54| The Heirloom

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A/N: Hello everyone, the votes came down again, but I decided to publish anyway, because this HUGE chapter is very close to my heart. I have written many fictions and I have quite a few marked chapters that I like myself, and would even go to the extent of calling my favourite, but this is going to be my all time favourite and I just know it. There are excerpts from this chapter I will keep coming back to read, and I hope you find as much joy reading it as much as I did penning it; especially the MaNan flashback.

On that note, happy reading, see you on the other side!

PS: This is the second last chapter of this story!


Nandini was sitting by the window sill in her bedroom, as she watched the grey clouds circling over the skies, promising a turbulent night. As the clouds rotated around an epicentre, with every turn it got darker; soon thunders followed and menacingly promised the world beneath of a heavy downpour. The news said the weather was on amber alert and a cyclone was expected; she was safe though, within the comfortable confines of her home, with a mug of black coffee nestled between her palms, although not everyone was that fortunate.

Did Manik's prison cell have a window for him to watch the skies? He always seemed to enjoy the thunderous warnings of the night that led to heavy downpour.

"What are you doing on the terrace, Manik? Come down now, there's a cyclone alert & the winds are strong!" Nandini popped her head out from the door leading to the terrace. Manik was standing with his back to her, his shoulders relaxed, breathing even and hair, flying in the direction of the sweeping wind. He seemed to be enjoying nature's raw melody, as his fingers drummed an unknown melody on the guard rails he was using to perch himself on. Did he even hear her?

"Manik?" Nandini shouted again, tentatively.

Manik sighed and slowly turned his head towards her direction, there was so much peace in the dancing of the winds and the chaos of the cosmos, that he didn't feel like turning back to the world that beckoned him, but he did, because Nandini had called.

He danced his eyebrows at her, lazily asking her why she called, as he saw the wind that was getting stronger now, playing with her locks. She was pretty, he concluded incoherently, and as his bare eyes moved down from her serene face to her soft breasts and landed on her slightly bulged stomach, a small smile made its way to his lips, before it disappeared again. No Manik, there's no child of yours in there. It is just a shell to confound the world, not you. He chidded himself.

"Manik, the winds are gaining speed, in no time rain and thunder will follow, this is a high-rise, are you mad, come on in!" her command sounded soothing to his ears. Even after all these years, she cared. A small, peaceful smile came back to his lips.

"Nandini.." he whispered.

"Hmm?" she replied, instantly softening, and he didn't miss it.

"Quit complaining, and come here and enjoy..there's still time for the rains to sweep in." Manik cajoled her, extending his hand towards her, asking her to join him.

Nandini looked at his extended hand, and Manik's hand looked like it could do with the assuring and a firm grip of another hand. He was far too lonely. Putting her inhibitions aside, she nodded and opened the door fully and stepped onto the terrace, walking towards him like he was her destiny.

As she held his hands, a bolt of lightning followed by a loud thunder ricocheted through the skies, as if heralding the impossibility of their union in outrage. One the flame, the other the moth. They had love alright, but no happy ending. The wind rose in strength, pushing the moth closer to the flame, and Nandini nearly crashed onto him, losing her balance.

Manik chuckled softly, balancing her, holding her by the shoulder and steadying her. "You are getting windswept, Nandini.." he mumbled, trying to keep her in between his arms, to ensure she didn't fly away from him. His warm arms felt like the fire licking the moth, pulling her in, to devour her completely.

They stood there for a while, looking deeply into each other's eyes, as the storm around them grew stronger. The swooshing sound of the winds rose, Nandini's eyes suddenly dilated.

"Manik, the wind is now hitting my belly..umm..the belt is getting swept from its place..and we are out in the open, what if we are photographed with an anomaly in the shape of my womb?" she asked, looking panicked.

"Nandini, there are no papps sitting on highrise terraces, trying to snap us now.." he tried assuring her, but her scared eyes tugged at his heart. Off late, he couldn't see any worry feature in her gorgeous face. Whenever he saw her frown, there was this naked urge to lock his lip with hers and kiss away that frown, but of course he couldn't..erm..after all, this was all a sham for her, and she was only helping him. He didn't want to make a mistake that would take her away from him forever.

"Manik please, let's go. The belt is scratching me hard, now." She looked uncomfortable. Manik glanced at her stomach to see indeed the belt had moved a great deal from its place. He gently held it and pulled it back to place, and an immediate relief marked Nandini's features. Manik smiled.

