A True Gryffindor.

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A True Gryffindor

The older man standing next to Albus was the Headmaster of Hogwarts currently. Armando Dippet, born around the era I just left.

The sixteen-hundreds.

He gazed at me through luminescent green eyes, looking absolutely flabbergasted with me just standing here.

His office was huge, about the size of a living room in a larger house. It was decorated in a practical fashion, the only thing sticking out to me is the portraits of what I could only assume as previous Headmasters. There was a picture of himself here and there, with papers scattered about. Clearing my throat I turned my attention back to the men.

"Hello." I meekly said, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Hello." He replied in a clipped tone, his gaze rolling to Albus who stood watching us oblivious to the tension in the room. "Albus, we can't just accept random students. Not only that but do you know what hour it is?" The Headmaster exclaimed, looking at Albus with a scowl.

"Well, I figured it was best that she come now, whether than stay in that dingy old bar. Merlin only know's what could've happened to her had I just left her there?" Albus said, his blue eyes twinkling in a way that knew he made a fair point.

I'll tell you what would've happened. I would have went home, took a shower, and went to sleep. I also probably would have skipped school the next day just to sleep in.

Dippet sighed, running a hand down the length of his face. He shook his head as if debating on what to do. "I suppose you do make a fair point." He stated giving in rather easily, before taking out a wand from his robes.

He looked over Albus's head, pointing his wand to the one of the many cabinets. "Accio, sorting hat," Dippet stated, flicking his wand.

I watched as the cabinet door flew open, and out came a dirty old hat. What was odd about the hat was the face it seemed to adorn, it wasn't a true face—but more like folds in the hat shaped to look like a face.

Albus smiled at the hat, motioning me over to take a seat in one of the chairs across Dippet's desk. In confusion I took a seat, my eyes following Dippet as he walked over and placed the hat on my head.

I jumped when I heard a raspy sounding voice in my head, it took me a second to realize this was the hat speaking to me.

'You're no witch!'  It cried out, in an accusing tone.

'I know.'  I sourly thought back. 'I'm only here to better this community.'

The hat seemed to snicker, before replying. 'Oh, I know all about your little mission. Good luck with that, I saw straight into that boy's mind—leading him off the course he's on will be no walk in the park. However, I sense that you may just be the one who can pull this off.'  He told me in a thoughtful voice.

'Well, thanks for believing in me!'  I wittily thought, ready to just curl up in bed and fall asleep.

'You're difficult to sort. Plentiful amounts of courage, a quick and creative mind too. You have talent and power of course with being a Nephilim. You're loyal to those you love, but not particularly nice to strangers. You are cunning for sure, with a thirst to prove yourself more than just the archangel's daughter I see.'  The hat hummed. 'But where; oh, where shall I put you? Hufflepuff? No, definitely not. Ravenclaw? You could achieve great things in that house and it may set you up for a fulfilling life in the wizarding world, but what's this? You don't plan to stay in the wizarding world any longer than your task requires—in that case, you have no need for Ravenclaw. Slytherin? Yes, yes, it will help you in terms of your task, but I sense you will not bond well with most students in that house. Perhaps one or two being the exception. Gryffindor? You have much of a daring personality, and plenty of courage to go around. Close to nothing scares you, and I sense life-long friends being made in that house. This may also draw you closer to the end of your task in a queer way. I sense a true Gryffindor in you.'

In a matter of seconds, the Hat's voice switched from my head to outside. "Gryffindor!" It shouted loud and proud for everyone in the room to hear.

Albus gave a huge grin, while Dippet gave a softer tired smile. "Classes for you will not start until tomorrow afternoon, once lunch has concluded. Your timetable will be handed out then, I suspect until you can take a trip to Hogsmeade you will need to borrow robes from other students." Dippet told me, waving his wand sending the hat back to its place. "I'm sure you can handle it from here, Albus?" The old man yawned, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth.

"Of course, good night Armando," Albus said, leading me out of the office.

Once we stepped out of the office, I looked around the large castle corridor in slight amazement. Paintings which seemed to be sleeping lined the towering stone walls, somewhat unnerving creaks sounded about—no doubt from the age of this castle.

I was able to sense that we were somewhere in the Scottish Highlands, but I couldn't pinpoint a direct location. Our footsteps echoed through the corridor as Albus lead me through the castle.

"Magnificent, is it not?" Albus chuckled at my look of wonder.

"I have been to many places. Seen many different sights, but I must admit Hogwarts is at the top of my list. This must be the most breathtaking castle I've been in." I stated, allowing my eyes to drift around the corridor.

"Is this a new student I see? Quite the looker too! I sense a new bout of mischief bubbling from her, I am sure I will have plenty of fun with yyyooouuu!" A slightly high-pitched male British voice sang.

I jumped, frantically looking around but not seeing anything. "What in the world?" I asked, looking at Albus confused.

He only sighed, rubbing his forehead. "That would be Peeves the Poltergeist." His shook his head. "I already know the two of you will stir up more trouble than it's worth, stay away from him." Albus weakly warned, looking around trying to see if he could spot the poltergeist.

