Dumb Sh*t

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Just so you know, nothing in this book, except that OC guy, and the plot, belongs to me.

This was some dumb shit i came up with at 1 a.m.
On a particular day at UA, Shoto was enjoying his cold soba when someone approached him.

It was the redhead Shinsou, Kirishima and Ashido often hangs around with.

And then he asked.

"Sir, are you aware you have a Fire quirk?"

It turns out Shoto does know how to make a Shocked Pikachu face.

Izuku, to Dabi, Himiko, Hitoshi, and basically every student (not M*neta) in 1-A: I've only had these guys and girls for a day and a half, but if anything happens to any of them, i will kill everyone in this city, starting with Endeavor, and then myself.

Izuku walks into the Kamado Bakery

Izuku: Tanjirou-san! May i ask for some Cerberus-based pastries?

Tanjirou: Welcome, Izuku-kun! Ah, of course, those are quite popular nowadays. How many would you like?

Izuku: Yes.

Tanjirou: P-pardon me?

Izuku: y e s

There was one time after their morning patrol, Cerberus, out of their uniforms, met Eraserhead.

The trio was dousing themselves with their everyday dose of diabetes, when the scruffy looking man walked in.

They immediately recognized those bloodshot eyes.

"Coffee, takeaway."

"And how would you like your coffee, sir?"

"Make it as black as my soul."

The trio totally did not wheeze. At all. Really.

"I swear to god, these vigilantes are going to be the death of me." Naomasa sighed, slumping down on his swivel chair.

"What happened, nyah?" Sansa placed a stack of paperwork down onto his desk.

"They lead us on a wild goose chase through the whole city, a few buildings, a park, and past the police station again, before leading to an abandoned warehouse, with nothing in it."

"Well you could say they've got us-"

"Oh come on Tamakawa, not you too?!"

"Bamboozled." Sansa finished off with a grin, leaving the detective to question his life choices.

Izuku: I have a quirk.

Katsuki: *passive-aggressively calculating through mathematic and quantum physics equations*

"Hey kid, you want some blades?"

Izuku was minding his own buisness when he came across a suspicious noseless man in a bloody trench coat.

The man openned the coat and, sure enough, there are blades in it.

"Blades are for skating, ya dingus!" Being the little shit he is, Izuku gave him a middle finger, and continued on his way with ice skates on cement.

"Oof, kinda difficult, not gonna lie."

Endeavor: *abuses his spouse and children for god knows how long.*

Touya runs away and meets the Midoriyas: *you have (unintentionally) unlocked Tragic Backstory*

Inko, Izuku and Hisashi: *Boss music starts playing*

Endeavor: *shudders* why do i hear boss music playing

Endeavor: *continues to abuse Shoto*

Izuku, Dabi (Touya), Himiko: *Boss music intensifies*

Endeavor: *talks shit about Shoto in front of Izuku*

*Boss music blasts through the roof*

Narrator: And it was at this moment that Todoroki Enji knew, he fucked up.

One morning, Izuku was having a morning jog around the school campus, when three bodies fell directly in front of him.

"EEEEP!!" He leaped back with a battle stance, activating One For All.

These three people, whoever they are, do not look like any of the students at UA, or even teachers for that matter.

"Ok, what the fuck, that slippery piece of-" the one with the goggles groaned, rolling off to the side.

His voice is scarily similar, if not the same, to Izuku's.

"Next time i see that villain, he's gonna eat my fist." The one with the traditional Fox mask has a voice similar to a certain villain he's encountered, it put Izuku on edge.

"Uhg, i think i needa puke." The only girl of the trio spoke up, making Izuku flinch at the familiarity of it.

"Hey kid, do you kno..." Goggles trailed off, removing his goggles, and rubbing his eyes. The other two looked at Izuku, and then at the guy, and then at Izuku,... What is going on!

"Why are you here on UA property?! Are you villains?!" Izuku tried to sound brave, but he was very scared.

Goggles gave a deadpan.

"So this is how my life turns out if i didn't snap, huh."


"Where's Eraserhead? It'd be easier if we talk with him and Rat Satan about all this." The female Toga-Himiko-soundalike stood up.

"No need, i'm already here." A cold voice cut off their conversation.

"And give me a damn good reason why i shouldn't toss you in jail right now."

Goggles stood up, and Aizawa tensed. Then, both Aizawa and Izuku froze, looking at a red-haired version of Izuku himself, with beautiful gemstone-like blue eyes.

"My name is Midoriya Izuku, otherwise known as Owl, 'pleasure to meet you."

The tall one with black hair removed his mask, and both teacher and student tensed even more.

"Midoriya Dabi, Fox."

"Hi again, Eraserhead!" This is deffinitely Toga but not Toga. "I'm Midoriya Himiko, codename Bat!"

Aizawa tightened his grip on his capture weapons while Izuku subtly activated One For All.

"Can we talk this out with Nedzu? Call detective Tsukauchi if you're too wary."


Somehow, nothing made sense, bit everything made sense.

Got the gist?

"So, it's all true? You're from another dimension?" Nedzu leaned in with a glint in his eyes.

"We believe so, yes."

Nedzu smiled.

"Then, thank you for cooperating. I hope you don't mind coming on such a short notice, Tsukauchi-san."

The detective shook his head.

"It's no problem."

"So what do we call them, then, to differenate them from the ones in our universe?" Izuku spoke up.

"Simple, just call us by our vigilante aliases. I'm Fukuro (Owl), he's Kitsune (Fox), and she's Komori (Bat)." Nedzu nodded.

"That is taken care of. So, do you remember how that villain you cwere chasing looked like?"
"This place is huuuuuge!" Himi- Komori gave a squeel as she ran around the room.

Kitsune just slumped down onto the couch. Fukuro watched the scene play out with fondness, all the while Aizawa just wants to be done with it all.

"Watch over them, Problem Child." Izuku sighed as his teacher left.

Eplaining this to his clasmates later is gonna be hell.


What am i doing with my life

It's 3 am rn and i scrolled through memes for this

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