My Past, Her Future.

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My Past, Her Future

"I swear, we could be professional house decorators." Lavender proudly looked at our hard work to the apartment.

900 North Kingsbury Street, was officially my new home and soon to be Tom Riddle's new home as well.

That was as soon as I went and got the idiot wizard after he pretty much kills himself fighting Harry Potter.

The condo was on the top floor of the complex, with both a modern and old-fashioned touch. Balthazar, Alexius, Lavender, and I had finished painting it about a week ago, and since we finished we had been non-stop shopping for furniture, art, and such.

All I will say is there is not a piece of equipment that cost less than one hundred fifty dollars in here.

At first, I considered moving Tom and me out to the country but was immediately against the idea. I had grown up in the city all my life, I couldn't imagine leaving it. And deep down, I knew Tom slightly preferred the city over a quiet place in the middle of nowhere, even though that was practically the description of Riddle Manor.

Unable to stop myself from racking my eyes over the place, I smiled in content. Paintings of myself from different eras lined the walls, along with pictures of my mother, father, Balthazar, Alexius, even Tom when he didn't realize I had taken photos.

I managed to get my hands on both a portrait of Tom's mother and his father, both of which were hanging proudly on the wall. Knowing Tom didn't like his father all that much, I would take it down if it bothered him. But I had a feeling he'd like it.

The plan this whole time was to leave right before the battle, allow history to play itself out, and then once Harry won, I'd go back resurrect him as quick as possible and take him home. Even if he didn't want too, I was not about to let him slip away.

Tom will see, I'll show him a better life than his last.

"Oh, I can't believe you're moving out! I feel like it was just yesterday I was moving in with you." Balthazar pinched my cheeks, myself blushing while smacking his hands away.

"Let's be honest uncle," I sighed in dismay, knowing what was bound to happen. "You're probably just going to move in with Tom and me." Balthazar smiled, throwing his hands around my shoulder.

"That's my girl, always correct!" I rolled my eyes while he mockingly kissed my cheek, Alexius bursting out in laughter, and Lavender giggling while subconsciously
toying with the engagement ring around her ring finger.

"Anyone else in the mood for Mexican food, or maybe a hot dog? Actually, never mind, I think I want Chinese instead." Lavender rambled, Alexius shaking his head while pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

My mouth fell open at her words, eyes narrowing suspiciously. It was a long-shot, and I probably wasn't right, but it was worth a try. Listening closely, allowing my super-hearing to truly take lead, my eyes ran to Lavender's stomach which was covered by a warm sweater.

Balthazar must have had the same inkling because he too was doing as I was. We had to listen for a second, myself shushing the newly engaged couple, focusing on the sounds coming from her stomach. Slight growling, she really was hungry, but below all that, ever so quietly...

I gasped covering my mouth, eyes comically wide. Slower than normal and yet still there, alike to a drumming beat, was another heartbeat. Already strong, for Lavender couldn't be more than a few weeks along.

"You two had sex!" I crossed my arms, Alexius giving me a confused look.

"Uhh..." Lavender was blushing hard. "Yeah, a few times actually. That's normally what couples do." Alexius laughed, stopping when he saw my expression. "What's wrong?"

Balthazar gave me a look, clearly saying let them figure it out on their own. But where was the fun in that?

"It's a girl!" I laughed in excitement, teleporting so I face-to-face with Lavender's currently flat stomach. "Hello, little one. I'm your auntie! Ooh, you two better name her after me!" Lavender pulled away looking to me in confusion, Alexius only with wide eyes.

"What? That's mad, I'm not pregnant." She shook her head, freezing at Alexius's shell-shocked expression. He was obviously listening to the heartbeat as well. "Alexius?" Her British accent was an all-time high, so strong we almost couldn't understand her.

Swallowing, he looked into her eyes with a nervous smile. "Surprise?"

Lavender screeched, pulling out her wand with inhumane speed waving it around her stomach. A small green hue glittered around her for a second before fading, the positivity sign.

"But we haven't even got married! You told me this couldn't happen!" She was accusingly waved her finger at him, getting closer, Alexius backing up in fright.

Never test the wrath of a pregnant woman.

"I thought it couldn't!" He weakly defended himself, Lavender simply unable to react properly to this news."

Snickering, I shook my head. "You thought..." I muttered earning a glare from Alexius in return.

Balthazar stepped in, placing a hand on Alexius's shoulder. "A human, wizard, demon hybrid. Tribrid, how interesting." He stated as if it were the most fascinating topic in the world. "Well, congratulations to you both. Young parents, you'll be, but I'm sure you'll do just fine!"

"And, I'll be the little Pandora's auntie, so she'll turn out great." Alexius and Lavender both looked apprehensive, sharing looks with one another.

"For one, I'm not naming my poor little girl after you-" Alexius didn't even get to finish his sentence before I slapped him across the face causing him to cry out.

"Get out of my house."


I couldn't watch Tom die, I couldn't bring myself to do it. And so, I appeared the second after he was completely gone. Wizards and witches stood about in fright, blood soaking the ground, Death Eater's apparating away when they saw their master dead.

Bodies lay lifeless on the ground, both of the light and dark. The smell of the air was fire and death, a horrible combination. Looking around, it was the scene of a horror film, something terrible had occurred here, something that should never in a million years be repeated.

And despite Tom's petty anger when he was back, it was something I would not allow him to restart. With a breath, no one noticed me hiding behind a column with my eyes closed.

Bringing my hands out, I willed Tom's life back. I imagined him standing there in all his handsome glory, soul completely whole and face glowing with youth. Health spiking from his very pores, the ice blue of his eyes, the dark hair, the pale skin, everything about Tom.