"Nandini, would you stand with me a little bit longer, to enjoy the storm, before we call it a day?" he whispered.

Nandini looked into his deep eyes. Was it longing there? Could it be? Of course not. He was just seeking a moment of company. "Okay, but the belt?" she asked, softly.

Manik smiled at her softly, and pulled her closer to him, before making her perch from the guardrail like he was sometime back. Then he stood behind her, and hugged her from behind, holding her belly from both sides, stopping it from getting windswept. As Nandini held her breath in surprise, she felt him coming closer to her and dipping his chin on the back of her head, and resting there, drawing out an easy breath.

"Aah, this feels nice.." he mumbled so softly, that Nandini would miss it within the raging winds, but he was too close to her to miss. Neither Nandini, nor Manik remembered for how long they stayed like that and enjoyed the red hued tapestry of the skies; but there they stood in harmony under the skies, like the moth consumed by the flame and yet set free.

The dark, fat drop of rain on their shoulders pulled them out of the magic that was woven around them, and then, wordlessly, Manik grabbed Nandini's hand and pulled her indoors with him.

Just like that, the most majestic show of the universe was over and they were slapped back into reality. But that day Nandini had learned how much Manik loved and resonated with the dark, untamed nature. He was the storm personified, he was also the flame personified; how could she possibly expect a peaceful and harmonious love story with a person who had the storm for a soul and flames running through his veins? He was the most beautiful metaphysical expression of destruction, and it looked like the universe had put her in his path just so that she could be his glorifying destruction. In many ways, Nandini felt she was fated to be destroyed because nothing and no one could pause the storm or cool the flames inside Manik Malhotra.

What if there was no window and he didn't even get a glimpse of the storm? What if he can just hear it from the depth of his prison cell and can only imagine the cold damp wind touching his face, knowing his longing will be met by deadends only? Then again, what if this month in the prison had broken him so much that the sound of thunder, the flirty strong winds couldn't reach him any longer? Did he even know that she was fine?

As thought after thought about Manik crashed into her mind, she didn't know when she had opened the window and the windy slants of raindrops were lashing on her face. One couldn't tell looking at her face, which were tears and which were rain, but she knew, intricately hidden with the raindrops on her face were her tears for Manik, the man, the father, the son, the actor & now the lover. Her lover.


Nandini cried all night, as the thunder and the rains raged on. It felt like there was no end to the misery of the storm or the night, and her eyes were determined to compete with nature outside. There was nothing she could do anymore, to save anyone; Manik or Abhimanyu, and it was the night when she had accepted defeat. Nandini Murthy had succumbed that night.

As the rains reduced to a light shower by morning and the first rays of sunlight tinted through her window and fell on her pale, devastated face, a decision raised its head out of her ashes. It was not hope, it was acceptance. Nandini had aligned and dropped her weapons before a higher power in that moment, and decided to leave everything behind for good.

She wasn't able to get Abhimanyu justice anyway, but her face was a constant reminder to Mukti that he existed; maybe if she left, she could give life a real chance with Zubin, not feeling guilty? Also, if she left, the Senior Malhotra's would definitely feel less threatened and release Manik from prison. As for Manik? Well, even if he still loved her, despite her unintended backstab, she was sure that he'd want to forget all about her and move on in his life.

It was easier this way for everyone. She had to leave. Maybe she could go back to her native village which was a few hundred kilometres off Mangalore and serve in the ashram her Aams had set up; she could teach folk music there, an art her Aams wanted to revive. Yes, maybe this way, she'd find some peace too?

As the birds chirped, heralding day break, Nandini found herself dragging her feet to her wardrobe to pull out some clothes, and put them in her bag; if she had to leave she'd do it now, without much fanfare, so that people didn't try and stop her, she was exhausted.

As she pulled out her ID, passport and other documents from her locker, something cold and metallic brushed her finger. She frowned as she scrammed through the locker to touch it again, and as she did, she pulled it out. As she glanced at the item tangled between her fingers, wind was knocked out of her lungs.

