Five: Linus/Roman/Virgil

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Linus laughed as he was told he had a visitor. His plan was working. He can get this little fucker to get him released and then he can go after those fucking assholes. He sat down and once he did the door opened and his eyes widened seeing someone he didn't exactly expect sitting in front of him.

"Roman?" Linus looked at the man in front of him oddly. Why would he be here? Out of all people?

"You need to stop trying to fucking manipulate them into believing you've changed." Roman growled. Linus chuckled.

"Wow, so you are the only fucking smart person out of every single one of you." Linus rolled his eyes. "What are you going to do now? Tattle on me?"

"They really thought because you saved Remy, that you were a good guy." Linus leaned forward and Roman flinched, causing Linus to smirk.

"And why didn't you?" Linus asked. Roman touched his neck, which was hidden underneath his sweater and then glared at Linus.

"You fucking burned your god damn name into my skin you fucking psychopath."

"And yet, Remy and everyone else believes me that I was acting that entire time." Roman rolled his eyes.

"And they won't believe me that you are actually a bad guy." Roman took his sweater off and Linus raised an eyebrow because Roman was now only wearing a tank top, showing off his old scars. His name was clear on Roman's pale skin.

"Sucks it healed, you look pretty good with it fresh."

"You see what you fucking did to me?" Roman hissed out.

"I made you aware of who you belonged to." Linus leaned back in his chair. "I mean come on, you needed to learn a lesson."

"Fuck you."

"Is this all you came here for? Was to yell at me for marking you as mine?"

"I came to ask you why? Why are you trying to fucking manipulate my family into thinking you are a good person?" Linus leaned forward again admiring the scars he gave Roman. He saw that Roman was covering his wrist with leather bands.

"Covering another one of your marks? What? Not used to people knowing you are someone else's fucking property?" Linus smirked as he could clearly see Roman became uncomfortable. He leaned forward. "I've got a secret, I will see you outside these walls soon and if I see those pretty little marks covered up? Even the one on your hip...well things won't be so pretty~"

"Are you seriously threatening me right now?" Roman asked in shock.

"Oh yeah, and guess what pretty boy?" Roman glared at him. "You can't escape me."

"I can, and I fucking will. You are the one trapped not me. And I will make damn sure you stay here." Roman grabbed his sweater, covering up his neck again. "And if you ever try and manipulate my family again, I will make damn sure they aren't able to visit you." Roman knocked and the guard let him out. Linus smirked at the guard who watched Roman leave. He walked into the cell and nodded.

"Perfect." Linus stood up and the guard took off his chains. "Now, you know who I want first so make sure he can't leave the prison." The guard nodded and spoke into the walkie talkie he had walking away from Linus. Things were about to get very interesting for his little toy.


Alarms started blaring around the prison and Roman froze as the officers ran about. He looked at the guard standing by the front and walked over to him. "Can you let me out now?" Roman was panicking a little. He definitely did not want to be on this side of the door if Linus escaped.

"Sorry kid, alarms means someone's trying to escape if I open those doors then they can and will run out. Just wait it out I'm sure they'll catch them." Roman felt his breathing picking up as he turned to face the hallway he just came from.

"ROMAN!?" Roman turned to face the outside and saw Remy, Virgil and Emile.

"What the hell are you doing here Roman!?" Remy shouted.

"I can't leave now, he won't let me." Roman gestured at the guard. "I promise im fine. I just had to confront him about something..." roman saw Virgil's eyes widen and he raised a brow. "What?" Roman turned around and saw guards and he raised his hands in the air.

"Woah, what's going on officers?" Roman asked.

"Come with us." The grabbed Roman's arm and he winced.

"Roman!?" Virgil banged on the door.

"What—officers!?" Roman was handcuffed and he panicked. They dragged him to the back door and he struggled against them eyes widening in horror. HE WAS BEING FUCKING KIDNAPPED FROM A PRISON!?

"God, took you all long enough." Roman looked up seeing Linus sitting on the trunk of a car, with his legs dangling below him. "Load his ass in we don't have much time." The stabbed Roman's neck with a syringe and he felt himself collapse. "Sleep tight~"


The sirens stopped and officers ran about the prison. The officer at the front door of the prison sat there with wide eyes staring at where roman was.

"This is all my fault oh my god..." he clicked the button letting them in. Virgil ran over to him and helped calm him down. "I should have let him out..."

"You didnt know." Virgil smiled sadly at him. "Who got out?" Virgil asked.

"I forget his name.." Virgil glanced at Remy who was watching the monitors.

"Oh dear god..." Remy looked up at Virgil. "Linus escaped and he has Roman."

AN sorry for the cliff hanger but it's midnight and I should really be sleeping but I wanted to write and this was all I could think of was end it on a cliff hanger to torture you guys even more haha I hope you liked this chapter!

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