Why Me

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Chapter 8


POV: Himeno

Part 1.

My partner and I were ordered to handle a devil that was sighted in the old factory district. I wondered if they saw (Y/n) in his devil form and that's how we are on the watch for. They didn't give me the specifics. This partner I have now. He's my seventh partner, he's the one I've had the longest so far. They keep dying, maybe I'm bad luck, or maybe I need to stop being stubborn and make a contract already.

"Himeno, you got any idea why the hire ups would send us alone on this mission?" My partner asks me.

"I don't know Kenta" I say as I pulled out a cigarette.

"I wonder what (Y/n) would think of me gaining a smoking habit...He'd probably tell me "If you wanted to kill yourself, go and find a devil. At least they might make it quick" Though that might be too harsh for him to say"

"Something just feels off about this in my opinion" He adds.

"When does this job not feel off? Last month we fought a French fry devil" I question to him while taking a puff.

"I guess you're right, we do fight the embodiment of our own fears after all" He says with a shrug. We had a moment of silence before he asks me a question "I don't mean to intrude but, Who's (Y/n)?"

"(Y/n)? Why do you ask?" I reply back as I take another puff.

"Well, you talk a lot about him when you get drunk" Kenta states as he scratches the nape of his neck nervously.

I smirk a little "Why? Jealous? Is it that you have a crush on me Kenta?~" I tease him and he becomes flustered.

"I-um, well-y-yess...." He stutters as he froze up.

I giggled a bit "I see, how about this, you kill that devil we're looking for, I'll give you the best kiss of your life right here" I say as I put the butt of my cigarette between his lips.

Kenta was frozen like a statue, the cigarette butt falling from his lips, I couldn't help but giggle "R-r-really" He mutters.

"Yup~ now let's go find this devil" I tell him.

Kenta stammers with a blush "Y-Yeah"

I take a single step forward, and I hear the sound of growling. It was right beside me, I look beside me seeing Kenta, clenching his fists and teeth with the growling sound emanating from him, Looking down as he did. Kenta then jumps at me and tackles me to the ground pinning my arms down. In his face, was pure rage.

"Looks like I found you first" I hear a husky voice say with heavy thuds of foot steps "This is gonna be fun"

I look back from the ground. Upside down, I see a large red, beast, that was the best way to explain it, almost demonic, sharp teeth lining its mouth, horns curling on the side of its face.

"What have you done to Kenta!?!" I shout as I tried to get away from Kenta's grip.

"Me? Oh nothing really, I just simply amplified his inner emotion. The emotion of rage" The beast says with a smirk, a large toothy grin.

"WHO IS (Y/N)!?! YOU DIDNT ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Kenta shouts in my face.

His eyes were blood shot, blood beginning to drip from his eyes, crying blood "Go on. Answer him" The devil says.

"None of this matters!" I shout.


"Get the fuck off me Kenta!!" I shout back. I tried to kick my way out. No matter how hard I tried, it's like he got stronger.

"Let's make a contract boy" The devil says to Kenta "If you give me your life, I'll give you the power and strength to take anything you want, starting with that woman below you"

"Really!! Yes. I accept your contract!!" Kenya shouts.

The devil grins "Good. Give in to your rage"

Kenta's body then begins to mutate, teeth begin to sharpen, body growing in size and grotesque, face morphing into one similar to the devils. Kenta begins to chuckle then laugh.

"I feel amazing!!!" Kenta shouts to the sky before looking back down on me "I want all of Himeno. Everything. Starting with that kiss you were willing to give"

A long grotesque tongue snakes out of his toothy mouth as he leaned forward. I clenched my jaw shut and tried to avoid his tongue. The devils sits on the asphalt as he watched. That fucking bastard.

"You won't even look at me!! What does that bastard (Y/n) have that I don't!?!" Kenya shouts then with a hand, grabs my mouth "I will get you! My sweet Himeno"

Kenta forces my mouth open as he brings his face close to mine, his tongue licking up my face before going towards my mouth. Before his tongue go into my mouth. A chain wraps around Kenta's neck.

"Get over here!!" The chain then yanks Kenta off me like a dog, flying him a dozen feet away.

"Oh? What do we got here?" The devil says.

I sit up and on the other side of the street, I see (Y/n), in his devil form as the Warrior devil. (Y/n) reels Kenta in with the chain "Who do you think you are boy? To take a woman against her will" (Y/n) says.

"Himeno is mine!!" Kenta shouts.

"Just how weak do you have to be to give in to such shit" (Y/n) says. The chain clanking as Kenta struggled, trying to get the chain off his neck. Once Kenta was within arms reach, (Y/n) grabs Kenta by the chain around his neck "Since you are no longer human. I won't feel about killing you"

(Y/n) throws Kenta at the side of a brick wall, before yanking him back towards him. Kenta goes flying back towards (Y/n) and in (Y/n)'s other hand, a large Japanese sword forms. The sword pierces Kenta's stomach.

"This is the sword once wielded by the famous Japanese demon hunter Shoki. Fitting I'd say. Adding another to its list" (Y/n) says before slicing up his body, cutting part of it in half, surly killing Kenta.

"What. A. Show. To of thought I'd meet the warrior devil. This just gets my blood pumping!!" The devil shouts as he jumps to his feet.

(Y/n) drops Kenta's dead, mutated body before turning his attention to the devil. I stood between the two as they stared each other.  I back up, clearing the path between the two of me. (Y/n) swipes the blood off the sword before making it disappear along with the chains.

"You must be, the rage devil. You've been on my list for a while" (Y/n) says.

