Part 4

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I looked at the blue sky from behind the window curtain of the plane I was riding. However, it always presents a moment of togetherness with Irfan 10 years ago. I was happy at that time with Irfan. But why? I destroyed my relationship with Irfan at that time only because of fake love. Now, I just know how it feels, how to lose someone I truly love. I regret leaving Irfan at that time. His feelings must be very sick, the same as the feelings I have now. Forgive me ...

"Why hate searching right away?
What am I thinking about?
Is this what love is?
To him, which I made disappointed.
God…If this is indeed love,
I beg to strengthen your body.
So as not to give up.
In order not only to surrender "

I immediately went to campus as soon as I set foot in this Italian country. Yes, like most people in this country when they have to travel. Must travel using his trademark vehicle, rowing boats. Enjoying the beauty of the city of Venice is incomplete if you go alone. All the tasteless beauty tastes, without Irfan. This is my dream and Irfan, no wonder if I have to shed tears when I see this beautiful country.

I opened a new page again. I will walk alone, looking for world success wal akhirah. In the shade of memory with Irfan, I try to stay afloat. Enjoy every second that is passed without a supporter figure. Hmmm ... God, could this be my sin?

The long-haired girl slowly approached me. With his cute face, he smiled at me.

"Hi,. Nice to meet you .. Malaysia? The girl said to me, I must answer it.

"Eee .. nice to meet you too .. yes, I’m from Malaysia ... and you?", I replied with a beautiful smile of mine.

"Oh ... I'm also Malaysia. I'm Naura ”, he reached out his hand immediately as a gesture to get acquainted with me.

"Maudy ..", I replied simply and welcomed Naura's soft helping hand. Approximately 10 minutes we are chatting, just getting acquainted.

"Oh Maudy, should I go there first? My guys have been waiting for .. When anytime we will talk again ... I will introduce my guy too, "Naura said goodbye to me.

"sure..". I wave my hand to say goodbye Luckily Naura, can lecture with her lover. As for me, myself ... Fan, I miss you.

"Envy turns off again believing.
Fade laughter.Ejected disappointed.
From a cheerful heart.
So happy they are.Feel the world like heaven.Cold chills are felt.
Shaded warmly chatting,
I'll try to strengthen my heart.Step foot,
Which has been silent since earlier.
That which has no meaning is "

I walked alone in the darkness of the campus corridor. All my heart now. Ah never mind, stop spacing out. No way, Irfan returned to me. My story, it can't be as beautiful as a fairy tale. Impossible, Irfan suddenly appeared in front of me.

Huh, who is that ?. Why that person? What's the point of trying to lie down on the road ?. Looking for a boyfriend like that? Haha, you crazy ... I stepped my foot slowly to the blue shirt guy.

"Hello?", I say softly. He did not respond. I repeated my words with a louder volume. Yeah, maybe he just didn't hear that. But still he did not answer. Maybe he was unconscious. Finally, I turned myself into the body of the guy who was on his stomach.

Huh, Irfan ?! How shocked I am. After all this time he disappeared, now the figure I missed was in my lap.

"Fan, what's wrong with you? Open your eyes fan ... it's me, Maudy ", I pat Irfan on the cheek hoping he opens his eyes immediately. Tears suddenly ran down my right and left cheek. Oh God, why did you bring me together when Irfan was unaware of my presence?

I shouted loudly people passing by in front of me. Ask for help to immediately bring Irfan to the hospital. I followed the people who carried Irfan with tears in their eyes. I don't want to, lose Irfan again. I love him too much. This is my second chance. Repeating the time that was wasted because of the departure of Irfan from my eyes.

What?. Really all this ?. No, this is only a dream. My worst nightmare. Irfan is fine. I am his best friend. I am always there beside him. I know everything about Iran. If, the worst habit that Irfan has I know, surely I also know about the illness he suffered. This is just a medical error. Irfan did not experience what the doctor said earlier.

The doctor's words, filled my head. Making me even tighter holding Irfan's cold hand.

"Fan, please ... wake up !!" only that word that I said softly in Irfan's ear. Yes, I know, he can't possibly hear it. But I'm sure, Irfan can feel it. Because I know, Irfan also loves me.

I want to accompany Irfan here. But time cannot be invited to compromise. The day is getting late. And I have to go home. But, don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow. Early in the morning I will come here. I promise!! I circled my pinkie on Irfan's pinkie with medical equipment. I hugged Irfan's body before I went home. Not forgetting I kissed his forehead too. Get will soon !!

The next day as I promised, I left early in the morning to the hospital. Teruntuk meet Irfan. Immediately I waved my tag to stop the taxi. What else could I do, to take me to the hospital over there, where Irfan was treated. I hope Irfan opens his eyes today, after yesterday's critical period.

It didn't take long to get to Irfan's room. Just walk straight ahead, until it's easy ... isn't it? Isn't that Naura? What is he doing here? In front of Irfan's room again. Ah, instead of asking myself, I immediately asked Naura.

With curiosity, I stepped closer to Naura. I am the type of girl who does not like lip service, so just ask right away. "Uh there you are, Dy ...", said Naura before me who wanted to ask.

"Yes ... oh yes, BTW, what are you doing here?", I asked. "Oh, I'm ... I'm waiting for this boyfriend who's sick. Where are you going? "Naura explained.

"That guy over there?" I asked, pointing to the room I was going to, the room where Irfan was lying.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend ... her name is Irfan. Alhamdulillah, today he has regained consciousness after yesterday he went through a critical period ... I'm very happy today, Dy ... do you want me to introduce him to him? ". So?.

"No, bro ... I'm in a hurry ... sorry". I ran as fast as possible away from Naura and Irfan's room. I am disappointed..

Indeed, my story is not as beautiful as a fairy tale. I think, after meeting with Irfan yesterday, we immediately improved relations. But now? I was already disappointed .. apparently Irfan doesn't remember me anymore. With this short amount of time, he can accept other girls in his heart. Irfan has forgotten me, so I no longer need to come into his life. He was happy to make love with Naura, his idol. I will only become a parasite in his life. I will go ... get away from Irfan's life ... go as far as possible. Until Irfan will never be able to see me again.


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