Chap 11

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Hyomin POV

I slowly walk through the gates for my recording at Invincible Youth. In all honesty, I really don't want to be here right now. After that run-in with Sunny at Music Bank, I'm a little scared of her. Who knew she could be so aggressive? I glance left then right but there were only production staff setting up for the recording. I took a step forward then felt someone jump on my back.

Please don't let it be Sunny, please don't let it be Sunny. I turned around then released a sigh of relief, it was Yuri. She quickly hid behind me so I asked her what was wrong.

"You have to protect me from Sunny, she kept glaring at me the whole car ride here." Yuri was behind me with both her hands on my shoulders, peeking out one side for Sunny. "As long as I'm with you she won't do anything to me."

"I'm supposed to protect you? You're supposed to protect me!" I shook her off my back. "Didn't I tell you what happened at Music Bank, she could violate me at any time." I said while trying to hide behind her.

Yuri and I were running around goofing off when the object of our fears came. "Well aren't you two close, even playing tag with each other." We both froze in our place upon hearing her voice. Sunny stood a few feet away from us, staring intensely. I tried to hide behind Yuri but she quickly stood behind me and forced me in front by gripping my shoulders tightly.

"H-hey Sunny." I managed to say.

Sunny's stare softened and she smiled at me. "You look tired, you ok?"

"Yup just fine." I quickly answered. I kept my eyes on her not letting my guard down in case she had something up her sleeve.

"Well that's good." Sunny replied back to me and started her way toward us.

I pretend to be calm and cool on the outside but on the inside I am really scared right now. I've suddenly become very uncomfortable around Sunny. It would be so much better if she still treated me as just her folding screen.

She stopped in front of me just like before at Music Bank. "About what happened the other day, you know at Music Bank?" Sunny reminded me of what happened in the lady's room backstage. I nod as my answer.

"Sorry about that, I was feeling a little sick that day. I understand if you want to avoid me since I might have scared you." Sunny looked down when she said her last sentence. Was she hurt? I felt a little guilty inside, I mean I used to like her and we had fun times together.

"It's ok, I was just surprised by your uh, sudden advances. You won't do that again will you?" I hesitantly asked her.

She looked up at me, nodded, then smiled. I felt my body loosen from the pent-up tension.

"You're too nice Hyomin." I heard Yuri whisper behind me.

Sunny glanced to Yuri then back at me. "How come she gets to cling to you but I can't." She said with a pout. Yuri linked arms with me and stuck her tongue out at Sunny. I nudged Yuri to stop when suddenly Sunny ran to my other side and clung to my arm.

"Hey, you're all here." All three of us looked up in front of us. Narsha had just arrived and I saw it as my chance to escape. I quickly shook off the grip from the other two and ran to Narsha.

"I missed you so much! We never get to spend time together." I said as I was dragging her away with me. I took a quick glance behind me, they weren't following, letting me breathe out a sigh of relief.

Jiyeon POV

"Let me read that when you're done. I'm so bored." Qri unni told me.

I was reading Hyomin's diary while waiting for the other members to finish having their hair and makeup done. My hectic schedule was canceled so I decided to tag along with the others. I turned the page to continue reading when an interesting paragraph caught my eye.

"Did you guys know about this? Sunny attacked Hyomin!" I told my members making them shocked.

"What! Is Hyomin ok?" Boram asked me worriedly.

"What did that girl do to our Hyomin." Soyeon demanded me to tell her immediately.

Qri shook her head. "She's always causing problems. Just when things were finally settling down. If she makes another drama episode between Hyomin and Eunjung I'm gonna-"

I quickly cut Qri unni off and restated my sentence, replacing the word attacked with almost kissed.

"It happened when we were at Music Bank. It looks like Eunjung unni knows about it too." I explained to the others based on the information in the diary.

The stylist had finally finished beautifying Qri unni, allowing her to sit on a chair beside me and take the diary.

"Hmm, at least Eunjung is aware of it. It's better than being kept as a secret." Qri unni said flipping through the pages.

I leaned back into my chair to relax when I felt my phone go off in my pocket. The caller id read Hyomin's name, what does she want now? I let it ring a few times then answered.

"Jiyeon I don't know what to do!" I heard her shout on the other end. Something must have happened.

"What do you mean you don't know what to do? Did something happen at your recording?" I asked her. I braced myself for any answer she could give me.

I heard her take deep breaths to calm her nerves before speaking. "I have to go to Japan for next week's recording!" She told me.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and told the other members the news of Hyomin going to Japan. We were all envious of her being able to go traveling while we carried out our normal tight schedules.

"That's not the point you guys!" I had my phone on speaker so everyone could hear. Eagar to know why she called, I urged her to continue. "We have room assignments in Japan, there are supposed to be two to a room."

I gulped hearing Hyomin speak. She's going to Japan where she will have to share a room with another person. I think I know who that person is already.

"I'm paired with Sunny." Hyomin dreadfully whispered through the phone.

Just as I thought. This can only mean more trouble.

"You're paired with her?" Qri unni looked worried at the thought. "I'm sure Eunjung trusts you and all but I don't think she will be ok with this, not after what happened at Music Bank."

"What? You know about what happened at Music Bank?" Hyomin asked us. Darn, Qri unni blew my cover. I mentally prepared myself for a scolding from Hyomin for reading her diary. "Did Eunjung tell you guys?"

I didn't know whether to go with the flow or fess up now while I had the chance. I looked to the others who were shrugging their shoulders and telling me to quickly answer, which was no help at all. "Y-yeah she told us the other day." I quickly thought of a lie.

I heard Hyomin sigh on the other end. "She was really that worried, wasn't she?" I answer her with a simple yes.

Qri unni took the phone from my hand. "Can't you just ask for a different person?"

"I tried that already. The PD said he wanted to promote sunbyung because there hasn't been much scenes with us together."

I asked Qri unni for the phone back so she placed it in my hand. "Just tell Eunjung about it, she should at least know about it. Also, you are just in the room to sleep. It's not like you're going to be stuck in the room all day with Sunny. As long as you avoid her it'll be fine." I told her to make her feel more at ease.

She was silent for a while then mumbled a thank you and see you later to us and hung up. I put my phone away back in my pocket when Qri unni ruffled my hair.

"When did our little maknae grow up?" She teased me.

I freed myself from her grasp and patted my hair back in place. "I've always been like this, you just never noticed how great I am." I praised myself.

Qri unni pinched my cheeks. "Aww, little Jiyeon is all grown up."

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