It was a wrist band, the band was plain black and it was tied to a platinum buckle that had 'M' engraved on it. In a matter of seconds, more tears jerked out of her and she shook like a leaf realising it was Manik's lucky charm. His wrist band, that he had given to her, what seems like a millennium ago, to protect her, during the pregnancy scandal had broken the internet. It was his sixteenth birthday gift from his grandmother Asha Devi Malhotra, in fact her last gift to him, before her demise. Manik had never taken it off ever since, but for her he had. Just to protect her.

In that moment an epiphany hit her, and it knocked her so hard that she came crashing onto the floor, dropping the wrist band in the process. As the band hit the ground, the metal buckle clunked hard, and Nandini knew she had broken Manik's lucky charm.

However, before Nandini could direct her thoughts towards the band, the epiphany shook her being. Manik Malhotra had always loved her, like she always loved him. It was always her. Only, he didn't realise it himself until it was too late, and when he did, she refused to acknowledge her love for him anymore. She remembered him promising her that he'd pull the real Nandini out of the showgirl, and in this moment, without his knowledge, he truly did. Nandini never stopped loving him. She was not capable of not loving him. Amidst this intense inferno of love, there were pockets of hurt, pain, treachery and even stabs from him, but her love for him was so overpowering that she had in moments hated him, wanted to stay away from him, hurt him, berated him, even wanted to bring him down, but despite all this, didn't stop loving him. The irony of fate lay in the fact that after the long tumultuous night when there came a time they both loved each other unabashedly, it was too late. Now, it was too late to recover anything, just like Manik's broken lucky charm lying at her feet.

Nandini rubbed off her tears and picked up the band, and touched the edge from where it broke. Maybe she could fix it? She was surprised to see no rough edges from where the buckle broke. Did it break, or was it a casket that opened, she wondered, and pulled herself to her feet to switch on her lamp by the bed.

Nandini was surprised to see that the buckle didn't break, it could be opened and inside it was an SD card. Nandini smiled, Manik had mentioned he adored his grandmother, and it looked like she did too! The SD card would for sure have Manik's childhood memories with his grandmother..wait wasn't this given by her on his sixteenth birthday? Maybe it has photos or videos of his first dance that he had with her? Hadn't he mentioned how special that was for him, during their last happy and loveswept dinner in London?

A soft smile erupted her face, as she wiped her tears and got up to pull out her laptop. Yes, she was likely to return this precious gift to Cabir, to give it to Manik when he is out, but she was dying to see Manik, and although it would be his childhood images, she knew it would bring her some solace. Maybe she could keep a copy of these photos with her, just for her to gaze upon, when she was in her native village?

As Nandini quickly put the SD card in the slot of her laptop to read, her heart began thumping unnaturally fast. Soon enough a folder popped on her screen, but just by reading the title of the folder, wind was knocked out of her lungs. No, this can't be.

The folder was named, 'Evidences'

Nandini just stayed numb and stared at the folder, her breaths were shaking, and heart palpitating. Her mouth was dry and she thought she'd never breathe again. Could this be? Was there still hope?

It took Nandini more than five minutes to compose herself, and with shaking hands as she double clicked the folder, she could hear birds chirping by her window, heralding a new day.


Nyonica was sitting on Nandini's couch, but unlike other times she didn't have a warm smile playing on her lips. She was cold, and distant and eyed Nandini with so much anger that it shook Nandini. She knew Nyonica was mad at her for providing false evidence against Manik, but she only realised how mad she was, when after opening Asha Devi's folder full of legit evidence against the Senior Malhotra's in a frenzy, not being able to understand who else to trust and call, she had called Nyonica and realised her mom had blocked her contact! After that it took two days to convince Cabir without giving out too much information or making it suspicious, to help her convince Nyonica to meet her. Nyonica Malhotra had refused point blank, everytime Cabir tried talking her into meeting Nandini, and at the end, Nandini had to resort to emotional blackmail to get her mom to meet her. The last time Cabir called Nyonica, she had snatched the phone to inform her, that she'd OD herself with all the sleeping pills her doctor's had prescribed to her, and kill herself, if Nyonica didn't give her a chance to explain herself & while Cabir and Ranbir had rolled their eyes at her drama, it looked like Nyonica had fallen for it; so here she was curtly sitting in her living room, after coming and making it amply clear that this was the first & last time she was meeting Nandini.

"Mom, thank you for coming.." she mumbled, pulling a stray lock of hair behind her ear, looking guilty.

