Chapter 1: Show me your Dream

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Loud crackles of lighting were heard rolling in as a sign that a storm was coming, the small trinkets of rain dropping onto the graveyard that stood up on the hills. In front of one of them, there was a small Imp, who looked speechless, staring silently at the gravestone that belonged to his father. He couldn't cry, he ran out of tears a long time ago.

"Bastard," The Debt Collector. "Hanging himself without paying this month's installment. F##king Imps." He was inside a car, sheltered by the rain. He gave the Boy cold and calculative eyes, looking at the Imp with disgust.

"You got till tomorrow to pay me what he didn't, however you do it, I don't care. But if you don't, then I'll kill you and sell your parts on the market. Do you understand...Imp?"

The boy nodded.

"That's what I thought. I'll give you enough time to mourn over your pops, but when the rain stops, you better be getting to work...or else."

And without a glance back, he drove off leaving the little Imp to his lonesome, looking over the grave, wondering now of what he should do, to take on the burden of his now dead father.


He could make out something behind a small tree, seeing a round orange creature who looked at him with threatening glare and growled, sticking out their head looked to be a sort of blade, resembling a...a chainsaw?


He gasps and falls onto the wet grass, turning up to witness the creature glaring back at him, coming toward him with its blade. For as round and stubby (and kinda cute) as it appeared, the chainsaw-like blade that stuck out of it didn't assure it was a thing to be messed with, and therefore a threat, in fact, if you were able to see on all sides, it would resemble that of a chainsaw. Of course, this didn't ease him, but only amplified his fear.


"If you're gonna kill me. Do it. What's it matter? I'm dead either way."

Tears would run down his face, his body shaking from the cold and his hands trembling by his sides. For as scared as he was to die, it would've been better if his death to a monster then to demons that possibly had far worse ways to kill him. Pumped out his chest, ready for the worst.

However, nothing happened, and When he opened his eyes, he found the creature laying in the grass, panting weakly, as it was seen that blood was pouring out of its underside.

"It's hurt," Denji said, looking into the creature's eyes. "It's gonna die too."

The creature struggled to cling onto life for much longer, he started to panic on what to do. He had already lost his Dad, and he wasn't gonna let another die in front of him. He bonks his head, trying to think of something. Until, he recalled something that he was told many years ago, of a story he was told by someone a long time back. He looks at it, debating if he should do it, if this thing was one of them, then there was only one thing he should do.

"Bite me!" He shows his arm to the creature. "If you are what I think you are, then you have the ability to heal when drinking blood. If you don't wanna die, then bite me!"

The creature looks at him, looking surprised and with all its strength, they pick themselves up from off the ground to walk toward the little imp, when it does, it looks to his arm, opens its mouth and clamps down on it with its teeth. Denji winced in pain, feeling the creature sucking on his blood.

"Of course..this blood doesn't come for free. This is a deal!" He said. "If you help me, then I'll help you."

It looks at him in agreement.

"We both don't want to die, so let's try to keep that from happening."




"Pochita?" he whispered silently to himself, a name that he hadn't said since last night. He began to hear something calling out to him, a muffled sound that soon turned to a voice. "Hey, hey kid!" it said. As Denji opens his eyes, he could make-out the blurry silhouettes of two individuals. When his vision straightens, he realizes that by his side, there was another Imp, and the Hellhound from earlier.

"Hey kid, you awake?"

Denji jumps off from where he laid, completely in panic as he felt himself back to a nearby wall.

"Whoo kid, easy there..."

"W-what are you two? Where am I-AGHH!"

A sudden ache through his whole body like before. 'What was this?' he wondered, feeling himself barely able to keep himself on his feet.

"Calm your stone abs and dick kid, you just fuckin passed out. Wasn't sure your ass was gonna wake up again."

Denji had no energy to speak, he was too weak. He watched as the Imp made his arm wrap around their neck and take him back from where he was laying.

"Jesus, you must be very exhausted from whatever you did. For a moment, I thought we'd had to throw you out back."


"What? That was our plan right?" Denji laid limp like a noodle, barely having the strength to move on his own. All he could do was watch, as the two demons before him started to quarrel about something he had no interest in listening to. He then glances at the Hellhound, able to notice more details about them...that being their appearance, having a blue crop top and short black skirt. Having long flowing gray hair that was flipped to the side, and red eyes that pierced his soul when they looked into his.

Going lower, his eyes were fixated by the round lumps that were under her bra. His face grew red with passion, kinda embarrassed that he was thinking such horrid thoughts about a person he only met. He pushes back those urges and places his attention on the other imp in front of him. Like him, they too had red skin, and a long tail and long horns that curved backwards, the right side of his face covered by a white patch. His attire consisted of what looked to be a black padded trench coat, a red skull emblem that replaced his tie, large black boots and fingerless gloves.

