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Chapter 12


POV: Himeno

Part 1.

Aki, Denji, Power and I are on patrol together. (Y/n) called last night telling me what happened between him and Makima. Well, not all the details, he left out the good parts. I'm sure something good happened. Makima left earlier today, going to Kyoto for business, think she's supposed to be back tonight.

"Ugh, I'm starving" Denji says with his hands behind his head as we walked.

"So is I!" Power explains.

"Wanna make a pit stop Aki?" I ask Aki as he was about to light a smoke.

"I suppose" He relies as he takes a puff of his cigarette.

"There's this ramen place a block down, Let's go there" I say.

The four of us walk down the block to the ramen shop. By the time we got to the shop, Aki had finished his cigarette. I'm starting to think he's going through them faster then I do. We head inside, a small bell ringing as we entered. Sitting down we ordered and quickly began to dig in.

"Say, twas is that on your finger there" Power questions as I ate my ramen.

"You mean this?" I question while setting down my chopsticks and motioning to my ring "It's a ring"

"I am cognizant what a ring is dimwitted harlot, I'm questions where you acquired the object" Power questions. Motioning the chopsticks towards me.

"Oh, (Y/n) gave it to me. It means we're engaged. Set to be husband and wife in the future" I reply before grabbing my chopsticks.

"Congrats! Bros the best" Denji exclaims.

"What shall I do to obtain one for myself?" Power asks.

"You want to be (Y/n)'s wife as well Power? Sorry but you'll have to wait in line behind me and Ms. Makima" I state before picking up a dumpling and taking a bite from it.

Power scoffs "I'm confident I will be the best wife to (Y/n). I have a leg up compared to thee. He and I already have a child together"

"Do you now?" I say.

Power puts on a smug expression "Ye. And his name is Meowy"

"That's the cat" Denji states plainly.

"A cat to you but a child to us!" Power exclaims.

"So you've known each other for awhile then" Aki says as he ate.

"Yeah. I never told you about him have I? About our the relationship between us. Guess you can accurately assume now with this ring on my finger" I reply with a smile.

"Did you make a contract with him?" Aki questions.

"So what if I did, gonna shoot me for it?" I question back.

"No" Aki says "It's probably for the best..."

"Wow Aki, you've changed. You don't completely despise devils now" I say with a giggle.

"Well. Denji and (Y/n) are my best hopes at killing the gun devil. I might as well make my peace with the two that will help me towards my goal" Aki replies.

The four of us hear a bang from outside "What was that?"

"Need you ask your idle headed Olf, twas a taiko drum" Power says.

"There a festival?" Aki questions.

"I'm amazed you can stomach this joints ramen" We hear a man's voice say "The taste don't bug ya?"

"Who's he?" I question as the four of us looked at the man across the way.

"This ramen is mighty tasty to me" Denji states.

"Don't converse with me so casually mortal!" Power spats.

"Can't tell good food from bad. I guess that figures, if you diet nothing but crap from a young age your taste is bound to be crap when you're grown. Bad taste makes it hard to find happiness too"

"I am perfectly happy! Well almost" Power states before shoving more ramen in her mouth.

"Grand dad had exquisite taste and a heart of gold. He'd always take me to the best restaurants. So what if he was a yakuza guy, he still had principles. Ever heard of necessary evil? Because that's what he was. Sure he killed a handful of women and children but I know he loved kids well enough cause he spoiled me rotten from the money he made from dealing" The man says, none of us really paid attention to him besides Denji "He's what you'd call a real Tokyoite, and everyone loved him. Denji, you loved him as well didn't you?"

The man then pulls out an old looking photo of an old man and a kid that looked like a younger version of the man "All right, the fuck do you want?"

"You know him?" Aki questions.

"What you should know, is that the gun devil is after your heart" The man says thin whips out a pistol and shoots Denji in the head.

The man then begins to shoot at us we try to get out of the way. Power runs at the man and hits him with the upper cut. As the man flew into the air, Aki puts up his hand in in a fox form.

"Kon!" Aki shouts.

A second later, the building blows up as the head of the fox devil envelopes the man into its mouth. I then began to feel a pain in my shoulder as I laid on the ground. I touch my shoulder. It's blood, a lot of it. There was a pain in my side as well. Something felt broken, blood coming from my nose and mouth. Dust and rubble everywhere.

"Aki Hayakawa, you've put quite the abomination inside my mouth this time. It's neither human or devil" The Fox devil says with its massive dead eyes focusing on Aki.

