You and Lucy Join Fairy Tail

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                                 Your Pov

I was at home resting after what happened last night as I heard a knock on my door. "I'm coming!" I shouted as I walked to the door and I saw both Natsu and Lucy. "What are you guys doing here! And how do you know where I live?!" I was wearing glasses and I was in a normal attire. "Actually dude. We wanted to know if you come with us to Fairy Tail?" Natsu said to me as I gave everyone something to drink. "Fairy Tail! Are you for real?!" I yelled in excitement and both Lucy and Natsu smiled at me. "Well you did help me fight those guys and you are really strong!" Natsu said to me in excitement. "Well when do we go?" I asked. "Right now!" Natsu shouted as we all left my house and left to Fairy Tail.

                               Lucy's Pov

"So what is Fairy Tail like Natsu?" I asked him and I looked at (Y/N) as he adjusted his glasses. "Well it is a guild like a family to me so you two will get use to it." Natsu said to us with a smile on his face. "Hey (Y/N) why are you wearing glasses?" I asked him in a confused tone. "It's because people will know who I am." He laughed while he said that. I looked at (Y/N) and giggled at his comment. "Well I know who you are. And I think it's cool that can do all that." I said to (Y/N) "Honey you haven't seen nothing yet. I haven't even used full power." (Y/N) said to me with a grin. "Well guys were here!" Natsu shouted as I kept looking at (Y/N) but then I looked at the guild. "I can't believe I am at the Fairy Tail guild!" I yelled in excitement as I looked in awe at the Fairy Tail guild.

                                 Your Pov

"WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE!" Natsu yelled as he kicked opened the door. "We're home!" Happy said after Natsu yelled. Everyone in the guild smiled at us and was happy to see us. I decided to walk around and explore the place and I got people looking at me because I looked like someone who could write a newspaper journal for them. But then out of no where a fight happened and I looked around and saw everyone attacking each other and I shrugged my shoulders as I sat down but someone took the chair as soon as I sat down but I was floating so it didn't make me fall to the ground. "I guess this is normal. I like it! The excitement! I just wish dad was here to see me here." I sighed as I looked over at Lucy. She looked so lovely but she is just a friend and that is all. A chair hit my head but it got destroyed and I felt no pain. "Was that suppose to hurt?" I jumped into the fight as I flicked someone away. "Damn I keep using so much power." As soon as I look away I heard a giant footstep I turn around to see a giant figure and I looked in confusion. Will you fools stop bickering like children!" The figure said and everyone stopped fighting as I look at Lucy and she was scared. "I'm sorry I didn't I now you were still here master." A white hair barmaid said. "That's the famous Mirajane..." I said to myself quietly.

"Did you say master!" Lucy yelled out loud and I grin at the figure. "HAHAHAHAHA! Man talk about a bunch of babys! Looks like I won this..." Natsu was being cocky but he was stomped on. "It seems we have two new recruits!" The figure looked at me then Lucy. "Yes sir..." Lucy said all scared. The figure shrunk down to a little man. "What kind of magic is that?" I said to myself. "Nice to meet ya two!" He said to us both and I looked at him with respect. "Nice to meet you too guild master." I bowed to show my respect to him. "He's tiny! This little guy is really in charge here?" Lucy said with confusion. "Of course he is! Allow me to introduce you to the Fairy Tail guild master Makarov!" Mirajane said then Malkarov jumped up but hit his head and he recovered and stood up ready to say something. "Now you've gone and done it again! You bunch of clods! Just take a look at how much paper work the magic council sent me this time! This is biggest pile of compliants yet!" He yelled looking at everyone who was listening. "Wow they got all those complaints Fairy Tail gets. Not good for a superhero image. Maybe I should call myself Superman... No not good how about Ultraman or maybe Superboy! No not good! Maybe Superman is good." I said to myself and everyone didn't hear me. "Have you lost your minds! All you kids are good for is getting the higher ups mad at me!" He yelled again and everyone looked down and they got sad a little bit. But I saw Makarov burn the lists of complaints. "However... I saw to heck with the magic council." He throws the burning papers and Natsu catches them like a dog and he eats the papers. "Now listen up, any power that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Magic isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To perform magic one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our magic will never progress. Don't those blowhearts on the council scare you. Follow the path you believe in! And that is what makes the Fairy Tail guild number 1!" Everyone does the l with their hands and they raise their hands up in the air. And I see Lucy look up at Makarov and she smiled and I smiled at her.

I changed into my Kryptonian suit and I look at everyone. I saw Lucy get her Fairy Tail mark on her right hand and hers is pink. And well I was told to go over there and get my mark so I walked over there and I got my guild mark on my chest and the color of it is blue. "Wow so cool!" I looked at it and I put my costume back on. Lucy went over to Natsu to show her guild mark but Natsu was unimpressed so she walked up to me and showed me her guild mark. "Hey (Y/N) look the guild mark that Mirajane gave me!" She yelled in a happy tone. "That's awesome Lucy! I got mine on my chest!" I said as both our hands touched and we jumped in happiness. But when we saw what we were doing I blushed looking at her beautiful face and she blushed at me so we quickly let go and looked back from each other. "Yeah this is awesome Lucy!" I said still blushing. "It is awesome (Y/N)! By the way love the costume!" She said to me while she was blushing. "Oh thanks my father and mom got it for me and the symbol means hope." I said blushing and then I stopped blushing because I went to look around the guild. Lucy went to go sit at the bar and I was staring at her because nd my heart started to beat fast. "Am I in love with Lucy... No we are just friends and I tend to keep it professional between us." I said quietly to myself. "But I can't help that I like Lucy... But we just met so yeah I will try to keep this as professional as possible!" I said quietly to myself as I thought about it.

(Well this chapter was longer than I thought it would be. But should (Y/N) go on the mission and help Natsu and Lucy or should he stay at the guild and get advice from the other guild members comment below on what (Y/N) should do.)

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