Chapter 5 - Blood Lust

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My brother is a blood sucker? Check. I have one of the said blood suckers coming after me? Check.  I have two guys wanting me to go after them to see what their endgame is? Check. My mom is dating someone? Check. My grandpa is acting weirder than usual? Check. I have too much going on! And with nighttime on the horizon already, I feel like I'm suffocating from the mere thought of what I'm about to do. Michael is going to kill me. But, it has to be done. And he can get me in, considering he hangs with them. And if tonight is the night I die, I left a nice playlist for Sam to play at my funeral. So at least that is covered! But I need to know more about these guys. Since they're killer vampires. Edgar is talking about all this head vampire nonsense. Which, it's clearly David, the guy who Michael seems to despise the most. He's beyond full of himself and he is the alpha of the group. He leads them. And he lets it be known. He's pure evil. That's who I really have to watch for. And as I looked out my bedroom window, slipping on a blood red lace dress, hoping this little number will make me stand out, the sun was replaced with the moon and that meant, it was show time.  


"Michael? Isn't that your sister?" I could already hear them talking about me once I got closer to the very easy to spot group, my heart going a mile a minute. They were exactly where I knew they'd be. Usual spot with their bikes, out by the video store. And all I wanted was to turn back and run. But I knew I couldn't. Not now. This has gone too deep for me to give up and chicken out.

"Misty! What the hell...?" Michael sent me that brotherly look of his. He was beyond pissed that I was standing here, when he clearly warned me to stay away from them. But he would do the same for me if the roles were reversed. But the only one I could focus on, was Marko and his smirk directed right at me. He eyed me from head to toe, instantly noticing what I was wearing. And that unknown look from before shone brightly in his eyes. I was hypnotized yet again by his stare. I could barely find the words I wanted to say. Just.... don't lose control Misty! That's what he wants clearly.

"Well well well. Look who showed up. I figured you'd back down." Michael looked from Marko and I, his eyes narrowing in pure anger from his words. But the fuck if I was going to tell him about his little visit the other night. He'd really go off the deep end.

"So this is little Misty huh? She's not looking so little tonight huh boys?" David's eyes pierced into mine with so much intensity, I could barely breathe. They were all looking at me like I was fresh meat. And that nagging voice in my head kept telling me I still had time to bolt. But I did too much research on them to leave now. We've got Marko, David, Dwayne and Paul. If I was going to really pull this off, I had to know something didn't I?

"Hello boys! How about we have a good time tonight." Marko looked on at me with humor shining in his eye, seeming rather impressed by my sudden boldness. Usually, that would never happen. But I was intrigued by them. But Michael wasn't having it. He suddenly jerked me away so fast, his huffing indicating he was beyond pissed off. He wanted to kill someone.

"I swear Misty.... don't. Go home now." I eyed him, challenging him by standing my ground. I was not moving. But before anything else could happen, Marko came over and grabbed my arm, looking Michael dead in the eyes with a smirk planted on his handsome face.

"She can make her own choices." And with that, he pulled me away, leaving Michael standing there with a defeated look on his face. I felt horrible doing this to him. But I had to. For him. For myself. I had to know. And as I got onto Marko's bike, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist with my head laying perfectly on his back, I felt him chuckle a little. Like he had won. And he knew it.

"Don't worry Mikey! She's in good hands." He winked at Mike, before we suddenly took off into the night alone, heading to I can only imagine where. But I felt so.... alive on this bike with Marko, the night air blowing my hair. And the moon lighting our path. The sound of crashing waves around us. Just something about him..... 

Being all alone with Marko made me feel so nervous. I didn't think this through what so ever. But then again, being alone with a hot guy like this? Wasn't the worst thing in the world. Until you remember he's actually a hot, blood sucker and then? It really hits home. I was dumb. Obviously. But I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to go. There was no denying it. I normally don't do things like this. But I've changed since being in Santa Carla. And I still don't know if I like it or not.

"Don't be shy beautiful. I don't bite..." His cocky smirk sent me on edge, knowing full well he was fucking with me. He definitely bites. So much biting. And I do not want to be full of holes thank you very much! But this cave they've called a home, is pretty impressive in vampire standards. They've got everything they could possibly need.

"I knew you couldn't stay away." I finally turned my gaze back to Marko, seeing him eyeing me up yet again, like he was going to pounce any moment. But I refused to show fear. That's what he wants anyway.

"Maybe you're right." He suddenly came closer to me, his hand smoothly wrapping my hair around it, before tugging my head to the left so fast, scaring the crap out of me.

"You smell so good...." His lips got so close to my neck, while I was having so many heart attacks. But I couldn't move. The feel of his hand holding tightly to my hair and his lips gently caressing my neck, sent shivers down my spine. His other arm laced around my waist so gently that I barely registered it before he practically slammed my body against his, bringing a gasp out of me. Or a moan. Man I'm a mess!

"That sound.... I want that coming out of you more."He slowly pulled back to look me in the eyes, seeing how dark they were, and his tongue softly going over his bottom lip. I could barely breathe.

"Here... drink this for me. You'll like it." He smiled at me in humor, before tipping a bottle to my lips. I felt like I was stuck in a trance. And I could only feel the sensations he was sending through my body. The thick liquid from the bottle went smoothly down my throat, making my eyes close in pure ecstasy. I felt something deep down and it felt better than anything I ever had before.

"You're mine now..." He softly laid me on the couch to the right of us, seeing him hovering over me with that smirk on his lips. I couldn't stop looking at him. And when he kissed me, I lost control. I felt so.... hungry. Lustful. I knew I was lost now. I was screwed.

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