45| MaNan vs. ZaNan

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A/N: Hello readers! We are back with a new chapter again!

So, before we get into this, I would like to address a few concerns of my readers from last week's chapter. Some of you feel, this story is stretching & Manik is being punished too much, some feel, this story doesn't have enough MaNan magic & they should now get together to get the criminals down. So, here is my response for all your concerns: Please trust your writer, folks :) You have come so far with my vision, please trust me enough to feel, I will see this story through, the right way! :)

Now, about stretching the story, well, you feel that way because the criminals are not caught and complications are only increasing; but readers, I want my story to be as reflective to reality as it can be, so when I say the crooks have gotten away with one murder in a clean way, they have the money, power & means to control people, hide evidences how do you suppose it will be so easy to get them behind the bars, so just that you can have Manan together? :D

About the lack of cute Manan nok-jhoks, well, all you had to do was be patient until this chapter, because it is all there; but also from the perspective of the mood of the story, I never set out to write fluff with this fiction and you all know it! If Nandini is hurting, you want it to stop, if Manik is hurting you want it to stop. How will I write angst if no one can hurt? :D :) <3

Anyway, I just want to make one request, that please trust me as a writer & you will not finish this story feeling unsatisfied or that it was not worth you time! Having said that, I hope (actually I know) you all will enjoy this chapter, and keep leaving those thoughtful in-line remarks like you always do!

On that note, Happy Reading, fellas! See you on the other side!


"Manik sir, on the right mark, please. Sir, please look this way, left profile, please...thanks sir.."

"Sir, one with Rose maám please. Please look towards each other, sir..yes, a little to your left..thanks sir.."

Manik sighed, as he continued, posing as he was requested. He was at the premiere of his movie release with Innaya. The same movie which was being shot, when he and Nandini were playing the pregnancy PR cleanup and thereby the miscarriage drama. A lot of memories were rushing into his mind, but he was trying hard to block them, by looking deeply into the eyes of his distraction, Rose.

"Sir, now one last single shot, please?" the request of the papps, made him focus on his present. He nodded quietly and looked at Rose, she smiled and nodded politely in agreement and walked out of the frame. Just as he was done posing solo, an excited murmur came from the entrance side that 'Zanan' was here.

Zanan? He wondered for a moment and just as he casually glanced to his right, what greeted his vision, gave him an eyesore! Zain & Nandini were walking hand in hand, looking like a perfect couple pulled out of a fairytale book. Suddenly his insides twisted, and he felt like he was going to be sick.

"ZaNan is here, let's get a snap.." the crowd of papps were now chanting their name and as much as Manik wanted to run away from there, his feet refused to comply.

In a few moments, Nandini appeared before him, in a shimmery black bodycon, with a golden metallic shrug. Her hair was curled up into a high bun & her smokey eye makeup along with her alluring red lipstick, made her look like a vixen who could devour any man. As much as he appreciated what was before his eyes, but his insides charred thinking the woman was Nandini, the soft, innocent naive woman who had no idea what shoes went with what clothes. He felt furious thinking what this look of hers' was igniting in the mind of all her onlookers, which included men from all walks of life!

As his eyes met hers, she looked a little surprised to bump into him right at the red carpet, but she recovered soon, and smiled at him warmly. "Manik." she whisper-called him, and as Manik was about to respond, his eyes landed onto that fair hand plopping out of a black tuxedo, belonging to a man, who just walked in and placed that hand on her lower back, guiding her forward. With balled fists, he raised his eyes up to see Zain Qureshi walking along with her, towards them.

"Zain sir, Nandini maám, a couple-photo, please.." he heard the press chanting from behind them, and that wasn't helping either. Nandini was looking into his eyes, and he knew that she had realised that he was not feeling okay seeing them together, but what could she do now? Refuse Zain? That was not possible. They were engaged, now. Manik eyed Zain, and he wore a lazy smirk, looking at him; just as Manik was about to make a move, a voice from the press impeached his senses.

"Manik sir, please move aside, for a bit. We want a ZaNan couple-photo" requested a papp. Time seemed to freeze for Manik; pushing him out of a picture frame that held Zain and Nandini, seemed like the physical manifestation of all his pain and reality. Nodding awkwardly, as he started walking away like a defeated man, Nandini's voice reached him.

"Wait, Manik." he stopped, not looking back, fearing the sight that might meet his eyes.

"Guys, let's take a photo with Zain & Manik and me." Nandini insisted, and Manik could tell the papps were reluctant; for the world, ZaNan was the new MaNan. He deserved it.

