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Chapter 2


POV: You

Part 1.

I ride in a car with Makima and Aki, he's been glaring at me through the rear view mirror whenever he gets the chance. Makima however was exceptionally close to me. I sat on the seat behind the passenger seat and instead of sitting behind the drivers seat she sat in the middle seat, right next to me. Instead of the plain clothes I wore before, I now wore one of the Public Safety uniforms. I'd say I look fly as shit in it, I didn't wear the blazer though, it was uncomfortable with the chains on my wrist.

"Daring to ask for my hand in marriage for your terms" Makima says to me.

"You could of declined it" I state.

"I could, but I'd say it might be a change of pace" Makima tells me while looking at me in the eyes. I couldn't read her intentions through them "However, if I wanted to I can find loop holes in it. Marriage is in a way a legal formality, me being your wife doesn't mean I even have to talk to you let alone do anything else a traditional wife would do" Makima states to me.

"Touché, smart woman as always" I state to her.

The sound of a phone ringing echos in the car. Makima pulls out a cellular phone that was about the size of a candy bar, She answers it.

"Hmm, I see" Makima says over the phone "I'll be on my way"

She hangs up and slips the phone back into her coat pocket "Change of plans Aki, seems Denji is fighting the bat devil"

"Damn brat" Aki states with that same piss poor attitude from earlier.

Makima then looks towards "Want some exercise?"

I smirk "Of course, I've been stuck in that cell for too damn long"

"That's what I want to hear" Makima says.

Aki continued to eye me through the rear view mirror. "Why the hell does he keep looking at me like that? Like he disapproves me? Wait, could it be that he's into Makima and he's jealous that she's giving me attention?"

"Tell me (Y/n)" Aki says while looking at me through the rear view mirror "Back in your cell, why question the possibility of killing the gun devil?"

"Let me guess? Whole family died to it?"I say to him, I say in a sincere tone, I'm not a prick who would joke about someone's trauma.

"Yeah, did yours as well? You sound like you know from experience? Got to have reason to want to kill devils" Aki says to me and I shake my head.

"Families alright to my knowledge since I was imprisoned for a year and a half. Well, whoever my dad was ran off when I was young. Moms an average outstanding citizen and sister should be in high school" I say to Aki "However, for the gun devil, before I fused with the Warrior devil, it had some sort of feud with the gun devil"

Aki stares at me through the rear view mirror "Can it be killed?"

I smirk a bit "May have to drop the sun on it once or twice. Based on my words it may not sound like I want to kill it but believe me, I can't let that thing live either after what it did. That's why I kill devils, to send them to hell where they belong"

"Then why abstain from going after it and killing it when you could?" Aki questions.

"If the Warrior devil couldn't kill it before it fused with me, what makes you think I can do it in my current state?" I tell Aki.

"I guess you've made your point" Aki states then looks at the road "But is it possible?"

"As possible as you want it to be" I tell him.

Aki takes that as a satisfying enough answer, however I could still tell he was irked by the fact of how Makima is acting towards me. Most likely because she actually accepted my terms. We soon arrive on the scene, devil guts layered the pavement and few of the buildings near by were damaged. The three of us get out of the car. In the middle of the field of guts was a blond haired kid, a girl with strawberry blond hair and a cat in a cage.

"Fuck yeah!!!" The blond haired kid shouts as he raises his arm. His arm then gets broken off and it falls to the ground.

Out from behind on of the buildings a devil a appears, it picks up one of the kids hand that broke off with its tentacles. The devil then throws it in its mouth. The blond haired kid pulls something in his chest and a short piece of a chainsaw comes out.

"And just when I found him, you were the one who killed my cutie pie bat weren't you?" The devil says "He was my man!"

I step forward from where I was standing. I held my arms out then looked at Makima "Want to do the honors of yanking my chain?" I say with a smirk.

"It would be my pleasure" Makima says then walks in front of me and faces me. Aki watched what was about to happen from the side Makima then takes ahold of the chains on both wrists "Show it fear"

Makima yanks the chains and they break. I feel my devil powers coming to and the devil head shaping itself.

POV: Narrator

Here it is, the awakening of the warrior devil inside our good man (Y/n) (L/n). Makima stood in front of (Y/n), his head forming into that of his devils. A hood formed over the head shadowing the face. Through the darkness peered two red piercing eyes that illuminated brightly. There were no lips or cheeks but a sharp toothed grin, one that a warrior would wear with the pleasure of slaughtering its enemies, a feared smile. The rest of face was hard to determine, whether it was hard skin or what could of been a masked fused into the face, like the anonymity of warriors that wore helmets into battle.

