Part 3

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Since that incident, Fanny has not been able to chat with Lisa, she is still very disappointed at Lisa and thinks that Lisa is the cause of Andre rejecting her, and Lisa is very dilemma, between being happy because Andre started getting close to her or choosing her best friend ...

"Hey trim? Why don't you go to the music room again? "Asked Andre, who came and sat next to Lisa.

"You should stay away from me ndre ..." Said Lisa..l

"Stay away from you? Why? ”Tanya Andre confused.

"I don't want Fanny to misunderstand me anymore, she thinks I was the reason you refused her at that time." Clearly Lisa held back her tears.

"Fanny? Lis, I refused him because I didn't like him ... And I already thought of him as my best friend ... "said Andre by holding the tanga lisa.

"But that's what is considered fanny to me, I can't see my friend feeling sad, I hope you stay away from me and please don't bother me anymore ..." Lisa said and left.

Lisa was devastated, she was very sad because she had to stay away from the person she loved the most, but she was also very fond of her best friend, she didn't want fanny to continue hating herself.

And again, Lisa can only pour her feelings in her diary. Everything he wrote down there.

From that incident, Fanny saw behavior away from Andre, Amel too.

"Have you seen the fan? Lisa can't possibly take Andre from you? "Amel said.

"What am I, what's wrong, and ... yes, Mel, I have to apologize to Lisa, I misunderstood her." Said Fanny.

"Lisa ..." called Fanny.

"Fanny Amel?" Said Lisa who had finished writing.

"Cha, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be mad at you ..." said Fanny in front of Lisa.

"I understand, Fann, I'm sorry to you too ..." Lisa said and hugged her two best friends.

Eventually their friendship improved, but the wound in Lisa's heart was still very painful, she had to throw far away her feelings to Andre for the sake of her friend with Fanny. Loving Andre secretly is better than having to see his best friend hurt.

"Lisa is waiting ..." Andre called to stop the steps.

"What's wrong with me, until you stay away from me? And why don't you sing in the music room again? "Said Anndre.

"I already talked to you, right? Don't bother me anymore, and please help, I don't want fanny to misunderstand me anymore. "Said Lisa and left Andre.

"Lisa is waiting," Andre called again.
"Today I will accept Fanny's love ... And I hope you can be happy because of this," said Andre behind Lisa.

Lisa still stood there and cried without speaking at Andre's words just now.

"I'm happy for you too ..." Lisa said without looking at Andre and immediately left.

Both of their hearts were very broken, Andre actually loved Lisa, but he could not express it, he could only accept his love fanny, so that Lisa did not stay away from him anymore.

"Fann, do you still want to be my girlfriend? What do you mean by that, your feelings haven't changed? "Andre asked suddenly in front of Fanny.

"What? I heard correctly? Do you accept my love? I ... "happily Fanny hugged Andre.

"Do you know if it's not ndre, this is the happiest day for me, thanks ndre ..." said Fanny again.

Finally, Fanny and Andre are officially invented, even though Andre's heart is only for Lisa, and for the sake of Lisa's happiness, Andre receives Fanny's love.

"Guyysss, I am very happy ..." Fanny said to Lisa and Amel.

"Hmm yesterday was really sad now, so happy, why are you a fan?" Amel asked.
Actually Lisa already knew why Fanny was very happy that day.

"Andre is now officially my girlfriend."

"What? Andre is your boyfriend? How come? "Asked Amel, who still didn't believe.

"Yeah, last night, Andre invited me to dinner and he received my love." Said Fanny.

"So it's true, if Andre will accept his love fanny ... So Andre doesn't play with him yesterday ..." Lisa thought.

"And I'm sure now, I'm your best friend, and maybe I betrayed me." Connecting Fanny hugs Lisa and Amel.

"I'm happy too, fan," said Lisa hid her sadness.

"Good luck, now you're dating Fanny, thank you for making Fanny happy." Said Lisa suddenly arrived in front of Andre, in the campus garden.

"Is that what you want? And I hope you don't stay away from me again with fanny reasons. "Andre answered.

"You are here, dear ..." said Fanny who came with Amel.

"Fanny?" Said Andre back.
"Oh yeah, dear, let's go to the canteen ..." said Fanny, and they left Amel and Lisa.

"Trim ... you're okay right?" Amel asked.
"Haaa, no, why? They really are a good match, huh? "Said Lisa holding back her tears.

"Ehmm I actually already know how well, how do you feel about Andre? And how's Andre feeling to you? "Amel said to Lisa.

"What do you mean, mel ..." Tanya Lisa who was confused by Amel's words.

"Benny told me everything, Andre loved you very much from we were in high school, but Andre was afraid to reveal everything to you. And sorry Lis, some time ago I accidentally found your diary? Do you still remember me turning your diary back the other day? There, I accidentally read everything, sorry but from there I know your feelings are great, but you are really great, you can be strong in front of fanny and andre for fanny feelings, you are a good friend ... "said Amel, telling all he knows.

Lisa could no longer hold back her tears, everything was poured out in front of Amel, she could no longer say anything, her tears represented her feelings at that moment.

"Maybe this is indeed the way Mel, I'm begging you, don't tell me everything to Fanny, I don't want him to get angry at me anymore, and Andre, I will try to forget him ..." said Lisa,

"I promise trim ..." Said Amel.


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