time, and the story stays relevant and worth your time! :)

Needless to remind you, I look forward to every comment you share, be it in-line or the final ones and appreciate every vote you give me. Please keep this love flowing & I promise to deliver!

On that note, happy reading and a belated happy Lohri!


It was a lazy Sunday morning for Manik after weeks; one of those divine interventions where his off day magically coincided with Sunday, and like the rest of the, one plus billion people of the country, even Manik could call it a lazy Sunday and chill. Humming the tune of one of his favourite tracks from one of his own hit movies of the past, he lit his cigarette after freshening up in the morning and trudged to his living room to flop on the couch.

"Tarunnnnn, coffee.."he craned his neck towards the kitchen and yelled, then after thinking for a second, added, "..with milk and sugar".

His butler poked his head out of the kitchen hearing him. "Sir, sugar & milk?" He reconfirmed, looking zapped. Ever since his joining this job, in the last five years, Manik sir had never had anything nice and sweet. What could have caused this major change in pattern, he wondered, scratching his head, but dare he ask.

"When was the last time you got your earwax removed, Tarun?" Manik's voice floated from the living area and Tarun made a quick apology and dashed to the kitchen to order the staff. In his long term career at Manik's if Tarun knew one thing, it was this: be careful of Manik's temper, but be doubly careful of his good mood! Usually what followed his good mood was chaos & thunderstorm.

"Also get me nice warm waffles with chocolate syrup for breakfast! No healthy food today!" Manik announced and Tarun prayed to whatever deity he believed in, asking for blessings to survive the day.

Manik was just about to grab the remote and switch on the TV, wondering if he should install an AI bot controlled server and tie it to all his gadgets so he could maybe clap dramatically or something and the TV would switch on..wouldn't that be cool? But his thoughts were interrupted by a loud gong on the doorbell. And from the voice coming from the entrance, he knew it was Cabir.

"Ugh, the horror! That too on a Sunday!" Manik muttered dramatically, as Cabir walked in rolling his eyes.

"Ahh. Someone is in a good mood, I didn't know, all you needed was a free Sunday to be normal" Cabir teased, making Manik roll his eyes.

"Why are you here? Did you add in something irrelevant and block my Sunday for some petty money & your commission, you greedy man?" Manik teased him back.

"What? No! I heard you're getting pancakes. I came to collect my share." Cabir replied, looking at the ceiling.

"Bhukkad" mouthed Manik.

"Oh, but I thought you knew, I work on a commission basis. Whatever is yours, I have a 5% cut in it." Cabir played along.

"Everything, except Nandini" Manik replied, like a possessive child.

Cabir's eyes turned dark, but Manik didn't notice. All of Manik's actions and reactions, nowadays, were somehow linked to Nandini. Did Cabir not know the reason behind Manik's happy, goofy behaviour? He had been good all through the week. That one hug from Nandini during the shoot and God knew what they spoke about during their lunch in Manik's vanity, everything changed after that! Shoot was going smoothly. There were no hitches, they were working well, and throughout the shoot this week, Manik and Nandini shot their romance part of the story. If that had the power to turn Manik into this man, Cabir worried how he'd behave after the next schedule that was due next week, where all the angst scenes would be shot! Also, Nandini wasn't making it easier for Manik, it was only a matter of time before he knew that..Cabir's train of thought was broken by Manik.

"Any news from Ranbir, Cabir? What's Nandini up to? Anything fishy? Or is she just focusing on the shoots?"

"Nah, just shoot." Cabir mumbled. All of a sudden, he wasn't all that optimistic about the fate of this Sunday.

"Hey the match is about to start, let me get the.." Manik spoke again, and was about to grab the remote, when Cabir panicked. "Aah, Manik, let's grab some nice breakfast first! It's been so long that we haven't had breakfast together. Cabir almost threw up in his head hearing what he sounded like.

"Eww, Cabir. Go take a break. Find another guy to hit on. You've been spending too much time with me" Manik teased him, giggling like a kid. It reminded Cabir of their youth, when Manik wasn't the man he had become now..he missed this goofy smile; he wished it was here to stay, but he knew it was short lived. For how long can he hide the news anyway?

