The Truth

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After me and my dad finished eating dinner I washed the dishes and he helped me dried the dishes. After we finished the dishes we went into the living room and I noticed he wasn't feeling well. "Dad you aren't feeling well... Please rest! Don't stress yourself!" I yelled in a worried tone. "Alright son there is no arguing with you..." He walked up stairs to lay down but I was still worried about my dad because he is the only one I even know. "I hope dad is gonna be okay... Wait he is superdad so he'll be fine." I whispered to myself I then hear him coughing so I rushed up stairs to his aid and he wasn't in the best condition. His heart was failing him and I began to cry. "Son don't worry about me... Keep on being strong (Y/N)." He said weakly to me but I was still crying. "Dad I can't be strong... You're the only person whose been there for me." I yelled sadly and he held my hand. "Son I want you to know that you were the best part of my life... And I will always love you like a son... But you'll find everything on this." He hands me a device that had a weird symbol on it and I held it. "What is this for?" I asked him sadly. "It holds the truth about you... Everything you'll need to know about yourself (Y/N). Now that it to the garage and put in the slot for your space ship." He looked at me weakly and he let go of my hand. "Dad please don't leave me! Please don't!" I yelled at him hoping that he will stay with me. "I love you... Son." His eyes closed and I heard his heart stop beating and my eyes began to burst into tears as I watched my dad died right in front of me. "Dad! Dad! No don't go! Please stay with me!" I yelled but he wasn't responding so I walked out to the garage and saw a space ship and I looked in awe. "Is the what dad was talking about?" I began to walk up to it and I saw a costume and a place to put the device. So I put it in there and a hologram of a man showed up. "Who are you?" I asked the man as he looked at me. "Well i'm surprised that my only son doesn't recognize his old man." He said so calmly. "What but my dad is in the house well he was." I looked down as I said that and the man walked up to me. "Listen (Y/N). You aren't from this world. You are from a world that was wiped out by our sun exploding. And your real name is (Y/N)-El. You are from the house of El." He said that to me in a calm way. "The house of El?" I questioned him and he gave me a pretty solid answer. "Yes my son you are from the house of El the house of hope." He said as I looked inside of the ship to see a picture of me as a baby and my real parents. "The house of hope huh... Well that's cool and all but how'd I get here." I looked at my real dad. "I've built a rocket for you thanks to your uncle Jor-El because we both knew about the planet's doom. And well I wanted a better life for you. You've grown so much. I'd just wish I was there to see you grow and so does your mother." My real dad looked at me smiling. "What's with the costume." I looked back at him confused. "That is our people's armor it will protect you from any harm." He said to me as I put on the costume and it adjusted to my size. "Wow fits like a glove." I said while smiling as I looked in the mirror and I looked cool. "Well my son. You may feel that this world will reject but if given time they will join you in the sun." I walked out of the garage and I jumped up into the sky so high I felt like I was flying. "WOOHOO!" I yelled as I reached the clouds and I looked up into the clouds. "I hope you are happy in heaven dad..." I looked down and I see that I was falling. "AHHHHHHH!! I'm gonna die!" I crashed into the ground which made a giant crater. I then began to look at my hands and made them into a fist as I jumped up into the air and I began to fly through the sky yelling. "WOOHOO! THIS IS AWESOME!" I said very loud and people heard me but they couldn't see me. "Wow this power it's awesome! With it I'll definitely be able to join Fairy Tail now!" I land on the ground and it made a crack in the dirt and I began to fly all the way home and I gave my dad the proper grave he deserved. "Goodbye dad foster dad. I'll miss you..." I said as a tear went down my eye and I sat down in the living room and grieved for an hour before taking a nap.

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