Chapter 8 - Consumed

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For the first time in my teenage life, I felt an emotion that I don't think I've ever really had. Fear. Paralyzing fear. And mostly? For my mom, my grandpa, my brothers, my friends. They were all in deep shit because of this vampire mess. And Michael and I go and become one. Marko lured me in like easy game and I fell for it because I was so intrigued by the guy. Our connection is unlike anything I've ever felt before. It's intoxicating at best and I craved it day in and day out, like this primal hunger I couldn't be rid of. The vampire part of my brain was screaming at me to go ballistic and never look back. But I couldn't. Because of Alan. He brings me back to earth and shows me just what kind of monster I would become if I did. And that wasn't me. He knew it wasn't. And he would be forced to kill me. Because I don't think I could live with myself if I did the things they did.

"Mist? You've barely talked. What's going on?" Sam and I had come to the comic book store to meet up with Edgar and Alan, formulating a better plan now that we knew just what we were working with. And to be honest? I could barely focus on anything or anyone. The images of last nights occurrences were the only things I could see, hear, feel. It was deafening. Even hours later, it was like it was still happening. A complete and utter nightmare. And judging by the looks Edgar and Alan were giving me, they knew.

"Guys.... last night.... was terrible. They tore apart those poor people for fun. Blood and guts went everywhere with a soundtrack playing in the background for them, like they thought they were so cool. Screams.... I can still hear them." I visibly shuttered from the mere sounds ringing in my mind from what I witnessed. David wanted so badly to throw us over the edge. So they took Michael and I to a slaughter, to bear witness to their true forms. And it was terrifying. Yellow eyes, morphed faces, huge fangs, it was an all out blood bath. Michael and I both clung to each other for dear life to keep the other from doing something crazy. We fought it so hard to the point where our pain was unbearable. They put on a show. And we were the unwilling audience, refusing to participate.

"Doesn't it turn you on Mist? To know you could do those things to someone else? Take complete control over anyone you desire. Just give in. Be one of us. I know you want to..." Marko's words rung in my mind like a mantra, one he didn't want me to forget. He wanted me to snap, to join him in the blood lust. David, Paul, Dwayne, Marko.... they wanted to torture us because we weren't giving in to them. They were frustrated. And now I know why. Because it's all a part of the plan. Max's plan. To have an undead family by his side. And I can't let that happen.

"Guys.... all I know is that I want it to be over. I'm in so much pain. But I would rather feel this way than do what they did to those people." I could feel Alan's gaze on me while Sam and Edgar were rambling on, mostly Sam freaking out over what I said and Edgar trying to reassure him that we could handle this. And when I finally did look up at Alan, I felt this calming feeling, like I truly was safe around him. He doesn't want to hurt me. And I'm not a threat. I wouldn't do anything to these guys. I honestly love Alan and Edgar. They've become Sam and i's best friends through this ordeal.

"At least we know the answers now. It's just setting a plan in motion to lure them in. Something that will really piss them off." Honestly, I thought of storming the cave while they're all asleep. They would never see us coming. But for that to happen, it would be during the day. And I would be of no use. I'm dead weight then.

"Well the best bet, is catching them off guard. Which would be during daylight hours. And me? I would be useless. Considering...." I smiled a little at Alan, trying to calm myself from the terrible thoughts going through my mind.

"Not bad Emerson. Maybe once you aren't a blood sucker, you can be a hunter. Just no more slip ups." I grinned a little at Edgar's comment, ruffling his hair in humor. And I just went for it and hugged Alan, so thankful for how he's not given up on me, for trying to help me by showing me that I'm tougher than I think, stronger than I know, and more badass than I'm willing to admit. And for wanting to save me from myself and what I could become. But first, Sam and I needed to warn mom.
Walking into the video store, was like walking on egg shells, just expecting Max to come bounding out of nowhere, knowing just why we would be here while mom is trying to work. This kills me because I know she really likes Max. She was praising him so highly to me when they first started seeing each other. And I was so happy for her that she found someone after dad. But now? I would do anything to get her away from him. And she'll understand why soon enough. I'm just trying to save her. Not hurt her.

