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(I know there are holes in my knowledge of magic and stuff but... I'm sorry! I got lazy!)

Lucy's POV

I wake up slowly, only to discover that it's dark out. "Finally!" Natsu says. I yawn. "What?" "It's ready." "Oh! Thank you!" I slowly sit up. "Ow. My side hurts" I whine. "Shouldn't of slept on the dirt young one" Stella says. "I know I know! But I was tired and hungry!" Natsu flicks me in the forehead then hands me a giant leg. "Here." "Th-Thank you" I mutter. I take a bite. "So Stella. What's your goal here?" Natsu asks. I look up at Stella. "I am dying child. So I wish to do as my kin have done but I have not, pass down their magic." "How long do you think you have?" I ask. "probably... six at most. However, I do not think it will take six years to train you." 

Natsu nods. "Neither do I. It only took so long because I had to learn reading and writing and such." I take another bite of the meat. "After you eat child, it's time to start training." I blink. "Already?" "Of course" I continue eating as I listen to her explanation. "Celestial dragons don't technically 'eat' their element, nor are we born under it. I'm not going to go that far into it tonight but let's just say that there are... certain circumstances to which a Celestial dragon is born. So in times of need, we 'soak' in the heavens themselves. Seeing as you are a celestial mage yourself, I'm sure you have noticed. There is a faint... magical-like feeling when stars are out." 

"I noticed that!" I say. Natsu looks at us funny. "What's that feel like?" He asks, grabbing another hunk of meat. I make a face. "um.... I guess, like a mother smiling down on her child with nothing but love?" "Cool!" He says, clearly not understanding but getting the concept. "Alright. Get into a meditating position." I do as she asks. "Now, close your eyes, soak in much more of that magic." I do as she asks. I furrow my eyebrows when I'm not soaking it in. "Just keep trying. It might take a little bit." Stella encourages. 

A year passes. "Now envision it!" Stella shouts. I glare at my hands. I see a flash of a purplish blue. "Again! Not good enough!" I concentrate harder. A flame like thing appears above my hand. It had purples, blues, blacks, a streak of yellow with white dots in it, like a mini galaxy acting like fire. "You did it child. Good job." I relax a little. "It's pretty." I say. I squeak when Natsu sticks his finger in it. "What the fuck!" He pulls his finger back. "It felt like I lost my fucking finger!" He examines it. "Fight me!" Natsu shouts. 

Stella whacks him with her tail. "It's too early for that!" Natsu whines from the ground. I make the element thing disappear, then reappear. "So they are like a type of fire but yet not. Here's what mine look like." Stella looks out and lets a burst of the element out. They were pitch black with white specks in it. "Why are your's different?" I ask. "I'm not too sure..." Stella says, little too cautious. "That was that... You're not ready for the roar yet.... Let's continue" 

Natsu plops down on the bed. "That was fun." I groan and sit next to him. "Yeah" He leans in closer. "Wh-What?" I ask. "It looks like your eyes are different?" "What!?" "Kinda how like mine are a green one second black the next? Maybe like that?" He leans back. "Can I... try something?" I ask. "Sure?" I cup his cheeks. I lean upwards slightly, and press my lips against his. He tenses up. He relaxes slightly and leans into it a little. I pull back. "How was that?" He gets a cheeky smirk. "Ok for a second kiss" I pout. "Jerk" "Let's me give you a better one." He leans in again. 

He presses his lips against mine, but awkwardly. His nose bumps mine. I push him back. "No, no. You're doing it wrong" "I did it the same way!" He protests. "No. You didn't." "How do I do it then?" "Well first, don't pucker. Tilt your head slightly." He tries kissing me again. I lean into it. "Better." I mutter. He pulls back. "How do you know about this?" He asks. I widen my eyes. "Uh... No reason!" I bury my face in the pillow. "My first kiss was with Happy. How bad could it be?" 

I turn around and face him. "So... Cana got me almost drunk, while she was shit faced drunk. She decided to teach me how to kiss for 'when you and that flame headed idiot get together'" "So you made out with Cana?" "She made out with me" I say. "So you know how to make out?" "Y-You could say that." he leans in closer. I push his face away. "I-I don't think my hear can take it right now..." He leans back. "Sorry" I sit up. 

I grab the lacrima phone and dial the guild. "Hello?" "Hey Mira!" I say. "Hi Lucy! Who do you want to talk to this week?" "I want to check in with Levy-chan" "ok! One second!" I wait a minute. "Her and Gajeel aren't in right now." "Oh ok! How about master?"  "Sure!" The phone gets passed over. "How's it going child?" I hear. "Good! How are you feeling?" I ask. "Fine, old, but fine." "That's good. Oh! I unlocked my element today!" "Really?! That's wonderful! We should switch to video call" 

We switch to the crystal lacrima. I see Master gathering a crowd. "I-um. Can't do a roar yet but I can make it in my hand. "Go ahead and show us." I make it in my hand. "That's so pretty!" Mira comments. I answer some of the guild's questions before I have to go. I say my good byes then hang up. "Shower's free!" Natsu says. His hair was flat. "Did you not do your hair yet?" I ask "Nah." I shrug. He digs through his bags to find his pajama pants. I grab a towel and head for the shower. 

"We hafta go on a supply run soon!" Natsu says. "Ok!" I shout. I slip on some pajama shorts and a thin tank top. I brush my hair as I walk into the main room. "one thing Lucy." Natsu says, laying in bed already. "Yes?" I set the brush on the counter then climb into bed with him. "I'm not sure if this will affect you but... You have to train as you sleep as well." "Wait... what?" "When I was able to use fire for the first time, I ended up not controlling it as I sleep." "Slept. But what do you recommend I do?" I correct then ask. "I can wake you up because I'm not immune to your 'flames'. But other than that just... I dunno. Good luck?" "Jerk!" I hit him. I turn on my side. 

