Stories of Lemuria | The Voyage

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"You know how it is, princesses marry princes and rule kingdoms. But they left the small marrying other princesses part out of that speech. As if that would be unimportant!"

Imee was talking maybe a bit too loud for the place she was currently drinking, but she didn't really care. If they didn't want their dirty laundry aired, they should have been more careful.

"Well it was information I would have liked very much to have before agreeing to marry this prince. Because it's clear they didn't tell him either, otherwise he would have never proposed to me, but to our ambassador."

The visual was still imprinted on her eyelids; it took more willpower than she was willing to admit, to stop the shudder wracking her body from showing. Seriously, who did something like that?

"And I know, Regan is attractive and smart, who wouldn't have a crush on him. But seriously behind my back, going after him?! I expected better from both of them. And it wasn't as if I wanted to walk in on them kissing in an alcove, like do what you want as long as it doesn't concern me."

The patrons of the bar that had been listening to her story didn't seem too concerned by that part. Imee sent them all a withering glare she had mastered when she was eleven and was going to do whatever she wanted regardless if it was becoming of royalty.

It probably wouldn't impress these people, but Imee was pissed enough to try nonetheless.

"But the point is that it does, that fiance of mine, he should have just told me he was in love with someone. It is not as if I was in love with him, and there are way too many other people my parents would love to see me married to."

She had a problem and she was going to make sure it became everyone else's too. It was their royal family after all that had messed up big time. The person that thought to begin with she was going to stay inside the castles to be pretty and diplomatic, certainly didn't know her.

"There certainly isn't a lack of choice, and that was when I only had to consider the princes and other noblemen. Now that poule is doubled!"

Now she had to start all over again. Find someone of royal blood, who was nice enough and would let her do her own thing. Preferably someone who also was smart enough to actually lead a country on their own, and did not solely rely on advisors like her parents.

"Like they could have told me! It's not that difficult."

Imee held up her glass for another round, but now one complied. Holding her hand higher something did happen. Her glass was gently taken from her hand and placed out of reach.

"I think that is enough, princess. We don't want you to be unable to get back to the palace."

A woman around Imee's age appeared next to her table and sat down in the chair opposite her.

"Though I fear it is already a bit late for that, I don't think the royal family would be happy to hear about this either."

Imee watched her hands move as she talked, following her tattooed arms up to her face and eyes. Eyes that were now locked on the book Imee had taken from the royal library.

"Interesting read?"


"A bit, but it's a child's story, entertaining nonetheless."

The pirate's eyes were transfixed on the tome, completely missing the drastic change in Imee's no longer tipsy behaviour.

Imee might have initially not planned to snatch up a ship, but it was not an unwelcome development. Why would she stay here any longer? It was time she went her own way for a while.


It wasn't like the country would collapse without her.


She would send a message to Regan about her whereabouts and possible return date.

"You know it is most likely a myth, and we might never find it, pirate?"

He would keep everything running while she would chase the wind.

"That's all part of the adventure, princess, and call me Kymani."

Onto Lemuria.


"This was a horrible idea!"

The wind and rain made it almost impossible to hear each other over the raging storm.

"You're kidding!"

Kymani was steering the ship to the approximate location they thought Lemuria was. The first few weeks it had gone marvellous, that was until they had encountered the mist banks. The mist had been too thick to see through, but as it was all around them they decided to continue forward.

They also had the myth of Lemuria in the back of their minds when they had seen the first tendrils of mist.

Lightning strikes the endless nights,

Surrounded in moonlights,

The fog will disturb your sights.

As far as they could trust the book Imee had liberated from the royal library they were on the right way. The mist had disorientated them, but still hopeful in their conviction they continued forward.

That was where the next part of the rhyme came to life.

Howling whirlwinds flying over the ocean deep,

Where no pain, no sadness will weep.

If they could survive the weather they had a good shot at reaching those legendary shores.

If they survived.

The door to the cabin Imee and Kymani shared, slammed close barely missing the tail of Kymani's coat.

"The weather is getting worse, but still no sign of thunderstorms. I fear we will reach known land if we continue east and miss Lemuria on the way."