Something then slices out of the fox devils head as its blood sprays out. Out from the wound crawled the man, no longer human. He's like Denji and (Y/n). Swords coming from its arms and head. A coat and hat atop its head.

"Power. Go stop Himeno from bleeding out. Use a spike" Aki orders Power as the fox devil disappeared and the man dropped from the sky onto the building.

"There's no way Aki can kill that man..."

Power comes over to me and puts a spike of blood through the gunshot wound. It should help me from bleeding out. The pain coursed through me, a heated throb in my shoulder.

"I shall do my best to keep you alive. I cannot be (Y/n)'s best wife if for nought of others wives existing" Power tells me.

I giggle a little before coughing a bit "You can be smart Power"

Aki then pulls out the sword "Aki don't..."

Aki begins to fight the man, it's like he has katana's for arms. Swinging them wildly as he tried to hit Aki. Over the course of their fighting Aki hits the man three times with the sword before the man hits Aki away. The sword being tossed to the ground along with Aki.

"Curse! Finish it now!" Aki shouts.

A skeletal for emerges behind the man, bitting into him and holding him in an almost crucifixion type of way. The man shouting in pain as he tried to break from the curse devil's grasp. Aki gets to his feet and the curse devil disappears, dropping the man onto the ground, dead. My's starting to feel wheezy and cold.

"How's Himeno?" Aki questions.

"She's in need of a medical practitioner" Power states.

"I want to sleep. No. I can't. I need to stay awake, even if I feel barely conscious" I thought, keeping my eye open.

"The curse devil huh? Stab someone with that oversized nail enough times and they die. Is that the gist of it?" A woman says. We see a girl with blond hair, wearing a red hoodie "You've got some impressive moves "

"Where'd you come from? Are you in league with him?" Aki questioned as the woman stood next to the katana guy's body.

The katana guy slowly begins to get to his feet. Aki looked surprised. He almost looked scared "Do you know why you lost?"

"I had my guard down. Like all the way" Katana groans.

"Better kill him this time then" The woman says.

Katana begins to crouch down with its arms to his side. In the blink of an eye, Katana appears behind Aki. Blood sprays from Aki's chest and Aki falls to his knees. The man stood over Aki.

"You know he's still alive right? Those devil hunter suits are surprisingly durable. Don't underestimate him again" The woman says.

"What do I do? There's no way Power will be able to face this guy" I thought. "Ghost. Go" I state.

"I will not. Awful girl. I don't like her" A ghostly hand with a mouth tells me

My mouth opens. An immediate response was about to escape my mouth. The words that were going to escape my mouth....was suicide. My eye then locks onto Denji, whose body looked lifeless in the rubble. An idea came to mind "If you won't help me. I'll get someone who will"

I extend my arm out towards Denji's direction, the ghost hand follows. I was aiming for his rip cord. Once I get a feel for it, I rip it "Go get em Denji"

The roar of a chainsaw emerges from Denji. Denji immediately hops to his feet like he just woke up from a mid day nap.

"I have no clue what the fuck is going on, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you two are bad guys. The ones that means business. I love me some baddies. Can't get enough of them. Wanna know why that is? Cause no one gives a shit when I carve them up" Denji says, he was ready to go toe to toe with the Katana.

"I often don't get to kill my enemies twice in a row" Katana says.

Denji then goes into attack, laughing like a maniac "Die!!!"

Its nothing but the sounds of chainsaws and metal clanging against each other as a cloud of dust begins surround the pair. Denji seemed to be holding his own against the Katana. Only for a bit though. The Katana started to beat him back. With a a blast from his swords, Denji gets thrown into a wall. The Katana then begins to crouch.

"" I try to say.

Denji goes to charge at the Katana, only for the Katana to appear behind Denji. Denji freezes up. He got him. Denji's body then falls in half onto the ground. Denji immediately loses consciousness.

"What do we do now?" Power questions as Katana picks up Denji by the handle bar on his head.

The Katana forgot we are even here facing away from us as he talked to the woman from before. Aki was on the ground, clutching his chest. He was in no position to fight. I cough, more blood coming out of my mouth. I cover my mouth with my left hand as I coughed. I spot my ring.

"I'll be there for you when you need me the most. Just call out for me, imagining what you want me to do" I remember (Y/n) saying, as apart of our contract.

I hold my blood covered hand out, blood soaking my ring. Power watching as I did, following it with her hand. I just imagine (Y/n) stabbing the Katana with the spear I saw him wielding the first time we met. The one he used to save me. King Leonidas' spear. Stabbing through the Katana and holding him in the air. It's like I could see it. Shield in his other arm.

