"why did you hurt him?"

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Requested by edits44456
Ethan was home alone. His dad was at work and wouldn't be home until later. Quinn was at a friend's house and Richie god knows where but he wasn't home.

He was currently texting Chad while getting to watch a movie. Everything was going well until the house phone rang.

Wayne had insisted on getting a house phone before his mom died. They rarely used it. Ethan was actually surprised that the phone rang.

He walked over and picked it up, "hello?"


"Who is this?" Ethan questioned

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" Ethan never heard this voice before. He wondered what they wanted.


"Can I help you with something?"

"I want to talk. Can we just talk?" Ethan knew better than this. His father always told him to never talk to strangers but the person sounded so lonely and he just couldn't say no.

"Uh, sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Um..I don't really have a favorite scary movie. I mean,I don't really watch scary movies. Sorry, what's yours?"

"I like the movie stab. You ever watched that one, Ethan?" Ethan's heart stilled

"How...how do you know my name?"

"Oh, Ethan, didn't your dad teach you not to talk to strangers but I guess you were always so stupid. Ethan Bailey, the nice sweet boy that everyone loves." The voice was taunting

"W- what do you want?" Ethan asked

"Ha, ha. Poor naive little Ethan. I want to see what your insides look like!" Ethan hung up and shakily grabbed his phone dialing his dad's number.

"Come on, come on, pick up, dad." Ethan flinched as the phone rang again.

"Ethan, what's up?" Wayne's voice came from his phone

"D- dad..I um..I just got this really weird phone call.." Ethan cut himself as a startled scream left him as a chair was thrown against the sliding doors

"Ethan!? Ethan, what's going on!?" Ethan heard his dad's worried voice from the phone.

Ethan's eyes went wide as he saw a cloth mask figure rushing towards him. Ethan dodged the attacker before running away from them.

"Ethan! Answer me!" Ethan let out a yell as he felt an intense burning pain in his right leg.

"Ethan!" Tears slid down ethan's face as he tried to crawl away but the attacker pulled the knife out and Ethan tried to kick them back with his good leg but the attacker grabbed his leg and broke his ankle.

He let out a painful scream before the attacker got on top of him and raised the knife. Ethan tried to block it but the knife went through his hand.

"Ahh!" Ethan let out a sob before the knife was pulled out and he was stabbed again in his shoulder.

Ethan couldn't do much as the fight seemed to have leaved him as his attacker kept stabbing him. Blood began to pool in his mouth and the attacker seemed to stopped stabbing him.

His attacker removed their mask, smirking down at him and Ethan couldn't believe it.

"Ethan!?" Richies voice came from outside and his attacker cursed, standing up before running off

"Ethan!" Richie ran inside and froze, his heart dropping to his stomach, "no, no! Ethan!" Richie rushed over, seeing someone from the corner of his eye running away.

"Ethan!hey, stay with me, little brother, okay? Stay with me." Richie told him as he pulled out his phone to call 911.

"Ethan!" Wayne yelled running inside of the house and his eye's widened, "dad! The ambulance is on its way!" Richie told him

Wayne kneeled beside Ethan who was unconscious but still breathing.
- -
Richie hands were shaking as he knocked in the mewks Martin house. Chad needed to know as ethan's boyfriend.

He didn't want to tell him over the phone and Wayne hasn't left the hospital yet.

The door was soon opened but it wasn't Chad. It was Mindy. "Richie? What are you doing here?" She questioned, confused

"Is..is Chad here?" Richie questioned and Mindy nodded, "Chad!" Her confusion turn into worry.

"Yeah!?" Chad walked over and was surprised to see Richie, "Richie...what's up?"

Richie took a deep breath, "it's Ethan," the twins shared a look, "what about him?" Chad questioned

"Ethan..he..he was um..he was attacked last night..he's been in surgery for the last couple hours but he just got out..he's okay." Richie told them

"What?! Do you know who attacked him!?" Mindy questioned as Chad stood frozen.

His Ethan was at the hospital. He was attacked last night and Chad didn't even know. Ethan could've died and Chad wouldn't have known until morning.