The Guy, the mascot of Disturbed. Fitting for a design of a Warrior Devil.

(Y/n) walked towards the devil, this one being the leech devil. The leech devil had immediately noticed his presence, and his presence induced fear into the devil. (Y/n) reaches the blond haired boy and strawberry haired girl.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're the chainsaw" (Y/n) states to the blond haired boy.

"Umm, yeah...it's Denji..." The blond haired boy replies.

"I'll handle this from here" (Y/n) speaks then advances towards the leech devil.

"And just who the hell are you?" Denji questioned him as he walked towards the leech devil.

"A devil that kills devils with pleasure" (Y/n) states without looking back to Denji.

"N-no, it can't be, you're supposed to be dead!" The leech devil shouts while trying to back away.

"My death was greatly exaggerated" (Y/n) says, if his devil form allowed it he'd be grinning even harder.

"G-get away!" The leech devil shouts.

"No" (Y/n) says before chains started to extend out of the palms of his hands.

On the side, back by the car, Aki and Makima watched as (Y/n) began to fight the leech devil. Carnage ensued. "Chains? That's his weapon?, what warrior uses chains as a weapon?" Aki questions to Makima.

"You misunderstand Aki, Any weapon wielded by someone feared as a warrior is (Y/n)'s to use" Makima explains to Aki as (Y/n) uses the chains like a whip, slicing off the leeches tentacles "One of the strongest weapons accessible to (Y/n) in the present are chains, the chains of society that hold down those who want to rebel"

"The chains of society?" Aki questions.

"Yes, a French man from the 1700s named Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote a book, a famous phrase from that book is "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains". The belief that the institutions of society such as the church and government for example corrupted and enslaved individuals, robbing humans of their natural freedom" Makima states while continuing to watch (Y/n) fight, Aki glances towards Makima "The Warrior devil is two over lapping fears in one. The first being the type of fear an enemy sees a powerful warrior on the battle field or has envisioned said enemy as. The second is the fear that the powerful have against a person who rebels against the system, a warrior of the enslaved"

"So he's two devils put together" Aki states.

"Not exactly, there is bound to be soldier devil and a rebellion devil" Makima says as (Y/n) now has his chains wrapped around the neck of the leech devil "The warrior devil is the cognition of the type of person each stands for. The powerful soldier of an army known through out it for his skills and destruction or the leader of a rebellion leading the enslaved to freedom itself, the person that stands out and strikes fear. That's the warrior devil"

"That's why the brass fears him, he's to strong to control with its nature itself" Aki says.

"Yes, however, they failed to understand control isn't what was needed, but a similar goal and understanding" Makima says "(Y/n)'s humanity is what in a theoretical sense makes him stronger then the original warrior devil, he just hasn't gotten there yet"

"Back to hell you go" (Y/n) says.

(Y/n) pulls the chains that were wrapped around the leech devil's neck with immense strength, completely decapitating the devil. The head falling to the ground, it's mouth open as it silently cried out in terror. The devil body went limp and fell to the ground. (Y/n) then let's out something similar to a war cry which then turned into a laugh.

"Too easy" (Y/n) spoke as his devil form started to melt away like wax.

"Aki, get Denji and Power to the hospital" Makima states.

Aki sighs "Right" He says then walks off.

There were three other members of the Public Safety Bureau watching the fight, who went to help Aki with Denji and Power. (Y/n) walked back towards Makima with a small smirk on his face.

POV: You

I walked towards Makima as Aki and other Devil Hunters went to help Denji and the girl with strawberry blond hair, the cat too. I didn't know the implication of the situation and how a cat in a bird cage was involved but it seems that will be a story for another day.

"I know you're not expressing it but I can tell that you are pleased with yourself, that you've finally got me here" I tell Makima as I walked up to her.

"Is reading others another ability of the warrior devil?" Makima questions, I'm sure if she showed expression she'd sound like she's teasing me.

"No, a personal one" I state to her "Tell me, why did you consistently visit me when I was imprisoned? Answer me that if you can"

"You are the piece I need to change the world" Makima states to me. I looked into her eyes, trying to read her intentions, she's the only one I've never been able to read so far.

"I don't accept that, I know there's more to it Makima" I tell her.

"What more is there to say (Y/n)?" Makima says while stepping forward towards me until she's directly in front of me "I wouldn't lie to you my future husband"

Her eyes stared into mine and I stared back. It infuriated me that I couldn't read her intentions and only make guesses. I sigh as I knew this would be a stalemate. I step back.

"Fine, I'll take your word for it" I say to her "However, one day you will tell me everything"

"I will, one day" She says.

"Makima, don't try to play me like a pawn. I won't allow it"

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