Chap 14

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Jiyeon POV

I walked into the dance room where the other members were practicing our dance choreography. Hyomin was still in Japan and Eunjung was at her drama recording. I just finished up my recording and hurried over to see the other members.

"Jiyeon you actually made it to practice?" Qri paused dancing and spoke to me.

I went over to the stereo to turn the volume down and stared at my members seriously. "We have a huge problem on our hands." I announced to gain their attention.

"Let me guess, the Eunmin couple is in trouble again." Soyeon said dramatically while grabbing a towel to wipe her face.

"Yeah well anyway, Hyomin contacted me last night and you won't believe what happened." I started to explain. "Sunny raped her!"

Boram unni spit out the water she was drinking and stared at me wide eyed. "You mean she-, last night Sunny-, are you sure you heard correctly Jiyeon?"

"Ok well Sunny didn't rape her. She almost did." I tried to clear up the confusion.

Soyeon unni flicked my forehead. She scolded me for always blowing things out of proportion. I rubbed the area tenderly with a pout on my face.

"So what happened exactly?" Qri unni was curious to know the whole story.

Without another second wasted, I shared the story with them in as much detail as I could. When I finished, Boram unni was the first to ask me a question. "Does Eunjung know?"

I shook my head as I didn't know the answer to that question myself. "Hyomin said she would handle it when she comes back from Japan tomorrow." I told them the plan.

Qri was nodding her head, understanding the situation while Boram still looked worried on how it would all play out.

"I think," Soyeon started to say something which caught my and the other unnis' attention. "I think Eunjung does know."

Hyomin POV

The crew was setting up for the recording when I arrived at the scene. I looked around and spotted Sunny talking with Shinyoung. I didn't go back to our room last night, instead I spent the night at Yuri and Sunhwa's room.

Yuri walked up behind me and put an arm around my shoulders. "Still thinking about it?" I nodded then turned around to walk away. Yuri followed behind.

"I'm just going to avoid her today." I told Yuri.

"How are you going to do that? You have a scene with only you and her at the barn house."

I stopped and stared at her wide eyed as she explained the PD's idea for getting more sunbyung moments. I was screwed. There is no way I can avoid Sunny when it's only going to be us two alone. I looked back at Yuri with pleading eyes. "Yuri you have to do something, anything. Tell the PD you want to see the barn animals too so you can come with us."

Yuri shook her head saying the idea wouldn't work. "He thinks it will boost the show's ratings, and you know when it comes to ratings a PD will stop at nothing to get them higher." She explained. I sighed, I guess I will just have to deal with it. Sooner or later I would have to face Sunny.

When the recording began and Sunny and I were walking to the barn house, not a word was spoken between us. I didn't know what to say, she was probably feeling the same way too.

We made it to the barn house and saw the animals. Sunny went into variety mode and tried to move the show along. I stayed a good two feet away from her and didn't say much. I glanced at the camera man and he was motioning me to get closer to Sunny. I moved a half foot closer and glanced back at him.

Again, he was waving his hand for me to move closer. I looked at the space between me and Sunny, aren't I close enough already? I reluctantly took another step closer. This time the camera man took a piece of paper and wrote "show affection" on it. I slowly moved my hand up but stopped, I was going for the shoulder but that would be awkward. Maybe the back would be better, I moved my hand down to Sunny's back, only slightly touching her.

Gosh this so awkward, I feel like a creeper. The things I do for variety. When the scene was finally done, I let out a sigh of relief. Just a few more hours until recording is done and I can get on a plane back to my Eunjungie. There was a light tap on my shoulder so I turned around. It was Sunny.

"Can we talk?"

I slowly nodded and followed her to the other side of the recording area. She turned around to face me again, fiddling with her fingers. I asked her what she wanted to talk about to try and start the conversation.

"Hyomin yesterday I," She started but stopped. It was obvious from her tone and body language that she was having a hard time expressing her thought. "I don't know what came over me. I was tired and frustrated I just, I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." She said in one breath.

I could only stare at her as she apologized. I don't know what to say to her anymore. I left her there, I walked away to go and ask for my phone so I could call Eunjung cause every time I thought of what happened last night the only thing I could see was Eunjung's hurt expression. I needed to tell her, it can't wait till I get back. The more I waited, the more guilt I felt.

I hastily dialed the number and waited to hear her voice. No answer, I tried to call her again but still no answer. I gave up on that route and texted her instead.