"No, no that's fine, you guys have fun. I need to er..go inside, the premiere is about to begin.." Manik mumbled, and before Nandini could stop him, he walked away with a heart of stone.

As Nandini watched Manik walk away, he was a little hunched. He wasn't the statesman that he always was, before the press. She knew it was her doing. Granted that she wanted to hit back at him with all her might when she felt so wronged by him in all these years, but now knowing that he had had his share of punishments for hurting her, she didn't like the idea of adding more hurt on his shoulders. She wanted to run to him & hold his hand and tell him something assuring, but what? She couldn't say she loved him, because she didn't anymore, she couldn't say it was going to get better, because she knew after losing love, one learns to live with it eventually, but it never gets better. How was she to pacify him & how was she to get rid of the weight in the pit of her stomach, whenever she saw Manik hurt?


As Nandini walked into the after premiere party, her eyes finally caught Manik, standing in the far corner, away from the limelight, talking to his friends and well wishers. She couldn't lay her eyes on him ever since she walked the red carpet after the photo fiasco, she wondered how he had managed to evade her eyes for so long.

"Darling, be careful, all the Malhotra's have graced this occasion, you don't want to be caught by Shrikant or Shamsher Malhotra, while you're staring longingly at Manik." came Zain's cautious whisper.

"Stop calling me darling" she commanded with gritted teeth.

"Stop staring at Manik Malhotra and making life difficult for me" replied Zain.

"I just want to congratulate him for such a great film." Nandini answered, rolling her eyes.

"Why don't you congratulate Innaya instead? She is right here.." Zain responded, pulling her by the wrist towards the shutterbugs, before which Innaya Forbes was happily posing.

As Manik noticed from the corner of his eyes, Zain holding Nandini by the wrist and pulling her towards Innaya, a revolt broke out in his heart. No matter what, no one was allowed to pull and push Nandini around like that!

"Manik stop. Your family is here. Don't make a scene." Cabir's sane voice stopped him from dashing towards them. It took him every ounce to stop, but his eyes were on her. Specifically her wrist, where that fuckboy was holding her.

"Quite a movie there, congratulations!" Nandini quipped disinterestedly to a smirking face of Innaya.

"Aah Nandini, my friend! Did you like all the hot, steamy scenes between Manik & I? Most were improvised by Manik and I, and practised to perfection, you know?" Innaya replied, with a malicious smile.

"Yes, they came out pretty well, considering you needed to improvise and practise so much. Manik is usually a natural at this stuff, when the chemistry is real. You won't believe it, Innaya in our upcoming movie, most of the steamy stuff between Manik & I, were a one take okay, shot! You will come for the premiere to see it of course, I will have you invited, even if Manik doesn't, I promise. Let me know how it was" Nandini replied with an equally bitch-like face. Innaya looked at her, like she had been slapped tightly on the face.

"Yeah, I mean, he did need practice in our case, you see it was around the time when he got to know that, you were sleeping around with that security guy of yours & having his baby. Manik was a bit shaken I must say. He needed a whole lot of me to come around. Of course you can thank me later, Nandini." Innaya gave back with a malicious smile. Nandini froze at the careless way in which Innaya spoke of Abhimanyu & her relationship highlighting it as illegitimate. There was a lot she wanted to hurl, but couldn't, since a lot was at stake. She was gaping at her when a gentle, warm hand, held her from the elbow, in support.

"Forgive me Nandini, you can't beat Innaya at spotting opportunities, for getting into the pants of men easily, so I implore that you don't take her words to heart." it was Manik's voice. As Nandini glanced at his face, he was glaring at Innaya.

"Manik.." Nandini murmured, and he gently pulled her away from Innaya and Zain. He didn't stop till they were away from them, near a bar, where he ordered a scotch for himself and a chardonnay for Nandini. Both were quiet, and avoided each other's eyes, worrying they would burst if they made eye contact.

After a while, Manik spoke. "So, ZaNan, huh?" his voice was low, breathing laboured.

"It's not a PR move Manik, the press calls us that." Nandini answered, softly. Why was she feeling guilty again? Didn't she just hear Innaya say and Manik acknowledge that they were making out throughout the time of the baby misscarriage fiasco, when they were shooting?

"So, it's organic, not made up?" Manik asked, there was an edge in his voice.

"Bunk that, Manik. Does your date Rose know that you have been getting inside Innaya Godfrey's pants again?" snapped Nandini. She tried to control. This was not her beef anymore, why did she need to bring this up?

