"can you forgive me?"

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Requested by _silvax

Ethan and Chad rarely fought, but when they did, it was bad. One of them always ended up hurt , most of the time, it was Ethan , it was always Ethan.

They were fighting again, it over something stupid, something none of them ever remember.

Chad was yelling at Ethan, and Ethan was yelling right back at him. "Jesus Ethan! Can't you just shut up! I've been trying to end this stupid argument, but you can't just shut up! You're so fucking annoying!" Chad shouted and instantly regretted it when he saw the look on Ethan's face.

Ethan was holding back tears. He opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it , only nodding his head ,

"Ethan, I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" Chad was cut off by Ethan, who gave him a sad smile ,"it's okay, Chad. You're not the first one to call me annoying, I'm just...I'm just going to go for a little walk, okay? Alone,"  Ethan said,

"No, wait, Ethan -" Chad cut himself off as Ethan rushed out of the apartment they shared

Chad sighs,"fuck!"

Ethan never really got bothered when he's been called annoying but when Chad called him annoying, it just made him feel like he hated himself when Chad called him annoying.

Ethan sniffled, bringing his hand up, wiping his tears that couldn't seem to stop falling.

Ethan was looking down at the ground as he walked, not seeing where he was going or who or what was in front of him ,

So he had accidents bumped into someone ,"o-oh, I'm sorry," Ethan mumbled 

"It's alr- Ethan?" Ethan looked up and saw one of his classmates. Eric Perkins, "Are you okay?" Eric questioned seeing Ethan's tears ,

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry for bumping into you," Ethan said, and Eric lifted his hand, causing Ethan to flinch a little, and he watched as Eric wiped his tears away

"You shouldn't be crying. I mean, you look beautiful, but you shouldn't be crying Ethan," Eric told him, "did Chad make you cry? I mean, he had to, right? He's a stupid jock with zero brain cells," Eric said,

"C-chad isn't stupid, and it's none of your business. Why I'm crying , I could be crying because I just want to, " Ethan told him , taking a step back from him,

"Right. I forgot you're a little sensitive," Eric told him, and Ethan sniffled, "i-I'm just gonna go,"

Eric shook his head, "Stay, I want you to stay, I can give you a reason why you shouldn't be crying over someone like chad,"

"And I can give you a reason to visit the ER," Chad said, coming out of nowhere, slamming Eric against the brick wall ,

"You okay, E?" Chad asked, turning his head to look at Ethan, who nodded ,"Yeah, I'm okay, Chad," Chad nodded, "Good. " he turned to look at Eric

"You tried taking Ethan away from me?" Chad questioned, with a knowing look

Chad knew Eric. He knows how much of a big crush he had on Ethan . He was always trying to make a move on Ethan, but Chad was always around, so he never did until now, that is it.

"You don't deserve him. Look at him. You made him cry. You did," Eric said, and Chad looked back at Ethan,

"Yeah, I know. I regretted it the second I did because I love him so much, " Chad said,and Ethan smiled,

Chad turned back to Eric, "You're right. I don't deserve Ethan. He deserves way better than me, but I can't seem to let him go , so you better not try and take him away from me again. Got that?" Eric nodded , and Chad let him go, "go now," Eric ran off, and Chad turned to Ethan,

"I'm so sorry, Ethan, I never meant to call you annoying. You're not annoying , I love you so much," Chad said, reaching out and grabbing Ethan's hand ,

"Can you forgive me?" Chad asked, and Ethan wrapped his arms around Chad's waist, hugging him, and Chad wrapped his arms around Ethan,

"I forgive you, Chad, I love you too," Ethan said, and Chad smiled, kissing the top of Ethan's head ,

Ethan tilted his head up a bit , looking up at Chad ,"What were you doing out here anyway?"

Chad sheepishly smiled,"Well, uh, I was looking for you. Luckily, I found you before Eric made his move,"

"You wanna go back to our apartment? Watch a movie and cuddle?" Chad asked, and Ethan nodded, "Yeah,"

"Great, hop on, I'll give you a piggyback ride," Chad said, turning around and kneeling down, and Ethan giggled, "You serious?"

"Totally," Chad said, and Ethan giggled before he wrapped his arms around Chad, who grabbed his legs, standing up,

"You're really light,"Chad said, "you're just strong," Ethan told him,

"Yeah, I am, but you're still light,"

Ethan chuckled, kissing his cheek before resting his head on Chad's shoulder, "Love you, C,"

"Love you too, E,"
Word count - 835

Hope you enjoy!

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