Two: Remy/Linus

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AN soooo this part is gonna get really confusing but I will explain it I promise!!


Remy paced the floor. Ronald had left and Remy knew it was to get Linus his stupid Patton doppelgänger. The door opened and Remy turned to face the both of them annoyed. He raised an eyebrow. Something was off about Linus.

"He knows I'm not him, what's the point?" Linus walked over and laughed as he looked at Remys hair. "Decided to try and cut it?"

"The point is Linus, he really has a bad attitude and that needs to be fixed. I don't care if he doesn't think you are him. His brain will think of this every single time he sees that stupid Patton from here on out if he ever escapes." Ronald chuckled as he walked over to them and kissed Remy. "And I like to think he's not strong enough to make it." Remy glared at him.

"He doesn't fight you anymore that's sad." Linus laughed. "I liked a challenge." Wow. That laugh was fake as hell.

"Touch me, and I will bite your dick." Remy growled out.

"There's that spark."

"Better get rid of it while I'm gone Linus." Ronald left after quickly kissing Remy. A few moments later Linus turned to face Remy.

"You know, you look so much better with long hair." Linus walked over and sat down on the chair in the corner of the room. He pulled out his phone and started playing some music. Remy looked at him oddly. Linus looked up. "What? I'd like music to play while I decide what the fuck to do with you."

"You never did before." Remy pointed out. Linus rolled his eyes.

"Just shut up." He walked over and undid the handcuffs on Remys wrist. Remy looked at him with curious eyes. "What? That door is locked not like you can run away from me." Linus sighed and put his phone down. "Okay look. I want that bastard gone as much as you do."

"Right, like I'll believe that." Linus laughed.

"You really are a tough person to try and get to trust huh?" Remy gestured at the room.

"I'm a prisoner. I've been raped and tortured by you and you fucking expect me to trust you?" Remy rolled his eyes. "Not a fucking chance."

"Yikes." Linus scratched his neck, Remy walked over forcing the collar down. Linus scoffed immediately trying to pull the collar back up but Remy stopped him. "Feel a bit better?" Remy stared at the initials carved into Linus's neck.

"What the fuck!? Jesus that looks fresh what the hell?" Remy looked at him in pure shock.

"He did it last night." Linus looked down. "Because I told him enough was enough and you deserve to go home."

"Why the sudden change of heart though?" Remy walked over to the closet and pulled out a hidden first aid kit causing Linus to laugh a bit. "Not that I'm going to trust that you of all people changed." Remy walked over and started taking off Linuss shirt. Linus flinched a bit and Remy paused only for a second before continuing. He took care of the wound and wrapped it.

"I have his face." Linus gestured at his face and leaned against the wall. "Nobody ever asks, or I think genuinely fucking cares, why I suddenly decided to get the surgeries and shit?"

"Not that I actually give a fuck, but I'll humor you. Why did you change?" Linus looked at Remy then at the door.

"You wouldn't believe me either way." Linus looked down at his hands. "Fuck I hate myself."

"I mean obviously." Remy sat back down on the bed. Linus scoffed.

"Rude much?"

"Babes, you raped and tortured me for fun. You expect me to believe you now actually have a fucking heart I expect you to actually prove to me you do. Let all of the people he's hurting go free. Stop letting him fucking buy people like they are cattle. Then I'll fucking believe you of all people have a god damn heart."

"Jesus Christ have a heart." Remy rolled his eyes.

"Fuck off." Remy looked away from Linus.

"Fine." Linus stood up and walked out of the room. Remy looked over where Linus had sat and looked back up at the ceiling. What the Fuck was that??

***Linus (a day before he walked into Remys room)

Ronald slapped Linus and he held his cheek. He looked at him and laughed spiting the blood from his busted lip on the floor in front of him.

"Fucking sick mother fucker." Linus grumbled as he left the room. He looked over and saw a young girl around thirteen being dragged through the hallway to a bedroom. He looked back at the office and then walked over to the door. The guards who dragged her into the room left and Linus entered. She threw a lamp at his head and he dodged laughing. "Jesus Christ you crazy bitch." She looked over at him and her eyes widened.

"Patton?" Oh fuck. Linus backed up raising his hands in the air.

"Listen I'm not—." She ran over and hugged him. Linus paused feeling her tiny arms wrapped around his waist.

"I've missed you! I've been so scared!" Linus pulled away and got down to eye level.