Manik was stunned first, and then he turned livid suddenly. "You think what she said was true? You believe her after everything I told you?" he hissed. Nandini knew, it made no sense to believe Innaya, she was probably instigating her as usual, but God knew why, hearing Manik's clarification, somehow mattered to her.

"Well, you didn't deny the claim to her face" Nandini quipped, looking all around but him. Manik was glaring at her.

"Says the woman who is in love with my half brother Zain Qureshi and is engaged to him. Why do you care?" he hissed.

"You're right, I shouldn't and I don't" snapped back Nandini in defiance. Hell knew why she was hurting. She was sympathetic towards Manik's feelings for her, she was angry at him for not helping her with murder clues, she was worried for him for spiralling seeing her with Zain, but in all this there was no more love left for him. Then what right did she have to question him, feel irritable hearing about his philandering ways with Innaya or get perturbed if he didn't explain his side of the story to her? Nandini was revolted & not to mention angry with Manik; but for the life of her, she couldn't understand why.

"Excuse me, Manik. I need to be with Zain now." she snapped, hoping in her heart to hurt Manik with that, and then she walked away.

As Manik watched her walk away in anger, he wasn't sure if he was hurt more or angry. All his emotions were jumbling up and he didn't quite understand what he was feeling anymore. Nandini first claimed she loved Zain, then she claimed she didn't but got engaged to him to find evidence against his father & grandfather, and then she said she trusted him and today she was leaving him to be with Zain. Yet it perturbed her to think that Manik was with Innaya? Also, how could she believe such a hogwash?


As the after party progressed, Nandini royally avoided Manik and stayed stuck to Zain's arm. The more Manik looked perturbed, the better she felt. Although it confused her, as to why she wanted to hurt Manik for being intimate with anyone whatsoever.

In the meanwhile, she met her friends Aryamann and Alia in the party and together they were having fun, but Nandini's eyes were always on Manik, when he was with Rose or Innaya!

"Apart from his leading lady & current girlfriend, Manik has quite the fan following isn't it?" Alia's jestful voice broke Nandini's reverie, as she looked at Alia, who was laughing with Aryamann.

"Who else is eyeing Manik?" Nandini asked irritably.

"You" Aryamann replied, impishly, as Alia giggled. Nandini rolled her eyes. Trust these two to utter crap.

"Shut up, guys!" Nandini mumbled, looking away.

"Don't be embarrassed, his eyes are on you too. Only you." Alia quipped, humorously, and winked at her.

"You know our history, right?" she muttered.

"If that doesn't make a difference to you, I doubt it makes a difference to him." supported Aryamann. Nandini dismissed the notion.

"What, you don't believe me? Fine, let's test our theory." Alia added, rubbing her palms in excitement, with mischievous eyes.

"Seriously, you two?" Nandini answered, looking bored.

"Nandini, go, and hug Zain from behind, and when he turns to you, peck him on the cheek, acting drunk." Aryamann suggested, with a grin.

"Yes, Yes!" Alia added excitedly.

"No way!" Nandini answered, repelled.

"Oh come on, you will have done it for the press and in the movie right? Consider this to be an acting assignment, nothing more. Let's see if you have it in you, girl." Aryamann tried.

"I am not doing it." Nandini responded flatly.

"Nandini, are you scared that Manik won't react and it would break your heart?" Alia asked, with sad eyes. Nandini stared at her.

"You think I care if Manik reacts or not?" Nandini asked, with perturbation in her voice.

"If you don't, then what's stopping you? It's not like you care either way, plus Manik apparently likes other women anyway; then what's stopping you from pecking your own fiance?" asked Aryamann, with a smirk. "Are you by chance worried that it will actually hurt Manik, and does that by chance mean, as opposed to what you're saying, you care about him?"

"Fine. I'll do it, but mind you, I am doing it to prove nothing. I am getting married to Zain, and I can peck him. That's why I'm going to." Nandini added before walking towards Zain.

Aryamann and Alia quickly exchanged a high five.


Manik was standing with Innaya, Cabir and Dhruv, their producer, when he glanced at Aryamann and Alia, high fiving with each other, and with a frown when he followed their sight, he saw Nandini walking confidently towards Zain. Her body language confirmed to Manik that she was up to something.

As he watched her, she boldly walked across to Zain and hugged him from behind, surprising Zain who was in conversation with some folks. Judging by her swaying, she looked like she was drunk and Manik balled his fists in reflex.