"I..I need to see him." Chad said , "I'll take you. I was about to head back anyway." Chad just nodded
- -
Ethan was sleeping. He woke up but it was just for a little while before he went back to sleep.

Wayne left to catch whoever attacked his youngest son. Quinn was in ethan's room sleeping as well, after she cried the whole time that Ethan was in surgery.

Chad was holding ethan's hand and Richie was drinking a coffee. He couldn't sleep even though he was exhausted. He was worried about Ethan. What if something had to his little brother when he's asleep?

"Hey, hope it's okay if we come in?" Tara whispered, "yeah, sure." Tara, Wes, Liv, amber, Mindy and Anika walked in.

"Oh, my poor Ethan." Anika whispered, cupping ethan's face in her hands.

Richie looked up and he froze as he stared at the back of one of the girls. Amber freeman back to be extacly.

His mind went back to last night. He remembered seeing someone and that someone was amber.

"Chad, can I talk to you for a second?" Richie suddenly asked. Chad looked at him confused but he stood up, leaning down and pressing a small kiss to ethan's head before walking out of the room with Richie.

"What is it?" Chad questioned, "I think I know who attacked Ethan." Richie whispered

"What?" Chad asked, "I saw someone running away last night but I couldn't really see who it was but I saw their back..it was amber." Richie told him

"Are you sure?" Chad questioned and Richie nodded pulling out his phone , "yeah, I'm calling my dad."

Chad clenched his fist, "chad..don't do anything-" Richie cursed as Chad rushed into the room.

"Chad?" Mindy question confused but Chad ignored her as he grabbed amber by her shoulders and pinned her to the wall.

"What the fuck, Chad!" Amber yelled startling Quinn awake , "why did you hurt him!?" Chad questioned, barley able to contain his anger.

"What?" Amber scoffed ,"I don't know what you're talking about." She said, "guys! Help me, get him off me!" The others didn't do anything and Richie rushed into the room

"My dad is on his way." Richie said ,"why did you attack Ethan!?" Chad asked, glaring at amber

"I didn't!" Amber said , "I saw you leaving last night." Everyone looked at Richie and amber frowned ,"what?"

"Last night, I saw you running away from the house." Richie said ,"you have no proof!" Amber spat out, pushing Chad away

"Fuck this, I'm leaving." Anika, Mindy and Tara blocked her away , "no way!"

"Did you attack Ethan?" Anika question, glaring at amber, " no, I didn't. Get out of my way!"

The door opened and Wayne rushed in. His eyes landing on amber and he glared at her , "You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Ethan Bailey."

"I didn't do it! I swear!" Amber agrued , "it..it was you." Everyone looked at Ethan who was awake now.

"Shit." Amber cursed under her breath. ,"Ethan, did amber attack you?" Quinn softly questioned

"Yeah, she took off her mask and I saw her. Amber was the one that attacked me." Ethan said

"You bitch!" Quinn slammed her fist into Amber's face ,"fuck!" Amber cursed as blood began to pour out of her broken nose.
- -
Wayne had arrested amber and the others decided to let Ethan rest. Chad sighed as he sat down on the chair interlocking his hand with ethan's.

"You okay, Chad?" Etha asked, "You're the one in the hospital and you're asking me if I'm okay?" Chad asked and Ethan smiled at him, "yeah."

Chad chuckled before he frowned ,"I'm sorry about amber. I'm sorry that you had to go through that."

"I don't know why she wanted to kill me. Do..do you think I did something wrong?" Ethan questioned

"No, you didn't. Amber was just crazy, okay? It wasn't your fault that she attacked you." Chad told him and Ethan just nodded

"Can you just hold me, Chad?" Ethan asked , "I don't want to hurt you." Chad told him

"Please?" Ethan gave the best puppy eyes he could and Chad couldn't say no. "Okay." Ethan smiled as Chad got on the hospital bed and carefully wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm really glad that you're okay." Chad said, and Ethan looked up at him with a small smile "me too. I love you."

"I love you too, Ethan."
Word count - 1530

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes

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