"What an honor! Now about this fight!" The rage devil shouts.

Something in (Y/n) immediately clicked, he's done it before on other occasions. It's like he's ripping his own mental screws out. At a silent, nonexistent pin drop. (Y/n) dashed towards the rage devil, the devil did the same. They collide against each other, a power struggle between them.

"I will rip you to shreds!" (Y/n) shouts.

A demonic laugh comes from the rage devil "I wanna see you try!" He replies.

(Y/n) kicks him away before summoning a chain and looping it around the rage devil's horns "Even a devil like you won't escape me" He says then yanks the chain, slamming the rage devil's head into the ground.

The rage devil begins to laugh more "You're rage is so delicious Warrior. Just why are you mad? Is it a trivial matter? Or something else" the rage devil says as it began to stand, ripping the chain off hits horns, breaking its left horn as it did. The devil then cocked its head towards me "No. It's the woman. That rage is towards me over this woman. Hohoho"

The rage devil charges at me but (Y/n) tackles it to the ground and begins to slam his fists into the devil. Blood splattering the place. The bellow with a laugh before from the ground, punching (Y/n) in the side, making him go flying into a light post.

"Ahh, such rage, such power. The pain feels so good" The rage devil states as it sits up. (Y/n) roars after getting to his feet. The rage devil looks in a direction down the street "Sadly it seems our time is up here. We'll finish this fight another day Warrior"

"To hell we are!!" (Y/n) rages with blood lust emanating from his voice.

(Y/n) charges at the rage devil. The rage devil squats down before jumping high into the sky, breaking the asphalt below. (Y/n) crashes into a brick wall. A gut wrenching feeling inside made me scared of (Y/n).

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" (Y/n) roars from the dust.

He swipes away the dusty air only to see me directly in front of him "(Y-Y/n), I need you to calm down"

Drawing back a fist, I keep my eyes on his, just waiting. I wasn't scared anymore, I knew no matter what, he'd never hurt me. (Y/n) throws the fist, only for it to stop an inch away from my face. I may not be scared, but I am worried about (Y/n). I want him to come back to me, I need him to.

"(Y/n), can you hear me. I know ow you're in there still" I say as I push his fist away from me. His glowing eyes didn't stray from mine. I step close, inching my way towards him. I then put my forehead against his. The solid face of his devil form against mine skin "I know you're fighting to keep yourself together. Don't let that devil get to you. I need you to put those screws back in"

I'm imagining his struggle. The urge to kill. I don't know what it's like to be part devil, especially that of a devil based on a concept revolving around being an over whelming force of nature. Something I do know is the toll it can take on a person. No matter how hard you try, it comes and bites harder every time.

"Please (Y/n)....come to your senses" I beg. My eyes closed, I slowly push my lips towards him. Maybe my true feelings will bring him back.

My lips touch him, only to feel a pair of lips instead of the hardened face of his devil form. At this realization, I slowly open my eyes, seeing (Y/n) with his eyes closed. I smile as my worry washed away, pulling my lips away from his.

"Never thought this is how we'd kiss" (Y/n) says with a heavy breath.

I let out a slight laugh "Me either"

"Sorry about your partner. It had to be done" He states to me.

"I can't blame you about that. It's just my luck" I reply.

"I thought Public Safety is supposed to slay devils" A raspy voice says.

(Y/n) and I turn our heads to see Kishibe. He had a flask in hand as he took a sip from it. I felt a shiver go down my spine. If there was any one from public safety that could kill (Y/n) it would be Kishibe.

"Kishibe. Please" I say to him.

"Old man. This ain't the time to give me a job. Out of steam at the moment" (Y/n) says.

"Wait, (Y/n) knows Kishibe"

"This ain't one of those times kid" Kishibe says as he puts his flask away in his coat "Bureau wants me to take you in. Said your too dangerous out on your own"

"I'm not gonna let you kill (Y/n)" I tell Kishibe.

"Not the plan. Even I know his value Himeno. Ms. Makima thinks the same" Kishibe tells me then gazes at (Y/n) "What's it gonna be kid. Easy way or hard way"

(Y/n) looks at me "Himeno. You take care of yourself okay. Don't you dare die"

"Hold on. You don't know what they'll do to you" I tell him.

"Doesn't matter. The Bureau is not someone I want to make my enemy. They could easily make you a hostage against me. So please, do not be stubborn about this" He states "Also. Get a contract already. I won't be here to protect you anymore. Just, don't sacrifice too much"

"But..." I mutter.

"I'lol be fine Himeno" He tells me before kissing my forehead "See you soon"

"Done making your peace?" Kishibe questions.

"Yeah. Let's go old man" (Y/n) says.

I stood there, feeling broken. Now (Y/n)'s being ripped away from me. Fuck my luck. I watch as the two walk away.

"Why me....why do all this to me?"

I blink and find myself in my bed, laying on my side. A dream of that day, what is the universe trying to tell me now, is it gonna rip (Y/n) away from me again? I sit up in bed. (Y/n) wasn't in bed with me.

"Of course...it's to good to be true that he'd still be here. Even after last night...he's probably after Makima"

"Look who's up" I hear (Y/n) say.

In the door way was (Y/n), in his hand was a mug "Hey..."

(Y/n) walks over to me with the mug "Coffee, to help sober you up" He says as he places it at the side table.

"Thought you left me" I state.

"I promised I wouldn't" He says.

"You did..." I reply as I swung myself to the edge of the bed.

"Himeno" (Y/n) says as he takes me by my chin and has me look up at him. A smile on his face "Let's make a contract"

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