As a surprised Zain turned to her, Nandini placed a soft kiss on his cheek, looking at him lovingly with her mesmerising gorgeous eyes. It looked like Nandini hadn't seen anyone more fascinating than Zain in her entire life. Manik Malhotra was not even a distant memory for her, he was fully obliterated. Manik's breaths were coming out shallow, as Zain bent down, caressing her jaw with his knuckles, before planting a soft kiss on her forehead, and placing his arms on her lower back, pulling Nandini closer to him, as he turned back and rejoined his conversation; Nandini was now tucked in safely between his arm and side. There were a few people going all "Aww" around them and Manik could hear Innaya shout from somewhere, "ZaNan is love!"

If fury could blast open a mountain top and spurt hot lava everywhere, Manik Malhotra would leave no stones unturned to make that happen now. The entire reel of Nandini walking up to Zain and kissing him, was playing like a hellish loop before his eyes, when he decided he couldn't breathe the same air, they were breathing, and decided to walk away.


Nandini was back home after the premiere night. As she walked into the empty apartment, there was this innate sense of hollow engulfing her. Her empty house was a physical manifestation of the emptiness inside her. Mukti had whispered into her ear with a shy smile after the party that she was going to spend the night at Zubin's; Nandini had encouraged her wholeheartedly and strangely, on her way back home with Ranbir, he had broached the topic of his animosity with Cabir and Manik in the past.

"I was angry with Cabir & Manik for the longest time, Nandini. Manik had seduced my girlfriend Suhana to cheat on me with him. We were to get engaged. Cabir knew this, but hadn't stopped him. It had been years that I had not stayed in touch with them, until Cabir called me one day. He had a job for me. I had mocked him. He thought I would work for him, just because they were big people, forgetting what they pulled on me? That's when Cabir had requested me, saying he wasn't giving me a job because I needed it, but he needed me to do it. He couldn't trust anyone else with it. It was a matter of life and death for a girl who was innocent and naive and loving and had been wronged in all the ways possible. Nandini, I still was reluctant, but then he told me, I owed Manik big time, and this could be my way of thanking him. I was stupefied. I owed Manik Malhotra, in what world? So, turns out Nandini, Cabir had known that Suhana was not faithful to me & had her philandering ways behind my back, but Cabir knew, I'd never believe that without proof. That is when he had asked Manik to seduce her to show me her true colours and spare my life. Manik had only complied with Cabir's request." Ranbir looked forlorn while narrating his past.

"So, Manik & Cabir did plant you in my life?" Nandini was cold.

"..but now you know why. It wasn't ever to harm you, Nandini. Also, I have been honest in my place too. I only ever passed information concerning your security nothing else. You think you'd have been able to do the condoms ad, if Manik knew beforehand?" Ranbir reasoned. Nandini had to agree to that.

"Why are you telling me all this, now?" she questioned, sharply.

"..because Manik Malhotra truly loves you Nandini; and even though it is not my place to say, but if you can't love him back that's fine, just don't go out of his way to hurt him, like you did today.." Ranbir whispered.

"..and he can hurt me? As much as he wants?" Nandini lashed out, involuntarily.

"He has in the past, and fate & his family has punished him too. He isn't hurting you anymore, Nandini.." Ranbir, answered patiently.

Nandini kept mum, and looked out of the window, trying hard not to cry. As a silent Ranbir, dropped her home and bid her goodbye.

Nandini was wondering where Manik was; after her dare, Aryamann & Alia were smiling brightly, but to her dismay, Manik wasn't around. So he didn't see her kiss Zain? Her act was all in vain, she thought; or maybe he was busy snogging some woman in some corner, too busy to care? To be honest, that should be okay with her too, right? She didn't want Manik to wallow being in love with her all his life and wither, seeing her with Zain. She didn't love him, they had no future, and now he was not even involved in gathering evidence against his family for her. Their paths had indeed diverted for good and he was allowed to do what felt right. She wanted to be okay with Manik courting other women, but it was still stinging her. She realised with Manik Malhotra, no matter what the circumstances were, she was always on the receiving end of pain.

Her doorbell ringing broke her train of thought. Who was visiting her at this hour? As Nandini hurried to the door, she was appalled to find a staggering Manik Malhotra standing at her door. His hair looked unkempt, his eyes red. Was he drunk, or did he shower in alcohol?

"Manik, what are you doing here?" Nandini gasped, as Manik gently pushed her aside and walked into the apartment, securing the door behind them.

"Manik?" Nandini called again, this time in alarm.