As Manik watched the match, Cabir's heart rate picked up, as they breaked for commercials. "Err, Manik, we need to talk, this is about.." but before he could say anything more, Manik snarled. "The fuck!"

Cabir shut his eyes in dismay. Sunday was officially over.


Manik stared at the television commercial in utter horror, where Nandini appeared in a skimpy sarong and sultry makeup and made alluring & provocative gestures with ungodly noises of pleasure & her approval, to Karan Chopra's obvious innuendos & before Manik could smash his TV set with his remote, the product window came in display with an image of a branded condom with a tagline 'TRex condoms, make her moan louder!'

As Manik stared at the audacious ad; time had stood still. He was dumbstruck. He didn't know what bothered him more; the fact that even in a twenty seconder edit frame, Nandini could awaken the animal in him, or was it the thought that she would awaken the lustful imagination of millions of men other than him, who were watching this commercial at that time! And Karan Chopra? How dare he?

"Manik.." Cabir called out cautiously. This morning, when Ranbir informed him on the TVC release, he had lashed out at him for not informing prior and and scrammed to Manik's to control him before his fury unfolded. He knew Manik would lose his plot seeing this.

"Ban this ad. Stuff bundles of notes to whoever you deem fit, but get it banned today. Right now." Manik's voice was hoarse. He was standing tersely in front of the TV, shoulder bulked up, like he was about to attack anybody he'd land his eyes on, watching this ad.

"Manik, it has certifica.." Cabir began, only to be cut short.

"Ban it right now!" He yelled louder this time. Suddenly the nice warm, Sunday morning coffee started tasting like thick mud in his mouth and he smashed the mug by tossing it on the floor. Tarun, his butler shrieked and his food trolley shook, gaining Manik's attention.

"Sir, breakf.." Tarun tried muttering.

"Trash that shit you idiot! Don't you know I am on a protein only diet?" He snarled at the butler and stormed towards his bedroom and banged the door, shutting it after him.

Cabir texted Ranbir.

[Ran, where is she?]

[We're at Alcazar's for brunch with Aryamann Khanna]

Cabir swore. Trust Nandini to push all Manik's wrong buttons.

[Manik will be wanting to see Nandini, any chances you can take her somewhere more secluded, less public, if not her home?]

[Can't. Sorry. Aryamann Khanna is already here, they just started.]

Woah. Thought Cabir, frustrated.

"Cabir, get the car, we're going to my lawyer. Now." Manik's voice caught Cabir's attention, as Manik stormed out of his room, fully dressed.

"Lawyer?" he mouthed, surprised. What was he even thinking?

"Where else would I go to seek help in filing a case against this obnoxious ad? The brothel?" he snapped.

"Case?!" Cabir was alarmed. "Manik, it is an Adult certified ad, like any other condom ads in the country. You can't take it down like that" Cabir tried, as Manik walked to the main door grabbing his keys.

"Of course I can take it down. I can do anything, I am Manik Malhotra" Manik shouted back walking out of the door, and Cabir scurried to follow him into the elevator.

"It's Sunday, the court is closed." Cabir tried again.

"I need a lawyer to make a petition first." Manik snapped.

"Yes, right. Manik, but lawyers don't work on Sunday either.." Cabir tried one more time.

"Well then call him and tell the mother fucking lawyer that Manik Malhotra wants to meet him. Get him in the office, don't waste my time, Cabir! Even if you have to stop him fucking his wife to suit him up to get him, fucking do it!" he screamed in frustration.

"Manik, see I know, it has hurt you, but buddy there's nothing you can do..the content is an asset to the company that sells this condom brand. If they have a contract with Nandini, they can use it as a TVC, it is rightfully theirs to use.." Cabir tried again.

"Cabir, you wait and watch, what I can do." Manik hissed back. Cabir sighed.


As the lawyer stared at Manik with a blank expression, Manik swore in his head, seeing his lack of enthusiasm.

