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This is the last & Final chapter of the book. I have really enjoyed writing this short story..I hope you to enjoyed while reading it. Thank you to all my readers for making this journey special with your presence..💙❤💙

                     Last chapter

Cold flickering wind , dim yellow lights , slight warm feeling of waving fire flames and the strings of guitar was doing its magic. The atmosphere is calm and blissful in the chalet. Armaan and Nisha were lost in each others eyes. There heart's were beating into the same rythem. The situation is getting more and more difficult for them. Slowly Armaan rested the guitar leaning on to the couch and started to get up when Nisha hold his hand. He stare into set of her deep brown eyes.

" you are repeating the same mistake Armaan..again you are leaving without a word." Her heavy voice tone was a reflection of the tears in her eyes.

" We were best friends Armaan, or more than that. Everything was going well.. we haven't imagine a single day without each other. Our long talks , funny chats , teasing , outing , group studis , cute fights , small hugs and that feeling of togetherness..Even the whole college think of us as a couple. and frankly speaking..I too was in love with you..and I thought.. you were too. At least the dairy says like that. " She said looking at his jet black diary. Yes..She read it. And now its uncontrollable for her. Her voice was more deep and filled with the pain.It was pricking his heart , but he stand like a statue back facing her.

" I was going to tell you about my feelings on the last day of our college farewell..but you didn't turned up..You left me..you left me just like that..without any answers..not even saying last goodbye to me. " Nisha was crying now. The long preserved tears making there way out from her eyes.

" Why did you left Armaan..? Why..?
It was too hard for me to live without you. It takes me few years to heal and just one fine night you appeared in front of me like a flash from the past. "

Armaan was listening to her with the tears in his eyes. He can't take it now.
She deserves explanation. Even it was not easy for him to leave her. Each and every day is like a hell for him. He was wrong. He knows.

" I am sorry Nisha , I am really sorry..I was too fascinated about joining the army that I can't recognize my feelings for you. That time my focus was just on my career and training..like it's my only priority. Serving to my country was my only dream. I thought..my life will get totally different if I choose this path for me. And if I have stayed that farewell night with you , I know..that I will not be able to leave you..so..I went..I went without informing..without giving any explanation..I am sorry..I am sorry..Nisha.." His voice was trembling.

" But..but I was wrong..I was so deeply in love with you that life started looking more difficult without your presence. Not a single day left without your thoughts Nisha..not a single day.." His falling tears was wetting his white shirt.

" It was my mistake Nisha..I was so dumb that I left my love..my heart..my past behind.." She can feel the pain in his voice.

Nisha run as fast as she can and in a second she was into his arms holding him close to his heart. Armaan circled his arms around her tightly holding her into his arms.

" I love you Nisha..I still love you.."
His voice was heavy due to the accumulated  feelings.

" I love you too Armaan..I love you too..You took so long Armaan..so long.." She said in a teary voice.

Armaan wipe her tears.

" I miss you so much Nisha..and I promise I will never leave you. I will set off each and every second we missed in these years.." He said holding close to his heart.

" Are you sure Captain Armaan Sehgal..? " Nisha said with a tinge of teasing tone.

" This is a military man's word madam. Will die but never break the promise. " He said proudly with a cute smile on his face.

She smiled looking at him and hugs him back. The wave of a cold wind touch them just like blessing this long parted couple to be together forever.  The dim lights of fire flames engulfed them into the beautiful reminiscences of the chalet.

So..How's the last chapter..?

Did you like the story..?


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