"Nandini, ssshhh" Manik slurred.

"Manik, why are you here?" Nandini asked, worried.

"To see who wins. MaNan or ZaNan" he replied, after a couple of hiccups.

"You have lost it, Manik. Please go home." Nandini ordered, pointing her fingers towards the door. Trying hard not to feel light.

"But..." Manik scrunched his eyebrows and puckered his lips like a child, who is trying to concentrate hard, "..but I am home, Nandini. I'm finally home." he mumbled, looking at Nandini with a toothy grin.

Nandini rolled her eyes. As much as she wanted to look pissed, why was she suddenly feeling okay from inside? The weight in the pit of her stomach had lifted.

"This is not your home, Manik, it is mine." Nandini replied, with a straight face.

"That's right" Manik replied, palming her face before coming really close to her face and added, "You're my home, Nandini, and this is your home; so it is my home too. Simple."

"Manik, what do you want?" Nandini asked softly, holding his gaze.

"You." he replied, simply and then, thoughtfully added, "..but before that, I want to scold you.". Then before Nandini could ponder upon his statement, he flashed his eyes in anger and scolded her, "Why did you kiss Zain, Nandini? Huh?"

Nandini fought hard to hide her smile. So he had seen it. "He..and I are engaged to be married, Manik. What is the harm?" she retaliated to infuriate him further. Manik's face hardened.

"You're mine. Only mine." he whisper-yelled right on her face. Nandini was stunned, in so many years of seeing ups and mostly downs in their lives, Manik had never really claimed her like this. There was a small part of her that melted hearing it, but a larger part of her heart boiled in defiance. She suddenly found a rage emanating from her.

"If you think I am yours, why do you go humping around in town with whichever actress you get your hands on?" she snapped at him, and he looked at her with puppy eyes.

"I have done no such thing!" he argued back.

"You didn't negate Innaya, when she said you guys would make out and improvise scenes during the shoot of the movie, incidentally also the time you were breaking me down to my last shards, by character assassinating me." Nandini bellowed. "..and what about your arm candy Rose? The woman you flash everywhere you go?" Nandini knew she had no right to ask him these, but her heart gave her the right in that moment and he knew Manik was too drunk to remember much, next morning!

"I didn't refute Innaya because my big bad father and grandfather were at an arm's distance watching us, Nandini and Rose? I hang out with her to keep my family immersed in my PR drama so they don't think much of you. They are all a cover! Even after telling you, I love you & my sole purpose of living is you, you don't trust me, Nandini?" Manik asked, hurt evident in his voice.

"..and what do you do? You go out there and snog your so-called beau in front of me? What was that Nandini? Do you love him? Were you doing it to irk me? You have become such a great actor, Nandini, that I don't understand what is real and what is reel anymore!" Manik whispered, joining his forehead with hers.

It was a deja-vu moment for both. Not long ago, Nandini had said the same things to Manik. Life had truly turned a full circle for them. Nandini was quiet. She was guilty. It was true, why did the need to hurt Manik blind her like that, when she thought Manik was seeing other women?

"I am sorry for crossing a line there. Who you date is not my business." Nandini managed to croak. Manik looked at her, she was unbelievable!

"It is every bit your business, Nandini. It always is and will be. I just need to know one thing for sure. Do you or do you not love Zain?" he asked, clearly.

As moments passed in silence, Manik died a thousand times every second, until Nandini looked into his eyes. "I..I don't love Zain, Manik. I had said that to instigate you into telling me the truth about Abhimanyu's murder. This engagement is just a deal between Zain and me, as I had told you." she whispered.

"Then Nandini, do you still love me?" Manik's next question, blew all air out of Nandini's lung. As she stared at his eyes. She couldn't imagine the amount of courage he must have gathered to ask her this.

Nandini looked into the superstar's dreamy eyes and reflected back her whole life that played out ever since the first day she saw him; all the hurt, trauma, pain and shame. There was only one honest answer to this question, and Manik deserved to know.

"No Manik. I don't love you anymore." she replied, as a fat tear dropped from her eyes. In that one answer, Manik's heart shattered into a billion pieces and he felt he can never be whole again; but he couldn't let Nandini see that. She shouldn't be guilty of breaking his heart. In many ways this was all his doing, not hers.

"That's alright love. I get it. You shouldn't feel upset about it." he whispered; then the stubborn heart of his asked another question. "Nandini, do you think you can ever love me again?" Manik didn't give up hope.

"I don't know.." Nandini replied, timidly.