"(Y/n)!!!!!" I shout.

The Katana and woman hear me glancing in my direction. From a shadow standing up, looking like some sort of portal, appears behind the Katana. A shadow impossible to exist as it was a shadow cast from nothing. (Y/n) appears in his devil form directly behind Katana. In his left arm Leonidas' spear and shield in the other arm. (Y/n) stabbing the Katana through the back, lifting him in the air.

"So, Just who the fuck are you?" (Y/n) questions.

Part 2

POV: (Y/n)

I'm on patrol with Kobeni and Arai. Walking through a residential area with the two. They seemed to of warm up to me after working with me over the past week since we fought the eternal devil. Kobeni getting more comfortable with me more than Arai is. No hard feelings though. I understand.

"Is there any reason why the Warrior devil is so strong?" Arai asks me as we walked.

"It's the arsenal of weapons. Any weapon wielded by a Warrior is mine for the taking. From a farmer with a pitchfork to a killing machine on a battle field. If a single person thought of someone as a Warrior. Their weapon is mine" I explain briefly.

"S-so if I was considered a Warrior by someone. My knife would be yours?" Kobeni asks me.

"Indeed. I'd need to know about the weapon however. I can't just pull shit out of my ass. Thankfully, I'm a history buff so I've got a lot of things in mind, not including what I've inherited from the Warrior Devil. Those ones are a bit fuzzy however" I reply then shrug "Things happen so maybe one day I'll remember more"

"I-I'm kinda glad I met you...neither of us would probably be alive if it wasn't for you..." Kobeni says then mutters "What am I saying....I sound insane trying to befriend a devil..."

I laugh a bit, Surprising Kobeni "I think, even without me, you'd somehow still be alive Kobeni" I say with smile while glancing behind me towards her.

Kobeni puts up a small, anxious smile on her face "R-Really?" She says. Eyes look past her and my smile fell. I see an old lady behind her and Arai, slowly pull out a gun. Kobeni's smile falls after seeing my face become one of distress.

"Move!" I shout while shoving Kobeni out of the way.

Gunshots ring out as the old lady shoots three shots into me. One hitting me in the chest and the other two shots hitting me in the stomach. I growled a bit, pain in my chest, blood soaking in my shirt. I grab the lady by the neck. My grip fingers around her throat, the woman drops the gun.

"Don't know who you are. But if you got it in you to kill. I'll give it right back" I say to the lady before snapping her neck.

"What the hell?" Arai says as he steps beside me.

Kobeni then screams, meaning her anxiety has gone sky high "(Y-Y/n)....." Kobeni then tugs on the back of my shirt.

I slowly turn around, a frightened Kobeni makes her way behind me as I look up. In front of me I see a familiar figure. A red, demonic looking being with rows of teeth. A set of horns in its head, the left one broken off. Glowing eyes looking at me with a smile.

"It's been awhile. Warrior" The rage devil speaks "So, you joined public safety. Ironic"

"I'm gonna kill you this time" I growl as I reached for my chains.

"KON!" Arai shouts. A large paw appears in the sky and stomps onto the rage devil. I rip my chains off and transformed as rubble flew everywhere "Did I get him?" Arai questions.

"Arai Hirokazu. Just what thorn have you made me step on" The voice of the fox devil says.

The paw begins to lift up. The rage devil was slowly pushing up on the fox devil's paw "Now that was just uncalled for" The rage devil says.

I charge at the rage devil as it is still pinned under the fox devil's paw. I form a sword in my hand and plunged it into the rage devil's chest and slammed it into the ground. I pull the sword out then slammed it right where the rage devil's heart should be, the sword going through the rage devil and into the asphalt below.

"The sword wielded by both Hector of Troy and Roland of Charlemagne. A sword said to be the sharp and indestructible. That sword being Durandal" I say to the rage devil.

The rage devil bellows with a laugh , I decide to jump away from the rage devil "Have you ever heard of the phrase "Too angry to die"? Hehe, that's me in a nut shell" The devil says as the sword slips through its chest as it stood up, the sword still in the road.

"H-How is he not dead?" Kobeni says in an anxious voice.

"It doesn't matter Kobeni, cause all I have to do is keep killing you till you die" I state with my hand out. Durandal disappears from the asphalt and appears in my hand "No one is immortal. It just takes finding what kills you"

"Ohoho, I truly want to see you try" The rage devil smile. The rage devil and I charge at each other. The rage devil extends his hand and a large sword of flames appears in his and before I swing and our swords clash "I congratulate you on having me need to use my sword"

"Fuck you and your piece of shit sword" I say then made a chain in hand. I jump back and wrapped it around the foot of the devil "You are just another devil for me to kill"

I rip at the chain, throwing rage devil into the air. With Durandal, I jump and throw it into the rage devil's head before kicking the rage devil into the ground, the devil hitting face first and the hilt of Durandal going through the rage devil's head

"Is it dead now?" Arai questions as I land in the ground.