Imee listened to Kymani's continued rant while playing with her sextant. She knew they were on the right course, it was just a matter of time.

"Have some faith, Kymani, everyone on board is dreaming of the land. We both know we're heading in the right direction, it is just a matter of time."

In my dreams seen night by night,

So bright,

Allowed by the ocean's might.

"Which we might not have! There are only so many rations my ship can carry, not even considering the water supply. If we continue for much longer, we might not make any shore on time. Scoot over."

Imee made room on their bed for Kymani, who thankfully let herself fall on it. She was undoubtedly tired from fighting the storm and keeping a straight course.

"It will turn out alright, we have faith in you."

Her hand was softly carding through Kymani's hair while her eyes stayed fixated on the map before them.

"How long can we go on without endangering our lives, do you think?"

Kymani was leaning against Imee's shoulder and she feared the other would fall asleep within a moment's notice.

"Two, maybe three. If only we could find the thunderstorm, then we would know we are getting closer."


A thunderclap brutally awoke them. Well it awoke Imee who promptly shoved the other occupant out of bed and on the floor.

"Imee! Come on, we talked about this."

Kymani was laying half on the floor and bed, it would have been funny if Imee hadn't been so focused on the natural phenomenon that had just transpired.

"Did you hear that?"

Kymani had finally managed to unentangle her from the sheets and was sitting upright.

"What? I was sleeping, remember."

Well so was Imee and she had heard it very clearly.

"A thunderstorm."

They were out of the cabin and running around the deck in an attempt to be the first one by the steering wheel.

The ship was in the eye of the thunderstorm, going straight ahead to where a coast line could be distinguished by the horizon.

Thunderbolts at its very coast,

The ocean's mighty waves pounding its post.

The end was near.


The ship was left behind a bit before the shore line and the crew used a rowing boat to reach the sands. No need to destroy their only way back.

Lemuria might be the land of fantastical peace and happiness, but how come no one had found it before. After all, it hadn't taken them an incredible amount of time to find it themselves.

On its sand,

Only hope and peace will live hand in hand.

It might have something to do with the earthquakes mentioned in the same verse, but Imee didn't worry too much about that part. The whole story was full of hell and damnation and it had turned out alright.

"It is as beautiful as I had imagined."

It truly was, but Imee didn't really like the way Kymani looked at her. No need to get all kinds of romantic ideas in her mind, because a handsome woman was spending time with her.

"Indeed, but what is our plan now? And don't say stay here forever and share kisses on the beach."

Kymani didn't look too surprised at that, but did steer the two of them away from the rest of the crew. Some things were better discussed in private.

"For me it was about the adventure, sailing the seas to unknown waters. I know some of my crew will want to stay here free from the law and prosecution. Others are like me and only know the freedom of the oceans."

She was staring at her ship in the same mushy way Imee's ex-fiancé and Regan looked at each other.

"About us, I like how it is now. A bit more than simply friends, but I know you want to go back. For you this was a one time adventure, a bit of rebellion."

Imee liked it too, more than she thought she would. It was better than what her people were trying to create for her.

"I only hope you will stay here a bit longer with me, us, and think of me and this adventure when you go back to being a proper princess."

She certainly would never forget it, and maybe she would contact Kymani again when she needed to have some proper adventurous time again.

"Happiness comes in many forms, I don't live inside your mind so how could I ever tell you how to live your life the best."

"My own is already complicated enough."


The Song of Lemuria

To find the road to Lemuria,

Follow the shores of Tanzania.

To the East the sea will take your ship,

The ocean keeps you in her tight grip.

The legend lives far from these very shores,

To the ocean's pride its doors.

Lightning strikes the endless nights,

Surrounded in moonlights,

The fog will disturb your sights.

Thunderbolts at its very coast,

The ocean's mighty waves pounding its post.

In my dreams seen night by night,

So bright,

Allowed by the ocean's might.

Howling whirlwinds flying over the ocean deep,

Where no pain, no sadness will weep.

Earthquakes shake it's endless land,

On its sand,

Only hope and peace will live hand in hand.

The way to your sanctuary,

Follow the blazing winds of February.

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