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              I woke up to my head pounding with pain. "eh....?" I rubbed my head and sat up then felt something freezing cold on my throat holding me back. "....wha-what?!" I looked around and saw Hanji at the corner of the room sleeping as if she'd been waiting for me to awake. My eyes widened and I tried pulling of the chain on my neck only to realize I also had one on my hands and feet for gods sake!

                 I panicked and started struggling to break free, I even started screaming, and try kicking as if my life depended on it. That's when Hanji awoke and walked up to me, "EREN! CALM DOWN IT'S OKAY YOUR FINE!". She tried petting my head but I quickly reacted and bit her hand hard, and she yelped and backed up. "e-eren.... what's wro-" I cut her off, she only thought she knew how I felt! "SON OF A BITCH GO AWAY!! I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU GET CLOSER! I DON'T NEED YOU! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, NO! GO KILL YOURSELF! YOU... YOU DESERVE TOO DIE FOR DOING THIS SHIT TOO ME!!" for once in my life I saw it. I saw Hanji crying. She wiped her tears and walked to the door, all I did was smile then laughed. " hehehehehe that's right leave!" and with that she left without looking back.

       I had only just remembered how I was locked up, and sighed. "dammit.... I don't have a chance of escaping, but I can always try." I began struggling again, until I heard the door open and the commander walked in. I hissed and stopped struggling, then licked my lips with Hanji's blood still on them. Erwin only looked at me with pure disgust, but that's something I get from everyone after all. So I was practically use to it by now.

               "Eren, why did you choose to leave, especially without telling us that you were going 'outside the walls'." By the looks of if he looked pissed, but i didn't care. Erwin gave permission for Hanji to do experiments on me! Making me more outraged than he was. "Isn't it obvious?! I HATE THOSE DAMN EXPERIMENTS THAT HANJI DOES TO ME! SOMEDAY IM AFRAID THAT SHE'D KILL ME! BUT NO ONE ELSE EVEN CARES! EVERY ONE AROUND LOOKS AT ME LIKE IM SOME SORT OF ABOMINATION JUST CAUSE I CAN TURN INTO A DAMN TITAN! AND I-" Erwin got up and kicked my gut before I could finish. "you know what Eren? All you did was make people think worse of you. now Hanji can do more experiments like you, especially ones like the deadly ones. You could have saved us from the titans, but I think that your only becoming just like them."

            I laughed and looked at him, still in pain from the hit. " I guess your right Erwin, but you know what?! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT! I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING KNOWING HOW BAD SOMETHING IS! I HATE MY LIFE, I WANNA KILL MYSELF BUT I CAN'T DO IT CAUSE THESE VOICES IN MY HEAD TELL ME NOT TOO!" At that point I started laughing crazily even as he started crying. The door creaked open and Levi was there. He was upset, but he only walked away.


        I started walking down to where Eren had been, to check up on how he was doing, but I heard Erwin talking to him by then. My best option was too just listen, in which I did. Though now I wish I hadn't. When I heard the words 'I HATE ME LIFE, I WANNA KILL MYSELF BUT I CAN't DO IT CAUSE THESE VOICES IN MY HEAD TELL ME NOT TOO!' my heart hurt. I can't believe I'm in love with a kid like this... I thought before walking away.


       damn what am I saying..? what...what am I doing right now? I can't control myself... it's like... I'm trapped in nothingness. I feel myself float away.... but into what? despair? Happiness? 'maybe there is nothing there.... and its so cold... all I can do is scream my lungs out, but no one helps me.... I'm so scared... someone help me.....

         I started snarling like some sort of animal and tried biting anything close to me. Erwin was a bit shocked, I've completely gone insane. He stood up and got a muzzle knocking me out before putting it on.

/ERWINS POV/ (sorry I keep on changing the POV...)

     He started sounding like a animal, close to a chained dog that fought for survival. I only looked at him shocked, what happened to Eren I wondered. I soon got up and picked up a muzzle that was on a table next to the doorway. I turned to Eren and knocked him out. "Eren what's gotten into you.... your soul seems to have left you, for a titans.." with that I put the muzzle on him. I looked at him for a second, and remembered something. I ran looking for Hanji.

- in Hanji's room-

          I gently knocked on the door, which she opened right away. I looked down at her, and was upset. Hanji had actually started crying because of Eren. Her eyes were red and puffy, yet she still cried. I was about to pat her shoulder before she said, " Erwin... How's my titan baby..? is he only like this to me?". I shook my head and put my hand down. " I believe that something took the real Eren away from us...". In that exact moment she sprang up and ran towards her projects she's done on Eren. I was surprised "Hanji....?"  she picked one up and jumped around. " ERWIN LOOK!!!! I THINK I NOW KNOW WHY!" the paper showed.....


Sorry if I've been to harsh on Hanji, poor Hanji... to tell the truth (don't think me bad) I like watching people suffer, especially in anime or just stories in particular...

They just seem interesting... it makes me feel happy....

sorry , im too tired to write and I've got school tomorrow soooooooo that's all I'm doing today, probably write more tomorrow though.

bye bye~! >~<

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