"Mom! What do you think of quitting? Like right now?" We had found her behind a display she was setting up for the day, looking happy as ever talking to some passing customers. Another stake in my heart. No pun intended.

"What's going on guys?" She looked at us like we had gone mad, but Sam and I were trying so hard to convince her to stop seeing Max since the night we all had dinner at grandpa's. Since we found out just who he was.

"Mom, this place is crawling with vampires! You've got to believe us!" Sam practically exploded in a panic because she wasn't listening what so ever. She looked more annoyed than anything because all eyes were on us, like we had truly gone insane. And if I wouldn't risk people trying to murder me, I would show her what we're talking about is true.

"Sam is right mom! And I wish I could show you. But I can't.... not yet." She eyed me in surprise. But she looked incredibly angry. And I knew it all fell on deaf ears. We were on our own. Just how I knew it would be.

"You know, I'm tired of you two playing these games lately. It keeps getting more ridiculous with each time we talk. Now go. And no more of this okay?! Drop it." She stalked off in a huff from us, not looking back once as Sam and I looked to one another in defeat.

"Well Sambo, guess we're all on our own." I threw my arm around his shoulder, feeling the same way he looked. Terrified. Truly and utterly terrified of what was to come.

"Mommy doesn't believe you huh?" We stopped dead in our tracks from the voice ringing out behind us, looking at each other from the corner of our eyes, just thinking of bolting. David. And he was annoyed, but trying to hide it. I could tell.

"No. But she will. You can't hide what you guys are forever David." I whirled around to be met with the cold stare of his eyes on me, practically piercing my soul. But behind him, was the one person I didn't want to see right now. Because I knew it would be torture. Marko. He looked so angry himself. Betrayed. And I didn't understand it. Wasn't I just a play thing for him? A feasting ground? A bonus of doing Max's bidding? Why should he be angry? I should be out of anyone! I don't want to be the monster I've become.

"But does she know you're one of us Mist? Does she know Michael is?" My eyes widened from Marko's question, watching him come slowly walking towards me, pushing Sam out of the way so quickly. And pissing me off to no end. You can mess with me. But you can't mess with my brother. No way in hell.

"Marko...." I was seething in anger at this point, fuming from their arrogance. And as his face came so close to mine, his lips mere inches from my lips, we glared at one another with this feeling coursing through the both of us. A connection. And that's what the torture was that I was trying to avoid.

"There's that spark.... the anger. You want to lose it. I can see it in your beautiful eyes Mist. So why not?" His fingers lifted my chin up his eyes never wavering from mine. But that damn smirk of his clear as day. He loved toying with me, driving me utterly insane. He wants to drive me to my breaking point.

"Because I don't want to be like you...." He chuckled in clear anger, annoyed that I was being so stubborn. But the sexual tension? Was eating me up. He could feel it to, I could tell. But he slowly pulled away from me, brushing past me to leave, just as I saw David leaving in front of him. Dwayne and Paul came walking past me with smiles on their lips in humor from Marko and i's exchange, making me scream in sudden rage from their exit of the store, startling lots of people around us.

"Let's go Sam. Now. I need to calm down." He put his arm around my shoulders, taking me out of the store as I breathed in the night air, closing my eyes to calm myself before I did anything I would regret. I could feel the urge trying to take over. Consume me.

"That was Marko huh? He's uh.... something." I finally opened my eyes to look over at Sam, suddenly laughing so hard, something neither one of us does much anymore. It felt good. The look on his face just set me off.

"Yeah. Definitely something." The roar of their motorcycles filled the boardwalk and all eyes were on them as they took off, coming right past us. But not before they decided to play more games and circle us, trying to scare us.

"See you later Misty." Marko winked at me with his screamed words, like it was more of a threat than anything, before they finally took off down the pier. Sam was so freaked out that he grabbed my hand and tugged me away.

"We need to get out of this damn town." At this point, I completely agreed. It was madness. But our plan had to be done before anything. Operation, slay all vampires.
Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you so so much for reading. It means everything to me. And I hope you all are enjoying it so far. 😘

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