"You didn't leave me with a choice, Nandini. I promised my son to keep you safe, till he is out. I didn't want you to die on my account and add to my son's suffering." she replied, dryly.

Nandini sniffed. Hearing her mom legit hurt, but she didn't blame her. "Mom, I don't think after what I did, Manik would want you to keep me safe. He'd probably want me dead, himself." she mumbled, as her eyes smarted with tears at the mere possibility.

Nyonica glanced at her and cursed herself for looking at Nandini's eyes. Those innocent eyes always melted her. She had taught herself to not look into her eyes and yet she did. She sighed.  "That's the misery of love, Nandini. I am sure Manik  didn't stop loving you, despite what you did, and I am sure as hell, he doesn't want you dead." she responded.

Nandini nodded, a little relief spreading inside her. Maybe she had a chance to come clean to Manik at least, when all this was over? Then she turned her attention to Nyonica who was fidgeting, more tears threatened to break out.

"Mom, do you hate me now?" she asked helplessly, as the last shred to maternal affection was fast going away from her life.

Nyonica shut her eyes, hearing Nandini's weak quivering voice. She was the child that brought hope in Manik's life and saved him just the way her mother-in-law wanted to save Manik. How could she ever hate her?

"I..I don't hate you Nandini, I can't ever hate you.." she mumbled, and then added, "..that doesn't mean I am not very very angry with you..how could you be so naive Nandini? You tried to deal with the devil & believed it wouldnt scath you?"

"Mom..I had my reasons, but right now, seeing how it harmed Manik, none of them seem good enough.." she cried and sprang to Nyonica and hugged her, burying her head on her chest. Nyonica was first surprised at her suddenness, but eventually took her in her embrace and gently patted her back. Damn it, she couldn't be angry anymore at Nandini for making one grave mistake when she forgave all of her son's past mistakes.

"Sshh, now quiet my child, no more crying." she whispered to her ear, and Nandini smiled knowing her mom was back. She lay there nestled in peace, as Nyonica lovingly stroked her back, and a moment was lost to peace.

"Mom, it was just an audition tape, and I didn't realise it could be used against me. The dialogues were about rape crime, and the story we were playing with was, I had an affair with Abhimanyu, there was no rape like scenario in our PR story, and never in my wildest dream did I imagine, it could be used against us..I'm truly sorry mom.." she howled and Nyonice kissed her head lovingly; of course, how would an innocent woman like Nandini even in her wildest imagination understand that her pure sibling relationship with Abhimnayu could be maligned further.

"Let it go, my child. The Malhotra's won't keep Manik in jail for much longer, I think. We will find a way. Now leave all that and tell me, why did you want to meet me so badly, beta?" she coaxed, trying to change her line of thought, and the mere mention of it stilled Nandini. Shit, she had forgotten her real purpose here.

She quickly looked at Nyonica and immediately rubbed her eyes off tears as she motioned for her to follow Nandini to her bedroom. A surprised Nyonica followed her and soon she had her seated by her study table and opened the laptop, all the time explaining how she got Manik's lucky charm.

"So after everything bad that spiralled between us ever since mom, I was so broken that the sight of the wrist band irritated me, so I removed it and put it away, until yesterday, I found it & as I accidentally broke it open, I found an SD card inside" Nandini was explaining. Nyonica nodded not understanding why this was a big deal, it would probably have some of Manik's childhood memories with Asha Devi, what else?

"Mom, when I opened the folder, this is what I found.." Nandini's whisperer brought her attention back to the folder and what she saw made Nyonica's blood freeze.

In another half an hour, both Nyonica and Nandini went through all the documents in the folder, which included recording of intercepted calls, where both the father-son duo were dealing handlers explaining their plans to score arsenic and discussing how to slow poison Asha Devi and make it look like a heart attack, mentioning the doctor who had agreed to provide a false death certificate and how she needed to complete her last song before dying and how she needed to die just a few days before the song went on air, for the royalty to shoot up; there were other paper documentation of how they have been forging Asha Devi's signature and pulling her money out of her account into theirs, selling her assets; as the women rummaged through the folder multiple other evidences of black money laundering, connection with the underworld, casting couch evidences came into limelight - there was so much evidence, that from where Nandini & Nyonica stood, the Malhotra's stood no chance. The Malhotra's plotted a lot of crime in hubris not realising, their death sentence was dangling on their young son's hand all the while.