To: Eunjungie

I need to talk to you, call me as soon as you can. Love you.


I closed the phone and stared at it. Please call me, please. The camera man interrupted my thoughts as he said we had to prepare for our performance for tonight. I tucked my phone away and followed him to the other members where I learned the choreography to their hit songs.

When the mini concert finally started, things were going smoothly. I performed an excerpt from a musical with Shinyoung. I sat back in my chair waiting for Taewoo oppa to take the stage and the rest of us would join him. A crew staff member quickly ran to me and handed a sketchbook to me with Sunny's name and a heart drawn around it.

"What's this for?" I asked him while inspecting the sketchbook.

He pointed over to a spot in the crowd. "PD said he wants you to stand there and wave the sign around while Sunny sings."

I stared at him blankly. "What? Do I have to?" I complained slightly. He shrugged and told me to get in position since Sunny was up next. I reluctantly removed the blanket from my lap and trudged over to the spot. Sunny started singing a song and I waved the sign board weakly. The camera man seemed disappointed with my performance so I waved the sketchbook from side to side more passionately while swaying to the music.

I pretended to be a hardcore, crazy Girl's Generation fan. I even started to scream with the other fans. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Yuri with Hara laughing at me while the other members were smiling. The camera man finally gave me a thumbs up and I put the sign board down, releasing a sigh. The things I do for variety.

Eunjung POV

I watched as my cast mates acted out their scenes. They were very good. I'll need to work hard to attain that level. My stylist unni tapped my shoulder and held my phone up. I took the phone from her and checked the caller id. My heart nearly stopped beating as I read the name, Hyomin. I could only stare at the name in the white colored font.

I took the phone with me to the lady's room and continued to stare at it, debating if I should answer or not. It finally stopped but started to go again. My finger hovered over the talk button, unable to press it. When the call ended, I started to walk back. The phone beeped indicating a text message.

To: Eunjungie

I need to talk to you, call me as soon as you can. Love you.


After reading and closing the phone, I handed it back to my stylist unni and sat back in my original spot. I didn't have time to think about that, I needed to focus on my acting. I shouldn't let emotions get in the way of work.

After I finished my schedule for the day, I was headed on my way home. I checked my phone, there were over 10 missed calls. They were all mostly from Hyomin. I shut the phone and set it down on the seat of the car. Hyomin will be coming home tomorrow, how do I approach her? I don't know.

Finally making it home, I entered the dorm and went straight to my room. Soyeon was there getting ready for bed. I dropped my things to the side and flopped down on my bed.

"Hyomin was trying to contact you all day. You know that, right?" Soyeon told me.

I dug my face deeper into the pillow, not answering her back.

"Are you all right? Is something wrong?" She began to question me further as I held my pillow tighter. "Did something happen?" I still didn't respond.

Soyeon walked over and sat on her bed staring at me. "Is it about, Hyomin?"

"I'm tired today, I just want to sleep."

Soyeon nodded her head understanding then left to finish what she was doing. In all honesty, I really was tired. I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't sleep last night.


I've ran around the block at least 10 times already. I had no drama recording today, only a few interviews with the other members later when Hyomin comes back. As I ran, a scene caught my eye making me slow down to a stop. A little girl was crying on the park bench alone. I jogged over and bent down in front of her.

"Hey, why are you crying? Are you lost?" I gently asked her.

She removed her hands from her eyes and looked at me, blinking the tears away. She had big brown eyes with long hair and bangs, so cute. I asked where she lived but she didn't answer.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." The girl said and turned away from me.

I smiled. "Don't you know who I am? I'm Eunjung from T-ara."

The girl looked at me with a creased brow. "T-ara? I don't know T-ara very well, I like Girl's Generation."

I felt a lightning bolt strike me. Are we really not that popular? Well maybe not with kids since our songs aren't cute. "Do you know Bo Peep Bo Peep?" She looked at me and nodded. I stood up straight and brought my arms up into position. When I started dancing and singing, the girl followed along with a smile on her face. She was so cute that I just wanted to squeeze her. I stopped and watched her jump up and down while clapping her hands.

"So who do you like better, Girl's Generation or T-ara?" I asked her.

She was all smiles as she picked T-ara. I gently patted her head and sat on the bench. She took the spot next to me and clung to my arm. "My name is So Min but you can call me Minnie."

"Ok, but why were you crying earlier Minnie?" I asked her again.

