Part 1

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In the dead of night, in spite of the electric lights, London seems an alien city, especially if you are walking through it alone.

In the more sequestered streets - once the pubs are closed, and at a distance from the 24-hour convenience stores - the sodium gleam of the street lamps, or the flickering stripligt from a sleepy minicab stand, offers little consolation.

There are alleys and street corners and shop entrances where the darkness appears to collect in a solid mass.
There are secluded squares where, to take a haunting line from , night makes "a weird sound of its own stillness".
There are buildings, monuments and statues that, at a distance, and in the absence of people,
pulsate mysteriously the sepulchral light.

There are foxes that slope and trot across the road as you interrupt their attempts to pillage scraps from upended bins.

And, from time to time, there are the faintly sinister silhouettes of other solitary individuals - as threatened by your presence, no doubt, as you are by theirs.

"However efficiently artificial light annihilates the difference between night and day," Al Alvarez has remarked, "it never wholly eliminates the primitive suspicion that night people are up to no good."

It is easy to feel disoriented in the city at the dead of night, especially if you are tired from roaming its distances, dreamily or desperately somnambulant.

For in the darkness, above all perhaps in familiar or routine places, everything acquires a subtly different form or volume.

Who walks alone in the streets at night? The sad, the mad, the bad. The lost, the lonely. The sleepless, the homeless. All the city's internal exiles. The night has always been the time for daylight's dispossessed - the dissident, the different. Walking alone at night in the city by both men and women has, since time immemorial, been interpreted as a sign of moral, social or spiritual dereliction.

 A girl in her mid 20s sat at the South Bank Bridge. Salty tears were cascading down her eyes, she was staring at the South Bank with an expressionless face.

Yesterday, yesterday everything was just fine but it didn't took even a span of nanoseconds for everything that everything that belongs with her, to shatter down in fragments.She was now broken beyond repair. None by her side, on whom she can place her head and let her heart out.

She was broken. Her life was literally have been a mess since her parents death.She was walking down the street after a long tiring day at work.
It has been a very bad day for her.

She was Anika Walia. The famous journalist of London Times. A creative writer along with social worker. Inspiration for thousands of peoples.

 One day, suddenly she disappeared.Disappeared from the media's hawk limelight.Disappeared from everyone's contact. Everyone tried to find her but to vain. It felt like she vanished into thin air.

She was tired of life anyway. Everyone she had loved, those who belong with her,had left her to be on her own.

Right from childhood,her father had died in accident . Her mother was heartbroken but being pregnant with Chutki, she gathered some courage. She stood up  and raised both her daughters with great care and love. Never had she left them feel fatherless. 

She became both their mother and father.She was the world to them. For Anika, her mother and her sister was her only world 5 years ago.

Her sister Gauri, was a successful fashion designer along with owner of the famous brand 'Alpas'. But due to plane crush, she bid adieu to the world forever.
Their world shattered again but still they still held on.

But this was not enough. Her mother Piya, took her departure few days ago.

She fell onto her knees. Gazing across the beautiful city, she shot a painful look.Tears started crawling down her cheeks.

This city has taken a lot from her. This city may be the lover of her life.
A kind of love which is unrequited. It inspired you to a great extent. Unknowingly had taken you to higher level than you can imagine. But it's an undeniable fact that it had left you damaged.  

There are wounds on your body and heart which can't be shown to anyone.Those scars, the beautiful scars. Those scars who had made you scared to be in love again. 

You ain't willing to take a step forward to say a hello, in fear of receiving a fastest goodbye.

The solitude air of South Bank can't heal her broken heart. It may offer a little consolation to her heart for some moments but can't make her forgot her the fact.

The fact i.e., She is all alone in this journey.

Now there's no reason left for her to live longer in this pompous city.

 She was like the unrequited lover who has wasted a lot of her love and care on a person who she can't ever have. After getting feded up waiting,she finally decided to take some time for herself and retreat back soon. 

Her hands moved towards her pocket.A piece of paper came out.
She smiled a hopeful smile.
She is ready to start a new life afresh.
Now she had decided to fly back, fly back to India, her hometown.


Hope it's well written😅
Haven't written in past 2 months.
Hope you guys love it.

Give me some honest feedback in order to get some more well written chapters further.

This is gift to my sister BlissLv

Thanks ImLilMissComplicated and Kitu2003 for the graphics.

ShivikaOnly thanks for the storyline.

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