Chapter 3: Drama

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Misty stared at Serena with a mighty rage. "I'm gonna eat in Ash's room..." Misty said, while glaring at Serena. Ash offered to go up with her, Of course she accepted.

They got in his room and Misty slammed the door. "What the fuck did I just see...was Serena mimicking me?" Misty growled. "Serena has never done anything like this, Maybe it's because she likes me, and She thinks I like you...WHICH I DO," Ash blushed a deep red. "U-Uh-Uh A-As b-best friends." He blushed even harder

Misty blushed a very very dark red also. 'Maybe." She said. 

Well we all know Misty likes Ash, and Ash likes Misty. Serena is just there. Trying to take Ash from Misty.

"Anyway I should finish eating, you should too Ash." Misty said, while stuffing her face with steak.

"Yeah..." Ash nodded, but his stomach felt like it was tied in a knot. His mind was filled with thoughts of Misty and Him together.

"Ash?" Misty said. "Are you okay? Do you need it warmed up?" Ash snapped out of a thought of Misty and Himself getting married. 'Oh Uh yeah I'm fine." He said.

"Okay then." Misty said, and got an idea. "Hey! How about after this we go swimming!" She said after she finished her steak.

"That sounds like a great idea! If it'll cheer ya up then lets go, by ourselves." Ash said.  Misty blushed a deep red. "Okay."

Misty got changed in the bathroom in the guest, thank gosh Serena was downstairs. She changed into her usual pink bikini. She put a blue tee shirt that had waves on it and some red gym shorts. She put on some blue flip flops and put up her hair into her usual side-ponytail.

Ash just put on some blue swim trunks and walked out with his towel. Misty grabbed her staryu towel and walked out. Right when she walked out a hat was put on her head, It was pulled over her head so she couldn't see a thing.

She took the hat off and looked at it. It was Ash's league expo hat! She looked up at a smiling Ash. "Keep it." He said. Misty blushed for two reasons.

1. Because he was giving her his hat

2. Because Ash had abs.

Misty missed Ash a bunch when he was traveling in the other regions...She thought he forgot about her.

- Flashback - (Misty's POV)

I was looking at pictures across the internet for a hat I should wear on my head, and came across the league expo hat he had...

I didn't want to look at it.

"You spent months telling us how important that hat was...then you just threw it away and forgot a lot of things." I thought. I started crying "Ash I hope you love me as much as I love you..." I muttered.

- Flashback End - (Normal POV)

Misty snapped out of her flashback and smiled at him. She put it back on and ruffled his hair. "Thanks Ash...for the memories." She said and started crying a little bit, from the flashback, The memories, and from him giving her the hat.

"But first, put a shirt on to make it look like we're going to the store, or something." Misty blushed. Ash walked to his dresser and pulled a Pikachu shirt out. 'Pika Pika!" Pikachu said. Ash put him on his shoulder and petted him. 'Ok, we're ready." 

Misty grabbed Ash's hand and ran out the door, and to the beach. When we got there, there was a rope surrounding the beach and a sign. "Beach is closed. Hours: 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM"  We both sighed. "Well, it is midnight." Ash said. 

We probably all know why they had to go at midnight. 




Because Serena would probably barge in and ruin it. Hey I'm a narrator I can hate Serena too! "Well..." Ash said with suspicion. He grabbed Misty's hand, lifted up the rope, and walked over to the other side. "Ash Ketchum! What are you doing?!" Misty whisper-yelled.

"Oh...Well...maybe sneaking to the beach after hours?" Ash chuckled. "Come on! We're 19! We have to live our lives at some point!" Ash said with excitement. "We did on the adventure in Kanto." Misty raised her eyebrow.

"Well we have to live em again come on!" Ash said happily. He picked her up and piggy-back-rode her to the water. 'Ash Ketchum I swear!" Misty yelled. He put her down and chuckled. 'Come on. I know you want to jump in. Your a water-type gym leader anyway." he said.

Misty sighed and took her shirt and shorts off, which revealed her usual pink bikini. She flipped off her flip flops and looked up with her hands on her hips. Ash's face was cherry tomato red.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Misty chuckled, remembering her lines from when she was 10. Ash blushed even harder but said his lines. "It's hard to see you looking like a girl...but you were beautiful when you were 10, and your so much more beautiful now." Ash added.

Now they both were blushing cherry-tomato red. "Aww thanks Ash."Misty said. "NOW COME ON!" Misty yelled, grabbing Ash's hand and walking in with him. Luckily, he had his shirt off before he ran in.

"Come on out everybody!" Misty yelled, throwing 5 pokeballs in the air. Psyduck, Corsala, Starmie, Staryu, and Politoed came out of their pokeballs. "PSY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!" Psyduck yelled, running out of the water.

Misty facepalmed. Ash smirked and splashed Misty in the face. "Before you splash me back, can it only be us two?" Ash said. Misty blushed and nodded. She returned her pokemon and splashed him back. The started a water fight.


A Water War!

After they were done fighting they started to swim around. "This is one of the best nights ever!" They both said. Well it was about to end. A light shined on the water and a loud booming voice yelled. "Hey who's out there!?" Misty and Ash looked at each other. 'Let's book it!" Ash said.

They dashed out of the water, grabbed their things and booked it to Ash's house. Misty slipped and scraped her knee twice, so Ash piggy-back rode her back to the house.

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