"UGH, Blitz! Let's just patch this guy up and be on our way. I'm already getting stressed just talking about this."

"Alright, alright...hey kid. Are you hungry?"


"Yeah, I was just wondering since you might be...not mention that you might also need a bath. Like Jesus Christ, you smell like shit...even for hell's standards."

Denji wasn't sure how to respond to their last comment, but he was all for the first part and asked. "What kind of food do you have?"

"Well uh...we do have some microwaved macaroni, some old take-out that hadn't been eaten in months, a few hot pockets, some bread-..."

"Bread?" he perks his head. "You have bread? With Jam? Butter?

"Not sure if we have Jam, but we do have some Butter. I could make you some buttered toast if you like-"



It took him no time at all to chow down on his meal, savoring the unfamiliar flavor that was entering his mouth. Not a crumb was left, leaving only a clean plate. The Imp was surprised, not expecting his guest to have finished his food. They almost had the urge to clap, but resisted in fear of embarrassment, so instead he said. "Hungry one, aren't ya? Well there's more where that came from. Want another?"


They proceeded to make another toasted bread and gave it to their guest, and just like before, that too was fished off in seconds.

"Mmm.." Denji moaned. "This stuff is so good! Far better than plain bread."

The Imp gave out a chuckle. "Sure is...I think most that say otherwise are fucking retards, like, who the fuck do they have the right to disrespect a treasured combination of butter and toast?"

Denji licked off the buttery juice from off his fingers, paying no mind to Imp as he wiped the plate clean once more. There was a long silence, until the Imp asked him. "So... uh, you got a name kid?"

Denji took a second to respond and said, "Uh, Denji."

"Well nice to meet you..uh Denji..i'm Blitz -the 'O' is silent- and behind you is my beautiful daughter Loona." Denji turned to spot the Hellhound texting on her phone, only to look up at him and blitz, snarl, and go back to her device.

"I wouldn't mind her...she's just going through a phase is all-"

"I'M 22 FUCKER!!"

"Ya see what I mean? Man, they grow up so fast."

"Yeah, guess by the way.." Denji then asked. "How did I get here?"

"Oh.." Blitzo paused, thinking of what to say. "..w-we found you laying inside some warehouse a few miles from here, you really looked all fucked up."

Denji's eyes widened, a flash of memories beginning to wash back. "I see.." he said, shaking. "Wha-what else did you see besides just me."

"Nothing that I could notice. Why ask?"

"Sorry.." he knelt his head to the floor, feeling tears begin to run down his face and messing with the black cord that was sticking out his chest. "I just..I just thought maybe you would've saw's's..-" he then wipes the tears. "-it's nothing. Forget what I asked."

Blitzo was tempted to ask, but soon realized that it was probably best that he didn't. Whoever this boy was, or whatever he did, he could tell that they had been through alot of shit and that it was understandable if he didn't wish to talk about it, because there was anyone that could understand what that was like, it was sure to be him. "Do you want anything else?"

"Some more bread with butter please."



"Here kid," said Blitz, throwing Denji some clothes. "..not sure if any of those will fit you, but give it a try." The young Imp then puts on a random shirt, and shows it off to Blitz and Loona. His choice of clothing was an oversized t-shirt, written with the words 'Cock and Balls' on it. There were better choices, but with his lack of fashion perception, it was all that he saw as a good fit.

"So, do I look."

"Well, it sure makes you pop out, I'll tell you that much." said Loona.

"It'll do for now," said Blitzo. "I'll go buy some more in the morning, until then...I think it's time we get to bed. It's been a long day for us...Goodnight kid, we'll continue in the morning."


Not able to get a wink of sleep that night, Denji laid awake, sleeping on the carpet floor in the living area, while Blitz was seen sleeping comfortably on the sofa. Denji soon went to get a drink of water from the kitchen sink, trying to process the predicament that he had found himself in. Everything has been happening almost too fast, unable to keep up with what was in front of him.

Why was this happening? Was this all a dream? Is Pochita really dead? Is all this even real? In reality, it really shouldn't. That whole night, he uses this time to explore more of his environment. It all wasn't very interesting until he looked at the wall, covered head to toe with photos, drawings and pictures of Blitz, Loona, and two other individuals unknown to him. He stood there fixated at the pictures on the wall, kinda jealous of what he was seeing scattered about, all them looking so happy together. He turns down the cord, a reminder of a friend that he once had, but now, a friend that is gone, and never to be seen again.

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