I couldn't explain it, the feeling which washed over me was so powerful so foreign that I nearly stumbled back from the force. I could feel Tom Riddle, feel his boundless pulsing magic thickening the air, see his killer smirk, eyes dancing with the one emotion they said he'd never be able to feel.


Eyes shining with love as he looked down at me. The love of my life, my soul-bounder.

With that last thought, our lives were linked, Tom's soul and my grace becoming one. Emotions could now be shared, when one was in danger the other would know, we were linked to a degree no one would ever be able to understand.

He was my world, and I was his.

Snapping my eyes open, a gasp escaped me at the sight of Tom Riddle looking no older than twenty standing before me in his dark robes. Clenching his hand, he looked at in amazement before his eyes met mine.

"But, I was dead! My soul was torn apart–?" I cut him off by pressing my finger against his lips.

"Who cares, Tom? You're alive, here with me, and you are going to stay with me. No more raising an army, no more war, you are going to come home with me and allow everyone here to believe that you are dead." Tom's eyes gazed into mine with a profound longing, myself sighing in relief when I felt his whole soul.

"Fine." I was surprised by his answer but knew he didn't want to chance dying again. "Let's go home." With a grin, I pulled him in for a deep kiss, passion bouncing around us in a way that hadn't ever happened before.

Seconds ticked by as I allowed my grace to overcome us, sending into a twirling dance through the oceans of time. As soon as we landed, I recognized a random brush of forest surrounding us.

My eyes wandered over to a mob of angry French people all shouting in French, each dressed in attire from the sixteen-hundreds. Tom; holding me against him, looked around curiously before turning to me with a raised brow.

"This is home?" It was more of a question than a statement, and before I could answer a peculiar sight caught my eye.

Standing on the other side of the mob of angry French people was a teenaged girl, no older than sixteen. Wild curls framed her face, her hazel eyes alight with life. There was a thick dress covering her body, along with an arrow stuck in her thigh.

However, the girl didn't look like she was in pain, in fact, she looked like she was having the time of her life. Tom followed my gaze, breath catching in his throat when he saw exactly who I was looking at.

It must have been odd considering the curly-haired girl we were looking at was my fifteen-year-old self. It was my fifteen-year-old self just a few minutes before I ran into Albus Dumbledore in that pub. Luckily, no one noticed us, not even my past self.

It was so odd seeing this from an outsiders perspective, especially considering the fact that I remembered this exact moment in my past. Tom watched keenly, his eyes curious as to what would happen.

With a mocking wave, the younger version of myself's eyes lit up with gold and suddeny she was gone before anyone could blink. Off to start the adventure of meeting her soul-bounder, off to that very same pub where she would meet Dumbledore and go to Hogwarts.

This was my end and her beginning, how strange? Time-travel truly was complicated.

"Was that–?" Tom was cut off by me, smiling up at him.

"Yep," I nodded my head, pointing to the French mob who had just noticed us, all of them freezing in confusion at the sight of what was an older version of me. "Right before, I met Dumbledore, in fact, she's entering that pub as we speak. Weird, I know, but get used to it, because this is our life now." He smirked, giving me a quick kiss, the both of us turning to the angry peasants.

"I know, puppy." I looked up at him with a huge smile, watching as a slightly insane (in a good way) grin ate at his lips. "And, I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Great!" I clapped my hands, gripping his wrist while whirling us around away from the peasants. "In that case, RUN!"

And so we ran, ready to end our current story and start another of a whole new beginning. After all, endings are but the next great adventure.



Wrapping up this story is so weird, I've literally been working on this for almost two years now. At first, it was a completely different book which never did get published because I scrapped that and began writing this one in its place. (Still, have the rough draft of that story!)

The main storyline is the same with both, except for major facts had been changed with that story versus this one. God, it feels like losing a child or something; lol, because I've been working on this for so long.

I'm happy about how I ended it, but at the same time, I wished I added more detail. However, I wasn't about to make you guys wait like another month just so I could add details when I was able to get the point across just fine with a slightly shorter version.

I am so sorry about the long wait, but as I said before after part two was finished I somehow got wrapped in the Doctor Who fandom. (Best mistake ever!) Yeah, I freaking finished a forty-eight part fan fiction on that before I even started on this part. So sorry about that!

Unfortunately, there will not be a sequel to this book, but I will definitely have other Harry Potter fanfictions up in the future, possibly even another Tom Riddle based one.

However, I'm not sure when, but eventually I am going to rewrite this book entirely, so that will be fun! When I do rewrite it, some of the plot may change and there will be new chapters and such, so yeah, be looking out for that!

Also, I am thinking of creating a Draco Malfoy fan fiction as well in the very near future. Comment if you would read it and if so; would you prefer to read it entirely published or with chapter coming every few days?

Please, please, please, if any of you have questions either message me or comment because I love hearing from you guys and I love answering questions.

Guys, I just want you all to realize how much it means to me that you took the time to read this crap story. THANK YOU ALL (as Alexius would put it) SO FUCKING MUCH!


Now, if any of you happen to be fans of Doctor Who, go check out my story for that. PLEASE! It's literally just sitting there completed, lol. Not gonna lie, I think I accidentally made the protagonist from that story mirror Pandora, it's just certain quirks they share.

Any extreme Twihards like myself (Twilight fans?). I have a story for Twilight posted about that as well, by the way, it was one of the most fun stories I've ever written.

AGAIN, THANK YOU ALL, I LOVE YOU! This has been so amazing to write, and reading your comments makes my day. I love knowing that people do take the time to read my little corner of imagination.

Thank you all.

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