"Nandini, my child, you have unearthed the impossible! This was the evidence my mother-in-law had mentioned in her diary, and she was supposed to give these to me..but I was late in reaching her, and we lost her before she could confide in me!" Nyonica's voice shook.

"Mom, wait there is this last recording, this looks like a video recording, do you want me to play it?" Nandini asked, and Nyonica shook her head in affirmation.

"Manik beta, if you're seeing this video, I understand, I am not around anymore, and Nyonica beta isn't either. I am sorry my little love, that you are going through this crisis, but remember my son, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This evidence was for your mom to find, not you, I just knew keeping it with you would be the safest, but as fate would have it, you found it. I want you to be silent about whatever you have seen and discovered here, and not tell a soul about it okay? If Nyonica is also compromised, there is no one to protect you right now, other than your father and grandfather. I want you to take shelter with them till you are ready, my love. I want you to grow up, and become a strong man, be your own person, my child and when you are a big name & independent, then you decide what you want to do with this evidence, until then, stay calm son. I also want to request you to not be vindictive for my cause son, don't let hate rule you, it will leave you broken. I want for you to grow up to be a man that lights up people's lives and finds love and happiness, and if in the pursuit of that, my truth needs to be silenced, I will have no qualms, knowing my little love is leading a good life. The only reason you needed to know the truth is to ensure you don't be like them son, never be like them. Stay strong my little love, I will send a love so deep your way, that you will survive all the hurt that has come your way. Be a good man, my little love, and always know your grams is watching over you.."

As the video ended, both Nandini and Nyonica had tears smeared in their eyes. There were no words left. The evidence of all their crimes were with Manik all the while, no wonder the Malhotra's could never put their fingers on it, and Asha Devi not being able to tell Nyonica about its whereabouts, in a twisted way saved Nyonica's life too.

"Nandini, do you realise what this means?" Nyonica asked Nandini, with a mad, childlike gleam in her eyes.

"..that Shrikant & Shamsher Malhotra can be punished and put behind the bars?" Nandini asked, in a monotone. Nyonica frowned hearing her dull voice.

"Yes, my child; but why do you sound so low? Isn't this what you wanted?" she asked, palming her cheeks. Nandini sighed and shook her head.

"Mom, I am glad your and Manik's grams' destroyer will be punished, but my Abhimanyu's and Manik's sinner will never be punished, mom." she whispered, looking forlorn.

"Beta, they are the same ones, and they will be behind bars for life. It is a win-win." She tried helping her see it, but Nandini only sighed.

"Mom, if we put them behind bars with just this much evidence, they will be punished but Abhimanyu's name will never be cleared. He will remain etched in people's memories as a rapist who died for good. He didn't deserve that, my baby girl didn't deserve this maligning, my Manik doesn't deserve to be called a killer, even if the cause was good; mom none of them would ever get their justice, so even despite losing, Shrikant & Shamsher Malhotra has found a way to defeat me, one way or the other.."

Nyonica looked at the broken girl before her and her mind flashed with all the trauma she had gone through for her family's sake and a clarity of higher order hit her. This Malhotra mantle, this legacy was all make- belief, the Malhotra scions were all a sham, what mantle were they passing down? It was all a deceit, up till Manik. Truth was Manik's shoulders were always barren, because what the legacy passed down, were generations of crime. Then what was the real legacy here?

The one true legend in this family was Asha Devi Malhotra, and she had passed on the baton to Nyonica, and now unknown to her, the baton had landed with Nandini. All three generations of women fought against evil and sacrificed for it; how was Manik the Malhotra scion then? Her Nandini was the true legacy holder, and it was a generational war of women against being wronged. Today Nyonica understood why Manik never succeeded in bringing the Malhotra's down; it was because it was not his war, at all. It was always Nandini's. Asha Devi, Nyonica and Nandini were in the eye of the storm, so they had to lift the weapon and fight, not Manik, it was never about Manik saving them; their story was always about three generations of warrior women protecting Manik. He was the prince, and the women around him his warriors. Today, at the last leg of the war, Nyonica couldn't let Nandini lose. Never.

"Beta, each one of their crimes will be attested. Abhimanyu, your baby & my Manik will be given justice too. I will ensure it." Her voice was strong & firm, and she knew they would win now.

"How?" Nandini asked breathlessly.