"So, tell me if I got this right, you, Mr. Manik Malhotra, want to sue a multinational pharmaceutical company for making a condom ad.?" he clarified.

"Yes, that is what I want." Manik replied, as calmly as he could.

"And your concern is, such ads are not good for young boys and girls because it makes them umm..horny?" he added, looking at Manik sceptically.

"Especially young boys. Yes. I don't want them to think of Nandi..umm..I mean women as objects for sex..you see, I am a youth icon. Erm..I am worried about the new umm..generation..all this sex stuff will fog their mind. They should focus on umm..yes..studying." Manik managed to plead his case.

"Don't you sound like an ageing granny.." muttered Cabir softly from beside and earned a glare from Manik.

"Sir" the lawyer began, with a tone of absolute exasperation; he didn't seem to like the idea of working on a Sunday it seemed. "The idea of a condom ad is teaching people about safe sex, not making kids horny. So, we cannot really attack on the grounds of..."

"Safe sex? Why have sex at all? Aren't we a country of a billion plus already? Why risk having sex at all? Isn't that the message we should.." Manik attacked, but the irritated lawyer cut him off this time.

"Says the man, who has been accepting honours and accolades of being the sexiest man in Asia for four years straight, has made some A rated movies, that even husbands feel insecure watching with their wives. Has set ludicrous standards of handsomeness in men & has been on the news relating to women and sex scandals for quite sometime now. Forgive me sir, are you planning to join the country's politics now?" He asked with a frown and Cabir sniggered from beside Manik.

"I know what I want, the point is, is this something you can do for me?" Manik asked with gritted teeth.

"I'm afraid sir, there is no case here. Why me, no lawyer can win you this case." The lawyer gave in.

"Manik, I know you're disturbed, but let's drop this idea..we can't.." Cabir began, but the images of a seductive Nandini on national television played on his mind, and Manik flew off the handle again.

"I will take to social media then. I will bring this ad down." Manik affirmed with more conviction this time.

"Sir, that would come under the service of your PR team. I hope they work on Sundays.." came the lawyer's swift reply, as Manik glared at him once more and walked out.


It was close to midnight. Manik was still seething in anger as a tired Navya and her new boss Yash yawned and looked into the content again and again to pick a flaw in it.

"Anything guys?" Slurred Manik, sipping his nth peg scotch on the rocks.

"Manik sir, the content is clean and there seems to be no discord between the company, the production house or the talent. Even Karan & Nandini are promoting the ad on their handles. In fact it is not taken in a bad light at all. Some of the industry colleagues are appreciating Karan & Nandini's bold move and re-sharing it. Aryamann Khanna, Alia Saxena, oh even Jeff Irani has reshared it, see. Honestly, I feel you should re-share with encouraging words too, this is trending now & it will be positive for your movie too" Navya tried telling Manik.

"Navya, I don't pay you your salary to praise your friend & give me stupid suggestions here. Do the job you're given, God damn it!" Manik snapped and swiped open his phone to see what kind of comments the ad had garnered on Nandini's handle.

As soon as he opened her IG handle, the first twenty stories were of the ad, which Manik had to ignore before reaching the comments section of the promotion reels. His blood boiled seeing some of the sleazy comments the post gathered and Manik Malhotra flipped a third time that day.

"Cabir!" he yelled so loudly that an alarmed Cabir ran to him. "Find these fuckers and get them blocked from all social media handles. Make them digital blind for life!" he screamed in anger.

Cabir felt disgusted reading them, but what could be done, the deal of all celebrity endorsement is 10% trolling and bashing & character assassination. Endorsers, agree to it and sign the contract.

"Trace the fuckers, Cabir!" Manik yelled and tossed his glass, smashing it on the floor, freaking everyone out.

"We can't trace them, Manik. Talk sense buddy! You're not a web crawler or a creepy stalker for crying out loud! If this news reaches the media that you're stalking random people for Nandini, can you imagine what your father and ..." Cabir snapped shut sensing others in the room, but Manik got the point. Hell, how'd he forget that? His reaction to Nandini's act would put her in danger before his family. He couldn't show he cared. Remember?