He never woke me up. So I guess I'm ok. "What do I call my element?" I ask Stella the next morning. "Whatever you want." She says. "Can I test something?" Natsu asks. "Sure?" I say. "Show me your element" I do as he says. I squeak when he eats it. "This is definitely fire. Celestial Fire. Done" He says. "O....k..." I say, confused. Stella laughs. "That'll do! Now I have a task for you Lucy, while you two do your supply run." "Ok!" I say, cheerfully. "I want you to slowly build up magic in your throat." Natsu shoots Stella a look. "For the dragon roar?" I ask. "Yes. It will take you a long time for this move but the more you get used to it, the better." "Kay!" 

I drive the speed boat to the mainland, Natsu hanging over the side, sick. I continue to attempt to build magic in my throat.  I eventually reach the main land. I park the boat in the free three hour parking. I help Natsu out of the boat. He kisses the ground. We head to the nearest grocery store. Natsu grabs a shopping cart and follows me. "Let's see... Hygiene.... Some snacks.... water bottles.... anything else?" I ask him. "Nope!" He says, a little too quickly. I eye him then continue walking. We walk to the hygiene stuff. I grab some shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, and some tampons and toilet paper. 

Natsu just tosses in a few bottles of 3 in 1. We go down the isle that has the water bottles. Natsu puts in two packs of 36 bottles. We walk throughout the store next, tossing in snacks and food. I laugh at a joke Natsu tells me when I feel a squeeze to my butt. I squeak and turn around. "Excuse me?!"  "Just wanted a feel missy, seeing how you've been teasing me all day" I guy says. I kick him in the nuts. "Creep!" He makes a high pitched noise then kneels. Natsu and I high five. "Nice Lucy!" Natsu glares at the man. "Sick perv" Natsu kicks him one more time for good measure. "Lucy is mine" He mutters than grabs my waist as we walk away. 

Natsu sets all of the groceries in the boat. I kiss his cheek. He gets a faint shade of pink on his cheeks. "Uh...." "For carrying most of the groceries. And for also kicking that dude." "We almost got kicked out though" "But the manager said he comes in weekly and harasses people. Especially the workers." "Yeah." He mumbles something after. "What?" I ask. "Nothing!" He gets in the boat, and instantly sinks down, sick. I pout. "Geez." I get in the boat and take us back to the island. 

About six months pass. I was so close to a dragon's roar. I had an uncomfortable feeling in my throat for a while. "That's just magic building up." Natsu says. "I know! It's just uncomfortable!" I pout. Stella lifts her head. "When it starts to get more uncomfortable than that, let it out." "Kay!" I dodge Natsu's fist. I give him a kick. He catches my foot. I twist and wrap my thighs around his head. He reaches behind him and tries to grab my ankles. He starts turning dark red. He turns his head and bites my thigh. I squeak and let him go. He hunches over, struggling to breathe. I hold my thigh. 

"Are you two alright?" Stella asks. "Yeah. I think we just went too far." Natsu says. I look down at my thigh. I squeak when he lifts my leg up to look at it. "I didn't hurt you too bad did I?" "N-No..." "you are bleeding though. Let me just-" I gasp when he licks up the wound. Our eyes were locked. I quickly cover my mouth when he does it again. "Ahem" Stella clears her throat. Natsu quickly drops my leg. "Sorry!" I squeeze my thighs together. "I-It-Its fine"

After a few minutes of awkward silence,  my throat starts to burn like crazy. I slam backwards, clawing at my throat. "Her roar is awakening way to quickly. Release it child!" I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "Try it again!" I try again. I start to see black dots. "-Tsu!" Is all I hear. I feel him slam his lips against mine. He sucks the air out of my lungs. I feel him pull back quickly. I release all of the magic stuck in my throat with a scream. 

I slowly open my eyes. "Are you alright now child?" Stella asks, her head close to mine. I put a hand on her snout. "Yes, thank you." "You did your first roar. Congratulations. It was... much bigger than expected. Natsu told me his was very, very tiny" She explains. "I did not expect it to be like this. For that, I apologize." I sit up slowly. "Well... Natsu didn't have as much magic back then. But it's fine." I stand up. "Well it's time to try the roar." 

I do a dragon's roar. "Pretty" I mutter after. "Wait... where's Natsu?" I ask. "In the cabin." "I'll go check up on him. Maybe we can spar again." I walk towards the cabin. "Natsu?" I ask. "Yeah?" I hear. "Are you ok?" I hear a grunt. "I'm coming in" I mutter. I see the bathroom light on. I hear the sounds of vomit. I rush to the bathroom and see him on the floor, over the toilet. I kneel next to him, rubbing his back. "Swallowed way too much." He grumbles. I scrunch my nose. "Sometimes I wish my senses weren't getting stronger." He laughs then pukes again. 

He rinses his mouth out. "Ugh" He groans and shakes his head with his tongue out. "Did you manage to do it?" Natsu asks. "Yeah!" "How'd it feel?" He asks. "Aside from the pain? Um... Thrilling?" he doesn't answer for a second, because he was chugging water. He burps loudly then grins at me. "Let's see who's roar is stronger." "Kay!" We head outside. "Stella! Can you see who's roar is stronger?" I ask. "Sure!" Natsu and I stand a long ways off. I take a deep breath. "Start!" Stella says. 

I  do a dragon roar at the same time as Natsu. We keep going for close to a minute before we stop. "You are both equal" She says. "No shit?" Natsu says, running towards me. Stella hums. "Alright for your task tonight. Natsu, you will be training Lucy on heightening her senses." "Kay!" Natsu grabs my hand and we run to the forest. 

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