"I wish we never met you guys!"

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Ethan couldn't believe it. He thought that Chad loved him, but he would rather save Tara than him. He couldn't believe that Chad had left him behind.

Quinn was dead, his big sister, his protecter from their dad, his favorite silbing.

Anika, she was injured. He couldn't lose her either. Anika was his best friend, and Mindy, Chad's twin sister. She was injured, and Ethan would like to believe that he was her friend.

He liked her, she was badass and funny and he just wanted to be just like her and Anika.

So, no matter how scared he was, he attacked ghostface, helping Anika and Mindy. Sam and Mindy helped Anika into Quinns room.

"Ethan! Come on!" Mindy yelled, and Ethan pushed ghostface back before running into the room and helping Mindy with the door.

Sam's boyfriend Danny had thrown a ladder over, and Sam crawled out first before Anika and Ethan convinced Mindy to go next.

"Go, Ethan," Anika said, and Ethan shook his head as he was holding the door ,"No, you go first,"

"Ethan, please.." Anika said, "No! Go, Anika! " Ethan told her ,"You'll be right behind me?" Anika questioned, and Ethan gave her a small smile

"I'll be right behind you, I promise." He told her, and Anika nodded before she started to crawl across the ladder to Danny's apartment.

"Shit!" Ethan cursed as he was pushed back, and ghostface entered the room. Ghostface seemed to ignore him and go straight for the ladder that Anika was still on.

"No!" Ethan quickly stood up and tackled ghostface , fighting with him.

"Ethan!" He could hear the girls shouting his name, and he groaned as the knife was impaled into his stomach, slicing across, blood poured out, and Ethan could feel the blood sliding ,down his mouth.

Ghostface pulled the knife out and grabbed the end of the ladder. Anika was still on it sobbing , crying for Ethan.

Ethan didn't think twice before slamming his body into Ghostface, and the two of them went flying out of the window.

"No! No! Ethan!" Anika sobbed out, and it was like time slowed down for Ethan, his memories coming to him like a movie.
- -
The first time he met Anika. He was going to buy donuts for himself and Quinn. He had brought the last donuts, and Anika was late, and she didn't get any

"Man, seriously!?" She groaned . She slumped over the glass, and Ethan turned to her ,"Um..excuse me? Um.. what kind of donut do you want? You can take one," he held the box out towards her, and she lifted her head, looking at him with hopeful eyes

"Are you serious?" She asked, and he nodded ,"Yeah." She smiled ,"aw! You are really sweet!" Ethan shyly smiled, and from that day, Ethan and Anika became best friends.
- -
The day he met Chad was in the dorms. Ethan was getting ready to go on a date with some guy that Quinn and Anika set him up with.

He walked out of his room and froze, seeing a group of strangers in his dorm room.

"Uh..um..hi?" They all turned to look at Ethan, "Oh! You must be the roommate, right? "A girl with curly hair questioned,

"R- roommate?" Ethan questioned, "Hi, I'm um.." The only male in the group trailed off as he stared at Ethan

"Gay," the girl beside whispered before chuckling ,"I'm Mindy, and this is my brother, chad. Chad's your roommate,"

"Oh, right! Chad! I forgot you were coming today. I'm Ethan." Ethan said, with a small nervous chuckle

"You going somewhere, Ethan?" Another girl questioned, and Ethan nodded

"On a date.."
- - -
Ethan was in his room studying when their was a knock on his door, and he looked over , smiling as he saw his sister

"Hi, Quinn. What are you doing here?" He asked, and she held out a box of pizza and soda ,"making sure you eat." She told him, walking further into his room and sitting down next to him

"Thanks, Quinn. You're the best!" Quinn laughed

"I know!"
- - -
A smile formed on Ethan's lips before he closed his eyes forever. "No! Ethan!" Anika clenched her eyes shut and sobbed as she heard the sound of her best friend bones breaking

"Anika! Come on, you gotta keep going!" Mindy told her, and Anika whimpered, crying she crawled the rest of the way.

Danny helped her inside, and she started to sob, and Mindy pulled her into her embrace, tears sliding down her face.

"Ethan.. No!" Anika sobbed out. Her best friend was gone.

He was supposed to be right behind her. He promised.

He promised.
- - -
Anika glared as chad and Tara ran over to them, "Where's Ethan?" Chad questioned, his eyes looking all over him

"He's..I'm so sorry, chad," Sam said, tears streaming down her face and chad shook his head ,"No. Not Ethan, where is he?" He demanded

"Dead! He's fucking dead!" Anika shouted, wincing as she stood up and Mindy and Danny made sure she wouldn't fall

She weakly hit chad in his chest as he stood frozen, Ethan was dead. His love of his life was dead, and he didn't even try and protect him. He ran with Tara, and he left Ethan behind.

"He.. he was supposed to be right behind me...but...instead he protected me...He's the reason I'm still alive...but you! You ran like a coward! And my best friend is dead!" Anika told him, tears streaming down her face

She realized that the tears hadn't stopped since Ethan's death. "It wasn't Chad's fault! Stop blaming him!" Tara told her, stepping in front of chad glaring at Anika

"Oh, fuck you!" Anika shouted before punching Tara in the face , "My friends are dead! And you are all still alive! It's not fair!" She pushed herself away from Mindy and leaned more into Danny, who held her

She glared at all of them, "I wish we never met you guys!" Sam looked down at the ground, knowing this was her fault.

Tara glared at her, and Chad had tears streaming down his face, and he could only stare , Mindy wanted to reach out and hug Anika. She knew that She was grieving and she was trying to find someone to blame and she chose her friends.

"If..If we never met you all! Than Quinn and Ethan would still be alive! I would.."she sobbed, "I would still have my best friend.." she fell to her knees, and Mindy kneeled down beside her and hugged her

"Bring my best friend back!" She begged, and Mindy held her tighter , chad fell to his knees and stared at the ground as the tears fell.

Ethan was gone, and it was all his fault.
Word count - 1133

Hope you enjoy!

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