Minnie sighed and rested her head on me. "I got into an argument with my best friend. She said she was going to take me to the school play but when I went to meet her she was with another girl." Minnie said. "What should I do unni?"

I thought about the situation and came up with a simple answer. "Maybe you just misunderstood. I think you should talk with her to clear things up." I said with a smile.

She smiled back and kissed my cheek. "Ok I will. Thank you unni!" Minnie said before running away very cutely.

I stood up and started to walk back to the dorm. Maybe I misunderstood, it must be a misunderstanding. I walked into the dorm and quickly showered. Boram, Qri, and Soyeon had left first to do their makeup and hair while me and Jiyeon waited for Hyomin to return so we could go together.

I just finished dressing when my phone beeped. I checked the message thinking it was Hyomin but I was wrong. I stared intently at my phone with wide eyes. My room door opened revealing Jiyeon.

"Hyomin is back, are you ready to go?" She asked me. Jiyeon stepped to the side allowing me to see Hyomin. Our eyes met as I clenched onto my phone tight. She looked at me concerned and asked if I was ok.

"How could you." I coldly said to her. Both looked at me confused. "You, in Japan, with her." Hyomin looked alarmed as she bit her bottom lip.

"Eunjung I can explain." Hyomin pleaded.

I gripped even harder onto my phone. "You can explain? Then explain this." I held the phone up showing her two pictures. The first one showed Sunny, who was in only a towel, on top of Hyomin. The second one showed Hyomin's silhouette in the steamy shower.

Both Hyomin and Jiyeon stared at the pictures speechless. I lowered my phone and looked at Hyomin. "I trusted you." I said to her. "And I thought you trusted me too, but I guess you don't." Hyomin looked away, staring at the floor. I pocketed my phone and grabbed my jacket, leaving to go outside.

Jiyeon POV

I sat in my chair as my stylist unni fixed me up. We were backstage getting some final touchups done as we waited for our interview to start. I released a heavy sigh as I remembered our car ride to the studio. It was dead silent with only the radio on low. I was between Hyomin and Eunjung as the two stared out their own windows.

I0 wriggled out of frustration making my stylist unni scold me. I apologized and sat still again. Then I remembered I still had to tell the other members. If they don't get back on good terms soon then who knows what will happen to T-ara. Gosh, if it's always this complicated then I never want to fall in love.

"T-ara you're set to go on." One of the crew informed us.

I stood up and thanked my stylist unni and followed the other members out. Eunjung took the first seat and the other three members stood to the side to let Hyomin pass so she could sit next to Eunjung. Hyomin stayed behind me, wanting to take the seat furthest from Eunjung. I signaled the other members to go on ahead.

We took our seats and started the interview. It seemed to last forever, but I felt Hyomin squeeze my hand when a particular question was asked of Eunjung.

"Honestly speaking, have you ever been in love?"

All of us sat quietly, wondering what she would say. A simple nod came from Eunjung. The Interviewer was surprised at the answer and continued to delve deeper.

"That person was my first love. We started out as best friends then it became more." Eunjung began to say. Hyomin was holding onto my left hand while she looked down and played with the hem of her shirt so the camera couldn't see her face.

"What happened then?" He asked.

Eunjung sadly smiled. "They betrayed me." I felt Hyomin squeeze my hand. She must really be feeling hurt. The PD signaled the interviewer to wrap things up since time was almost over so he quickly closed the show and we readied our things to head home.

Upon reaching home, Eunjung went straight to her room while Hyomin went to our room. The rest of the members turned to me demanding to know what happened. I started by telling them about the pictures on Eunjung's phone. They all gasped with hands over their mouths.

"So what do we do? If they don't make up soon then T-ara will be in trouble." I asked, concerned about our groups well-being.

Boram and Qri looked at each other worried while Soyeon was deep in thought again. "There isn't much we can do."

"What do you mean? There must be something." I said trying to think of a plan.

Soyeon shook her head. "Not this time Jiyeon. It's a matter of trust between them and we don't have any leads other than the pictures most likely being from Sunny. But what can we do with that info? Nothing really." Soyeon finished giving her view on the matter.

I sighed in defeat and fell on the loveseat. I just hope we can all stay together. I don't want us to split apart, it's fun being with everyone.

Soyeon unni made a heart shape with her hands and broke it apart while adding a shattering sound effect.

"Love is pain."

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