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"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!"

The sound of a broken record player echoed through the meeting room. The Kzardilians' ship had gone missing three eons ago, this message would have been their first sign of life. They had hoped a celebration was in order for the safe return of the peaceful group of diplomats.

Luck wasn't on their side, as the message continued playing till general Genobi of Kzardilians, turned it off. Though not before it revealed more details then they had had before.

"A ship of Xoram pirates have boarded the medic bay, we fear they are looking for the contract papers. We will do our very best to ensure they will never fall in other hands, we will defend them with our life. Do not fear."

The Kzardilians had been travelling from their home planet to meet with other benefactors. A new method to improve farming and ensure the famine that had been taking the lives of many innocents, would be stopped.

That was, until their ship disappeared from the radar, a few days before they would arrive. They had still been several star jumps away and it had been impossible to find the exact location their signal had failed.

No one had been willing to give up on them, least of all their queen. Amanya had been certain they would be found, despite the days of silence that had followed she had kept hope.

Hope that was now destroyed once and for all.

"They have taken the first gate and the first three levels, we don't know how long we can keep them off."

The council had given formal permission for any means necessary to find the missing Kzardilians ship. The importance of the people suffering from the famine, far higher than any intelligence for a possible future war. In the face of destruction the safety of the common people was of the utmost importance.

But it wouldn't matter, they hadn't found the ship. Nor coordinates, nor possible attackers. And now that they had found something it was the last message sent from the ship.

A call for help, for mercy, safety.

To tell their loved ones they had struggled in vain, and had been unable to come home. No matter how much they had fought.

"We have locked ourselves in. The labs were the only place we all could reach in time, but there is no way out from here."

To let the world know they were truly lost to them.

To tell their queen her people had tried so hard.

"We fear they will break through the door the moment they find out where we have hidden ourselves." 

Feqran moved involuntarily closer to the queen, but stopped himself from actually reaching out.

"It might be a matter of moments or hours, this will be most likely our last data log."

The message was a letter of the lost, it would be released among the stars in replacement of the funeral the speakers could not be offered.

The time had been there and had gone unnoticed by many.

Minutes ticked by as the record player searched for the next fragment, or it might have been the beginning of the message.

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! S.O.S! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! S.O.S!"

Above all it was a cruel reminder that a mayday wasn't sent out for nothing. The crew was seldom there to listen to it play their story on loop.

Feqran moved closer to the queen, but was stopped by her own unexpected movement.

Her hands stretched out towards the nebula, an invitation to the gods. Her mouths forming words in the sacred language of her people's belief . It had no translation and was one of the few things a planet could keep for their own.

Mayqay Nebale, mayqay, Nebula. Oh Nebula siqrom, soyday nebusy. Mayday.

The words sent an eerie shiver down Feqran's limbs. Something was wrong very wrong. 

"Farewell, council of old. My people will no longer aid you in your plight, this was the end. I will not let them be used for your gains."

An outcry  arose from the gathered royals, Feqran took that as his cue to slink away in the hallways. He would be called for if needed.

"There is no need for elaboration. If that will be all, general Genobi please do the honours."

The two Kzardilians swept out of the council room, Feqran leading them trough the labyrinth of pathways. Farther and farther away from the shouts of outrage.

"This is far enough."

Indeed it was. 

Feqran exposed the knife he had been hiding in his sleeves, his task would be finished. Whatever that message carried would not go further than the mind of queen Amanya. The secrtes of the Kzardilians ' ship would die with them.

His arms, no matter how well trained weren't fast enough for a knowing opponent.

His still body lying on the ground, with a blade not unlike his own being the victor.

He had failed his mission, he could only pray to the Nebula above that his people had succeeded in silencing the Kzardilians.


Kzardilian Grammar:

Person - SG/PL - verb - SG/PL

adjectives left of the noun

da = to be safe

qa = to thank

nebula = deity

siqrom = above

soul = nebus

         sg         pl

1        ma      may

2        pu         puy

3         so          soy

Mayqay Nebala, mayqay, Nebula. Oh Nebula siqrom, soyday nebusy. Mayday.

Ma-y-qa-y Nebula, ma-y-qa-y. Oh Nebula siqrom so-yda-y nebus-y. Ma-y-da-y.

We thank you Nebula, we thank you. Oh Nebula above protect their souls. We are saved.



We are safe


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