"I will vouch against them. Now I have the evidence, which will put them in custody, their fixer Zain is in jail too, they will not be able to harm any one of us. We will first put them behind bars with this evidence and while they are in jail, I will vouch against them stating I was quiet for my son's life; I don't care if I am punished for holding the secret but I will ensure, they are accounted for all their crimes. We will tell the world that Abhimanyu was a great man, that you were never pregnant and never cheated on Manik & that Manik never killed anyone either.." Nyonica stated with conviction.

Nandini, stared at her in shock and disbelief. She always knew that Nyonica could help, but she didn't have the heart to ask her to self sabotage to save everyone when she was wronged herself. "Mom, but I don't want you to be punished.." she whimpered.

"That is not a choice for you to make, my child." Nyonica smiled.

"Does..does this mean that Shrikant & Shamsher Malhotra will be out of our life for good, mom? Is that possible?" Nandini asked in an unsure voice. Nyonica's winning nod put all her doubt to rest.

They both were quiet for a bit, letting the mountain of pain these men offered them through their life sink in and take a minute to bask in the glory of an anticipatory victory, when Nandini whispered again.

"Mom, I don't want the world to know I wasn't pregnant." she whispered, her voice coming out in soft melancholic octaves. Nyonica stilled at her request and gulped before asking.


"..because maybe it was a PR cover story, but for Manik and I, our baby girl was very much real. Her loss was real, our pain was real, our parenthood was real and it would destroy us both, even if for a moment we needed to acknowledge she didn't exist. I want the world to know that I was pregnant & Manik Malhotra was the father of our unborn baby girl. I know Manik would want that too." she whispered.

Nyonica smiled through her tears. "I promise my child, from today, not only for you but also for the world, my lost granddaughter will be very much real. We couldn't celebrate her birth, but we will mourn her death anniversary every year, as a family.

"Thank you, mom." Nandini whispered, and after ages, her heart was not staggering in pain. She knew with her and Manik it would be a long meandering way home, but for once in life it looked like there was definitely a home that nested her and Manik at the end of this journey.

A lot was lost, but not all.


Word Count: 5,033

A/N: So? Do you need a moment to process? :P

Okay, so all your questions will be answered, but before that, how about you answer a few of mine? :)

1. How was the MaNan flashback? Did it bring back nostalgic fake pregnancy memories for you too?

2. Do you readers remember Manik's lucky charm from Chapter 24? Did you ever wonder what happened to it? Also did you ever guess it would be THE MAIN artefact bringing the mystery to close?

3. A lot of you didn't like Nyonica getting pissed with Nandini, and I couldn't tell you it was going to be addressed in this chapter. What are your thoughts on the Nandini-Nyonica bonding & scene?

4. Nyonica's epiphany of the Malhotra legacy belonging to the women in the family in the true sense, do you readers agree? You know, the story was never meant to have MaNan hunt for clues together, in this whole story, Manik and Nandini were never equals, be it her soft version or the 2.O version, Nandini was always the more resilient character & it was always meant to be her hero-story. She was wronged and she had to come out as a victor without Manik's aid. What are your thoughts on this narrative?

5. Nyonica agreeing to rat out the Malhotras for wronging Abhimanyu, Manik & Nandini and their baby girl, how do you feel about this. Are you excited?

6. What is your overall thought on the story, although the tying end and cute stuff are yet to come; but so far how do you feel? Does this chapter satisfy you since Abhimanyu WILL get his justice?

7. Nandini doesn't want the world to know she wasn't really pregnant. Are you with her on this, or do you feel all the truth should be out?

8. Anything else you'd like to call out that you liked, disliked, want, don't want, in the story? Anyone missing Aryamann and Alia? Damn, I miss writing about them :P

9. This is a place for you to jot down any/ every question that you may have and I will be happy to respond.

Lastly, I know, I know this being the last but one chapter, will have come as a shock, but for all the readers who braved these 54 chapters for reading MaNan cutesy stuff, don't be disheartened. I said, Chapter 55 is the last chapter; I never said I am not writing an Epilogue or/and some Bonus chapters just for the fluff of MaNan ;P

This story will still be around for a bit longer, stay happy!

Now, I will see you next Sunday (2nd June) if you readers show me enough love and engagement in the form of more votes, in-line comments & answers to my questions!

Until then,

Keep reading,

Your writer,


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