"Okay..just know, I will always love you & I will always want you." Manik replied softly, trying to hide his tears.

"Manik, please don't wait for me, I may not ever come back to you.." Nandini mumbled through her tears.

Manik nodded, as tears leaked out of his eyes, as he came close to her and pecked her on her eyes. She whimpered at the contact.

"You've hurt me too much Manik; I may not be able to love you ever, again." she whimpered.

"..but I will still wait till the end of time, hoping for a miracle." Manik replied in his muffled teary voice; before engulfing her in a hug. They didn't realise for how long they stayed in each other's embrace, but it felt safe, cosy, just like home felt.

"Nandini?" Manik called after a while, still in embrace.

"Hmm?" She replied.

"Can I kiss you once?" Manik requested softly, holding her close.

Nandini broke the embrace to look at him. "No" she replied, tearfully, looking hurt.

"Please? One last time? For the sake of the love that we both felt in different spans of time, for each other?" he cajoled her.

She looked deeply into his earnest eyes and nodded softly. He looked down at her luscious lips and softly placed his lips on them. A groan escaped both of them, as two pairs of lips melted against each other in heated passion, knowing this might be the last time they're meeting each other.

As Nandini broke the kiss, Manik slowly looked at her. "Manik, you should go." she said, looking down. She didn't trust herself with him around. Her treacherous heart never listened to reason around him.

Manik's visage turned slightly awkward at that. "Um..Nandini can I please stay here for the night?"

Nandini frowned. "Actually, my ride will have gone by now." Manik added.

"Your driver left you here?" Nandini asked, perplexed.

Manik scratched his head like a child before replying. "Actually after seeing you and Zain..err..after seeing that I got heavily drunk in a nearby bar. That is where Aryamann and Alia came and picked me up from and dropped me here. Aryamann said, he'd wait for me downstairs for ten minutes; if I didn't get kicked out by you by then, then I'd make it through the night here, so he'd leave..I suppose he is gone now." he replied, looking shy.

Nandini rolled her eyes thinking of her goofy friends. Trust them to fuck things up. "Alright, you can stay the night." she muttered, turning in for the night. "Mukti's room is to the left, she is not in tonight, so you can crash there." Manik nodded.


Just as Nandini got to bed and pulled on the covers, the other side of the bed dipped, and before she could respond, a body came close to her and spooned her, clutching her waist close to him.

"Please Nandini. Just this one night. This memory will keep me alive for the rest of my life." mumbled Manik before bringing his face to the crook of her neck and settling there. Nandini was stiff, but for the life of her she couldn't refuse him. Maybe this night's memory would see through the rest of her life too?

Soon Manik's slow breaths confirmed, he was having the most peaceful slumber of his life. "Ayramann, Alia, I will kill you" Nandini muttered, before adding, "..but thank-you."


Word Count: 4,847

A/N: So, how was the chapter? Had your appetite full with MaNan cuteness & romance? :D There's more, I promise :)

Firstly, I would like to mention that, I have noticed how there has been a spike in the no. of votes in the last chapter, in comparison to the last few, so I would like to say thank you so much for that! I hope I will see a continued rise in this chapter too, considering you guys (for once!) got what you've been asking from me :P

Now, as usual, I will leave room here to know your thoughts on the narrative! I would also like to mention, I am so glad that as readers you are upfront about telling me what you like or what's not working for you! Like I addressed your concerns in the starting note of this chapter, please feel free to raise queries and concerns (if you have more) - I will definitely address them. Now, of like every other time, you could answer a few of my questions:

1. How do you guys feel about Alia-Aryamann playing cupid for MaNan?

2. Who are you with right now, MaNan or ZaNan? ;P

3. What do you like better, a sassy Nandini (to Innaya), a jealous Nandini (for Manik) or the cold and manipulative Nandini (seeking justice)?

4. Who's side are you on? Jealous Manik or Jealous Nandini? :P

5. What are your thoughts on the MaNan scene at the end of the chapter?

6. What do you think about Nandini honestly feeling she is not in love with Manik? Do you think it's true, it makes sense?

7. Umm, about the kiss. Do you want more? ;P

8. Anything else you'd like to let me know about this chapter, story - you likes, dislikes?

I hope you guys have not forgotten to vote for this chapter if you liked it, and please know, I am a sucker for every vote and every comment you leave me with! Thank you for always showing me so much love.

I shall see you again on 17th Mar'24 (Sunday)!

Until then,

Take care,

Much love,

Your writer.

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