"Just stay back. Understand" I state. Durandal disappears from the rage devil's body and then into my hand, covered in its blood. I swing the sword towards the ground, slinging the blood off "Use the fox devil"

"Are you sure? It might make her mad if she doesn't like what she's stepping on" Arai questions.

"Just do it" I state.

"Okay...KON!" He shouts with his hand in the form of a fox head.

A paw comes down and stomps onto the rage devil "Again"

"KON!" He shouts again.

The paw goes up and slams down onto the rage devil. The rage devil's body flopping as the paw slammed into it "One more time"


The paw goes up again then slams into rage devil "That is enough Arai Hirokazu. If you wish for more, payment is required" The voice of the fox devil says before the paw disappears.

"It's got to be dead now" Arai says with a weary voice.

I walk up to the rage devil's body "I-Is it dead?" Kobeni asks with a shaky voice.

"Not just yet" I reply. The rage devil looked like it took no damage from the fox devil. The wound in the rage devil's head slowly healed.

In the blink of an eye, the rage devil as was in front of on its feet "Thanks for the massage, Warrior" The rage devil says while cracking its neck "Tell me, why are you protecting those two, you haven't even let me an inch closer to them. Is it perhaps that you feel for that girl like you did for that blue eyed woman from before?"

"Can't you learn to shut your mouth" I state.

The rage devil smirks "It's that girl isn't it? Perhaps it's that you feel compelled to protect her" The rage devil moves his right arm just barely. I immediately race forward and grabbed his arm. With a smile on his face he plunges his other fist into my stomach "You bit that bait harder then croc does a piece of meat"

"In the mood for a trap aren't we?" I say with a chuckle "Don't worry, I am In The Mood too"

A tank muzzle was right next to the rage devil's head. An explosion escapes the tank muzzle while a 76 mm round makes contact with the rage devil's skull. The head blows up into mist and the devil's body falls onto the ground, hand coming out from my stomach. I fall to one knee as I begin to lose blood.

"There was once a war that spanned the world, the second of its kind. A crew of five, considered as warriors by their peers and foes, drove their steel beast through the western front of Germany. That was their beast" I mutter as I hold my stomach.

"Y-You shouldn't talk so much. Y-Your loosing a lot of blood" Kobeni says anxiously as her and Arai come up to me.

"This devil. It had a gun piece" Arai states as he pulled out a gun piece from the rage devil's throat.

"I need blood" I state then looked at the "That old lady with the gun. There's no way that we were the only ones targeted. I need to find the others"

"H-H-H-Here" Kobeni stutters, sticking out her wrist while looking away. She then takes her knife and slits her wrist "T-T-Take w-what y-you n-need"

I looked at the anxiety ridden Kobeni. If I could genuinely smile in my devil form. I would have. I take hold of Kobeni's wrist as gently as I could. Kobeni gasped a bit before glancing over at me as I held her wrist over my mouth. Droplets of blood falling into my mouth and my wound slowly healing up.

"Thank you, Kobeni" I say after my wound heals up. I stand up and rip my shirt off. It's completely soaked in blood. I rip off a clean part of the sleeve and tied it around Kobeni's wrist to bandage her wound "I suggest you both head straight to HQ. No looking back. This devil is going to get back up. Just the matter of when"

"O-Of course..." Kobeni says.

"Are you sure?" Arai questions.

"Yes. You two can't take hits like I can, and I see this fucker getting up soon" I say, the neck of the rage devil starting to heal.

"Okay. Let's go Kobeni" Arai says.

Before Kobeni turned away, she held her hands close to her "P-Please don't die..."

Both of them run off, heading towards HQ. I stand over the rage devil's body "Your lucky I got other priorities fucker" I state.

I have King Leonidas' spear and shield spear in my hands. I turn around to head towards a direction. A shadow like portal appears, through the haze, I see some sort of devil standing with Denji's upper torso in hand. I see a flash, from a different perspective of the scene. Me spiking this devil through the back with Leonidas' spear

"So this is how it works. Fitting. A warrior appearing from the shadows. I'll be right there Himeno"

"I don't know what the fuck is happening on the other side of this shadow, but they are about to meet someone far worse than Denji"

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