Seven: Logan

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***Logan: a few months ago***

"Remus, please you are making reckless decisions! Answer your damn phone!" Logan hung up and slammed the phone down on the table next to his laptop.

"Here, this one's on the house. You look like you need it." Logan thanked the worker as he looked back at his computer. The green dot stopped blinking and Logan's eyes widened. He packed his things away and ran out of the coffee shop. He ran to his car and before he even started to put the key in he felt something cover his nose and mouth.

"Be very, very still." Logan felt his vision blur as he passed out in the seat.

~~~hours later

Logan sat up looking around seeing a chain around his ankle. He looked towards the door in concern. Where the fuck was he!? He held his head. Well, at least he knows Virgil would look for him immediately if his light goes out. They changed the way the chips work so if they are removed at all, they stop blinking and alert authorities immediately that something is wrong. He heard the door unlock and he looked over seeing a man standing before him in a mask.

"Welcome back." He chuckled. "I hope you enjoyed your little nap."

"Who the fuck are you and where am I?" Logan asked.

"You have such a bad mouth." He walked closer and Logan backed away a little.

"Im sure if you took out my tracker, as I can see you clearly did, the police are already alerted that I'm missing so if you just let me go—"

"We took care of that little detail ages ago actually." He sat down by Logan's feet.

"Not possible, the only way you'd have even been able to do that was—"

"By having a man on the inside, delete the evidence and make it seem like a complete accident," he pulled out his phone. "You and Remus are on a lovely little vacation right now your trackers just lost service." He smirked as he showed Logan the messages he sent Virgil. Logan let tears flow down his cheeks.

"So you did take him then?" Logan asked. "Can I see him?"

"No." The man shook his head and laughed. "I do admire you for trying." Logan flinched away when the man went to touch his face.

"Don't touch me." Logan felt his breathing speed up.

"Think." The man chuckled as he ran a hand down Logan's face. "You know I already have love." Logan's eyes widened as his breathing picked up even more.

"No! No fucking way!" Tears flowed down Logan's face. Mark took off the mask and licked his lips.

"After you made the mistake of not turning me in for being involved me and Linus hatched this wonderful plan to bring you back to us." He got closer to Logan and Logan flinched as he harshly grabbed his face. "And I of course had to use Remus as a distraction." He chuckled. "Oh watching you panic and run from that coffee shop was everything. You aren't allowed to see him because you belong to me and Linus now." Logan glared at mark as he pulled away. "And Remus? Well, he belongs to me and only me."

"What have you done!?" Logan screamed. He was panicking and he could feel the attack coming on but he refused to let mark use that against him.

"Roughed him up a bit of course." Mark stood up. "I will be back every hour to see you my love~" mark blew a kiss to Logan as he left the room. Logan felt tears flow faster down his face as soon as the door closed. What was happening to Remus!? He wasn't sure he wanted to know...

***Present time: Logan***

Logan stared at the wall as he counted for the hour. The door opened and Logan sat up immediately.

"You'd think by now you would have learned to have been ready for me when I open the door." Logan looked away.

"Just let me see him...I won't fight you anymore if you let me say goodbye." Mark sighed.

"You see, I would but we just brought someone else to say hello to Remus, so he might be a little busy trying to fight us." Logan's eyes widened and he looked at mark.

"Tell me you didn't..."

"Don't worry, your son isn't gonna be touched." He chuckled. "Though, you gave me an idea and we can definitely use him against Remus~" mark walked over and kissed Logan.

"Just please don't hurt him..." tears flowed down Logan's face. "Please..."

"Come on, you have work to do." Mark dragged Logan out of the room for the first time in a month. Once they were far enough away from his room Logan stopped walking.

"Please just let me see him." Logan asked. Mark groaned annoyed.

"Fuck fineeee, just close your eyes." He dragged Logan to a door at the end of the hallway. "Say goodbye you fucking ass." He opened the door and threw Logan into the room. As the door shut Logan took a deep breathe and opened his eyes turning around.

"REMUS!" Logan ran over to Remus who was sitting on the floor next to a bed where Roman was tied down. "Oh my god are you two alright!?" Remus looked at Logan in shock. Logan ran over untying Roman. Roman immediately hugging Logan.

"Don't worry he's with Remy." Roman pulled away. "He should be safe." Logan thanked him and then knelt down next to Remus.

"L-Lo!?" Remus smiled and grabbed Logan's hand. "Y-You okay?"

"Im okay my love." Logan kissed Remus. He held him in arms. "I wanted to see you, but he wouldn't let me." Logan looked Remus up and down. "Fuck what did Linus do to you..."

"Mark did it..." Remus whimpered out. "H-He..." Logan wiped his face of tears and he held Remus.

"I dont care if he told you I would never want to be with you Remus."

"How'd you know that's what he said?" Remus asked. Logan smiled.

"Because those two have been trying to drive us apart since they had us last and I'm not letting it happen." Logan kissed Remus and then helped him into the bed. "I love you Remus, and I'm not going to be that easy to get rid of." Remus smiled.

"Damn, that's the best I love you ever." He leaned forward kissing Logan.

"Gross." Roman stuck out his tongue.

"Oh shut it." Remus smacked Roman's arm. "You've done wayyyy worse than just kissing Patton in front of me."

"That's disgusting." Logan chuckled as he looked at Roman. "At least tell me the boys didn't see that?"

"ALL I DID WAS SMACK HIS ASS!" Roman laughed. "Remus makes it seem like we fucked right there in front of him!"

"You two are idiots." Logan leaned into Remus and Remus leaned against the wall. Roman looked at the two and smiled sadly.

"I don't know why they took us, but I'm just glad they haven't taken the kids." Roman looked at his hands. "I-I went to the prison." Remus and Logan both immediately sat up.

"What the hell were you thinking Roman!?" Remus scolded.

"So that's how he took you..." Logan sighed. "Remus, don't argue." Logan then looked at Roman. "It was stupid and reckless of you to even go see him, what the fuck were you hoping to accomplish?"

"He made Remy believe some ridiculous story that he was trying to be a nice guy Logan! I was just trying to get him to admit to what he's done and get him to stop! Remy doesn't deserve that..."

"Again, absolutely idiotic." Logan mumbled.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Roman looked away from the two. "I didnt know what else to do! If I didn't go then it would have been Remy and Virgil he grabbed!"

"Wait what!?" Remus immediately popped up.

"I don't know why he was there! I'm just glad it was me on the side of the bars and not them."

"Roman he could seriously hurt you." Remus looked at Roman concerned.

"Remus, I've been chained to this bed for days." Roman pulled his legs to his chest. "If he hasn't done anything but starve me then I don't think he has any plans to do anything worse."

"Jesus Roman, you sound insane." Roman laughed at that.

"Are we sure I'm not the mentally unstable twin?" Roman joked.

"Idiots." The three laughed and then fell into silence holding each others hands. They'll make it through whatever hell this is. They had to. They did it several times before after all. They can do it one more time.

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