Chapter 4 - Thirst

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I stared down at this card that seemed so ridiculous the first time I was given it. But now? It seemed like the most beautiful thing in the world. I don't know what I witnessed last night exactly. Or if I was simply going crazy. But I needed help, this I knew. And maybe, just maybe, they can help. And as I dialed the number into grandpa's phone, making sure no one was around to hear my call, I took a deep breath, just waiting for someone to answer.

"Decided you needed us after all?" My eyes widened from Alan's sudden voice from the other end of the line, shocking me slightly. How in the world did he know who it was?

"Alan? It's Misty. But, I guess you already knew that. Listen... I have a problem." He sighed a little, before I heard muffled voices in the distance, most likely him talking to Edgar. I honestly didn't notice how interesting these guys really are until today. I've met a whole new breed of guys and I still don't know what to think of them. This town....

"We'll be right over." But before I could even speak, the line went dead and I slowly hung the phone back up, slumping against the kitchen wall. Here we go...

"So, did he just swoop on in as soon as you opened your window?" I nodded my head from the intense stare of the Frog brothers on me, not really knowing what to say. They seemed to already have it all figured it. Everything that happened, they have guessed perfectly. So I simply took the time to assess them. They each had different items with them. Stakes, flasks, knives. You name it, they had it. I mean, they clearly know more than they are telling about this town. And maybe I'm thankful for that. Because I'm already regretting moving here.

"So let me get this straight, a blood sucker was in your room, and didn't make you dinner?" My eyes widened from Edgar's serious tone, his face completely void of any type of emotion. Just business as usual.

"Exactly! I don't know what even happened to begin with. I'm still processing the whole thing in my head. It's like he was teasing me." Alan and Edgar looked to one another in thought. Again, their faces were not giving anything away and it was driving me utterly mad. I could have some crazy man coming after me and they aren't telling me a damn thing!

"Look, Misty, he's definitely a night crawler. No doubt about it. So here's the plan. We'll do what we have to do to help. But you might need to do something with us." I eyed them both, seeing Alan looking at me more and more, like he was scanning me for something. Trying to get his own impression of me. Edgar was so lost in whatever plan he was thinking up, he didn't notice the exchange at all.

"Okay. You probably won't like it. But here goes. Maybe..... you should find out more about this.... night stalker. See what his game is here. And then? We'll come in." I looked from both of them to my hands fiddling together in nervousness, thinking through his whole plan they had. And finally, talked myself into a decision.

"I'm in." Both their eyes went wide from surprise, the first actual emotion I've seen from these two since meeting them. I couldn't help but smile. Yeah, I can be a bad ass. How hard can it be right? As long as I don't end up dead in a ditch somewhere, we're solid!

"Mist? You got new friends already?" Michael suddenly came into the room with sunglasses sported on his face, making me narrow my eyes slightly just from the mere sight of him. Sunglasses.... during the day? He was smirking. All decked out in a leather jacket. Just like those guys. Marko....

"Hey Mike! This is Edgar and Alan Frog. They work at the comic store on the boardwalk. They're... helping me with a project." He looked at us three, before I noticed the way Edgar and Alan were eyeing Mike like they knew something was up. They didn't seem happy at all.

"Nice digs Mike." I tried to lighten the mood some, seeing the smile finally come back to Michale's face that I know so well. But he looked so disheveled. Definitely not himself. Like he hadn't slept in years.

"Thanks. If you go out tonight, be careful alright? I uh.... don't want you hanging around with some of those people." My eyes narrowed, watching him walk upstairs and away from sight, before suddenly, Edgar and Alan were on me in a panic, about giving me a heart attack.

"He's one of them Misty." My eyes widened in surprise from their words. He is hanging around them more and more because of Star. Something had to have happened last night. And thankfully, they didn't kill him. I really need to get a move on with this plan then. They've got my brother. And killing god knows how many people in this crazy town. But I also want to learn more about Marko, why he's so interested in me. Is it apart of some grand plan of theirs? Which I don't get. I don't see Star trying to hurt us. She genuinely seems nice. So maybe I need to talk to her.....

"It's the blood lust. One sip? And you're done for. You'll want it more and more. It's a thirst you can't get rid of." Alan's voice rang in my ears and I just felt so utterly lost. Vampires. Blood lust. Thirst. And Michael is one of them..... he never would have willingly done that. They had to have tricked him. Had him drink something and that was that. I noticed Alan still looking on at me in thought. He seemed.... concerned. I know I saw it. He could tell I was lost for words. Even Edgar seemed a bit worried. This plan was becoming more and more dangerous with each passing moment.