Manik let out a long tired breath. He was angry, rattled, violated, scared & helpless all at the same time. It felt like his family and Nandini were pushing the walls around him from both opposite sides and he had no escape.

"Everyone other than Cabir, just fuck off right now!" he screamed in vexation. No one needed telling twice.

"Fuck Cabir" he yelled once the left, and crashed on the sofa. His eyes were wet, and in his hand, on his phone was open Nandini's IG page.

"Talk to me, Manik." Cabir tried gently. He knew Manik's reaction was outlandish, but he knew it also came from a place of deep hurt and helplessness.

"What have I done to Nandini man? This is what she has resorted to? Can you imagine our Nandini..doing these cheap things? For what? Attention? I don't get it, Cabir, but I can't stand this. It pains me, damn it." Manik ranted and a few drops of tears cascaded down his cheeks. Manik roughly rubbed them away from the back of his palm and looked down at his phone, unmindfully scrolling her feeds, when his hand halted at a picture posted in the afternoon of the same day.

His breathing became shallow as he saw Nandini & Aryamann sitting together cosily and enjoying brunch at some posh eating joint. They were laughing looking at each other; what made her laugh so naturally, Manik wondered. What could Aryamann say, to be at the receiving end of that heart melting laugh? Could he ever get there? He wasn't jealous honestly, he was just longing, if he'd ever be lucky enough to be in such a close space with her and receive that warm, life giving smile..his eyes fell on their caption. "Celebrating a milestone with a friend who is like family" and their hashtag #AryaNanForever along with a #FirstTVC

Manik remembered in the early days of their marriage, when they were driving his image cleaning PR, they had a hashtag too. It was #MaNanHumesha. He had the sudden urge to change the picture before him, so he searched for their hashtag and soon enough he found their photos together. Nandini and he both looked younger than. She looked happy, goofy and dreamy then. Manik wondered, how could he not see the love in those eyes even when they were faking it; it was so evident! He was so damn blind & arrogant. Guess he deserved this?

"I love you, Nandini..I can't see you like this.." he whispered into the wind.

"Manik, buddy, get some sleep. You need rest. You have to shoot with her tomorrow, and you can't let this show..you gotta act off screen too tomorrow.." Cabir mildly urged him.

Manik looked at him with glassy eyes. "Cabir, why didn't Ranbir inform us of this?" he asked. Cabir ducked his head murmuring, "..Manik that's because we asked him to inform us if she does something fishy. Shooting a TVC isn't shady..right? Manik unless we tell him the whole deal, Ran will not know what all we want to know, and if we tell him everything, Ran might not want to help us. He only agreed to save her from death, he was clear he didn't want to play part in getting her back to you..I think somewhere Ran sympathises with Nandini.." Cabir muttered.

"Manipulate him Cabir, if that's what we need to do. Tell him we need to know about who she's with, who she likes, who likes her etc. it is for her safety..." Manik ordered.

Cabir's piercing eyes gazed at this insecure, scared, desperate form of Manik and observed how he had changed over time. Could anyone imagine bringing Manik Malhotra to his knees? That dainty little girl from Mangalore, with big doe eyes and a simple heart full of small dreams would do this, who'd have imagined.

"I will talk to him, buddy. You rest now. I will get going.." Cabir muttered and got up to leave, as Manik nodded. Just as he reached the door, a small, unsure, vulnerable voice called him, "Cabira, have I completely lost her? Is there no chance left at all?"

"It's late Manik.." Cabir muttered not looking back. Just as Manik was losing his last hope, Cabir added, "Let's wait for tomorrow's sunrise? Because no matter how late it is tonight, there's always a sunrise awaiting at the horizon.." then he left.


Word Count: 3,089

A/N: So, how was the chapter? A little light and darkly funny maybe? ;)

Although, I don't have any question in particular, I would love for you all to tell me what are your thoughts on Nandini's action and Manik's reaction?

Having said that, please do share your thoughts on the overall chapter and your POV, I am always eager to learn!

Next Update: 21st Jan'24 (Sunday)

Until then,

Your writer,


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