What If The Sun Disappeared?

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Earth and Mars were playing a card game one day in the Solar System. "Hey, uhh... have you ever wondered what would happen if, well, you know, the Sun disappeared?" Mars asked. "Well, I don't know. I mean I would... get dark?" Earth replied. The Sun heard the two planets. "Okay, yeah. You think my only purpose is to be a... giant space lightbulb!?" the Sun responded, annoyed. "Girl, girl, she heard you, just take it ba-"

"You're getting this message from 8 minutes in the past, because of how light travels in relativity or whatever, but in reality, I'm already gone! And very soon, you'll see what really happens when I'm gone!" the Sun snapped.

"M...M... M... Miss Sun, she... she's very sorry," Mars stuttered. "No, I'm not! Let her leave, let's see what happens!" Earth responded. Suddenly, Neptune stormed over to Earth and Mars. "You idiot! Do you even know why they call it the Solar System?" she snapped. "Now we're gonna be a bunch of frozen Plutos drifting through space. We need the Sun's gravitational pull to stay in orbit!"

"I... I... I... I... I didn't know!" Earth stuttered. "I'll try to keep us together with my own gravity, but... I don't know if it would be enough," Jupiter remarked.

"I thought your crazy Earthlings were going to be the death of us all, not your own stupidity!" Neptune grouched. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Earth apologized nervously. "Sun, alright, just don't... don't leave."

"I was bluffing! I'm not going anywhere guys, we will all stay together forever!" the Sun responded.

"Until I become a red giant and consume you all!"

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