Hidden Inside | New Year | StoriesUndiscovered

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Winner of the New Year's Fiesta for StoriesUndiscovered

It's New Year's Eve and this year things will change. You find a letter in an old trunk that tells you about a dark family secret that has always been hidden from you, until now...




Yeva was sorting through her grandparents cellar when she stumbled upon a dust covered chest. They had went on a travel to see family members and would return in a few months. In the meantime they asked Yeva to look after their rooms in the family home.

Though they hadn't technically told her she could clean up the attic, they had also never said she wasn't allowed to look. And after all this was her house too, and to memorials in the attic were free to look at.

It was actually surprisingly clean when after weeks of debate, she decided that there would be nothing she wasn't allowed to see among the stuff easily accessible. New Year's Eve looked like the perfect opportunity for her small adventure.

As long as she didn't break down a wall to look behind it, it would be fine to look through the years of accumulated possessions of their family.

The trunk she was now looking at, wasn't the first dust covered chest she had found, but it was the first that was actually locked.

Something was hidden inside it, and she was going to find out what it was.

Yeva had two options here, she could try to force the lock to open or find and use the key, or she could ask one of her grandparents if they knew how to open it.

It was always the best to make sure no one could accuse you of being sneaky, and going behind others back. 

That was why she was now trying to get her great-uncle Avery to come and open the chest without alerting his sisters in the same room. Though now that she was actually doing this, she remembered he was probably the worst possible choice, if she wanted the chest opening to stay a secret for at least a day.

"Avery, I think someone is trying to grab your attention."

Yeva facepalms at her uncle being clueless, he really needed her aunt Rosalyn to tell him he was needed. She absolutely loves him, but sometimes she fears he's being oblivious on purpose to make everyone else' lives more difficult.

"Yes, please. Can you help me with something in the attic, I'm not entirely sure what I've found."

Luckily Avery stands up, with more grace than should be possible at his age, and leads the way upstairs.

"Well what is it that you found?"

Yeva is still catching her breath when her uncle carries on the conversation, as if they hadn't climbed five flights of stairs moments before.

"This trunk, it's locked and I was curious what's inside."

Though she has no idea how Avery will open it, she hopes he will have a plan.

"Really? Let me see."

Yeva holds her breath in eager anticipation as her uncle kneels down on the floor in front of the chest and touches the lock.

With a soft click the lid of the chest is lifted and Avery stands back up.

Yeva's mouth hangs open in surprise, that chest was absolutely locked when she tried to open it.

"Here, knock yourself out. If you find something interesting that sparks some questions take it all downstairs and we will look at it."

She thinks nothing more of it, as kneels down next to the chest to see its contents.

The first thing she sees is an old dress, in the style of the previous century. After that there are a lot of books and rocks, till there's only a letter left lying on its own at the bottom of the trunk. 

Yeva carefully shifts the previous contents to the side and reads the adres on the envelope.

Mrs Elvia, 

Second tree at the Eastern border of the Burned Sanctuary, 


The adres is weird, but Yeva doesn't consider it truly weird, until she opens the letter and tries to decipher its content.

My dearest, 

For long days I have been looking forward to my return, but now I can finally tell you the time is near.

Avery and I finally found Rosalyn, I can't compliment your sister enough in her abilities to stay out of sight.

It took a lot of convincing from both of us, and a lot of shared secrets from you, before she trusted us enough to come along.

But now we have found everyone that was lost, though on our way back we came across a building coven where we had to stay for a few days for reasons you know.

We managed to ensure the humans living around it are now safe to go outside after dark.

So after sixty-three years three-hundred and forty-one days, we're coming home. 

I hope you and the rest of the family, mainly Odiane and Naya are in good health. You know how overprotective Avery sometimes get.

My eternal Love, Alvar,

One more thing, in Naya's last letter she mentioned you had planted a tree and it is growing well. Is this something you wanted to keep a surprise or am I reading to much into it. If that is the case please forgive my initial joy, at becoming father.

Once more, you hold my heart and life, for you will keep it save.


Calgary, Canada

May 23, 1921 

Why was this dated in 1921 and was it referencing to the 1850s? Her grandfather Alvar was still alive and absolutely not older than a century. He was travelling with his wife Elvia, and they still looked and acted like they were in their thirties. 

Oh, oh. 

That would explain why there are so many old family members, why they live in an old home with too many rooms. Why no one ever dies of old age. Why Avery has a better condition than she'll ever achieve with training.

No wait, it does not.

Her parents died and disappeared without a trace. That wouldn't have happened if they were immortal.

Yeva finds herself in the living room with the letter in her hand walking towards her great-uncle Avery and asking what it means. 

He looks at her with solemn eyes and tells her the truth, though still incomplete. They're a fae family. 

Avery and his sisters and Alvar her grandfather are all fae. Elvia was a half fae and her mother a planted fae. Her father a werewolf, the reason why her parents are no longer here. 


January 26, 2023

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