♐|how to request

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Hey there,
Before we get on with the request box
I'd just like to clear out a messy question here.
So the title says it all! I'm here to give you guys
a clear form although you guys don't have to
follow it, but at least give considerations
In making it specific somehow so I could
achieve my customer's expectations!

So let's get moving shall we?

f o r m s

Title -
duh, do I need explaining here?

Subtitle -
any quotes or secondary titles to make the cover shimmery or glittery, or in other words, at least a bit more awesome.

Type of cover -
Now in this case, I'm asking if you want it to be minimalistic one(either anime minimalistic type or food), anime or realistic.

mood -
not the characters to be used in the book, baka. Its the mood of the cover, if you want it dark, cute, romantic or horror/suspense one or the random one(this includes cuteness, and silly type).

Additional -
(optional, its up to you I guess)
Anything you want to be added?

That's all for the forms. I don't normally do premades or icons but feel free to request! (That is, if you don't mind regretting your decision).

n o t e

re-requesting of covers is always an okay thing to do, okay? So please don't be shy and stop hiding in that shell of your's.

I don't do explicit covers, or any sexual ones, but it still depends. I ship kagehina, that's why.

Anyways! That's all for this how to request! I hope you find it helpful and request away on the request box. Please don't request here, as much as I'd love to do your requests, I don't want a messy book with scattered requests everywhere.

Sincerely ,

Someone from your trash can.

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