You're Warned | New Year | Music

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It's New Year's Eve and this year things will change. You're alone in your appartement, waiting for the New Year's countdown on the television, when something hits your window followed by the sound of your favorite song.




Azula was snuggled up and surrounded by her blankets and cats, waiting for the final countdown when something hit her window. Although she initially tried to ignore it, the perpetrator was relentless in annoying her till she gave a reaction.

When there is only a minute left on the countdown, the music of her favorite song starts and seeps from outside through he window.

She was up and marching towards the window before Azula completely realizes what she's doing.

"You idiot! Ronin's room is next to mine, how many times can you get it wrong?!"

The idiot that was throwing stones at her window didn't even had the decency to look apologetic, but had instead a shit eating grin on his face.

"Oh sorry, Azula, my deepest apologies."

Yeah, sure. That's the third time this month. He knew exactly what he was doing. One of these days she was going to make him regret every prank he pulled on her, but today was not that day. 

Azula closed the window and nestled back on the couch. During her brief scuffle with Kaito the countdown had finished and the firework show had started. 

She loved the idiot to bits, and knew deep down that this was his way to show he was back home safe. But sometimes she wished he would show it with a quick message instead of throwing stones at her window in the middle of the night.


Tomorrow she will tell him she loves him too.

Unless the moron keeps her up all night by being obnoxiously loud, then she will tell him he's so lucky she puts up with his shit.

"Come on babies, let's go to bed."

The cats stand one by one up to yawn and then follow Azula to her bedroom where they once more curl up to continue their sleep.

"Suki, don't lay on my pillow you know I need it to sleep."

She had already brushed her teeth and was in her pajamas, the only thing keeping her from falling asleep are four lovable cats who have chosen bad sleeping spots.

"Ryo, don't lay on top of you sister, she will scratch you when she wakes up. Yeah, I warned you."

Lifting Ryo and dumping him on his actual spot next to her pillow and freeing Yume from the dead weight her brother is takes another precious minute of sleep.

Three-quarters of the cats are now in their appropriate spots, now there's only one left who will try to sleep on the ground to then jump on top of Azula in the middle of the night.

"Mei, we both know you won't stay there the entire night. Just get on the bed and spare us both  an awful wake up call at four am."

The cat jumped on the bed and nestled on the other occupied pillow, like it's the most normal and acceptable thing to do in the world.

It's not.

"And no, with that I don't mean sleep on top of Yeva's face. I love it when my wife can breath when she's asleep after a long day of work, you know."

At long last, everyone is at the place they're supposed to be and Azula let herself fall in a dreamworld.


"I'm coming! Let someone sleep in the morning, why are people even awake at eight in the morning after new year?"

Azula was, quietly, storming down the hallway towards the front door. Passing Yeva who was slowly drinking a nice cup of tea while listening to music with Suki on her lap.

"You are dear, and so am I, and my entire family. We're all early risers."

Yeva is of course completely right, but that doesn't mean Azula liked it when she gets called away from her comfortable spot on the couch snuggled against her wife while watching one of their shows.

Why can't other people spend their early mornings the same, her being awake doesn't mean she wants to socialize.

"I don't need your apology, go sleep in with Ronin-"

Ronin is the one standing at the other side of the door and not Kaito who she expected to come and apologize for disturbing her evening.

"What are you doing here? Did Kaito break something and you need help?"

Azula didn't expect to see either of them, but if one would be standing outside her door it would be the interruptor of her evening.

"No, I wanted to apologize on his behalf as he's still asleep. I know he likes to rile you up and sometimes he takes it a bit too far. And I could hear you yell through the wall, so this is probably one of those times."

Ronin is really way too nice, and an only child.

"Don't worry about, I wasn't really angry just annoyed at his antics. I know he does it to tell me he's home and siblings should irritate each other from time to time. But-"

And here her evil face takes over.

"Yeva isn't going to be happy when she sees the paper work he created by showing up here unannounced."

Horror takes over Ronin's face as he is now faced with a, honestly, terrifying person with extra paperwork thanks to his boyfriend.

"So tell my brother I won't mediate on his behalf. Have fun with the rest of your vacation."

Yeva's laughter as Azula enters the living room lights up the world and makes it impossible for Azula to hide her own genuine smile. She does love her found family, even if they are annoying at times.


January 30, 2023

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