Usually, I had sight into the 'third dimension' as people called it, but since I had changed my powers to become more dormant my 'inner eye' was now closed. By inner eye, I meant the sight which allowed me to perceive ghosts when they were invisible. Of course, Peeves was a Poltergeist but he still could go invisible nonetheless.

"I can't see him, is he just invisible or does he not have a physical form?" I questioned, only to be cut off by a man with wickedly slanted, orange eyes, dressed in loud, outlandish clothes appearing directly in front of me.

"AHH!" I screamed jumping back, as he had taken me by surprise.

As I jumped back, by pure instinct my fist came flying out in front of me—landing a hard hit on the Poltergeist's nose. Peeves, floated in the air, rubbing his red nose in disdain, but an excited look gleamed in his orange eyes.

"Ha! A real Gryffindor aren't ya?" The Poltergeist cackled in a mad way. "We're going to have some real fun, sugar!" The chaotic spirit winked at me, before rushing off in a loud fit of snickers.

I watched him go my mouth falling agape. Did a Poltergeist just try to flirt with me?

"Well, that's never happened before," Albus said, thoughtfully his gaze rested on Peeves flying form before they moved along.

"What, the thousand-year-old Poltergeist flirting with me?" I said, sarcastically.

"That too, but Peeves generally would have done something more. It's rare that he ever get's along with any student." Albus hummed, as we came upon a staircase. "Mind your step." He stated, just as we began climbing the staircase.

"Why-" I was cut off, as the staircase began moving.

I smiled lightheartedly at this. I sensed strong powerful magic in the confines of this castle. Soon my mind went back to Peeves. Poltergeist and ghost alike all had a good sense when it came down to people. Now, Peeves may have not known about my true nature, but he obviously could sense the mischievous stench I sent off. With my father being known as the most mischievous archangel, it obviously had rubbed off on me.

Soon Albus and I came upon a portrait of a Fat Lady, who was in a deep slumber.

"Morgenstern," Albus said, to the portrait.

Her eyes opened, and she let out a yawn. She barely gave me a glance before the portrait swung open.

"That is your house password to get in for the remainder of this year," Albus said, as we walked into a warm room.

I was welcomed by a roaring scarlet fire, and squashy stuffed armchairs scattered about. Tables were also around holding large ancient looking books. My attention was then drawn to a single student, who was lying on her stomach in front of the fire seemingly struggling to keep her eyes open. She lay on the floor her feet in the air, as she read.

Albus noticed her as well, and let out a small laugh. "Miss Rowle is there any reason you are still awake? Prefect duties ended hours ago." Albus stated, causing the girl to jump wide awake.

She blushed beet red, picking up the book from the floor and standing. Right away, I could see the book was an advanced Potions book tucked under her arm. She cleared her throat shifting foot-to-foot bringing her sleep robes tighter around her.

"I was just trying to study some Potions sir." She said, rubbing her eyes a small yawn escaping her.

Albus clicked his tongue, a small smile coming across his face. "I hardly deem it necessary, you are the top Gryffindor student."

She only shrugged, a shy smile crossing her lips. Her eyes came to me, widening slightly. "Who's this?"

"Please meet Miss Rhiannon Lightly the newest fifth-year student. She is a transfer from Ilvermorny." Albus motioned to me, causing me to smile in a friendly manner at her.

"Hello." I greeted, walking forward shaking her hand.

"Hello, pleasure to meet you. I am Lavender Rowle, the fifth-year Gryffindor prefect." She smiled back, looking to Albus. "I assume she'll be in my dormitory? With the rest of the fifth-years?" She politely questioned, Albus.

"Yes, her first day will begin tomorrow afternoon, she is excused from morning classes. Unfortunately, we had some complications with her bag, so she will need to wait until the Hogsmeade trip this weekend to get her own uniforms and other clothes." Albus lied on the spot.

Lavender overlooked my body quickly, "Well we look about the same size, so you can borrow some of my stuff if you want?" She smiled.

"Oh, that would be great. Thank you so much." I let out a false breath of relief.

"Well, I will see you two girl's in the morning. I'm sure you can handle it from here, Miss Rowle." Albus asked, earning a nod from her. "Goodnight then ladies." He dismissed, walking out of the portrait.

"Goodnight, professor." Lavender said, making me realize I should really start referring to Albus as 'Professor Dumbledore'.

Once he was gone she turned to me with a smile. "I imagine you're tired, you can borrow some of my sleepwear as well." She leads me up the steps.

"Thank you so much," I said, with a smile. Lavender seemed like a genuine person.

She waved me off, "Don't think anything of it. Anyway, tomorrow I'll introduce to a few people, and go over some more stuff." She said, before letting out a loud yawn.

As soon as we got into the dormitory, I noticed four beds in total. The two on the left side was filled with sleeping girls, and the two on the right were empty.

"You're the closest to the window." She pointed me to the bed, handing me a nightgown at the same time.

I wasn't affected by how old-school it looked, considering this was the 1940's. Quickly, I changed my clothing to the pajamas, waving the wand at the same time so it looked like I had used a spell.

My eyelids felt heavier by the second, and without warning, I jumped on my bed taking the pillow cuddling into it. "mmm- goodnight Lavender." I mumbled, sleepily referring to Lavender.

I could vaguely hear her wish me a good night before I was sucked into a world made entirely of my own.

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