"Listen, sweetie. I'm not Patton." He looked down at his hands on her arm and pulled away. "My names Linus."

"Y-You are the bad guy!" She backed away.

"How did you get here?" He asked. He then suddenly realized what she was wearing and immediately pulled his coat off handing it to her. "Please cover up." She took the jacket and zipped it up. His jacket covered her like a blanket, reaching her knees.

"T-Thanks." She mumbled.

"Sweetie, did you end up here?" He asked.

"He payed for me." She mumbled. Linus glared at the door.

"That sick fuck." Linus ran a hand through his hair. "Okay...okay...Uhm...shit..." Linus pulled out his phone. "This is such a bad idea." Linus walked away from the girl and called the one person he knows would hang up almost immediately after he called.


"Hey Logan-." The phone went straight to the beep tones of the call ending. He sighed. "Alright kid...I'm going to take you home." Linus held his hand out to her. "I promise you I won't hurt you like those monsters did. You don't have to trust me, just know I'll bring you to Patton a-and he can protect you okay?" She walked over and grabbed hold of Linuss shaking hand.

"I trust you."

***an hour later***

Linus screamed as he was slammed against the wall. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TRYING TO DO!?" He slammed Linus against the wall again. Linus felt dizzy. Fuck.

"Stop!" Linus screamed as he shoved Ronald away. "Okay fuck just stop it!"

"You, you can not change your fucking self." Ronald suddenly grabbed a handful of Linuss hair and dragged him over to a chair slamming him into it. He tried to fight him but Ronald attacked him and tilted his chin upwards. "You. Belong. To. Me." He screamed when he felt pressure on his collarbone. Ronald pulled away and laughed lifting Linuss chin up. "Remember your fucking place." Linus held his hand to his collarbone with tears in his eyes. He looked up at Ronald. "What? I only did what you did to Roman, and Logan. Branded you like fucking cattle. After all, I did pay for you didn't I? I have the right to that body of yours." Linus cringed and looked away. "Look at me boy." Linus looked up at him anger in his eyes.

"What you sick fuck? What else could you fucking want from me?" Linus stood up.

"I need you to come with me and deal with Remy as you have been doing." He walked closer to Linus. "Do we have a problem?"

"N-N..." Linus paused. "Actually. Fuck you. Yes I have a fucking problem with that." He was slammed into the wall and he cringed holding his head.

"Out of my sight. I'll come get you when I need you." Linus got off the ground leaving the office. He limped his way to his room flopping into the bed.

"Linus?" Linus looked up and smiled seeing Amarlin walking into the room with a tray.

"Hey Mar." she walked over to the bedside placing the tray down. She looked at him closely before raising an eyebrow.

"What are you hiding from me this time?" Linus sighed.

"Nothing Mar, probably just a concussion."

"Linus, show me what he did." Linus pulled down his shirt collar revealing the messy writing of Ronald's initials carved into his collarbone like a tattoo. "Holy fuck!"

"Mar, I need you to promise me you won't fuck anything up okay? I might be fucking up but he won't fucking kill me. He needs me. He can easily kill you and just buy someone else..."

"Linus, you've known me for years. I can promise I won't fuck anything up." She kissed his forehead. "Thank you for what you did for that little girl by the way. I saw you sneaking her out."

"I had to get her away Mar...that bastard just doesn't care! He was going to hurt her..."

"Do you do have a heart in you after all." She smiled at him. "Just don't let it get you killed." She walked out and Linus pulled out his phone pulling up his contacts he called Remus.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Don't hang up! Okay please?"

"Linus what the hell do you fucking want?" Remus asked. "Unless you are giving me your location and turning yourself fucking in, I'm hanging up."

"No! Wait!" Linus looked towards his door. "I want to help. I am sending you all the locations he has active right now. You will find every single person he's fucking kidnapped and tortured. I-I know you can't trust me. But please?"

"How do I know this isn't a trap?" Remus asked. Linus bit his lip and looked down at his hands.

"Did that little girl find Patton okay after I dropped her off?" He heard Remus gasp.

"Hold on a second." Remus was heard walking down some stairs and then he heard a mumbled conversation before he finally replied. "Okay...I trust you." Linus hung up and sent the locations to Remus. He paused before typing the last message he could think of.

Linus: let me know when you've saved everyone there, then I'll send you Remys location.

"Linus!" Linus sighed and hid his phone before leaving the room. He leaned against the wall and looked at Ronald.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"We, need to pay Remy a little visit."

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