"Well guys? We better get started. The longer we sit here, the worse it'll get. I won't let my brother become something like that. There has to be something we can do." Before they could say anything, Sam came walking into the living room and seemed utterly surprised to see us three sitting there. I was going to tell him this morning. But I was terrified. The first thing I thought to do was call Edgar and Alan. And I'm glad I did.

"Hey guys! Sooooo.... what kind of meeting are we having? A meeting of the vampire slayers?" He sat down next to me with a joking smile on his face, before he realized whatever was happening was truly serious and he instantly went wide eyed, a panicked look showing on his face.

"What did I miss?" I sighed, wrapping my arm around his shoulder with a slight hug, feeling better to actually be talking to Sam about this. He is my best friend. And I usually never keep anything from him. I just wanted people here who knew more about the actual situation than I do. And that? Is the Frog brothers.

"Well Sam. Buckle up and hold on. Because this is going to be a roller coaster of a ride bub." So I told him everything. Marko flying into my window, his playful manner about the whole situation and the remark he made before he left, like he had his own personal agenda with me. And well, Sam did exactly what I thought he would. Panic. First, he laughed like we were joking with him. But then he knew something was up and he took everything in. And that's when it happened. I told him about Michael. But that we both needed to put that to the test before we officially know he's one of them. And Sam? He lost it. He looked as terrified as I felt.

"What?? I was thinking maybe this was a little, bonding type thing for comics. Not an actual blood sucking meeting!" He looked from Edgar and Alan, seeing just how serious they were, and fell back into the couch with a huff, processing it yet again.

"Just remember Misty, we got your back." Alan's comforting words sent a smile to my face, a genuine one I hadn't done in a while to be honest. I really like him.

"Thanks Alan, Edgar. We all four got this. The blood sucking slayers." They seemed to actually smile a tad, before leaving the house to get prepared for what comes next, leaving Sam and I to our next project. Michael.

"Hey Mike! Got a sec before you head out?" I decided to try my theory while Sam was in the bath, so he wouldn't have to panic even more. Which to be honest, this was a part of the plan anyway. Nanook would supposedly sniff out Michael, knowing he's a vampire. And Nanook is forever with Sam. So he would instantly protect him from Michael. And from the constant barking I've been hearing from Nanook in the bathroom, I knew this was my chance. Mike was camped out outside the bathroom door, like he was about to do something. And i was not about to let anything happen to Sam. I'll be damned.

"Mike....?" He slowly turned around, his eyes trained right on me with the most drawn in look of pain i'd ever seen on his face. His eyes were pure black and he looked..... hungry. He slowly started towards me without saying a word and I felt my own panic set in.

"Sam!!" But before I could fully scream for help, Mike was running after me, chasing me down the stairs. I screamed and screamed, hoping Sam would hear me, before I heard a sudden crashing noise and here came Nanook bounding down the stairs so fast I could barely register what was happening. He latched onto Michael with the hardest bite he's ever given, making his hand bleed so badly. I slowly stopped my movements, trying to assess if Michael was still trying to kill me or not, when he looked up at me, his eyes going back to normal, nothing but pain showing.

"Mist....." I ran over to him, taking his hand in mine and saw Nanook close by, his protective manner showing completely. I knew Michael wouldn't purposely hurt me. But that terrified the shit out of me. He was..... gone. The thirst took over. Just like Alan said it would.

"It's okay Mike. I know..." And the mirror behind us really set it in motion. He was completely invisible, no sign of him at all being right here with me expect for my own eyes seeing him. He seemed so scared to be honest. He didn't fully know what was happening. And I honestly, didn't know either.

"We're going to fix this. Don't worry." Sam suddenly came running down the stairs in his robe from all the commotion, seeing just what happened, the blood dripping on the floor from Michael's wound and Nanook's close watching of us. His eyes widened from looking in the mirror, only seeing him and i in it. Guess we got our answer.

"You're one of them Mike...." He slowly crept closer to us, seeming scared out of his mind. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. But this is Michael. My brother. And I know deep down, he wouldn't kill me. He's fighting. So badly. But, it's addicting. The feeling of wanting more. Sam suddenly ran up the stairs, making me sigh. I know he's having a hard time processing this. We should be scared. Especially having what we've been warned about living in our house. But, I don't want to be scared. I don't  have time for that. Not if I want to save my brother. And learn more about Marko. And I will.

Hey guys! I really hope you're enjoying the story and the direction I'm taking it in so far. I really appreciate everyone reading. It means so much! 😘

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